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MARCH 2025

US Missile Defense Review. Who Is Instigating Global Conflict?

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In January 2019, the U.S. military has finally released a unclassified version of the Missile Defense Review. The report outlined plans to improve and expand the US missile defense shield, as well as add additional layers with space-based sensors and interceptors, technology to track and defeat hypersonic weapons, unmanned aircraft with lasers to shoot down threats and missile-hunting F-35 stealth fighters, among others.

“Missile defense is accorded a high priority in our investment plans because the need to do so is evident from our rigorous diagnosis of the strategic environment and detailed intelligence forecast of potential adversaries’ emerging and projected offensive missile developments.

They seek to use offensive missile threats to coerce us, our allies and partners, and are adding new and unprecedented types of offensive missile capabilities to their arsenals.

In the past several years, for example, North Korea rapidly advanced and expanded its intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) program. Iran extended the range of its ballistic missile systems and may seek to field an operational ICBM. While Russia and China pose separate challenges and are distinct in many ways, both are enhancing their existing offensive missile systems and developing advanced sea- and air-launched cruise missiles as well as hypersonic capabilities.

Missile defenses are a key element of our strategy given this proliferation of offensive ballistic and cruise missiles and emerging hypersonic weapons technologies that markedly raise threats to regional balances and to our major allies and partners. Our missile defense systems constitute a cornerstone of our efforts to deter a missile attack by a rogue state on the U.S. and make a clear contribution to our alliances. They must be robust, ready, and fit for our times,” the report said.

US Missile Defense Review. Who Is Instigating Global Conflict?

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US Missile Defense Review. Who Is Instigating Global Conflict?

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While the report provides a wide range of developments. However, the most important of them are the expanding missile defense, including their non-ballistic calabilities, including cruise missiles and hypersonic weapons, and the emphasis on new space-based systems, especially potential space-based weapons.

The Russian Foreign Ministry reacted to the report by own statement saying that the report is “openly confrontational and once again demonstrates Washington’s goal of achieving undivided military supremacy in the world and the ability to conduct with impunity military operations in defence of its interests in any part of the globe”.

“The review confirms Washington’s invariable policy of increasing the destabilising potential of global missile defence that is expected to be reinforced by new technological and financial resources. In so doing the Americans resolutely reject even the hypothetical possibility of any restrictions on their missile defence buildup and announce their intention to preserve complete freedom of action in this area.

It is noteworthy that the US considers legitimate a method of missile defence that provides for the preemptive, that is, pre-launch destruction of “threatening” missiles. In simple terms, this ornate formula which the US wants to sound at least a bit respectable means the mounting of preventive, “disarming” strikes against the countries that the US considers its enemies. We would like to recall that this logic is at the foundation of the large-scale nuclear arms race that has repeatedly taken the world to the brink of nuclear disaster. Despite intensive political and diplomatic efforts over the course of decades, its consequences have not yet been fully dealt with. Now it seems that the American leaders have decided to step on the same rake with the same predictable consequences.

Provisions concerning space-based missile defence are a source of particular concern. Along with upgrading sensors in orbit, the review actually gives the green light to the prospect of deploying missile defence attack weapons that are designed to destroy different types of missiles during the boost phase.

Implementation of these plans is bound to trigger an arms race in space, which will have most negative consequences for international security and stability. We would like to call on the US administration to listen to reason and give up these irresponsible attempts to re-launch the unforgettable star wars programme of the Reagan era on a new technological level,” the statement said.

China expressed strong dissatisfaction with and firm opposition to the US missile defense report’s hyping up “China threat.” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying emphasized that the report, with a cold war mentality and outdated concepts such as the zero-sum game, has ignored the peace and development theme of the times and exaggerated geopolitical confrontation and great-power competition.

“The U.S. side’s move is not constructive at all,” Hua stressed emphasizing that it will jeopardize regional peace and security, impede the process of international nuclear disarmament, trigger arms races, and undermine global strategic balance and stability.

“We urge the U.S. side to abandon the cold war mentality, maintain global and regional peace with a responsible attitude and take concrete actions to safeguard international peace and stability.”

It’s interesting to note how top EU bureaucrats reacted to this situation. For example, German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen penned a New York Times opinion piece on January 18. The article titled “The World Still Needs NATO” provides a radical ideology-driven attitude, which ignores real facts and logic of events exploting emotinal opinions. Such an approach was not observed even during the escalation of Cold War.

“The alliance is not just about bases and troops. It is about defending the world order,” the defense minsister claiming saying that the NATO represents an “emotional bond between the American and the European continents”.

Such emotional writting raises eyebrows among the audience.

On the other hand, repeated claims that NATO members “are determined to safeguard the freedom, common heritage and civilization of its peoples, founded on the principles of democracy, individual liberty and the rule of law” are just threadbare fiction. This is especially obvious while EU member states violate “the principles of democracy, individual liberty and the rule of law” on a daily basis.

The rest of the article also exploits propaganda mantras and emotional opinions, which hardly have links to the real situation in the European region and around the world. Nonetheless, this attitdue is useful to understand the current global standoff.

There is a notable difference between the aforementioned attitude and the approach of the administration of US President Donald Trump. Its actions are based on neorealism principles and it is openly working to strengthen the US offensive and defensive military capabilities. Chances that the Trump administration will intentially initiate a global conflict are close to zero. In turn, the attitude of the EU bureaucracy is based on post-structuralism ideas, whih exploit irrationalism. This very approach could instigate a global conflict.

“The world is a very dangerous place!”, President Trump said in November 2018.

The first month of 2019 shows that the world has become even more dangerous.

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Daniel Miller

So they want to have what Russia has had for years on (with execprion to the lasers they have been in service only for a few months now since 2018)


Fact is days of US dominance is over . China with Russia will be sharing that .

In fact China will over take US in power no matter how much US spends as it is not the money that moves(fiat money).. it is the people. The motivation and the drive of the Chinese people who for centuries had been leaders (spoilted by those moronic Manchus emporors… no more).

Tudor Miron

China is becoming the new center of power concentration not because of Chinease people (with all due respect) but according to plan.






china without russia is the correct combination


china without russia is the correct combination


US is trying to develop defenses against the new generation weapons Russia has deployed or will be deploying shortly, primarily the Sarmat, Avangard Khinzhal, Poseidon….etc. This will spiral Pentagon spending to a significant degree, forcing US to combat Russian next generation weapons with present day generation or future unproven capabilities. Russian weaponry is not the SDI bluff Reagan pulled on the Soviets leading them to dissolution, they are real and highly capable leading US to the brink of bankruptcy.

Tudor Miron

Many think that Soviet Union was defeated by arms race – that is wrong. It was an inside job. As one smart man said – coupd detat started in 1953 and it took them 40 years to finish it.


Consensus here is that SDI scared the Russians considerably and caused them to spend more and more money on the arms race they could not afford. Why did a coup start after Stalin’s death? Please explain.

Promitheas Apollonious

you are mistaking russians with americans and their make believe myths. Russians never make their war industry internal consumption business and produced always weapons that work in real life and not make believe superior weapons as long they attack defenseless nations.

Tudor Miron is right in what he said.

Tommy Jensen

We broke the neck on Sovjet in Afghanistan. Kremlin were slowly but surely dragged into an endless quagmire by US, and Sovjet couldnt get out of the ruse…LOL. Professional and hyper Intelligent US warfare directly after Ting Tsi Tzu.


afghanistan was nothing. the cold war and soviet imperialism together destroyed ussr


afghanistan was nothing. the cold war and soviet imperialism together destroyed ussr


I am waiting for an explanation why the coup started after Stalin’s death.

Promitheas Apollonious

not a coup but an organized resistance from the orthodox church not unlike the secret schools created in greece when they been conquered by the ottoman empire and spread in all christian orthodox balkan countries. Unless you believe the bullshit claims of the western mass media that Regan took down USSR.


How did the Orthodox Church resist a communist regime that barely tolerated them? Many Russians under communist rule were atheists.


You are asking a bigger question than you might realize. According to the Orthodox, there were more Christian martyrs created in the 20th century than in the years from the time of Christ.

Some fled and started what is called ROCOR (Russian Church outside of Russia). Most died. For years it was believed that the Russian Church survived in a catacomb fashion.

After the fall of communism, it was found that many of the survivors had bent the knee to the Government and those who had kept the Church alive outside of Russia did not trust them.

Decades have past and the Russian Church and ROCOR have worked things out between them to some degree. Without question, the Russians people have suffered more than most can imagine.

This article discusses the resistance in the early years of under Soviet Atheism.



I realize the extent of my question, if you go back 7 years before the Bolshevik revolution, most of those born in 1910 must have been brainwashed by the Bolshevik atheism, being part of the communist party prevented one to adhere to any religious concepts. The Russians born in the mid to late 19th century had religious convictions and most likely were persecuted and killed because of their religious beliefs.


old shit


old shit

Promitheas Apollonious

read history and you learn how. I dont need to read I know first hand.


he read good, you simply lie


he read good, you simply lie


Correct, USSR was betrayed by its own elite, which was promised by the global oligarchy the oportunity to become part of the global oligarchy. The promise was not fullfiled but the USSR was disolved…..

Tudor Miron

Soch promises are never fulfilled but rats all over the world keep hoping that it will.


the destitute states of america is the one instigating a global war and the reason is simple – it is being overtaken in most spheres by china and russia, so for example the weapons-technology developed by russia and by china is surpassing anything the destitute states can provide, which simple-mindedly continuous to build air craft carriers and similar relics from the past. so in order to gain some advantage vis a vis russia/china/iran/india and others, the destitute morons will rely on their nukes and icbm:s and nato (which is unlikely to be very enthusiastic about a war with russia, to the extent that the destitute states etc will be all on its lonesome should it come to that) etc and it won’t help them very much. hubris has been the downfall of many and the destitute states of america is likely to be one to go that way.

Tudor Miron

“technology to track and defeat hypersonic weapons, unmanned aircraft with lasers to shoot down threats and missile-hunting F-35 stealth fighters, among others.”(C) Good luck with that :)


““The alliance is not just about bases and troops. It is about defending the world order,” the defense minister claiming saying that the NATO represents an “emotional bond between the American and the European continents”…TRANSLATION…The alliance is about the NEW WORLD ORDER CONTROLLED by us, and need the DEEP STATE U.S to dominate all the Nations of the world in order to SLAVE THE WHOLE WORLD.

Tommy Jensen

Against my wife and my mother in law, nothing else matters.

Tommy Jensen

It is the others who are instigating global conflicts. Its as clear as day is night.

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