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US Military Uses Russian-Styled Military Equipment During Southern Strike 19 Drills

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The US military appears to be practicing air assault on Russian-style air defense systems and military equipment during the Southern Strike 19 war games at Camp Shelby, Mississippi.

“Southern Strike 19 is a total force, multi-service training exercise hosted by the Mississippi National Guard at training sites throughout the state. The exercise allows participant the opportunity to build partnerships and maintain combat readiness for future missions.,” the Defense Visual Information Distribution Service website reads. The website also contains a video of Col Billy Murphy, Southern Strike Executive Director, who discusses the type of training conducted during Southern Strike and what attracts units to the exercise.

The exercise will last from January 15th through January 30th.

The 172d Airlift Wing released a video on January 20th which showed Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTAC) from the 148th Air Force Special Operations Command (ASOS) coordinating targets, AH-64 Apache crews firing on targets during the drills.

Southern Strike 19

The Shelby Air to Ground Range is one of several locations where Southern Strike 19 training is in full force. Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTAC) from the 148th Air Force Special Operations Command (ASOS) coordinates targets for AH-64 Apache crews to fire upon during training exercises at Camp Shelby, Mississippi. Lt Col Edward Knox, Range Control Officer for the Camp Shelby Air to Ground Bombing Range explains the operations. Southern Strike is a large scale, conventional and special operations exercise hosted by the Mississippi Air National Guard. #SSTK(Video by Master Sgt Ed Staton, 172 AW Public Affairs.)

Posted by Mississippi National Guard on Saturday, January 19, 2019

The video showed footage of presumably Russian-styled military equipment such as 9K33 OSA short-range tactical surface-to-air missile systems, TOR short-range surface-to-air missile systems and BTR-80 amphibious armored personnel carrier.

US Military Uses Russian-Styled Military Equipment During Southern Strike 19 Drills

Click to see the full-size image

During the war games, Apache crews are attempting to regain their air assault skills that were de-emphasised after the threat of a ground war waned with the end of the Cold War.

“The US military uses styled or real combat vehicles and air defense systems to add extra realism to various exercises,” the Defence Blog noted.

266th Range Squadron Tracks F/A-18Es at Southern Strike

The 266th Range Squadron serves as a training adversary at the Shelby Air to Ground Range during Southern Strike 19. Southern Strike features counter insurgency, air supremacy, close air support, en route casualty care, non-combatant evacuation, maritime and riverine special operations events. (Video by Master Sgt. Ed Staton, 172 AW Public Affairs) #SSTK19

Posted by Mississippi National Guard on Thursday, January 24, 2019

The US Department of Defense appears to be preparing for a great-power conflict – especially on the ground in Europe, where a number of countries are concerned due to heightened tensions with Russia.


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Boyscouts with military expectations ! ALLways been but ready to die for ISraeHELL !

Zo Fu

Do you mean boyscouts or boy+gay+LGBT+transgender+girlscouts ? You know, political correctness is in the US transgerder army the best value. They could be easily confused or even worse offended. So you should use terms precisely.


The US Military Boy Scouts now have girls and trannies as members now, so rather than practising war with Russia, it would benifit the world if the US scouts practised fucking each other in various bodily cavities instead :)


They were targeting Russians but that bomb has fallen on U.S. with known results!

“Gay bomb” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_bomb https://www.realclearscience.com/images/wysiwyg_images/shutterstock_120388222.jpg


I read the Wiki you posted :) Only freaks in the US military could dream that idea up.

You can call me Al



NOBODY can “prepare” for total destruction and global suicide!! Just even more Anglo-Saxon bullshit posturing. That can only excite warmongering lunatics and teenagers who doesn’t understand jack shit about what World War would represent.

Despite support of their “allays” Americans doesn’t have guts to attack North Korea or Iran let alone much stronger countries! All they know is to keep posturing only against Russia and China hopping that might scare somebody. NOBODY normal believes that shit ! And if World War starts it can be started with some unintentional incident or with some secret perfidy U.S. action turned very awry (and Russian or Chines immediate retaliation)

Country that builds her relation with other countries only on menacing or aggression is country of COWARDS !!!

Zo Fu

US army will be hardly prepared for invading Russia by shooting dummies. It is another PR stunt from the USA. They should better watch some authentic documents from Vietnam before they start war with Russia. Idiots from Pentagon . And idiot Putin calling them ‘partners’. I’d call them dangerous imbeciles instead.


If Putin can call Germans ‘partners’, a nation that have killed TENS of MILLIONS of Russians and never really paid for their crimes….. than he can cal ‘partners’ just about anybody he wants!

“Idiot” is your mommy to shit you out in this world filthy NAZI Kraut !

Zo Fu

hah, pathetic. Who is German is the first question ? Do you mean Nazi Germans from WW2 or do you mean castrated vassals bossed by fat, old, ugly, brainwashed Polish Jew which Merkel basically is ? Or are Germans mainly goatfuckers imported from Africa ? Well, goatfuckers from Africa could be good partners, you can deal with them, exchanging glass jewelry for gold for example. But idiots who are shooting on dummies which don’t shoot back and think that they are STRONG to dictate the world – those are not partners. And it is Putin’s fault because he is retreating before them instead of punishing them mercilessly for their crimes. Putin is a pussy and should be ousted by somebody with balls.


Everybody knows which Germans have killed millions of Russians

All is question of judgement in different situations my dear NAZI ! For me Stalin was “pussy” for not turning East Germany in one big graveyard to vindicate 27 million dead Soviet citizens!

You are just one bitter NAZI asshole mad… out of helplessly watching your precious Germany going down the toilet (WHERE GERMANY BELONGS) What one Kraut peace of shit thinks about Putin will not change much and will not surely force Russia to fight to the last Russian to bring you so much wanted REVENGE against Yankees! Yes they are “PARTNERS” but also those “partners” can be annihilated tomorrow if things turn that way (Germany included)

All the CRAP Germany has as country today, Germany deserves even much worse!

Nick Sobkowiak

The mass rapes weren’t enough for you , huh?


How could I know Nick I’m not even Russian!? When it comes to the “rapes” Germany couldn’t rape Russia WORSE than the way they did! And maybe you tell me what is the difference between 6 million of dead Germans (not all killed by Soviets) and 27 MILLION of dead Soviets ( not counting 3 million Russian POW’s -soldiers who died in German concentration camps ) as result of German AGGRESSION ?!

Also I was answering on the permanent spiting on the Russia and Putin from your neo-NAZI friend !

Nick Sobkowiak

I just think it’s funny that you claim Germany faced no repercussions. Certainly way more Germans died than 6 million (wherever you got that number), and the Red Army committed mass rapes of German women and executed plenty of Germans. The Americans were just as bad. Look at Germany after the war, they were totally destroyed and occupied for decades. If those aren’t consequences, I don’t know what the hell is.


6 million during the war 7 million together with Austria lot of dead after the war but not counted….

Germany faced no adequate repercussions from Soviets considering size of the crime NAZI’s did to USSR. And Americans did WORSE because they were no direct victims of German aggression and their civilians were not killed. Today in Russia EVERY family has at least ONE person dead in that war! For US that war was picnic comparing to Russia

You are boring shit out of me with your “mass rapes” Americans did rapes even of the French Italian girls and women let alone German! Or you don’t consider forced prostitution of practically all German women for bar of US chocolate or some food as “mass rape”?!

I know that Americans were ” just as bad”I have told you that myself! The problem is that Soviets have much more DEAD CHILDREN killed by Germans than US had dead soldiers killed by the Germans !

You have killed AT LEAST 6 to 7 TIMES more Soviets (soldiers and civilians ) And NAZI crimes in all USSR are endless so don’t give me that “mass rape” bullshit!

You of course are slow on numbers so you can’t understand what the fuck I am talking about.

Nick Sobkowiak

Yawn. You’re boring. The rest of the world has moved on. Maybe you should too.


I am not important and you seam to be even less. Those facts will go nowhere they will come back to haunt Germany sooner or later. The crimes that are not paid will happen again. But than situation will end up much more differently for the criminal. You just continue your tiny self-pleasing ephemera life.

Zo Fu

US army will be hardly prepared for invading Russia by shooting dummies. It is another PR stunt from the USA. They should better watch some authentic documents from Vietnam before they start war with Russia. Idiots from Pentagon . And idiot Putin calling them ‘partners’. I’d call them dangerous imbeciles instead.


“””During the war games, Apache crews are attempting to regain their air assault skills that were de-emphasised after the threat of a ground war waned with the end of the Cold War.”””

Apache helicopters would be dead meat against a layered Tor and Pantsir air defenses. Their present day assault skills consist of chasing Insurgents and firing their 30MM cannon and some antipersonel rockets.


North Korea says hello. North Korea can annihilate US and that says it all.

Tommy Jensen

Good to see you guys fear America, A little excersize in Mississippi and you get brown………….LOL.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Honestly, i cant see anything wrong with this, US forces training recognition and destruction of soviet/russian style equipment!

Any country in the world does what it can to train recognition and destruction of the enemys gear, so this is a completely stupid article, whos only purpose, it seems, to, if not fuel, then maintain the Cold war v2 hysteria.

AG Korvin

These so-called ‘red flag’ excercises has been conducted – by varying degrees – since the 60s. So if it was news for you…


They also make small plastic toys that look like Russian weapons for American troops to play with.


cheap target

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