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US Navy Deploys Warship With New Anti-Ship Missile To China’s Backyard

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US Navy Deploys Warship With New Anti-Ship Missile To China’s Backyard

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On September 6th, the US Navy deployed its second littoral combat ship (LCS) – the USS Gabrielle Giffords to the Western Pacific not far from China.

The USS Gabrielle Giffords joined another LCS the USS Montgomery, which is deployed to WESTPAC since June, 2019. It is located in the Gulf of Thailand, as per the Navy website.

US Navy Deploys Warship With New Anti-Ship Missile To China’s Backyard

Launch of USS Gabrielle Giffords LCS. Click to see full-size image.

The LCS USS Gabrielle Giffords is equipped with a new US “ship-killer” missile – the Naval Strike Missile and a newly-approved for missions MQ-8C Fire Scout unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Pacific Fleet spokesman Capt. John Gay confirmed Giffords’ deployment, saying that the ship departed San Diego towards the Western Pacific on September 3rd.

The US Navy appears to be attempting to make the LCS mainstream, and not simply a limited-capability vessel with mission package development delays.

“LCS is mainstreamed. It equals the ability to deploy of our DDGs,” Vice Adm. Richard Brown told USNI News.

In just a few years, he explained, the Navy will have 66 LCS crews to support 38 LCS hulls in their deployments, training and testing activities. This compares to 68 destroyer crews as of September 2019. The LCS has a much smaller crew than a destroyer, and it has much higher operational capability.

According to an anonymous source, cited by Defense News, the LCS Gabrielle Giffords was specifically deployed to the Indo-Pacific theater, without providing any further details.

When equipped with Raytheon/Kongsberg-made Naval Strike Missile and the MQ-8C Fire Scout for surveillance, the ship can hit a target at approximately 100 miles, about 30 miles further than the published range of the current anti-ship missile, the Harpoon.

The deployment is potentially and very likely the latest sign that the US is attempting to increase pressure on China, not only through the trade war, but by pressure in and around the South China Sea as well.

The Navy also signaled its intention to deploy many more LCS to the Pacific.

In an August 2018 interview, Navy Surface Warfare boss Adm. Richard Brown told Defense News that once the deployments started, they weren’t going to stop.

“We are on track with the 2016 [chief of naval operations] review of the LCS … and I think we will see the first deployments next year and then happening continuously after that,” Brown said.

Currently the US Navy has 19 LCS, with the most recent one being delivered in June 2019, the USS Indianapolis. In 2018, for the FY 2019, the US Congress approved the purchase of 3 more LCS than the Navy requested, but at the same time it reduced funding for the critical sensors that actually make them valuable.

Another US Navy official praised the LCS progress, Program Executive Officer for Unmanned and Small Combatants Rear Adm. Casey Moton said that the ships were ready for actual missions and not simply training.

“We were in a stage of just a few ships, pretty intense focus … on an individual ship deploying to an individual spot,” Moton said of the status of the LCS program.

“And so I come back, and things have progressed. We are 19 ships delivered; four this year, I think, two or three left to go. A big change there. … We are now firmly into executing the LCS plan, the fleet plan, in terms of both the ships getting out there in their (training and deployment) cycles, getting the crews certified. … It’s in a different mode. The ships are out there; we are now putting them to good use and doing what we always hoped.”

Whether this sort of pressure against China would prove effective remains questionable.

It should be noted that the trade war is still on-going with the threat of severe escalation. On September 8th it was reported that Chinese exports to the US in August fell sharply, as a result of Trump’s threat of escalation. The “sharp fall” overall is 1% less compared to August 2018, with the biggest reduction being for June 2019, compared to June 2018 – 1.3%.

For US specifically, China’s August exports to the United States fell 16% year-on-year, slowing sharply from a decline of 6.5% in July. Imports from America were down 22.4%.

On September 1st, Washington imposed 15% tariffs on $112 billion of Chinese goods. These tariffs were announced by US President Donald Trump in August. Currently, more than two-thirds of the consumer goods the United States imports from China now face higher taxes.


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Tiresia Branding

floating football stadium!? :-O US desperately want China attack them before Wall Street machine crash


I know the ship (LCS) might look like a joke, but still good target for training.

Tiresia Branding



Good news as far as commercial ships in area where these Little Crappy Ships (as US navy personnel call them) will be stationed are concerned:

The vessel’s hull and superstructure is made of Aluminum with little to no armour and their engines repeatedly fail, therefore minimal damage to ships which these will collide into. …and they WILL collide. they always do!

Tiresia Branding

and aluminium burn very very well https://youtu.be/58xPnztU4Cc


See? The ship successfully destroyed the evil missile, with it’s face! Naturally, there was no causalities. Saudis and Emiratis are immortals.

Tiresia Branding

like IDF dummies… ahahahah


Where are the attendant tugs that they have to have immediately available? Or, maybe a extra engine or two? How else are they supposed to travel from one spot to another?…or have they ‘fixed’ the myriad of issues with these turds? Hopefully they did a better job with these, than they did with the F-35…where they just downgraded the major issues down to minor. See?…’all fixed’.


The anti-ship missile range is not very impressive for ‘new’ missiles.

Jozef Mak

will the LCS be banging into merchant vessels without apparent reason?

Toronto Tonto

Far better than anything from the east .

cechas vodobenikov

more evidence that the flailing impotent empire is near collapse—the nation of shallow automatons now relegated to sex w cell phones, morbid obesity and a diet of marijuana, donuts and culture less TV and bad organized sound

Zionism = EVIL

Americunt warmongers are dead broke and bankrupt. Even a Wall Street Jew report stated that their deadbeat economy is 2000% GDP-dept ratio and even makes Greece and Italy sound prosperous.

Real US debt levels could be 2,000% of economy, a Wall Street report suggests Key Points Total U.S. debt including all forms of government, state, local, financial and entitlement liabilities comes close to 2,000% of GDP, according to AB Bernstein. The biggest potential load comes from entitlements, but is being pressured from rising levels of federal government debt as well. The warnings about potential debt hazards come as the total federal debt outstanding has surged to $22.5 trillion. A debt reform advocate says now is the time for the U.S. to tackle the issue, before recession hits. The cost of US wars since 2001 have now exceeded $14 trillion and have become a severe strain on a weakening economy headed into a recessio, trade wars with China and Europe and rising unemployment.

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