U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Weston A. Mohr
The US Nimitz Carrier Strike Group has started carrying out airstrikes on ISIS targets in Syria and Iraq from the Persian Gulf, the US Navy said in a press release on Monday.
“The first aircraft launched from USS Nimitz (CVN 68) was an F/A-18E Super Hornet assigned to the “Argonauts” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 147. Accompanying Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 11 squadrons, part of that first flight include the “Black Knights” of VFA-154, the “Blue Diamonds” of VFA-146, the “Death Rattlers” of Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 323, and the “Bluetails” of Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron (VAW) 121.
“For the Nimitz Strike Group, today is game day,” said Rear Adm. Bill Byrne, commander of CSG-11. “When you hear the roar of the jets today it is for real. It’s game on. Our pilots and aircrew are demonstrating our continued commitment to this region and all of our partner nations.”
Byrne credited the entire crew for the first successful flight operations, and he let them know how important they all are to the operation’s success.
“While it is the aircrews that will be on the very pointy end of our spear, the contribution of everyone is equally important to making this happen,” said Byrne. “Every member of the crew has done their part to ensure we are ready to fight today.”
Other aircraft from CVW-11 embarked on the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) also conducted the flight operations. This included the “Gray Wolves” of Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 142, the “Eightballers” of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 8, the “Wolfpack” of Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 75, and the “Providers” of Fleet Logistics Support Squadron (VRC) 30,” the press release reads.
The press release addeds that the carrier strike group is also “conducting maritime security operations to reassure allies and partners, preserve freedom of navigation, and maintain the free flow of commerce.” In other words, one of the key tasks of the US Nimitz Carrier Strike Group is to project the US military power in the Middle East.
How can you bomb your own soldiers? Sick.
Disposable pawns. Kurds are going to be next.
The US desperate move Go home to the US
US trying to become relevant in Syria, after supporting ISiS, now they bomb them.
Jesus “…US trying to become relevant in Syria…”
Not at all.
The US is taking control of areas of Syria which are no go zones for the Syrian Military.
US does not have significant boots on the ground, Kurds are unreliable if Turkey flexes its muscles; US is playing the same game it has played for years….using proxies trying to achieve some objectives. Their treasury would bleed badly if they intervened directly, US is getting cost conscious…..you know the saying ….you get what you pay for.
Jesus The “Terror Axis” is financed by Saudi, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain, etc.
On its own, Syria is no match for the No costs spared Israeli controlled, US led “Terror Axis” countries along with their Terrorists, trained, armed, financed and fully supplied with logistics so they can again set about destroying Syria.
The Syrian Military is not able to enter these zones which have been allowed by Putin – Russia:
US Jordan Al Tanf bulge which has a straight road to Damascus US Jordan Deraa bulge to Damascus US Turk controlled Idlib bulge to Aleppo US controlled Raqqa bulge to Palmyra Israel control of Golan bulge to Damascus Etc.
The problem is you fail to realize the US is funding this and still continues to train Islamic foreign “rebels”, and are being bled dry with this folly. The US neither has the support or the ability to sustain any long action against Syria. Syrian Military can enter these zones something you don’t realize as part of an inspection team. The Southwest seems like it is breaking the ceasefire and will be given notice to disarm now and the US will be forced to disarm their and its allies proxies. What will you have to say then about the situation.
Terra Cotta Woolpuller “…the US is funding this and still continues to train Islamic foreign “rebels”, and are being bled dry…”
The part you missed out is:
The “Terror Axis” in Syria is financed by Saudi, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain, etc.
They never stopped and quit listening to MSM they are never quite honest in presenting the truth to the public, they polish a turd and call it truth.
Terra Cotta Woolpuller
The Terror Axis countries will continue financing the war in Syria until their aims are achieved.
Afghanistan is a classic example, war is running for 15 years now.
Like Southern Syrian Border with Iraq? NOPE! Wrong! Syria has 133km with Iraq they have re-taken! Half of border with Jordan! “The US is taking control of areas of Syria”??? More like “The US is TRYING to but failing” You always seem to get it wrong! Why?
Justin Ryan US Jordan Al Tanf bulge which has a straight road to Damascus US Jordan Deraa bulge to Damascus US Turk controlled Idlib bulge to Aleppo US controlled Raqqa bulge to Palmyra Israel control of Golan bulge to Damascus Etc.
The US is losing face and ground anything they do will be handed over to the Syrian Govt , since they are making the advances and not the SDF/YPG which skulks and sulks in behind as town guards. The real hard truth which many don’t know or even care to know about. The Turks practice invasions of Northern Syria and haven’t been reprimanded yet by the US. The US secretly is backing the PKK to stage a coup in Turkey something Erdogan has suspicions about as the US was the originator of the first attempt.
Terra Cotta Woolpuller
This war is far from over. Syria apart from so many deaths and injuries is also economically destroyed.
Raqqa and Al Taqba: US SDF will handover Raqqa and Al Taqba to the Syrian Military is very very doubtful because US wants control over the route from Iran, Iraq, into Syria.
Northern Syria: The US and Turkey control Idlib bulge which is bristling with over 100,000 Terrorists fully armed, trained, paid regularly
The Idlib bulge can breakout very easily and overwhelm not just Northern Syria, Aleppo but also Palmyra.
Turkey Coup by PKK: Fake news.
Regards to the SDF and US giving them those regions and the rest is very likely, since there is the chance of an outcry among the Arab population the region which is the majority of the SDF army which would cause an international incident.The only problem with Turkey helping is there proxy in Idlib is fighting the US proxy HTS .
Turkey is probing in the regions in northern Syria not around Idlib as you seem to think actually from their side of the border.The Bulge will remain that until the SAA finishes with ISIS, HTS won’t be able to cause much problems since they were sent there for a reason without any big guns.
You need to take the training wheels off and learn more than some call of duty nonsense on war. The PKK has been attempting coups since the past century in the region.
Terra Cotta Woolpuller Disagree with your points. Time will be the judge.
Like i said, they are trying to but failing! All are getting smaller except raqqa!
Justin Ryan “…All are getting smaller except raqqa!…”
Though you are hallucinating fortunately you admitted US control over Raqqa is increasing.
Now think about: US Turk controlled Idlib bulge to Aleppo Israel control of Golan bulge to Damascus
There are not any “no-go zones for the Syrian Military” within Syria , As a sovereign nation , Syria will remind the US its sovereignty is in America , not Syria .
Ronald US Jordan Al Tanf bulge which has a straight road to Damascus US Jordan Deraa bulge to Damascus US Turk controlled Idlib bulge to Aleppo US controlled Raqqa bulge to Palmyra Israel control of Golan bulge to Damascus Etc.
Al Tanf , FSA has had funding cut and are withering
Jordan Deraa , the FSA had their wipping from the Druze along the border .
Idlib is Al Qaeda ( US moderate rebels ) who will soon be shown the north gate
Raqqa bulge to Palmyra ?
Golan Heights is a C / H zone controlled by Russian police . All this attempted American presence , is poor strategy , Syria is Russia’s ally , not America’s . They have absolutely no legitimate reason to be in the country .
Ronald Whilst you may be a self appointed Internet Military General with many self awarded Bravery Medals always arguing the opposite of the reality in Syria.
Since you paint a false picture of reality, please advise when approximately, the year e.g. 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, etc the Syrian military will have control over the following area:
1. Al Tanf 2. Deraa 3. Idlib 4. Raqqa 5. Deir Ez Zor 6. Aleppo region 7. Homs region 8. Palmyra area 9. Hama region 10. Damascus area 11. Golan
Very much so , they are unwelcome there , as in Iraq by the population , the PMU declares they will kick them out in the not too distant future. They invent a pretext each time to project their power, that’s all there is to the claim that ”the game is now on”. So they admit that they were not serious up to now in their ”campaign against ISIS” ?? Whereby it has come to light that they emptied their bomb-load in the desert , instead of on top of ISIS troops ??? Another wild goose chase to preoccupy the US MSM screens , to show purpose and confidence , while the US economy and infrastructure crumbles , and goals in foreign policy are absent.
The worry now is that the US pilots will ‘miss’ the ISIS targets again and hit the SAA and allied forces.
FlorianGeyer Your worry is over.
Who says so?
80,000+++ Air Bombing – Air Strikes says so by the Israeli controlled, US led “Terror Axis” in Syria.
Your point being ?
FlorianGeyer The US led “Terror Axis” after 80,000+++ Air Bombing – Air Strikes have missed IS Terrorists and have instead attacked and killed Syrian civilians, Syrian military and Syrian infrastructure.
The US led “Terror Axis” continues to do it because Syria is defenseless.
Yay, we agree xxx.
Yes if I were the Tigers or Guards in Deir Ezzor id be keeping my eyes on the sky for strange uninvited aircraft lurking around.
80,000+++ Air Bombing – Air Strikes by the Israeli controlled US led “Terror Axis” countries in Syria. (The actual Sorties figure may be higher)
ISIS still remains in place whilst Syrian Civilians are killed and Infrastructure is bombed, Syrian Military is attacked and Syrian Air Force Jet is shot down.
Makes you proud to be an American .
I wonder if these aircraft may one day be bombing Tel Aviv and Neo-Cohen positions in Washington, lets hope the world starts becoming a better place soon.
Ronald I’m not an American, also have nothing to do with the USA.
The part you miss , is many Americans don’t agree with your thoughts on Syria . After 16 years the Americans left Vietnam in total defeat , they are not keen to repeat that . They have been in Syria just over a year , and they can see this is not going their way , it is Russia’s ally , not theirs .
Ronald “…The part you miss , is many Americans don’t agree with your thoughts on Syria…”
The part you missed out is majority of Americans have no interest in Syria or war mongering.
The people who are interested in Syria are predominantly Khazar people and their “Sayanims”, slaves interested in regime change, war mongering, conflicts and creating chaos in Syria.
The Anti – Isreal Sanctions Law , is over the line . Happy BDS
oh im sure daesh was totally surprised by this and was not expecting this at all….lmao
The US is a pointless country. It screws up or destroys everything it touches. Its own economy is in terminal decline through greed and corruption.
So thats how 40 saa got killed the other day >_>
F*CK OFF yankees…. since WHEN have you done anything other than bomb hospitals?
You have FAILED everywhere you take your “made in china” boots…
Hey watch out !! Don´t trust Americans they can bomb SAA ( by mistake ) as they did before in Deir ez zor !!! Those people are treacherous and liars !!