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MARCH 2025

US Must Immediately Leave Area It Controls In Southern Syria – Lavrov

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Originally appeared at RT

US troops must immediately shut down their zone of control in southern Syria in the area of Al-Tanf, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov suggested when asked what should be done to help the Syrian peace settlement.

Lavrov was referring to an area on Syria’s border with Jordan and Iraq, which the US declared to be under its protection last year. Among other things, it contains the Rukban refugee camp. The facility is apparently used by radical militants, including members of UN-designated terrorist group best known by its former name Al-Nusra Front, to recover and raid other parts of Syria, Lavrov said at the Valdai Club conference on the Middle East in Moscow. The US is turning a blind eye to such abuses of its protection, he added.

US Must Immediately Leave Area It Controls In Southern Syria - Lavrov


“Inside the Al-Tanf zone, which the Americans unilaterally declared under their protection, and inside the refugee camp jihadists are regularly reported to recover strength. On several occasions they conducted raids from there into other territory of the Syrian Arab Republic. This zone must be shut down immediately,” the Russian minister said.

“Our colleagues from the UN for some reason are hesitant to say that humanitarian convoys cannot get into this US-controlled area because the US would not guarantee their safety,” Lavrov added. “Instead they focus attention on the humanitarian situation in Idlib or Eastern Ghouta.”

The minister added Russia has mounting evidence that the US has no intention to oppose this jihadist group in earnest.

The response came after a question from the think tank International Crisis Group about what “Russia could do more” in Syria to prevent an escalation of violence there, particularly between Iran and Israel. Lavrov said the question should be “what the US could refrain from doing” in Syria and that the answer was “stop playing dangerous games” and cease trying to partition the nation.

The Americans “in the territories they patronize east of the Euphrates River and all the way to the state border with Iraq create governing bodies which are designed by intention to have no links with Damascus,” he pointed out.

Lavrov also commented on the situation in the southwestern part of Syria on the border with Jordan and Israel – which was designated as a “de-escalation zone” by Syria, Russia, Turkey and Iran – and Israel’s interests in Syria. Israel accuses Iran of using proxy forces to seize control of parts of southern Syria, including those along the border, and has threatened to use military force to reverse the situation.

“We negotiated the creation of this zone with Jordan and the US and it’s not a secret that our Israeli colleagues were informed about what we discussed,” he said. “Now to implement everything we had agreed on we have to focus on one particular article, which said all parties to the agreement would work to make sure that no non-Syrian forces were present inside and near this de-escalation zone.”

The Russian diplomat added that the US carving out the Al-Tanf area was the exact opposite – a unilateral move that no other party agreed to.

The dispute between Israel and Iran, Lavrov said, certainly complicated the situation in Syria, and Moscow believes both parties need to take steps to defuse it. For instance, Iran’s statements that Israel was a Zionist entity that needs to be destroyed are perceived as absolutely unacceptable in Russia. But neither does Russia see as constructive Israel’s policy of turning every problem in the region into a vehicle for opposing Iran, he said.

“This is what we see in Syria, this is what we see in Yemen, and even the latest developments around the Palestinian issue, including Washington’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s exclusive capital, are to a large extent caused by the very same anti-Iranian bias,” Lavrov explained. “Both attitudes pose a risk of further damaging the situation in the region, which is already very pitiful.”

The Russian minister suggested that Israel and Iran should try to address their differences – including the latest flare-up involving an Iranian drone destroyed by Israel after reportedly violating the airspace of the Jewish state – by taking them to the UN for proper resolution. “Otherwise we will be rolling down the slope to a situation in which every incident is simply blamed on the other party and used to justify military action.”

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Yes. USA must go home, to their mix-raced country. In 100 years, USA will collapse by itself. In 200 years, USA will be the biggest failure in human history full of ugly and rootless people.

Anticipate. Don’t fall into the trap.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Mix races children will dominates.Pure whites will no longer exists.USA and white supremacy will due out.


Mix races children will dominate in USA and make USA a weaker country. That’s why it must happen very quickly in USA. So that, USA collapsed and stop destroying others people country and culture.

Europe must protect itself from mixing.


Bwahahaha Mixed Race Children makes you weaker what a nonsense……take two complete different genes put them together…..in “Science” a lot better for evolution than inbreeding……that’ll get you Retards….as proven


It’s false. You are supposing that you take the good part of both side but you also can take the bad sides of both. Mix children are weaker than their parents.

And more important, these children will have no identity and no cultural base to rely on. Just see testimonies of biracial people. Most of them have self hate.

The parents are so selfish to do that to their children.


How come that many inbred jews are so evil than? They should be very nice….. with all the inbreeding


jews have no root. That’s why they are so evil. They are nothing. So, they are jealous of others (especially whites that are better than them in every aspects) and do evil to revenge.


For me there is only Good, Bad & Evil People…..I don’t care for color or race or wtf….


My friend, everything is genetic-based. Absolutely everything. Your ability to do good or bad is also genetically based. Only people who love themselfs can do good.


Well you must LOVE yourself BIG TIME…


I don’t understand why people are not concerned about their children. Sometimes, I have the feeling that children are just toys for people. The parents think about themselfs but not the children. And the sum of all these individual behaviors has a consequence in the society and make a successful country or a shitty country.


You make a succesful country, with people that want to make it a succesful country… that means equality for ALL….


It depends on which country you are talking about. A mix-race country or a homogen country. Homogen country are way more peaceful and successful than heterogen countries. That’s why USA is a very violent society.

You can’t impose equality. Equality is a myth and doesn’t exist. People are not equal even in a same race people. What I have understood is that the “success” (or how people call success because everyone has different opinion of what is success) is linked to beauty and health. Beautiful and healthy people are the most successful and can acheive their potential.


You should restart the T4 program but this time for mixed race people…


As if only Hitler have tried it. The Scandinavians also had genetic program for their own people. USA also had a secret eugenics program.

And eugenics is on his way. Now, people no more want people with diseases. Fetus with Trisomy 21 are 95% aborted. Only fundamental religious people accept them.

I don’t care if USA will become a mix-race. Just don’t force other countries to follow this crazyness.


“I don’t care if USA will become a mix-race. Just don’t force other countries to follow this crazyness.” The US alone didnt cause the refugee problem across Europe. France and Britain are basically responsible for for the Libya debacle and have a huge hand in the Syrian debacle.. Race mixing is basically a by product of imperialism and colonialism. Africans, Indians and so on didnt colonize Europe, the white Europeans colonized these areas.You exploit their continent and they move to yours and breed with your women. You should built a time machine, travel back in time and convince your white European forefathers to leave he peoples continent in peace…


Yes. They can go to west Europe countries that make wars to their countries, …. but not to white countries that did nothing.

I don’t care if USA, UK and France become garbage.

And also notice that these countries are ruled by jews.

So, I don’t care if these countries become garbage and at the end are destroyed.


Stop. zionists with the full support of christian ziofags created the massive migration of Muslims through Israel’s proxy wars which caused this shit storm. Put the blame where it’s due. This entire “Muslim” problem is manufactured, and for a purpose.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Well Christians were genocided before during and after the 2nd world war. Christians lost the war, Jews and their Zionist fake-christians won the war. I myself am an actually follower of the living Christ who’s name is Immanuel. And I fully oppose Zionism and all forms of Pagans and Atheist. I fully respect the right of all peoples claim to their lands and people. And I stand for ethnic-Japethites having just as mush rights as Shemites and Hamites do. https://heavenawaits.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/clip_image001.png http://histruthmyvoice.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Untitled-design-1-1-e1453572632290.png


The Refugee problem is only created by Europe to get their 2% yearly Growth 1.6 million people on a yearly basis or so… Europeans reproduce themselves not enough…. but our European Governments need their 2% growth…. so they opened up the gates…. that’s the story…. and if I hear you talking (and this one is for Serious)…. it would have been better if’m White Boys had stayed at Home…. so that they couldn’t have spread their genes across the Globe


This refugee problem is created by the globalists to aweaken Europe, especially Germany. Becaiuse they know that a mix-raced nation is a weak nation and a heterogen religious country is a weak nation. So, these nations can be easily controlled.


Soros… Rothschild…Youtube and Google wanted us to believe that shit…. creating trouble between Muslims, Europeans, Afro Americans, White Americans…..Divide & Conquer…..That is part of why they created ISIS….. make us hate Muslims….. their little plan didn’t really work


The globalists are using hate to divide and conquer.

They do false flags to create hate when there is no. Most people fall into the trap.

And, also notice that they always control both side.

No one wants muslims into his countries because they are so stupid. They destroy their own countries. So, why the hell will someone accept them ???? The globalists both create 9/11 and both manage migration of muslims into Europe and USA. So that, they can make Europeans hate muslims and muslims hate Europeans. The fact is that one can hate muslims because they are so stupid. But, muslims don’t hate Europeans because they know Europeans are good people in general.

So, the globalists always protect the ones who create troubles in order to aweaken Europeans.

the problem is that Europeans are ready to make peace but muslims, arabs, blacks, jews, .. have too much self hate that they can’t make peace and can’t manage to create a working society.


I know and speak to everyone of these people you named some of’m are friends…… Them are all friendly hardworking people…. never had a fight with’m perhaps a little discussion now and then… that’s it…..how many do you know?


I know very well the mentally of jews, arabs, muslims, blacks, whites, asians, ….

The main problem with muslims is that they come to Europe and want to spread islam into Europe and islamize islam. So, the globalists use these hate against them. Why the f… do you want to spread islam in Europe ??? Why about rather staying in your muslim country ???? If you say so, you are called a racist.

It’s make absolutely no sens to go to live in other countries to change the society and be accepted. But, they fail to understand that because they stupid.

And, I don’t understand the fact that they come into a non muslim country to raise their children into islam ???? XD. There is a large probability that their children stop being muslims. They are too stupid to understand that.

I absolutely don’t understand the migrants. They go to another country and then, theuir children will become mix-race and bastards with no identity. The migrants are the dumbest people ever and for me, there just mercenaries and deserve no respect whatsoever.


“The main problem with muslims is that they come to Europe and want to spread islam into Europe and islamize islam.”

The same way you wanted to bring Christianity to Africa?

“It’s make absolutely no sens to go to live in other countries to change the society and be accepted. But, they fail to understand that because they stupid.”

Thats exactly what white Europeans did.. That would make them stupid too…


It’s the same. Even jews that come to Europe and want to control Europe. Go back to israel.

It’s the same for those stupid Americans who bomb muslims everyday since 80 years and told muslims to go away. XD. So funny. Why do Americans don’t leave their muslim countries ??? XD. Trump did the “muslim ban” but want to occupy Syria and build military bases in Afghanistan ?? XD. What a joke.

Stupidity of people is beyond imagination. Most people have so much hate that they don’t understand contradictions.


First of all, no one is going to tell me what to think or how to behave….. religion can be a good guideline for people to shape their lives & give it purpose…. I have my believe…. so if everyone respects eachother no problemo…problems start with lack of respect…. but you also gotta earn respect… goes both ways…. the West has Created A LOT of problems for Muslims to begin with…..


Of course, the west did eveil in muslim lands. That’s why I don’t understand why mluslim are going to west countries !!!!!! It’s just beyond stupidity !!!!!

And when they come to the west, they don’t help muslim countries, they do stupid things that make them repulsive and help the west to bomb even more their countries !!!!

It’s just so stupid.

And don’t belive in fairytale. There is absolutely no respect with abrahamic religions. There is just destruction. It’s because these religion are MONOtheism, so they don’t accept other religions. That’s why they are so violent religions.


Like I said if there can’t be respect for eachother’s believes it will be a short talk…. I have spend many many hours talking with Muslims……they respected my words, and I have great respect for their words…. there is wisdom to be found in many religions….


Ask them why they left their muslim couintries to go to a non muslim countries. Because they love more money than their religion. True muslims don’t leave their countries.


Some Syrian, Afghan & Iraqi Engineers, Businessmen and Surgeons ended up here because they fled their War torn Countries ( Thanks AngloZionazis) with their kids and family…. and they are working in a factory well below their abilities…


They are stupid. They help the country that destroyed their own countries.


Yeah I advise everyone to leave Europe


Their children will be bastards. they better leave these shit hole countries if they care about their children.

Ariel Cohen

The global manipulators, as usual, are playing both ends of the game. they are both trying to get us to hate other cultures and religions, as well as pushing the refugee crisis to flood Europe with migrants. They have admitted it themselves openly now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4c8FYcKWJzY


I’ll never hate other cultures and other religions…..that won’t work for me… I hate Bad People that want to Rule & Destroy others……all we need is the awakening of the rest of Mankind….because if we stay on their course it’ll be the end of mankind anyway….


Hahaha…. you sound just like Rothschild & Friends….. I think those days are comin’ to a screechin’ halt. Homogen country or not we have to deal with eachother these days… the World has become a small place my friend….


Rothschild and friends made the world smaller in order to advance their agenda. Most people on Earth don’t want their country to be heterogen in races or religion because it causes to much troubles.

But, Americans think that what they do must apply to the world even of no one care about their shit hole country.


The American Government should stop thinking ( them is not very good thinkers anyway)…..and be concerned about their internal questions….. otherwise they end up in a pile of shit…..


USA is doomed. Get away from that place where women become pornstars and males soldiers (terrorists).

USA must be disarmed, so that, it can collapsed without making any damage to the world.


@serious: it is scientifically ignorant racists such as you that are the main cause of the ugliness in our world. Go crawl back down into the hole from which you emerged you satanic snake


Who is racist ? You or me ? Maybe god is racist because he creates race.


Don’t be invoking a Creator to justify your hate speech fuckhead


“everything is genetic-based. Absolutely everything. Your ability to do good or bad is also genetically based.”

So there is nothing like nurturing..its all nature

“Only people who love themselfs can do good.”

But loving oneself has alot to do with self esteem which in turn has alot to do with nurturing. You statement are self contradictory, anecdotal, has little to do with facts and seem to be brought about by an insane dislike for people that arent ” cute” and white.


It’s absolutely false. Still believe in fairytales. I don’t care. For me, everything is genetically based.

And I don’t say whites are better than others. Every race has his own weakness and strength. For me, 100% black people are stronger than half-blacks.

It just happened that whites are the most complete race. And there are also the most pretty and diverse race. You can have red-head, blonde, black hair white people, green eyes, blue eyes, grey eyes, brown eyes, …. With asians only have black hair and black eyes.

So, it’s not my fault. I didn’t create races. What I say is pur truth.

Go complain to your god. XD.


“It just happened that whites are the most complete race.”

White Supremacy..

“And there are also the most pretty”

Isnt that a question of taste? I personally think that Arab and Persian women are a lot prettier facially than the white women you refer to.


Well, Arabs and Persians are like whites. Just look at Assad and his wife. Arabs are not a race. A lot of Arabs are whites. Even mix with them doesn’t affect a lot the white race.

I don’t understand the problem with white supremacists. One can be black supremacists, jew supremacists, asian supremacists, … but not white supremacists. Why ? Because truth hurts.

Real Anti-Racist Action

‘White’ is a measurement of projecting the full diverse color spectrum. https://archive.is/3W6ZE/6a0e833e87bcfa3f9a5bfbe1740d12a30efe7278.jpg

Real Anti-Racist Action

Well for someone who cares nothing for race, you have a lot of racially charged statements to make. People are no longer scared to talk up that Japethites have equal rights to Shemites and to Hamites. We are done with bigots lying. https://heavenawaits.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/clip_image001.png http://histruthmyvoice.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Untitled-design-1-1-e1453572632290.png


In my genes probably every “Race” to be found: African, Jew, European, Caucasian, Chinese, Russian, Native American, Indonesian, Anglo-Saxon, Maori, Birmees, Neanderthal….I am a human…. and Humans are all related…..

Real Anti-Racist Action

Tat is what my picture just proved. That also comes from the bible, that everyone is descended from Noah. But anyone who wishes the eradication of any of the three Mother-races is a bigot. All three have equal rights to 1/3rd of the earths land surface each. That is fair and that is equality.


2/3 of the Land Surface of Earth and it’s inhabitants already destroyed by people like you….. thank you very much for that!

Pave Way IV

Japheth, Ham and Shem all seem to have dislocated right arms. What the hell? And where are Noah’s other sons: Curly and Moe? Don’t try to erase them from history – they are peoples, too.

Boris Kazlov

The fuck are japethites and all the other shit you talk about, nigger?

Real Anti-Racist Action

Inbreeding is between parents and children, or uncles n such which the Jew’s practice. Inbreeding is not what the Cherokee were practicing by breeding within their own tribe. The Zulu’s are not interbreed because Zulus breed with Zulus. And on and on. Ethnic Japethites are not interbreed because they breed with other Japethites. However, even though Jews mix in close blood, they have a higher I’Q then any others on the planet.


I was more referring to Royalty….. and the preserving of pure Bloodlines… where it is a common practise to interbreed to keep the bloodline that of Gods….and it was a discussion which is not mine anyway….. even the word Negro in itself is a beautiful word that was made Ugly by others……


@serious: scientifically speaking you are full of bull crap. Based on parsing the content of what you say, you have no grasp of how heredity actually works. You remain stuck in some time loop in which you mindlessly regurgitate Victorian era pseudo scientific mumbo jumbo that has scientifically been discredited many decades ago. There is a real failure in your ability to think and reason, which leads you to vomit out your racist hatred. I absolutely despise hate mongering A-holes like you.


Who is racist ? Me or you ?


@serious (racist): you are self evidently a racist piece of shit. Your entire stream of invective is rooted in viewing people in terms of their race, and in assigning some kind of eugenics derived classification of relative merit. I hope that this helps clarify who is the racist.


It’s absolutely false. races exist as everyone talk about it. Culture exist too.

You are racist because you derived yourself a classification of relative merit what I have never do. So, I’m responsible for what I say, not what you understand.


@serious: race is an artificial construct. The earth has become populated by many groups of humans, some more isolated and some less isolated. Throughout the entire history of our species we have been mixing it up, even with other now extinct homids, such as the Neanderthal and Denovian hominids. There is no such thing as a “white” or “black” or any other race. It is a pernicious and harmful holdover of Victorian era pseudo science. For example there is far more genetic variation amongst African ethnic groups than anywhere else on earth, because that is where our species originated from. You are are a pathetic self-hating descendent of African immigrants… from long ago.


Absolute garbage. Race do exist. Everybody is talking about “interracial marriage”, “biracial children”, “blacks lives matters”, “asian race” …. Races do exist. Only delusional people can say the opposite.It’s so obvious.

So, if I listen to you, there is no difference between a french and a german and so, we can regroup france and germany to create a country and impose german as language !! XD.

In the same way, like there is no difference between people, we can create a world government to rule everyone and get rid of frontiers !!!! XD.

Your theory doesn’t exist. It’s an universalism that will fail and lead to violence just like communism, capitalism, monotheism, …..It’s born dead.


@serious: you can flap your jaws and produce an endless stream of repetitive cyclic self referential bull shit. You may think this is a killer technique, other’s may see it as an indication of profound ignorance and stunning stupidity. Race is a cultural construct ignoramus, it is not a biological reality.


Races do exist. Not my fault if you think garbage.


Yeah sure they exist in the exact same way thst say smooth jazz. Country, rock music exist. As cultural labels that are fuzzy handles that different people see differently. Race has no scientific basis or meaning. Even racists, like you cannot agree on who is “white” and who is not. That alone is proof that race is just a cultural label that is arbitrarily applied by different groups of people in different ways and has no actual scientific meaning.


If race don’t exist how can you call me racist ???


Because you are a racist… you believe in the existence of race and put yourself as being a member of the privileged caste. Hence you are a racist.


I never put myself in the privileged caste. I think you are the racist. So you try to help black people but black people is a good race. Physically, they are even stronger than the whites. Black women are gorgeous. What I said is that mix race are weaker. 100% black is stronger than half-black. That’s mu POV.

And in case of black and asian mix, the result is ugly.


You’re full of shit, whoever you are. I think you’ve done an excellent job of establishing that.


Cross a jet engine with a car one, you”ll get something that wont work as either. http://i.imgur.com/9jNeO9I.jpg https://img.4plebs.org/boards/pol/image/1418/54/1418543330543.jpg https://img.4plebs.org/boards/pol/image/1429/51/1429511902803.png


The darker gene prevails over the lighter one, then African people never isolated the clear gene throughout the History so it is easy to speculate that we are moving towards the disappearance of the white man due to his loss of fertility compared to all other races. The most fertile today are Eastern, African and Arab people.

Real Anti-Racist Action

That is because Zionist CIA and Mossad and Mi6 are spraying chem-trails over White areas to lower fertility deliberately. It is genocide. But we have woken-up to the Zionist plan, once the chemicals being sprayed over our tribal peoples, then out fertility will return to normal. If we sprayed all of Africa with the same substances, then the same would happen to them also. Basic hard fact science.


Don’t forget to mention that White Christian Brotherhood…. them Freemasons….. they are in it too….couple of imported Nazi scientists from Germany…..one BIG Fascist Orgy…..

Real Anti-Racist Action

Freemasons are the wolfs in sheeps clothing that the Bible warned of. They support Atheist for 99% of the world and Judaism for the 1%. The Christians declared all out war against the Freemasons and infiltrated their lodges and made mass arrest in the 1930’s in central Europe. Freemasons around the world from India and Asia to the Americas then united and crushed the small bastion of Christians in Europe. Christianity has never risen again. It is mostly dead, with satanic Zionist at the helm putting on shows for psyops against the masses. Scapegoats really.


Yup….. Masks will fall off……and without faith it’s easy to move around…. travel light…..


Does it matter how one looks? Or is it more important how he acts…..? Couldn’t care less if them is Purple, Yellow, Orange….. there are good folks & there are assholes….

Real Anti-Racist Action

That was proven by pseudo-science Zionist-supremacist bigots who are out to destroys all diversity. The word Diversity by the way means ‘Different’. Hard facts have proven quite the opposite. Also it is nearly impossible to treat mixed race people for many ailments, as their are never any compatible downers for them. Also, diversity is beautiful! Destroying differences is done only by bigots. https://holodomorinfo.com/


Mixedrace children suffer from more health problems. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1448064/ One study found that White-Asian mixes had a 2x higher rate of being “diagnosed with a psychological disorder, such as anxiety, depression or substance abuse.” http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2008-08/uoc–baa081108.php A study on Black-White mixes in agreement found that ”When it comes to engaging in risky/anti-social adolescent behavior, however, mixed race adolescents are stark outliers compared to both blacks and whites.” This holds true despite being raised in similar environments to mono-racial children. http://www.msu.edu/~renn/RHE-_mixed_race.pdf Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/12061787/Intelligence-genes-discovered-by-scientists.html Human intelligence is highly heritable. http://www.nature.com/mp/journal/v16/n10/abs/mp201185a.html Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160289608000305 Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks. http://www.jbhe.com/features/49_college_admissions-test.html Privately, intelligence experts hold more hereditarian views than they express in public. http://www.udel.edu/educ/gottfredson/reprints/1994egalitarianfiction.pdf Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households. http://psycnet.apa.org/psycinfo/1977-07996-001 The average African IQ is estimated at 79. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886912003741 The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100. http://www.udel.edu/educ/gottfredson/reprints/1997mainstream.pdf The white-black gap in SAT scores, a proxy for IQ, is increasing. http://www.jbhe.com/features/49_college_admissions-test.html Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa. http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB115040765329081636 Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis. http://articles.latimes.com/2011/aug/10/news/la-heb-genetic-study-intelligence-20110809 IQ scores are the best predictor of success in Western society. http://psychology.uwo.ca/faculty/rushtonpdfs/PPPL1.pdf IQ is 75% heritable among Whites. http://psychology.uwo.ca/faculty/rushtonpdfs/PPPL1.pdf Frances IQ drops 4 points per decade because of African immigration http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160289615001221 http://i.imgur.com/9jNeO9I.jpg https://img.4plebs.org/boards/pol/image/1418/54/1418543330543.jpg https://img.4plebs.org/boards/pol/image/1429/51/1429511902803.png


So I don’t give a fuck Nazi Pig!!! Fascist Cunts should be eradicated…. call me a racist….chop up AngloZioNazis……


Sad imbecile savage.


You are an ugly mentally deformed individual. The world will be better off when mental dwarfs such as you finally die off.


The day of my death will be my happier day !!! I hop incarnation bullshit doesn’t exist. I don’t want to come back !!

Real Anti-Racist Action

You are quite the racist. All ethnic groups are equally indigenous to planet earth. And each has the right to their own and to protect themselves from racist such as yourself. In the five biggest genocides in human history, none of the were even committed by Whites. ie #1 Genghis Khans dynasty genocided at least 127,000,000 indigenous tribal peoples over a 300 year period.

#2 The Jewish genocide if indigenous Japethites of Russia and Eastern Europe 127,000,000 dead. https://holodomorinfo.com/

#3 Chinese communist war against the people: Mao Zedong. China. Death toll: 45 million to 75 million.

#4 The Jew from Georgia named Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Joseph Stalin). USSR. Death toll: 40 million to 62 million indigenous Rusk, Cossack’s and many other tribal peoples genocided for his multi-racial-world-order.

#5 Chinas Chiang Kai-Shek genocided 10 million and boasted of it often.

#6 Jewish Genrikh Yagoda butchered 10-million indigenous ethnic Russians and eastern Europeans.

#7 Japans Hirohito wiped away 6 million in a short time.

Yahya Khan. Pakistan. … Tojo Hideki. Japan. … Vladimir Lenin. USSR. … and on and on…


So now the whites are the victims. I am a native from South America and we know the whites and their criminal ways very well. FYI, the whites -both Spanish and British- murdered over 100 million of my ancestors throughout the Americas.


You are right the Spanish were brutal , Mayans, Aztecs, Incas . But Real Anti-Racist Action is also right . Color and nationality have no bearing , all ethnic cleansing is criminal . We all suffer from the negative energy wave created by it even if we don’t bear its full brunt . “If you want to awaken all humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate suffering, eliminate all dark in yourself. Truly the greatest gift you have to give, is that of your own transformation “. Lao Tzu.


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Ariel Cohen

What we often don’t realize is that ALL races (including whites) have been discriminated against at some time. In Zimbabwe there was nothing short of ethnic cleansing against all white property holders. In Malaysia they used to refer to the white European (when I worked there 40 years ago) as Matsales (crazy foreigners). The Maoris in New Zealand have been accused of a form of reverse racism in some areas of the country. During the LA riots, white pedestrians, white businesses and white homes were attacked viciously by marauding rioters. The Talmudites (who don’t consider themselves to be white, btw) have had a centuries long disdain for the white European, as portrayed in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. Then of course there is the worst Holocaust of all time: the murder of 20 million white Russians by the Talmudic- led Bolsheviks, of which there is no controversy of evidence . .


Indeed, the murder of millions whites (Russians) is THE Biggest Genocide on the planet, but we are not allowed to talk about it in public.

Ariel Cohen

I still talk about it in public . .


And you should… what happened there shows how utter Demonic Humans can be……

Ariel Cohen

There is . . and they will. .


I’m with the Russians….no more Gulags…let there be peace…..my Brother…


I sincerely hope so. Can you talk about it in CNN, New York Times or Washington Post?


I am with you…. People like him already killed 2/3 of the Earth land’s surface and it’s inhabitants…. no respect…. just Greed! They destroyed everything in the name of God to have an excuse….There will come a day they’ll have to pay for their crimes….. and them shouldn’t start whining….he’s talking shit about dividing all the land between the “Mother Races”. If it’s up to me these people leave Earth soon…..before they kill the remaining 1/3

Langaniso Mhlobo

NATO false white prophet.Missionary white manslauters.Thinking with useless white skin.All the white countries are NATO members.


https://img.fireden.net/co/image/1517/86/1517860986837.png Found a picture of the creature.

Langaniso Mhlobo

White man started to rule and have implemented racism which still exist up to now.White are also very good in other options but their chronic permanent disease is racism you can’t separate them from that cancer.


The demise of white-supremacy… along with all other forms of ethno-supremacy is something to celebrate. Why do you mourn its dying out? Are you a racist maybe?

Langaniso Mhlobo

Don’t try to comment if you don’t understand.Go and read my comment again.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Racist is advocating or justifying the dying of diversity. Anti-racist protect each and every different race there is. Cause I think they are all uniquely beautiful.


Virtually all white-supremacist groups are controlled opposition run by the zionist scum. Even the black-supremacist groups were run by the zionists. It is their way to set us against each other. If we are stupid enough to fall for it, they win. You see, zionists are white and wealthy when they want some admiration, and they are genocide survivors and oppressed minority when they need to play the victim card. Then they play all against each other. It is pathetic really, but so far it has worked, because people even here seem to buy into it.


It is at least as ancient a practice as the Roman imperial playbook… divide and rule. But yeah, I agree that the Zionist crime syndicate is involved in a whole lot of this kind of fault line creating activity. For the ruling class, the more fault lines that exist amongst the ruled, the easier it is to control each small tribal group… and to contain and misdirect popular anger and rage.


Stupid racists. Who do you think has destroyed this planet…genius.


Abrahamic religions and americans mix-race terrorists.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Multi-racial societies have destroyed this planet. From multi-racial Babel to… multi-racial Babylon to… multi-racial Persia to… multi-racial Greece to… multi-racial Africa to… multi-racial UK to… multi-racial France to… multi-racial USSA and on and on… http://histruthmyvoice.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Untitled-design-1-1-e1453572632290.png


hi soros.you still around?


Looking at your list, we are all multi-racial, welcome aboard !


@serious: you are, as is manifest by what you say above, a racist bigot. There is a deep spiritual ugliness in what you said. It deserves to be repudiated.


What is ugly is what your shit hole mix race country is doing to defendless people.

I have never understood why Americans always like to give moral advices while doing more evil things on Earth !!!

First, take back all your terrorist soldiers from the planets and go back to your shit hole country and invite the whole planet in a massive orgy !!!


@serious: You are mistaken, I am not giving you moral advice, you are far beyond being able to benefit from any friendly advise. I am telling you to fuck off and die you racist piece of shit. If you ever actually physically threatened any member of my extended and varied family I would have no moral qualms in personally dispatching you to hell.


Of course, you give me moral advices. So, before giving me moral advices and death threats, you better take back your terrorist soliders dispatch all over the planet that create hell to defendless people.

But, I know that how limited americans are when it’s about talking their genocide mind. Americans can only give moral advices or kill defendless people.


@serious: i don’t give a rats ass about you or your life, but if you ever physically threaten any member of my extended muti-ethnic and multi-racial family I’ll have no moral problem in doing whatever it takes to shut you down.


You are totally mad. XD. Physically threaten ??? XD.

People are so stupid.

I’m a very pacific person. My only default is that I say the truth. And everybody knows that the one who say the truth but always be killed. that’s why we live in a sick society.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Send in 4 cruise missiles snot 4 slanders in all USA Syrian bases.


Like said Golda Meir, ex-prime minister of israel “Miscegenation is worst than holocaust”. That’s why jews are your masters. Because they know what is important and what is not.




Actions speak louder than words. DO. SOMETHING.

ngwuebo monday


Pave Way IV

There is no damn refugee camp at Rukban – it’s an al Qaeda safe zone and hostage center in the middle of the desert. Jordan created it by closing the border near Rukban, stranding thousands of fleeing refugees and head-chopper families on the Syrian side. Al Qaeda moved in and controls the so-called ‘refugee camp’ itself. The population is probably half civilian hostages too weak, sick or poor to leave, or not ‘allowed’ to leave by al Qaeda. The other half of the camp’s population are families of various has-been al Qaeda head-choppers from Jordan and Saudi Arabia (who don’t want them back). That’s why the US is protecting the area – Rukban is a concentration camp and head-chopper recruitment center, not a ‘refugee camp’ in any conventional sense of the term.

The deal CENTCOM makes with head-choppers in the camp: go kill pro-government forces and we’ll make sure nobody kills your family in Rukban. Part of that ‘assurance’ is enabling al Qaeda to hold unrelated civilian hostages in the camp – hostages that have nothing to do with al Qaeda. The US has to prevent Syria or Russia from bussing the hostages out. If the hostages are allowed to leave, then there’s nobody left in the camp but al Qaeda recruits and their families. Syria will destroy it – and then the US will have nothing to offer potential head-choppers and their families.


Well said!


Sergei Viktorovich, when can we expect Russia to put some muscle behind those statements?



Langaniso Mhlobo

USA rule racist white,France ,rule white ,Brittain rules by white racist and all are killing none whites in the name.of NATO my son.


NATO is a problem, but so are the salafists that come from Saudi, Tunisia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, and many other countries and cultures to kill arabs, kurds iraqis, turkmen, druze etc. It is not race we are talking about here. What you call white militaries are used by the bankers only because they are the most efficient and capable at the moment. Saudis use sudanese and South American mercenaries in Yemen as agents of chaos. Anyone cheap enough, destructive enough or stupid enough can be used. All wars are bankers’ wars. All of them.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Thank you.

Manuel Flores Escobar

I wrote here many times..Al Tanf is a terrorist nest!..Russia should destroy that base…1º sending a messege to Qatar coalition center…2º cruise missile or Iskander…3º Blame to Deir Ezzor military council ( trained in Al Tanf) of the death of Russian citizens (PMC) as well as Russian pilot shot down with Manpads surely belong to a FSA terrorist trained there!


How exactly are they going to get them to leave though? If they want to stay then they are going to….regardless of who wants them out.


Yes, the same as in many countries around the world. The US Forces are there, not because the locals want them, but because the locals can’t force them to leave. We’ll see what happens in Syria.

Johannes Steiger

Überall weltweit, wo es Tod und Zerstörung gibt, haben die US-Militärs oder ihre Handlanger die Hände im Spiel, und ganz zufällig macht man damit noch ein Bomben-Geschäft in Dollar oder Shekel. Wer bietet dem Terror von USA und NATO endlich die Stirn?


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Again and again you see the guest allies are doing the talking while the owner of the land is dead silent like a mouse …. Assad

Surely he should be one shouting as he is the leader of Syria, not Russia nor iran.


This will have to wait after Assad has defeated all those terrorists .. then the big battle comes maybe even Israel will join in …. just read their general’s comments war like after Assad has vanguished the militants.

Meanwhile do not expect the US to do so peacefully .. never their nature to bow down to Russians… or Iran . Cannot lose face.

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