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US Moves Towards Escalation With Russia Over INF Treaty

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Russian-US consultations in Geneva on the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty confirmed the U.S. policy of scrapping strategic stability tools, resulting in a “deepening deficit of mutual trust and militarization of foreign policy thinking,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on January 16.

He added that the US stance during the negotiation was a ultimatum to Russia. Washington demanded the elimination of the 9M729 cruise missile developed for the Iskander missile system, missile launchers and other equipment linked under the US supervision.

HINT: Washignton argues that the 9M729 missile violates the INF Trety.

Lavrov noted that the US rejected suggestions to check capabilities of the missile as well as to hear Moscow’s stance on the situation, including Russian concerns over the US violations of the INF Treaty. The foreign minister noted that the US stance is that Moscow is the side violating the deal.

It should be noted that Moscow’s concern in the situation in that the US missile defense complex in Europe uses launching cells, which can be employed to launch cruise missiles. The US ignoores these concerns.


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“Blast Hits Manbij, Syria Near Coalition Patrol, US Soldies Reportedly Killed”

…”Six civilians were killed and 19 others wounded as a result of an explosion in the centre of the city of Manbij, while a US military patrol was passing”, Al Jazeera said…

Syria insider



United LGBTQ States country of queer gender twats, femiNAZI’s and menginas… a would be ( bankrupted ) “super power”.

“Warning! Masculinity Is Hazardous to Men’s Health, Says American Psychological Association”

….notions of masculinity are described as undesirable for a host of reasons….. https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2019/01/16/warning-masculinity-hazardous-men-health-american-psychological-association.html

Peter Bozich

Demands, threats, sanctions, this is what has become of the Un United States Of America. The UUSA has lost the plot, they cannot accept another power like Russia not bowing to their feet. Once the U.S dollar crashes, I expect radical changes to the whole U.S military Industrial complex. They will have to accept they’re no longer number 1 globally.


they will have to accept?????????????????????????????

great wish, but so is a lottery win too.


are you sure you are not blonde? http://www.quotesandjokes.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Dumb-blonde.jpg

Zionism = EVIL

But cutie, you would hope that Putin would stop calling the liar murdering Americunt scum “partners and colleagues” :)


Calling them whatever will not change the facts that they are “murdering scum” Also will not help Russia from being labeled all the time on the West by MSM to be an “aggressor”. Even when they move troops within their own country borders. But still… The “partners and colleagues” is diplomacy vocabulary and effort to extend hand to those in US who are not warmongering maniacs. And also showing to the world that Russia is for DIALOGUE and re-mediating differences in peaceful manner if and when is possible.

US are all hubris and posturing and “talk” while Russia is country that “walks the walk” and that is one way ticket to hell for whole planet that can be used only ONCE. If they say that there is red line not to cross than everybody must listen and respect that if we are to survive as planet.


The development of the Kalibr platform with ambiguous range parameters caught US with its pants down and unprepared after three decades of military strategic neglect. Their premier platform, Tomahawk has shown poor performance during the Syrian conflict, and US’s ability to build a reliable MRBM is questionable in view of a plethora of white elephants their MIC produced in the past.

John Whitehot

the missile in question does not have any relation with the Kalibr system, being part of the Iskander suite.


The missile in question is a longer missile approaching the capabilities of Kalibr and k101…..that is what I meant by the Kalibr platform, ALCM, SLCM, GLCM.

John Whitehot

Kh-101 and Kalibr are two different and distinct missile systems.

“Kalibr” is the name of a ship/submarine, anti-surface launched cruise missile.

Kh-101/2 are stealth derivatives of the Kh-55/555 ALCM.

Iskander is a ground mobile launching complex able to deploy both ballistic and cruise missiles.

Neither the Kh-101/102 or the Iskander have nothing to do with the Kalibr – the only weapon with which it shares the launching tubes and mounts are the supersonic “Klub”, again a seaborne missile.

there is also the Bastion complex, able to launch Onyx missiles at sea targets, although it has been succesfully employed in Syria against ground targets as well.

In short, the “Kalibr platform” is a ship or sub mounted device, not air or ground.


Cruise missile platforms, that was my original concept, although I did not express it clearly. This is in regards to the R500 missile. “””The “Caliber” cruise missiles can be easily installed on the multi-purpose missile system “Iskander-M”, without prejudice to the agreement on the reduction of intermediate and short range. The multi-purpose missile system “Iskander-M” managed to solve the problem of accommodation of a Unified Launch Installation (SPU) for a ballistic missiles with its own system of aiming and for a cruise missile with its data entry systems before launch. The first entry in the topic was the launcher, which was shown at MAKS in 2009 and named “9P78 version 2”. The unit has a modified body – increased its height and probably length.”””

John Whitehot

the only sources that I’ve seen that “positively” report the Kalibr missile as being also ground launched (by the Iskander complex) are Pentagon blogs, and I can imagine why.

In fact I still have to see any real evidence of the above.

There is some confusion I believe, based on the similarity between the Iskander TEL and the Bastion. The Bastion launched Onyx ASMs at ground targets in Syria.

So it’s not that remote that there are brains so fucked up in virginia to have made a connection among these items.


If I had a cruise missile platform that required minor modifications for multipurpose roles and different ranges why not use it? It would be economical and efficient and easy to mass produce. The dimensional differences in diameter are very minimal or nonexistant and the length varies based on on range. Just imagine having a cruise missile that does great antiship capabilities and ground to ground capabilities. I have read somewhere the 9M729 has a 2000kms range at a speed of 2000kms/hour.

John Whitehot

“If I had a cruise missile platform that required minor modifications for multipurpose roles and different ranges why not use it?”

this is philosophy. can the AGM-86 ALCM employed by B-52s be stuffed inside USN Tomahawk tubes?

can you play football with a basketball?

Of course not, it’s a whole another thing.

Same goes for these Russian systems. They are distinct and not compatible.


“””this is philosophy. can the AGM-86 ALCM employed by B-52s be stuffed inside USN Tomahawk tubes?”””

No, it’s efficiency, the AGM-86 on a B52 has many common aspects with the navy launched Tomahawk, same engine, similar guidance, weight and length considering the Tomahawk’s booster, range….etc. Given the Navy’s and Air Force desire of unique weapons for their service, General Dynamics obliged and gave them two different weapons using one concept.

John Whitehot

talk all you want, the Kalibr and the land or air based missiles remain distinct and different.

also, if your idea of efficiency is to use the same engine/aerodynamics/other systems in a missile launched from zero speed on the ground, and one launched from mach 2 at 15000 meters, it becomes clear why you are writing comments here instead of designing weapons at general dynamics, or rafael, or whatever.


You are telling me that B52 and B1 fly at Mach 2? You work at a defense company …..and that gives you a big head, unable to see simple things?

John Whitehot

“You are telling me that B52 and B1 fly at Mach 2? ”

Nope, I’m telling you that the Tu-160 does.

Because in case your attention has been resetted, you were the one saying that after all the Russians should use the same cruise missile on planes, ships, subs, trucks and god knows what else.

“swarms of drones are not comparable to a gaggle of geese. A S300 warhead will not blow them all up.”

swarms of drones are a cartoon made for idiots.

the electronic equivalent of a fart is sufficient to transform them from flying into falling garbage.


,”””Because in case your attention has been resetted, you were the one saying that after all the Russians should use the same cruise missile on planes, ships, subs, trucks and god knows what else.””””

Same platform with minor modifications. T160 drops the kh101 to a cruising altitude and then the cruise missile fires on. I do not understand why the bomber has to fly at Mach 2 being thousands of Kms away from the target and without any need to impart any energy to its armament.

Kh101 diameter is 514MM while the ship/ground Kalibr is 533MM. The 533MM Kalibr can fit in vertical naval launchers, submarine torpedo tubes or any other launchers deemed plausible…..for example the Iskander launcher.

Tommy Jensen

Russia, China and Iran should joint forces and give US the punch in the face it needs.


The best way to do that without descending to the US level is having very strong defence which they are preparing. The strong defence is also the problem the US has with these three in the first place. It’s like the chicken-egg dilemma!

Promitheas Apollonious

no dilemma about the chicken egg question. It requires as in all species to be a male and a female to produce a fertile egg.

Zionism = EVIL

Besides best defence is to bog the Americunt scum in many regional wars and inflict ” a death by thousand cuts”. Just supply regional resistance forces with best weaponry and training.

Zionism = EVIL

Americunt degenerate liars and scum have just broken another treaty. Hopefully, now Putin will stop calling these cowardly rogues “partners”.

Rob G

Russia needs to abide by the treaty. Things would be a whole lot easier if they would just comply!


US to Iraq : ” Get rid of those weapons , and we’ll be friends.” Iraq : Gets rid of weapons. US : Bombs the hell out of Iraq.

US to Libya : ” Get rid of those weapons , and we’ll be friends.” Libya : Gets rid of weapons. US : Bombs the hell out of Libya.

US to Syria : ” Get rid of those weapons , and we’ll be friends.” Syria : Gets rid of weapons. US : Bombs the hell out of Syria.

US to Russia : ” Get rid of those weapons , and we’ll be friends.” Russia : Fuck you , asshole.

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