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MARCH 2025

US Moved Air Force Command From Qatar To South Carolina Fearing Iranian Attacks

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US Moved Air Force Command From Qatar To South Carolina Fearing Iranian Attacks

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The US Air Force Commander Center’s operation was moved from Qatar to South Carolina, after operating out of the Middle Eastern country for the last 13 years.

The Command Center was used to command fighter jets, bombers, unmanned aerial vehicles and other US Air Force assets from Northeast Africa, the Middle East to Southeast Asia.

On September 28th, the building of the Combined Air Operations Center (CAOC) in al Udeid Air Base, Qatar was vacated.

All flights and operations were controlled from Shaw Air Base in South Carolina, US. Over 300 planes were in the air when the shift happened in Syria, Afghanistan and the Persian Gulf.

On the next day, the CAOC in Qatar regained control, but this marked the first-time operation was transferred to the US since the CAOC was initially established in Saudi Arabia during the 1991 Gulf War.

Air Force Commanders said that new technology allowed the shift and it was a long-standing ambition. But it surely comes by no accident, as it happens during renewed tensions in the Middle East, with both US and Saudi Arabia having a tough rhetoric on Iran. The Islamic Republic also leaves no quarter in its responses.

“The functions that the CAOC provides for air power are so critical and so essential that we can’t afford to have a single point of failure,” said Maj. Gen. Chance Saltzman.

Air Force officials said that the increased tensions in the Middle East and the incidents blamed on Iran added urgency to possibly moving command away from the region – especially if a war would be coming.

“Iran has indicated multiple times through multiple sources their intent to attack U.S. forces,” said Col. Frederick Coleman, commander of the 609th Air and Space Operations Center.

“Frankly, as the war against ISIS winds down and as we continue to work through a potential peace process in Afghanistan, the region is calming down and potentially more stable than it has been in decades,” he said. “Except for Iran.”

Analysts, quite obviously, said that if a conflict arises the command center would likely be targeted.

“It doesn’t take a whole heap of imagination to look at it and think, if push came to shove and it was a full-blown conflict, it would be one of the priority targets,” said Douglas Barrie, a senior fellow specializing in aerospace at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London.

Most notably, the base is defended by Patriot batteries and other missile defense systems, whose capabilities were clearly presented in defending Aramco’s oil infrastructure on September 14th.

According to Saltzman, the practicalities of missile defense made complete protection impossible.

“It’s really probably better to think about this as an immune system,” he said. “There’s going to be germs that get into the body. It’s about how fast and how resilient you can fight it off.”

By making the CAOC mobile, the US could respond to a potential attack much more quickly.

Byron Pompa, AFCENT operations director at Al Udeid, said moving facilities and equipment often could compensate for not having a huge footprint across the region.

“In times like today,” he said, “we can’t have a ton of permanent-fixture operating bases throughout the area of responsibility.”

“Our goal is deterrence,” Saltzman said, not conflict. But the lack of communication with Iran can make sending that message difficult. The U.S. has to use other measures, he said, including turning off radar from time to time or planning flight routes to make it clear it does not intend to attack.

The plan is to operate the CAOC remotely once per month, while it would remain in Qatar during the remainder of the time. The idea is to reach 8 hours of distanced operation every 24-hour period, either from South Carolina or elsewhere.

There were no plans to close al Udeid permanently. Some of the 800 positions are to be transferred to US in the future.

“The goodness here is now we’re saving taxpayer dollars that we’re giving back to America,” Coleman said. “And, you know, America’s sons and daughters aren’t abroad in the Middle East. They’re home.”

Qatar, in particular, has invested heavily on Al Udeid in recent years, spending as much as $1.8 billion to renovate the base, the largest in the region, capable of housing more than 10,000 U.S. troops. Thus, shifting focus away from it may seem as a sort of loss on investment on Qatar’s side.

This is actually a development that leads to the consideration that the US and its allies may, in fact, be considering the highly likeliness of a war in the Middle East against Iran, showing the urgency of this shift of command capability.


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“The goodness here is now we’re saving taxpayer dollars that we’re giving back to America,” Coleman said. “And, you know, America’s sons and daughters aren’t abroad in the Middle East. They’re home.”

When has saving the taxpayer some money ever mattered to the Pentagon? They know they basically have a license to print money thanks to the political cloud of the military industrial complex. And America’s sons and daughters are basically whores to be sent out to die for whichever potentate pays the Pimp in Chief the most. No American who died in Iraq of Afghanistan did so to defend their country.

On a reflective side note, god do I sound like a crazy tinfoil pothead now. If I were to say that in a conversation people would nod nervously while their eyes would start looking for the exit.

Feudalism Victory

Just because your paranoid doesn’t mean your wrong.

Zionism = EVIL

Even the Jew brainwashed rednecks are not willing to die that easily as before, the dumbass Americunt military of losers is short of its recruitment quota as even the homeless and jobless don’t enlist anymore and they all know the horrendous cost of another swan song war for filthy Jews.


Jacob Wohl

Quite the antisemitism there. What do you expect from a hate-filled, middle aged iranian.


most anti-semites live in israhell.

You can call me Al



They’re called AshkeNAZIs.

Zionism = EVIL

AshkeNAZI make their NAZI mentors look like boy scouts.


A big part of German dejudification was that they were trying to do in Germany what they did in Russia for decades after the Russian revolution until Russia got rid of 95% of them. If they’d done it earlier the Russian and Soviet genocides would have never happened and Russia’s population would be up to double what it is today if it hadn’t been stunted by the Bolshevik Jew mass murder of so many innocent people.

Concrete Mike

Why you treat african jews like shit?

Quite the antisemitism vack at you shithead!

Jacob Wohl

no evidence of that

Jacob Wohl's Nose

just when we thought ur face cant be any more ugly… u post a new profile picture. thanks for proving us wrong, Rocket Nose :=================D

Zionism = EVIL

This pathetic attention seeking Jew felon PUNK is back to trolling after spending time in Chico State Pen with new manfriends, These fucking Jews are like leeches, no wonder the average Americunt is in the poorhouse.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

lol spot on. i bet his nostrils were r a p e d, big enough to accommodate an elephant let alone a huge african man


u whine about antisemitism and u display your anti Persian racism and Russophobia—-LOL


Problem is the more truth you find the harder it is to stay quiet about it.

Using only MSM and social media is like having a lobotomy. It’s not just that you don’t know what is really going, but you have allowed a very dangerous set of sub-routines to be run through your head constantly.

Most people’s first retort is something like, yeah maybe, but there is nothing we can do about it. Where in God’s name did this notion come from in a Democracy, is my rejoinder. Eventual ending with, Ok you’re right, so we don’t live in a Democracy. It’s a potent combination logically. Next time they are somewhat mollified.

Bottom line for me is, if we are right that all of humanity is at extreme risk then staying quiet about it fixes nothing. I feel much more of a humanitarian, raging against the machine, than I did as a cold war “warrior” on a US nuclear submarine. Still peoples apathy is beyond normal, it is like they are already Zombies. When all else fails prayer offers some respite.

Concrete Mike

Apathty will be the death of us all ifear

Tommy Jensen

“While someone is among the living, hope can persist, therefore it is better to be a living dog than to be a dead lion”

Concrete Mike

10 4 brother

Tommy Jensen

The zombies are in the matrix. The resistance fight is spiritual, Mr. Anderson against Mr. Smith who is himself. When both self are blown to pieces there is peace……………for a while………………………LOL. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIfzyYT1Oho


Consider most Hollywood brain washing and a waste of time.

Zionism = EVIL

Americunt coward childkillers are doing what they do best, RUN! because Iran can hit back at the thugs.


Jacob Wohl

Obsessed with the term “americunt” because you know America is the best, most democratic/free, most powerful nation on earth followed by Israel :-]


They certainly have the best jokers and loudmouths.


time to shoot a few more semites isn’t it?

Uncle Meat

I’m convinced you must be Tommy Jensen. If that isn’t pure sarcasm!

Harry Smith

Permanently saying lies makes your subconscious to be in opposition with the objective reality. It leads to the mental disorders like over violence. Hope you’re living alone.


It takes a vet to treat a vet.

Tommy Jensen

I wanna emphasize that I have expressed my concerns about our vets situation, and in my opinion we ought to do more for our vets. This is my opinion.

Saddam Hussein

Good. Stay out of the Arab World.

Zionism = EVIL

Not as long as the Americunts have Saudi, Kuwaiti, Bahraini and UAE arselickers. It is time some drones pay Abu Dhabi a visit.


Will the command center be protected by S-400s?

Zionism = EVIL

Turkey is planning on selling some :)


Yes indirectly, all the Russian defensive equipment worldwide, will prevent the killers from doing their dirty work. So at least some of the occupants of the CC will avoid being hung at the inevitable Nuremburg type war tribunals.

Although when people realize what they actually do they may face mob justice. Imagine your mom stomping you to death along with all your old neighbors. That sort of thing. Protecting our freedom, what a fucking joke.

You think I am wrong about this? Explain 20 vets committing suicide every single day. This is what having the best military in the world gets you. More deaths from suicide than from combat?

Yeah trolls, make yourself useful for once, why do US vets off themselves. I know they had to leave their buddies behind, but answer the fucking question. Oh yeah, yeah, the Russians make that happen. Got It

How come no one gets my buddies behind joke? 4 times now with that joke and no one chuckles, come on people!


17% of US military have psychiatric drugs in their medical history known to cause suicidal and homicidal ideation. Almost twice the rate of the civilian population at 10%. The same drugs found in almost all mass shootings.


I read a piece about how depression and demoralization have similar symptoms and get treated with those drugs you speak of. The drugs do not relieve the symptoms of the demoralized but the side effects work just fine. The article also noted, if memory serves that a large portion of those diagnosed as depressed were actually demoralized.

I felt that when I served and my experiences were nothing compared to combat vets. Suffice to say fighting a war with demoralized troops is a recipe for disaster. As all of our recent campaigns clearly illustrate.

I would bet money those, the name is on the tip of my tongue, something suppressors. Anyway MK ultra probably uses those in their work.


Psychiatry has been a substantially Jew psuedo science from it’s inception. Treating “chemical imbalances” in the brain is a scam. There are no tests for chemical imbalances. The drugs create dangerous chemical imbalances.

The psych shooter drugs are repackaged and legalized MK Ultra mind control drugs from illegal human experimentation projects overseen by a NY Jew:

– The CIA’s house of horrors, the abominable Dr. Gottlieb –



Gosh quite the amazing article. I am no fan of pharma. Thanks for the link will finish reading later.


Here’s another. It’s probably more than you want to read but just skimming it provides a lot of useful information:

– Psychiatric Drugs: Create Violence & Suicide – https://www.cchrint.org/pdfs/violence-report.pdf

Tommy Jensen

So doctors and pharma are trying to improve an ugly mental decease, but get only a crowd screaming soley about the defects and this is certainly not good enough.

Tommy Jensen

Its easy to criticize psychiatry which are a very difficult area of health. If you look at tools used 20-30-40 years ago and what is available today, the situation has improved considerably. Ask yourself how you would treat and get around a mental ill person?


Mass shootings were rare before these dangerous drugs were legalized when they shouldn’t have been. And they’re found in almost all mass shootings.

How would I treat them? I certainly wouldn’t get them coked up on a cocktail of drugs that risks them killing themselves or someone else.

Do they have health issues contributing to their mental issues? Drugs, alcohol, smoking, weight, lack of exercise, poor diet, sleep problems, disease and the list goes on. To include lifestyle issues like money, debt, relationships, etc..

All of which have an effect on mental, emotional, and spiritual well being. Correcting the root causes of mental issues by addressing “chemical imbalances” in the brain is a scam. There are no diagnostic tests for chemical imbalances

Going to “Dr.” feel good who’ll write scripts to anyone for anything is not the way to handle it.

Tony B.

Almost all mass shootings are plain and simple bullshit that never happened. With grade Z actors pretending.


I think that there’s more to it than that.

Either way, what’s really happening is being covered up. If they’re fake it’s a crime. If they’re not. The drug component is being suppressed. And it isn’t just mass shootings. The German pilot who crashed the plane with over 200 passengers was on them.

You can’t get a commercial driver’s or pilot’s license if you’re on them. Even having them in your medical history is an automatic disqualification for a CDL. If they’re found in a driver’s random drug test. It’s an automatic and permanent license revocation.

Tony B.

Am in total agreement with all that. In fact, I was the first writer of whom I’m aware, in the early ’90s, to put such drugs together with real crimes of violence by previously non violent people. At that time the tragedy was more likely to be within families. True, when the media lies to the point that you can’t tell what actually happened, you know it’s a government set up lie for their agendas. Usually their desperate need to get the guns of Americans taken away as the U.S. has a civilian “army” with more guns than any military in the world which is holding up the talmudic/masonic/satanic world conquest agenda.


Read a few times now how using Tylenol destroys a persons empathy, so I just avoid pills all together. But hell food, water, vaccines these fuckers are playing for keeps.

Tony B.

Yep. Don’t forget chemtrails dumping poisons and diseases daily on populations everywhere. No one owns up to doing it but some who have tried to expose what is dumped have quickly died of some “accident.”


It gets to be really overwhelming sometimes.

Tommy Jensen

If we look at medicine 10-20-30 years ago, many patients didn’t have the medicine they have today. People got blind, today they can prolong their vision in many years. Mental patients became zombies on medicine, today they can live a daily life although on medicine. Just saying, try not to negative everything. But appreciate also the improvements.


Sorry not convinced. People seem way less healthy overall. Am particularly freaked out by how unregulated the whole thing is. If you want to play you have to pay. So they do and having read a bit about the opioid situation, its just a money game health doesn’t even matter to them. Don’t even get me started on Vaccines, criminals.


The US and the planet need to be dejudified so that they are Jew free for the betterment of our planet and humanity. A UN convention abolishing Judaism should be passed and ratified and former Jews assimilated into Jew free societies in a lawful non abusive manner.

– Psychiatric Drugs: Create Violence & Suicide – https://www.cchrint.org/pdfs/violence-report.pdf


Its mostly the ex navy types that get that joke, Frankly :)

I did chuckle though.


Thanks it was starting to seem like this is just a bunch of robots wanting a venue to rant and no one actually reads anybody else’s stuff. I guess there is a big gulf between reading and actually understanding, there is a lot that goes right over my head too.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)


Vince Dhimos

Big win for the Houthis.

Jacob Wohl

Perfect. A preparatory move before the big war starts. This will ensure the US Air-force completely destroys iran and its irgc terrorists while its command center is safe and sound


time to change your diaper isn’t it?


Wow if you read up on US you would know they are safer in combat than on the streets of the US. The cops shoot to kill. Hell they get a bonus when they empty a clip, double in the back. There’s a bounty on dogs for them too.

The food and pharmaceuticals will get you if the 5G emissions don’t. Maybe they will be allowed to take their guns home with them when they are off duty. I mean what could go wrong with that.

Then there’s the water. That’s where you get that dead eyed look from boy. Losing your hair already too eh?

All part of the chemo you didn’t realize they give you. How many vaccines you have child? A few too many I think. So you tried to enlist but Mommy ain’t ready to let you go yet. No shame in that. But some of the things you spout off here, man it’s embarrassing. Cringeworthy. But mostly hysterically funny. So keep it up son, we love it.


how about your carriers in the arabian sea? your soldiers in iraq, afghanistan and other places? can the F22 fly from the continental USA or even Diego gercian to strike Iran? do you know the combat range of the F22? How stealthy is the B-52 bomber against the S-300 or Bavar 373? will all your planes be flying from the continental USA? what about Israel and your pupets? can you move them all to America? What do you know about Iran’s long-range precision strike missiles? What do you know about their cyber capability regarding military communications? There are lots of questions. I hope you will answer all of them, otherwise, America is still very vulnerable. they need a base for planes to take off and land, whether on a carrier or land. they need control towers to guide pilots. Iran has only to carpet-bomb these facilities to cripple the US air force, and they have demonstrated the ability to do it. it is obvious you do not know much about the military landscape of the middle east. relocation the airforce command only minimizes the loss. IRAN is not IRAQ otherwise it would have been attacked long ago.


Please, re-post the comment that has been marked as spam by someone “sensitive ” to the truth. You have it in your profile. Thank you.


Your previous comment was marked as spam. It may have to do with writing a very very long paragraph, without any breaks in it. This my second new line break, and I have not even said very much. :)

Concrete Mike

Dream on, if the war starts were.coming after you!!

Jacob Wohl's Nose

jacob will need an oven specially designed to accommodate his massive NOSE

Concrete Mike

Well as.luck would have it, there is a lead SMELTER not too far from here

Jacob Wohl's Nose


Jacob Wohl

US did the same before the Gulf War and the Invasion of Iraq in 2003. Guess how both scenarios ended, with the complete defeat of Iraq. US preparing MASSIVE strikes against iran and its irgc proxies


time to do some head-banging isn’t it?

Fred Dozer

Asshole we are still fighting the same war. Give a Vet with a tin can your change. The rich country lets them starve and continues to cut their benefits.


On the pluss side it means that Iran would have more missiles to ‘gift’ to Israel :)

Real Anti-Racist Action

Looks like Iran now needs to increase the range of their missiles to hit the anti-theist wherever they may be commanding their anti-theist forces from. Also cyber abilities to target satellite communications in the event of a war would finally cripple Satan’s global air-force. https://www.hackread.com/


““Eventually, I’d like to be able to do this from Starbucks.”” Col. Frederick Coleman, commander of the 609th Air and Space Operations Center

good idea idiot. move everything to your local S.C. Starbucks


You could not more firmly confirm the inadequacy of Patriots. It’s like our cars, big, flashy, expensive and you need a lot of them because one is often broke.


America has only few advantages left over Iran. Its family of long-range strike systems. but these are also vulnerable. I will explain how. Planes need bases and control towers. Every airfield used by the US in the middle east will be prime targets. carpet-bomb the runways and control towers and you have severely crippled the air force. Iran can do this to every enemy airfield in the middle east. plus, they have warned host countries that they will also come under attack if they allowed the USA to operate from their country. Even Turkey has made it quite clear it won’t allow it. Others can do that at their peril. This leaves America with only two options: Flying from Diego Garcia or aircraft carriers.

Diego Garcia is out of range of Iran’s precision missiles. but the problem is, only one American stealth bomber is capable of flying from Diego Garcia, the B-52 bomber. However, this plane is not suitable for combat. despite being stealthy, it is very large and therefore, venerable to anti-aircraft fire. If this plane can be spotted by the S-300 or S-400, the game is over. And there is a pretty good indication that the B52 is no match for S-300 or S-400. do not forget that S-200 soviet era anti-aircraft shot down a modern stealth fighter, F-35. Also remember that Turkey decided to give up the F35 for S400 despite the fact that turkey would have made huge financial gains from being a co-manufacturer of some parts of the plane for every buyer. This says a lot about America’s stealth technology. Also remember that the S300 has never been used despite being installed in Syria. Note also that non of America’s modern stealth bombers have actually engaged a modern anti-aircraft system such as the S300, S400 or Bavar 373. Remember also that Iran’s Khordat 3, an inferior to Khordat 15, shot down a US highly stealthy spy drone. The fact that the Iranians were able to detect this drone says a lot about how stealthy American planes can be. The media has done a good job of portraying these stealth planes as nearly invincible to air defenses. They did the same with the patriot missile defense systems in Saudi Arabia and everyone believed them until September 14th.

Now lets talk about the F-22 raptor. the combat radius of this plane is just not perfect for an attack on Iran. for the F-22 to be very effective, they will have to take off from carriers that must be stationed within range of Iran’s missile fire. If the carrier comes under attack, these planes cannot take off or land safely, particularly if the control tower or runway are damaged. The Americans have tried to compensate for this by aerial refueling. This is the only area America has some kind of advantage. but the carriers will still be vulnerable to missile hits from Iranian ships which can simple move closer within striking range of the aircraft carrier and launch their missiles.

Will these refueling tankers instead be stationed in Diego Garcia? but there is the threat of drones. we have seen how the patriot missiles have performed against drones in Saudi Arabia. This will be the same systems protecting American planes in Diego Garcia.

Some missiles in Iran can reach Europe. If these missiles are guided, then it is certainly game over, because the theoretical safety planes are suppose to have in Diego Garcia will not be guaranteed.


Never heard of the B-52 characterized as a stealth bomber. A lot of them were shot down in Viet Nam.

Interesting article stated that the International Criminal Court or the UN, I forget which, has ordered the US off of Diego Garcia. Quite the history there. I doubt if a single foreign entity would miss them.

Bottom line, since the introduction of effective anti aircraft systems in the middle east the US no longer has the stomach for flying there. All those alarms going off must be quite unnerving. The crews manning the CC will certainly miss playing cards all day!

Israel would have been wiser to figure out how to be a decent neighbor instead of plotting to take over the world. As their friends get there asses handed to them more and more regularly their enemies may yet get friskier. You reap, what you sow.


Do you have a link to the Diego Garcia article?


wow I found it.



Thank you…Initially learned about it through John Pilger Documentary. Hope it happens this time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjNfXK6QpqY

Tommy Jensen

UK is the nation who have entered into most wars in world history. Not even the Romans could reach the British world record in wars.

People have difficulty in believing this gentleman-like people with Royal Family and angle faces can be so stupid cruel and psychopathic.


Hmm original post gone makes mine seem, disconnected. Kept calling the B-52 a stealth aircraft.

8 engines and takeoff wheels on the wingtips. Like trying to hide a football stadium.


The hasbara ‘cut and ran’ after your post exposure of his ignorance, Franky.


Figured that. They tend to say a lot without actually saying anything. I just skimmed it once he declared B52 stealth, blah, blah, blah. Dibass

Ray " Uncle Sam"

Such Trust in their own defence capabilities, their Patriot Missile is claimed to be combat ready lol!!!!!!

AM Hants

F-35 Still Lacks Key Testing Accreditation, Despite Being in Full Production© Airman 1st Class Lillian Miller MILITARY & INTELLIGENCE 22:00 30.09.2019Get short URL 0 0 0 Subscribe Even though several militaries are flying the F-35 Lightning II in combat or potential combat situations, the stealth aircraft still hasn’t completed part of its Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E), typically a necessary step for US jets to enter full production…

read more: https://sputniknews.com/military/201909301076928398-f-35-still-lacks-key-testing-accreditation-despite-being-in-full-production/

Pave Way IV

So Air Pimp Central – responsible for whoring out US air assets for the defense of Israel and Saudi Arabia/GCC – is now ‘mobile’. You know… I feel more free and secure already. Give this commander a medal – what a f’king HERO!


I agree. Time someone said it, ‘we don’t die for israrel!’.


How do you spell cut and run…’H O U T H I S’ ‘H E Z B O L L A H’ ‘I R G C’ and ‘B R O K E’


“The goodness here is now we’re saving taxpayer dollars that we’re giving back to America,” Coleman said. “And, you know, America’s sons and daughters aren’t abroad in the Middle East. They’re home.”

Funny how those taxpayer dollars end up going to the leaches in isralien Palestine. I highly doubt the jew would ever (in the future) or has ever (since ?) been so generous as to ‘give back’ all those stolen assets never mind give a shit about any taxpayer as long as they pay. Death to the isralien wherever they hide.

Raptar Driver

If true this shows who is really in control.


Yeah, they high-tailed it outta there.


Obviously they believe the Iranians have the capability. Typical though,,, Cowards that start wars rarely involve themselves.

Fred Dozer

After Trump said: “US warships shot down an Iranian drone after sending messages,and firing warning shots.” A few hours later Iran reported all their drones returned safely ! However it was the video “time stamped” from the Iranian drones, showing crosshairs all over US Battle Fleet. US might of know they were around, but did not know how to target them. The entire fleet could have been sunk. That would have lead to nukes, and WWIII. People in the US are to stupid, to understand, the INVADER is the BAD GUY.

Melville Pouwels

frederick coleman lives at the bottom of the garden! his best friend is fen, the fairy…during the day he run’s a boys army camp, with planes & stuff !!


Well one thing the US is most afraid of is CASUALTIES.


amerikan cowardice displayed—clearly US ‘experts’ have no confidence in their ineffective missile defense technology

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Someone commented on this same article on presstv.com they said “All your forces in the region will still get hit whether you claim the command is in Qatar, South Carolina, or Pluto” hahahaha

Tommy Jensen



Yep, move sitting ducks out of the firing line. Patriot can’t defend them, the military knows!!! The military guys don’t believe any bs from CNN. But guys, we wanted the yanks to go home, so it’s all good.

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