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US Move To Ban F-35 Delivery To Turkey Opens Additional Prospects For Russan Weapons

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US Move To Ban F-35 Delivery To Turkey Opens Additional Prospects For Russan Weapons

Su-35 flanker. Click to see full-size image

Turkey could possibly purchase Russian Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets, if Washington realizes its threat to block the delivery of F-35 joint strike fighters, Viktor Litovkin, a military analyst with the Moscow-based TASS news agency was cited by RT.

“If the US fails to ship the jets to Turkey, Ankara can certainly buy the Su-35s from Russia instead,” he said.

Also according to Litovkin, both aircraft have characteristics that are comparable, Moscow also wouldn’t be worried of theft of sensitive military technology, because the aircraft’s software is “hard to crack.”

It would also be possibly to easily integrate the fighter jets in the Turkish military.

The possible block of the delivery the F-35 joint strike fighters is due to Turkey’s conclusion of a deal for the purchase of Russian S-400, which it says is final.

On February 15th, US President Donald Trump signed a spending bill according to which delivery of the jets to Turkey will be blocked until the U.S. secretaries of state and defense submit an update to the report regarding Turkey’s purchase of the S–400 missile defense system from the Russian Federation.

On February 18th, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said there was no turning back on Turkey’s decision to purchase the S-400 air defense systems. Turkey expects the delivery of the missiles to start this year.

A US delegation visited Ankara in December, after the U.S. State Department informed the US Congress that it had approved a $3.5-billion sale of Patriot air defense batteries to Turkey. The delegation reportedly set the cancellation of the S-400 deal as a prerequisite for the purchase of the U.S.-made system.

Turkey declined the possible Patriot deal, deeming the requirements unacceptable.

“The Russians said they would deliver the S-400s in a short time both for a very good price and promising technology transfer,” the chairman of the Turkish parliament’s foreign affairs committee, Volkan Bozkır, told reporters in Ankara following a visit to Washington in February. “Therefore, we signed the deal for the purchase of S-400 systems as it addressed our needs and the main part of the payments have been made, while efforts are going ahead for delivery to Turkey in November.”

According to the bill signed by Trump, the US would wait until November to make a decision regarding the F-35 delivery, while the delivery of the S-400 to Turkey is expected to begin in July.

Regardless, on March 28th, four US senators – Democrats Jeanne Shaheen and Chris Van Hollen and Republicans James Lankford and Thom Tillis introduced a bill to ban the transfer of the F-35 joint strike fighters.

“The prospect of Russia having access to U.S. aircraft and technology in a NATO country, Turkey, is a serious national and global security risk,” Shaheen said.

“Turkey is an important NATO ally and willing partner in addressing a number of U.S. national security priorities,” said Lankford. “It’s concerning that Turkey would seek close defense cooperation with Russia, whose authoritarian ruler seeks to undermine NATO and U.S. interests at every turn.”


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Likely US is afraid finally F35 can be detected by S400 .

Zionism = EVIL

Time will tell and If that is the case then how come the S-400 have never been used in combat? The Zionist scum have bombed Syria over 300 times and Americunts are conducting massacres of Syrian civilians every day.


they have to be in the air to be detected. :)

today they can be found on a google map. lol

Zionism = EVIL

If the moron Trump and coward Bolton have anything to do with it, Turkey will be forced out of NATO which is now primarily an anti-Muslim and anti-Russia warmongering parasitic entity beholden to Zionist scum. Turkey was pampered as a NATO member during the cold war as it was the second largest cannon fodder source. Now the world is totally changed along with power balance, Iran, Turkey and Italy are now part of China’s ONE BELT/ROAD project and Russia is cozying up to a disillusioned Turkey, so the Jews are not happy. Turkey should undermine NATO and Zionist agenda in the region and create a military alliance with Russia, Iran, China, Pakistan etc. Erdogan should rethink his largely destructive policies in Syria which have given the Zionists and Americunt warmongers an opening. 90% of Americunt and NATO poodles supplies for Wahhabi terrorist headchoppers still go through Turkey along with use of NATO air planes that are killing civilians in Iraq and Syria.

Tommy Jensen

It doesnt change the fact that Turkey is and always will be a cannon fodder nation for US/Nato whichever solution Turkey choose………………..LOL. Turkey cant afford to loose the dólares from The US base and US cooperation, and Turkey cant afford to loose the euro from the refugee/terrorist/transit role it have with EU. One time buffer and cannon fodder nation, always buffer and cannon fodder nation………..LOL.

Mustafa Mehmet

who gives a shit about NATO base? they can move somewhere else if they want . refugees you can keep them and you can pay there expenses why Türkiye has to pay everything. you clueless idiot f… of


Since Ottoman times, the Turks have been opportunists and quite idiotic and lost most of their territory to Russia. Armenians know Turkish savagery and backstabbing better than anyone. The Persians are best of the whole rotten lot in the region.

Promitheas Apollonious

I guess the russians then, have to accept turkish ass, for payment.

Zionism = EVIL

Keep your perverted homosexuality to yourself and your ilk :)

Promitheas Apollonious

go fuck your self moron.

Zionism = EVIL

Touchy little faggot :) ROFLMAO

Promitheas Apollonious

that be the one who did not jerk you off

Mustafa Mehmet

Your asss belong to EU Germany for next 50 years

Promitheas Apollonious

no my ass belong to me and me alone. Yours on the other hand is owned by many who helped make your economy. In case you missed the point your economy is owned by your investors no matter what you think. With ertogsans policies you loosing them double time and with that a make believe economy so how exactly you be paying russia?

Mustafa Mehmet

Germany watching waiting for loan repayment. 50 years long time Mr

Promitheas Apollonious

not from me kid.

Zionism = EVIL

Erdogan: Turkey will solve Kurdish terrorist issue in Syria on the field

ANKARA- Turkey will solve the Syria issue “on the field” after Sunday’s local elections, President Tayyip Erdogan said onSaturday, as he sought to drum up support for his AK Party in the vote.

Turkey has carried out two cross-border operations against US supported YPG Kurdish militants in northern Syria and has warned that it will launch further incursions if the threats along its borders are not eliminated.

“First thing after the elections, we will solve the Syria issue on the field if possible, not at the table,” Erdogan told supporters in the first of hissix rallies in Istanbul.


Thing is though, if Turkey goes after the YPG in Syria it will also stay in Syria. And I reckon its probably infinitely easier for Putin and Assad to reach a deal with the YPG to restore East Syria to Damascus then it is to get the Turks to leave Syria. Just look at how obstructionist Turkey still is over Idlib.

Tommy Jensen

Its difficult to understand anybody would even consider F-35 when they can by SU-35 for half the price and 1/3 of the maintenance cost. But we Americans are willing to pay whatever it cost for freedom, and if Turkey dont want Visafree EU and freedom but prefer dictatorship countries, then they cannot get anymore pudding from us………LOL! Let that sink in to your two Turkish braincells and be you a lesson until next time


Maintenance costs for F35 during the lifetime of its airframe is estimated to be 7-800 million dollars per plane. Sortie availability is practically once a week. F35 is a never ending project, always seeking softaware upgrades to make up for physical deficiencies of the plane. Whoever buys F35 will have a hangar queen and a financial black hole. Chances of it being destroyed on the ground are far greater than being killed in the air.


Seems Turkey has lost it’s value to NATO, unlike the Cold War era. Now with integration of some countries in the Balkans and Caucasus perhaps they think they don’t need Turks anymore. If that’s the case, in addition to Turkey (used to encircle USSR on it’s south-west region and a chock-point for it’s fleet with Bosphorus and Dardanelles) it also goes for Greece.(an additional chock-point at the Aegean sea and south Europe, south and east Mediterranean). Now the US has bases in Israel and dreams about having one in Lebanon.

What they don’t say is the role of Turkey in production of F-35. From Airframe and landing gear components to the engine blades, wiring and much praised 360 cockpit display. Here’s a link to the F-35 website (yes, it has it’s own site):


Turkey was used by NATO, from the threat of nuclear war (Cuban missile crisis which started with installation of Jupiter missiles in Turkey, targeting USSR) to destruction of Syria. Meanwhile to maintain their control, army had a strong grip on power (like Pakistan).

Good luck producing your goose without Turkey. I’m sure they can replace Turkish produced parts without a problem, but it will affect the price no doubt. Perhaps a %30~%40 increase is nothing compared to show the Turks who is the boss!? OTOH Russia and Iran will be happy if Turkey plays a greater part in securing the region and confront the warmongers’ plans, now that Turks realize now EU won’t let them in and there’s no use to expect any good from west, at least as long as the US rules over west.


The US still needs Turkey. If only to deny Turkey as a prize to Russia and because it needs to go through the Bosporus if it wants to play tag with the Russian navy in the Black Sea.


The Russian sales of effective weapons (S400 and Suk 35) to undermine US air superiority world wide continues, possible or existing customers are Algeria, Egypt, Qatar, Turkey, Iraq, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, India….etc.

The availability of these potent weapons in the Mediteranean basin, and South East Asia basin will deter US from being confident in their ability to project air power.


good since turkey will get the latest from russia – what more do they need! yeah get out of nato and squash the squatters on palestinian land – to pulp!


Delusion in US circles of power is truly abundant.

José Xavier

I really don´t think a NATO country is a suitable partner for Russia sales…Erdogan won´t stay forever… This “friendship” of Turkey with Russia is an illusion. This sell shouldn´t occur… They will have access to state-of-art Russian Weaponry… Remember: US is a master in “regime change”…


Erdogan is an opportunistic politician – and is playing on US fears. Likely he wants both the Russian S-400 (insurance policy against regime change) and the US F-35 as originally planned – and seeks to create concern and confusion in US State Department circles to achieve this result, that essentially contradicts current US arms sales policy.


Erdogan is a totally demagogic and opportunist, he retains close security, economic and even military ties with Israel and then plays the Sunni Arabs of Qatar and even Saudis. He has been the primary instrument of US and NATO destructive policies in Syria and Iraq and now perhaps Lebanon.


NATO has no real function left and it would be wise for Turkey to withdraw from an archaic alliance as even Europe’s future is in doubt after Brexit, Italy and Spain casting doubts. Even Armenia refused to join NATO despite heavy US pressure. The new Nikol Pashinyan government has clearly stated that Armenia will never join NATO as its policies often align it closer with Russia, and it remains a member of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Collective Security Treaty Organization and enjoys close economic and military ties with Iran.


“The prospect of Russia having access to U.S. aircraft and technology in a NATO country, Turkey, is a serious national and global security risk,” Shaheen said.

Wow, a US official actually spoke the truth!

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