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MARCH 2025

US Moves Short-Range Air-Defense Systems From Northeastern Syria To Iraq (Photos)

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US Moves Short-Range Air-Defense Systems From Northeastern Syria To Iraq (Photos)

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On February 21, the US-led coalition moved short-range air-defense systems (SHORADs) from northeastern Syria to western Iraq, according to the Tura News channel on Telegram.

The channel shared photos showing a number of US AN/TWQ-1 Avenger SHORADs loaded on trucks moving towards the city of Ramadi in the province of Anbar.

The AN/TWQ-1 Avenger was designed to provide mobile, short-range air defense protection for ground units against cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, low-flying fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters. The system is in service with the US Army and the US Marine Corps.

It is still unclear when the AN/TWQ-1 Avenger air-defense systems were deployed in northeastern Syria, or if any are still situated in the region.

US Moves Short-Range Air-Defense Systems From Northeastern Syria To Iraq (Photos)

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Earlier today, the US-led coalition denied reports about the increasing number of its troops or bases in Syria’s northeastern region. Nevertheless, facts on the ground contradict this claim.

Meanwhile, the NATO is preparing to increase its troops in Iraq from 500 to around 4,000. The US will contribute to the increase, which appears to be a response to the recent wave of attacks by pro-Iranian factions against coalition forces in Iraq.

The recent moves by the US-led coalition in Syria and Iraq indicate that the US and its NATO allies are not planning to leave the Levant any time soon.


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johnny rotten

It seems like re-reading the book Catch-22, a bunch of crazy commanders here, one sends them away, the other brings them back, one officer builds a base, another officer arrives and dismantles it, some say they will leave while others on the contrary they say that more will come, I think only of the consternation of the tribes residing in those areas and what they can think of all this coming and going by the crazy Americans.

Lone Ranger

Sounds like the last days of Rome… Part deux…

Supreme Blyat

If only Rome had nukes.

Lone Ranger

Like Dr.Evil…

Supreme Blyat

One thing is sure, none of USA or Russia will go down alone.


Don’t be so sure, Russia with the deployment of defensive and offensive hypersonic weapons will attain a first strike capability, able to blunt the American second strike capability.

Jens Holm

If so we all will die. The only feet on the ground will be ants:)

Fog of War

Lets get it on.


Yes… Your dick has already died but you are still carrying it around

Supreme Blyat

You are talking like all the old Russian missiles are already creplaced with hypersonic ones. That will take years, meanwhile others will have Hypersonic missiles too. The final/retaliatory strikes and the most powerful will be from the submarines, anyway.


Russia has a significant lead in hypersonic technologies, US is financially and brain power challenged, subs are intended for a second strike capability, their small MIRVs 100-300 ktns are not good for silo destruction designated to withstand 6000 PSI.

Supreme Blyat

Then USA is less dangerous than Vatican, you should not spend your life hating on them.


I don’t understand your statement, I do not hate anybody…..I am making an analysis of the subject discussed.

Supreme Blyat

Kinda pretentious language for an argue about who has the smallest dick.

Supreme Blyat

Yes, subs are for retaliatory strike, that’s what I said. That’s why hypersonics won’t make a difference in all-nuclear war.

Jens Holm

Very funny version. I remember 1991 and the many nules in Ukraine became a very good funeral.


Russia did once …. twice in the last 100 years !

Supreme Blyat

They didn’t have nukes every time.


Wrong … Gorbachev to Yeltsin …

Jens Holm

As other empires Rome mainly declined and collpased itself. It needed to be strong against the many invasions from east and north but made too bad or none solutions.

Supreme Blyat

They didn’t have Vladimir Putin.

Jens Holm

Putin didnt collapse things. The Bolsjevic stupidisme system and old men only looking in the past did.

It had had a chance with people like Jeltzin, Gorbatjov and Putin 10 or 20 years before they got influence.

Supreme Blyat

I never said Putin disintegrated things.


Yes … corruption KING

They’ll collapse like a bag of chips

Supreme Blyat

Maybe but Putin is not the only one at fault. Their work productivity should improve also.


Maybe …

Russia has failed twice in the last 100 years

Ashok Varma

Nukes are pointless when the internal rot sets in. USSR had thousands of nuclear weapons but did not stop its disintegration. Same for South Africa in the 80’s and Israel in the future.

Supreme Blyat

Sounth Africa had plan to build nukes but never had them.

Jens Holm

Thats because You are a no learner.

Lone Ranger

Still stuck in Bizarro World, Jens? Too bad…

Jens Holm

Its too often justlike You here.

You expect something like WW1 or WW2 with stupid americans sitting in their trenches on their hands as ducks.

The same for – against – Iran. 1000s of Iranien soldiers overwhelming americans.

If there was an active war, the Iranians would not see a single american soldier.

They are not spendables. Maybee the Heaven by Allah is better :)

Just Me

Feeding a senile troll is only encouraging him as he craves any attention. The best is to downvote and ignore as the idiot just spams for attention and does not even know where the Middle East is or anything for that matter.

Just Me

The bankrupt morons are too scared to transport them on military tank transporters so they hired a commercial Iraqi truck lol. Should have been hit by an IED.

Ashok Varma

However, Rome was corrupt but not stealing from everyone.

Fog of War

Misdirection and obfuscation . If the ZioAmericans are so inept and brain dead Why hasnt Russia and China cleaned house yet ?


They don’t need to clean house themselves, the militia proxies will attrite them regularly, they have a cause and motivation to take on the fight.

Fog of War

Like the Taliban ? How long has that conflict dragged on ?


As long as it takes, currently Taliban control over 50% of Afghanistan…currently there is a sham peace agreement between Taliban and US that cooled down the conflict for the time being. The whole war effort cost 800 billion.

Fog of War

My point is however, that even the battle hardened Taliban hasn’t dislodged the Zios from Afghanistan yet, and its been 20 years. The pin prick attacks in Iraq will accomplish even less. At this rate the Zios will be there forever.

Just Me

I would agree, there has to be a more organized widespread resistance and the tempo of attacks on the occupation forces needs to be increased. This will drag on into half a century or more at this rate.


There are a few thousand American troops or contractors in In Afghanistan, hardly a serious presence.

Fog of War

I fail to see your point. Does it matter if its 5000 or 50000 ? They are still there controlling things.


From a military standpoint force size counts. You have the Afghan government running the country, in case of serious war the US token force would be liquidated in a matter of days. So would forces in Iraq or Syria.

Fog of War

” in case of serious war the US token force would be liquidated in a matter of days. ”

Then whats been going on there for the last 20 years ? Friendly games of Chess ?


You had taliban which are irregular forces fighting various levels of US regular forces….a type of guerilla war. Real war takes place when 100 Kalibr cruise missiles hit American positions in Afghanistan, followed by Iran firing a couple of hundred missiles as well.

Fog of War

Please educate us how a ” serious war ” will realistically come to Afghanistan in the foreseeable future. World war scenarios excluded.


A missile attack on US forces in Afghanistan will not constitute WW3. US will not defend Europe for its own continental preservation, they want to keep the war including nuclear exchanges in Europe, and you think they will do it for Afghanistan?


A surgical missile strike. You think attacking American forces with conventional weapons will lead to a nuclear war? What happened to the “most powerful military” bs propagated since the Cold War ? You loose a few thousand troops against the possibility of being wiped out? What is a viable choice?

Jens Holm

Thats no answer.


Why not? Have you heard of the 100 year war between England and France?


You mean paid by Iran … don’t you … lol



Kenny Jones ™

Forget the ragtag tribes, the real army of the PMF is going to confront them soon

Jens Holm



Promises … Promises


Sounds like Pentagon and the American politicians are confused, so much bs for deploying a couple of thousand troops.

Jens Holm

I see no American confusion apart from Trump. The American military forces always has acted relative independent. Thats their very strong but also their Achilles.

Now Biden restart from where Obama was as much as He and they can and about Syria and for Iraq and Iran as well.

They have asked the Saudis to be nicer as well. USA almost will not help them in the first line anymore. That includes advanced weapons.

Jens Holm

Maybee You should make some supplement by using a memorystick or something and try to learn modern warfare and logistics by that.

As number one You and othjers here use “base”. Thats wrong. They move around strongpoints to optimize everything, so if there is a potentiel enemy, they are stronger very fast. If there is no activity, they leave.

Im kind of proud about it for the northern parts of Iraq and the connection to USA into SDF.

The logistics for all that is made and oprtimized by danish experts called in as Nato helpers by the Bagdad Goverment and includes the military forces, whcih Bagdad actually control.


the yankee-twats are happy with the perpetual war far far away and have no intention of closing down the war in the middle east – the cost for the yankee-doodl- twats is not too bad, the body count very low when it comes to apple-cheeked unemployed and under-educated trash from the fly over states, which is what counts and then lockheed and the other weapon producers toil away making huge profits for the shareholders, for the law-makersand so on. all the washington dc twats have to do is to keep the war going without endangering the jews in palestine – so prepare yourself for a long wait while the us reaps the profits from the perpetúal war.

it will take an alliance of turkey, iran, russia, syria, lebanon and iraq to force the twats out.

the disunited states of exceptional broad-assed morons have no intention of going home!!!!

Jens Holm

I have a picture https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c9b1f8accecfe7baf154c200bdb69798c3ccb3be84ebdc19cc34fe50551dabd6.jpg

None will ever unite those unless they are put into the same graveyard.

J Ramirez

Family portrait ?


What an alliance? pmsl

The blind leading the blind alliance

Ashok Varma

US is behaving just like another murderous terrorist group in the region, it is looting Iraqi and Syrian oil and assets to pay for its genocidal occupation as well as supporting mostly Wahhabi terrorist groups. This unprofessional manner of moving military hardware around in civilian flatbeds shows how low the once mighty US Hollywood “superpower” has fallen. Even Indian military uses proper secure transportation to haul hardware around. The Stinger Humvee is obviously unguarded as civilians in overtaking cars are filming, would have made an ideal target. The resistance needs to strike targets of opportunity with more diligence.


Says the Shia apologist … keyboard warrior

Indians suck at war … is it genetic?


No one asked them … the Iraqi government wants them there


shat their pants, yankee-twats, when they realized that the iraqi people really wants them out and away. yankee-twats go home is the sentiment in iraq,and in iran and in syria and in lebanon and turkey – difficult to defy such a popular view of more than 150 million.

the only party that don’t want the yankee-twats to leave is the odious parasitic jews who can’t manage their affairs without the very hands on intervention by the washington dc’s deluded and dumbed down idiots.


They’re in Iraq until they’re told to leave ….

They’re in Iraq to get rid of IS/Daesh but will be attacking those PMU units who are harassing them … looking to kill them

Kenny Jones ™

One kornet from the sideways and it’s gone


APS systems and the kornet is redundant

Kenny Jones ™



The Trophy APS System is installed on Israeli armour and the US & Canada have bought in …

It was made to defend against kornet anti-tank missiles

Adam Prisbit

this is good! GOOD! USA defend themself from butcher regime assadi shia terrorist irgc militia! AVENGER can shoot down Russkie SU34 su35 trash airplane to

Ashok Varma

Are a retarded gaandu? why do you upvote your own childish drivel LOL stupid madar chod yahoodi pandoo.


Says the Shia apologist

Jimmy Jim


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