Carlos Barria/Reuters
NBC news reports that Washington has no further developed plans in Syria beyond capturing Raqqa, considered to be an ISIS de-facto capital.
On October 17, Raqqa was captured the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces. US President’s Administration provided no comment regarding its further plans in Syria.
The US is clear on one thing though — they don’t want eastern Syria to get under control of Damascus or Tehran. The matter Washington can not come to an agreement on is who should be in control of Syria.
Trump’s Administration in general does not consider Syria’s legitimate President Bashar al-Assad to be a suitable candidate. The other people in the US top brass see al-Assad as the only man capable of stopping Syria from becoming a metaphorical “black hole engulfing much of the region”.
Growing tensions between the US and Turkey with Russia’s and Iran’s increasing presence in the region may become detrimental to stabilising the region following the liberation of Raqqa.
“The more you come close to defeating ISIS in Raqqa and elsewhere, the more it exposes the fact that we don’t have any clear strategy for Iraq and Syria or for dealing with Turkey or the growing Russian influence in the region,” Anthony H. Cordesman, a military strategy consultant with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said. “We may be on the edge of destroying the physical caliphate, but the problems that remain are great indeed.”
WTF. When I read the headline I was popping the champagne. The best thing Washington can do is just sit tight and do nothing and not mess things up. Now they are trying to figure out how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? Brain dead morons.
Yes, next has many players and much depends on them.
This wasn’t the way it was meant to turn out! They created and funded isis and were supposed to oust Assad, put in a new govt and use the isis threat for the formation of a Kurdish state! This Kurdish state would really be an Israeli state from which operations could be used against Iran by destabilising its Kurdish regions!
Oops! Things went wrong!
Seems Iran can now CONTAIN Israel with mobile ballistic missiles and anti air weapons!
Russia can sit and be the sheep dog also with its own similar yet more advanced weapons!
This would put Israel (little America) in big shit! Deals will be made and I’m sure the aggression towards Russia will stop and those pesky missile batteries in Eastern Europe will be removed!
The Americans and the Israeli’s were about to go “Check” but the Russians moved in and said “Check MATE”!
Nice work by the Russian’s! And also well done to the Syrians and the Iraqi’s! Kurds can go fuck themselves for teaming up with the people who sold chemical weapons to Saddam and used it against them! They can also fuck themselves for doing the “dirty work” for the Ottomans against the Armenians (genocide) all to be granted land! This is the same shit but a different time! So fuck the Kurds, they don’t deserve it!
A most interesting comment. I did not know the Kurds were part of the Armenian slaughter.
Oh yes, they did the wirst crimes so they coukd get land! Funny thing is that they lived in peace and harmoney with armenian christians until the opportunity was given to them to fight for land! This genocide was far more horriffic than any other! The pictures online portray this! The kurds will team up with their oppressors and attack their friends! Proven time again throughout history!
So basically the U.S is throwing away its SDF puppet.
not so hurry
As usual
You really are not advanced at all supposing that says US are throwing SDF away.
I allow me to see it as USA now are a helper in 20% of Syria helping 20% of the inhabitants by protcting them by their bases.
From there its difficult to make any planes, because those are depended by acting by others incl. Assad has planes to take the SDF possition and not accept a kind of federasy.
So no planes = Not yet.
And after all Assds until ÍSIS came out of hand was enemy nr 1. So they are now nr 1 again, but might be reduced by other methods.
Thats how I read it. And I dont take Trump for anything in that.
The US does have a plan for Syria. The plan is to break up the country using the Kurds to grab land, oil and to keep the Syrian people from restoring their country. That plan has never changed regardless of what’s voiced publicly. Want some evidence? Watch those US bases in the region continue to grow and develop.
And the oil come out by ballons, improved internet or by barrels down Eufrat?
US and we came because ISIS came out of hand. And kurds by that became important because they were reliable and 400.000 of them were either killed or extra refughees in Turkey or here.
Forget that oil and gas. Its very fine for local Syria itself and for some income to the lowproductive system You have.
The oil mainly Damaskus taking it all and would like to go back to that fine “for free” it was before ISIS took it. Now they assume that SDF`s are thieved like themselves.
Trash.you came because you wanted to be close to your proxies -ISIS and moderate so called headchoppers- to drink coffee with them and piss together against the walls!
are they really as stupid as they seem?
The deception…. “Isis’ de facto capital”? American-Stupid.
Probably true. At most US plans have been ad hoc since fall of Berlin Wall & collapse of USSR. There may be competing short ten strategies among different elements of government and policy makers; but nothing coherent and long term.
You are correct. And there are many reasons for this. One being that the U.S. as a country is much too young to fully understand the peoples of the rest of the world. Another: the American people are extremely isolationist; the founders didn’t want the newly founded “states” to act just as the warring states of Europe did. Another is the “Wilson Fallacy”, that the American people believe American style democracy can fit any people, any where. I read in an introduction to Tocqueville’s “Democracy in America” that reading Tocqueville would help make democracy safe for the world. There are many many other reasons, and yes, one being Americans are short term tacticians, not long term strategists.
Well said Kira.
Thanks, Florian. You seem to be on my side quite a bit. Are you American?
I am not Kira. I am heartened though that an increasing number of Americans are now seeking out the reality of international affairs and not accepting the fantasy that is promoted by the US Deep State.
You really show well how people understand each other well in the rest of the world.
I THINK that’s a compliment, Jens.
Abu Ghraib was not representative of the American military.
Who says?
I do.
And you would know because?
Because I am wise, good looking, and have seen the U.S. Army from the inside.
Well that is good news. It makes me happy that there are still some good soldiers in u’merikka and not all are duped by the Establishment types.
The Cold War was a righteous endeavor but the moral clarity of that time has evaporated. Now our troops have been given missions that vindicate no U.S. interest and further only the advancement of the Saudi and Israeli governments. In the Balkans we succeeded only in turning over Kosovo to the putrid KLA. Yay. The aggressive, unconstitutional war against the sovereign state of Syria is a particularly dishonest and unclean venture. The officer who ordered the attack on the SAA near Deir ez-Zor and all those who helped him conceal his decision are reprehensible, as are those who help to propagate the lie that Assad uses chemical weapons. A lot of good people are risking their lives in Afghanistan for reasons that rise no higher than “because.”
I never gave much thought to the “Establishment” but now I do. The political elite are not interested in what the people want and elections are horribly infected and distorted by a dishonest media and the millions of dollars of a tiny minority. Once the moral clarity of the Cold War was lost the Establishment, the true rotten core, was left to operate freely, even taking advantage of the good will that citizens felt before. It thoroughly disgusts me now.
Individuals can and do make bad moral choices in any organization. For the most part, that is to say, overwhelmingly American troops are decent. I have also read stories of amazing kindness and courage on the part of German and Soviet troops during WWII and British and American savagery. So I try to take things on a case-by-case basis.
Very well said and mirroring my thoughts.
Thank you.
So since it wasn’t “representative’ those military personnel and their superiors should not be prosecuted before a world court? Is that your belief?
Do you suppose this could mean the U.S. is getting out of Syria?
“we don’t have any clear strategy for Iraq and Syria or for dealing with Turkey or the growing Russian influence in the region”
How did they forget to mention Iran, while 24/7 they whine about Iran’s influence in the region? I’d say one of two possibilities: 1- Downplaying it to say it’s not important or minuscule. 2- They just lost all hope on containing Iran’s influence, so no need the open the wound by remembering it.
They probably go to announce Raqqa as a sort of capital to a temporary made-up entity for PKK (Syrian Kurds), the same plan they had with Aleppo. But unlike Aleppo, Raqqa doesn’t have the potential to become a capital. But again, they’re American politicians, which means they’re not very bright.
They never forget about Iran, they are the ‘axis’ in the axis of evil :-) …
“They don’t want eastern Syria to get under control of Damascus or Tehran.”
Oops! My bad! I didn’t think they count Tehran as a domestic force in Syria, expected to see Iran’s name among foreign countries!
since when?
Its not about Iran. Assads was enemy nr 1 and will be that again as nr 1 in a lower level.
US and we came to Syria because of ISIS came to us. Else we would never be there with or without Iran and Syria by military engagement.
Islam came to the West by invitation of the elite morons and traitors but not ISIS, which has been a Middle East sideshow until now. It never would have prospered without Saudi, U.S., Danish, German, French, British, Turkish, and Israeli support. The U.S. was happy to kill 400,000 civilians or see them killed so that Israel could destroy a neighboring government, create chaos and suffering, and frustrate Iran’s desire to create the, ha ha, Shia Crescent. (Contrast the SC with the giant U.S. blanket everywhere except on the moon. SC — bad, bad, bad. U.S. bases everywhere under the sun — good, good, good.)
For them not to have any clear strategy is nothing new. Sowing chaos is probably their only strategy.
Its a tactic I think Garga. Strategies are way above US Military thought processes :) Chaos is just the world in which they live. The American Dream.
US is not chaos. Its also the biggest power and BNP in the world.
You might understand USA much better, if You studiet Your computer.
Gates made it fast by making the harddisk random knowing it would be inaccurate. Therefore its build in with automatic correctiontools, which take most of the mistakes. But You also have to have own extra improvements such as defragmentations and cleaning it more by removing old stuff.
Those parts as well as all others are divided into smaller parts until You understand them and therefore also handle them. You therefor dont have to get the whole picture all the time. You as a dot do Your part and people doing the other parts for You and trust You as long as they get their products and services.
So You decide Yourself decentralised, but above You, You have people and jobs, which are to remain the whole picture and improve it.
Its trust paid pr hour. If You make shit incl lazy, You are paids less, has to be in a less important funcktion or even down to have no function being out of job.
I might know Your chaos even You seemes to be some advanced. Many comming here as new ones especially muslim ones not even know all our jobs by their name. therefore they not even has any language for it and at east first generation has to have a memorustick implanted for it.
Their brain are full which jobs and conditions we never had or had 50 years ago, so there is no space for it. Not their fault, but we cant use them, becasuse our own lowbrainers with their hard limitations are better by birth in those matters.
After writing in english for the first time witin 40 years I now clearly see other differences.
The perfect English from an arab is perfect according to the less advanced world. So its not perfect english according to the “real english and american”.
My english is worse and better by that. I have the advanced english in my head/brain because my language danish is much more semilar to english even almost only as advanced.
So my english cover english better – BUT my english as such(grammer and spelling particulary) is much lower.
We see it very well in our education system. More girls actually get a higher education then they boys and are doing fine for the low level of the high grade jobs. They are that because they are learned to copy well, listen and obey incl. muslims boys to often listen to females incl teachers.
But by that, those women get well into having a job and learn the next generation the “advanaced” english. Those first generations are mainly not well as leaders but often very well as the good number 2.
Its hard work to understand us. Most also dont trust police, courts and many are being used to fysical and psyco control and punishment being mainly dysfunctional in too many matters.
Im quite negative, but we have had incommers staying from around 1970, so we can study well, what they get here getting much help to be integrated as well as assimilated.
I would say that today 50% are doin fine. We dont understand why the rest is here at all exept the ones which prefare not to be killed, where they come from.
I actually appreciate your English posts here Jens ,even though I take issue with many of them. Your grammatical errors are quite understandable as English is not your native tongue and is indeed 100% better than my Danish :)
Mass migration to Europe and beyond, from nations that have been all but destroyed by greed and avarice is causing much unrest. To a great extent this is caused by Western wars and Western terrorist proxy wars in poor and resource rich countries , many , if not all with any legal foundation.
Europe is now reaping the ‘rewards’ of the destruction, complete destruction in many cases ,of towns and villages in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Such destroyed homelands will of course be a breeding ground for hatred . That hatred will and is being harnessed by criminal warlords who seek power and wealth. The results of such hatred that the West has been complicit in nurturing for the profit of the ‘0.01%’ are now evident on the streets of the US and Europe.
Do You see whats next and next. I dont.
But I do see USA now has influence by bases in the SDF zone from where Assads are reduced some and many players can take many new steps good and bad for them as well as for others.
I think they have seen chaos isnt working. So next step if possible would be to reduce Assads by more structure for it.
We will see.
Well, the US invaded Iraq with no clear strategy either. Other then hope that somehow by sheer magic a Western democracy would emerge out of thin air. In that sense there’s nothing new here under the sun.
The best we can call them is “The Naif”.
Very fiúnny. take this for your garbage room: To many in sects.
The Kurds have always been little pets and not a credible entity by the US and Israel as they are easily controlled goyim or Golem. They’re full of different factions and sects just no possible way to make them viable as they have quickly learned in Iraq.
Well, actually they did it twice. Nr one was because Saddam took Kuwait.
Nr 2 was that very naive, that removing Saddam and his cards would make somr chaos and improvements. That was done in the most non expensive way. They knew that.
But their optimism telling there after chaos would come something better was out of order. They get some kinds of hard advises as when Hitler invaded Russia by Barbarossa.
And the result became kind of semilar. Many deads and more like a continuing destruction.
It would be nice if someone and not only USA learned by that.
And imagine all the money that would need to be pumped in to rebuild the city. The U.S would rather spend money making weapons to destroy more cities.
As usual You ignore whats going on. USA is actually the biggest contributor to all kinds of help in the world.
You might study some economics about it. Also UN is paid by mainly rich contries their economic level and based on own inhabitants.
Most of the private help organisations of the big kind are based one USA fund raising as well.
But in Your belowed Syria most help is maked as private donations from Assads being poor as a rat in a poor mosque and the many refugees in side the uprise borders didnt get a thing.
Thats how Your hypoworld is. Propagadized facts is less realiable then the ones by fx USA. EU also give hands.
But after all, we also has made all the war with and among muslims all over the world. Probatly Jews invented Islam to keep You down and their safebelt was teliing Muhammed in the deep night about ecomics to keep it low.
Seemes You forget Raqqa Counsil not even might be a part of the hoped federation. You also seemes to forget that Raqqa actual has been regional Capitol in the Ottomans and its even yellow as their Rojava flag(even they might improve by have a “Northern Syrian Federasy” flag. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/70303aa4641b668ea862bda2169c2a52311e2e02afde2e39cea00cf835643c0d.jpg
Raqqa region include some smaller part of the artificial country of Iraq as well.
And You do forget, that Counsels decentralised very much hardly need a big important Capitol. Many Countries and Autonomes dont have their Capitol as their most important city or in the middle.
Thank you for posting the beautiful historical Colton map, 1855, naturally still applicable in 2017!
I guess we’ll have to wait and see. If you think you need to insult us, that’s perfectly fine. I understand somewhere is hurt very, very, badly. If it helps you to calm, by all means be my guest.
hey garga, did you see kirkuk on that map? :)))) it lies within……?
I don’t see Israel on that map. XD
Washington doesn’t know what it is doing in Syria.
This is not news.
Does (((Washington))) know what it’s doing anywhere on the planet? The kikes’ only solution to any problem they face is to kill or destroy it. Their genocidal Talmudic Satanic minds literally can’t think of any other method of dealing with any issue.
Thats the biggest problem.
But the skizzo also is, that If You understand Your own part of it even telling hard, that we dont understand, why the H___ dont You solve it.
If fx Syria is only 1 (or 2) why the H___ do You have 37 silly dirty flags instead of 1(2).
Im sure they know more better then You and most here. More like some here of course thing the region is the most important place for US and the rest of the world.
Its not. Its one of many with all kinds of conflicts and more and more I think. Why on earth do we and USA go there. They kill each other well without us and shóuld some millions die ny starvations as well its not our problem.
they have. but dont talk about it.
The “…problems that remain…” are Israel and continued US presence in the Middle East.
Said Cordesman: “We may be on the edge of destroying the physical caliphate, but the problems that remain are great indeed.”
America is THE problem, that remains. Get out of Syria, America!!
And by the way, “I” will see you in court. The ICC. Or maybe the ICJ.
Can’t take the US to ICC or ICJ, they made sure that any US citizens can not be prosecuted. Only way to make them pay is to shoot them.
Shooting may be too good for them.
As expected They are only interested in ISIS or Al-Qaeda and they don’t have any other enemies beyond these 2 nor do they fight or invest in fighting anyone else.
The US really disregard all other players except these 2 gentlemen
And they have no idea how to fight them.
Its very difficult and expensive. The best way for all crime is by raising people by involving them instead as the opposit.
But many are like taking people for a crime done and put them in jail. That You can see and count and the price pr prisoner.
Its much more difficult to say, that good school, You have something like like to do and fx equal right in all matters make fx 20% less criminels.
As expected – US lost! And the regime change assh*#es are left with nothing but bad options! HAHAHAHAH. And this is after supplying “moderate” head choppers, providing daesh with intel and materiel, illegally attacking Syrian forces on land and air, setting up illegal military bases on Syrian soil, encouraging and allowing illegal oil sales from stolen wells, and getting the entire “coalition” to cattle-prod insurgents towards Syria from Iraq, creating a conflict that strengthened Hezbollah incredibly, alienated Turkey and Qatar, made Syrian Arab Army a force to be reckoned with, has given Iranian forces valuable experience on land, on drones and missiles, made everyone hate Saudi Arabia, and made everyone aware of the deep connection between ISIS and Israel. Great job well done!
They never wanted ASSAD gone. They just simply wanted to fight ISIS and AQ. Nothing more nothing less
Im immune to that.You could put tulips at the one at Assad and burn my flag. If it made You happy burning my flag, I sould send many.
Immune to losing, or immune to the truth? Because the truth is that all these people said Assad must go! They were never there just for daesh. Assad was always the target – and they failed. Losers.
I agree. I know I watched in horror, as Hillary and Obama chanted their war cry, “Assad must go”. I am happy they lost.
Yes, no invasion against Assads.
Hahahaha. ISIS is started by Assad letting them out from jail to make a structure to fight FSA. When they didnt like him, and AFTER THAT became hard supported by USA, Sauds and Qatars – Assads invited Russians, Iranians and Hesbollah to complete the non-change.
We went into because of the ISIS terror mainly killing muslims by the way. Not because of some second class oil mainly asphalt and sulphur and some gas.
I admit those are very important for a small and relative poor economy, but a hardly dripper to the world market.
I cant see US has lost anything. The purpose for being there at all want Syria but ISIS and there wide spread terror.
Rubbish .jails were emptied by arab govs in middle east on us orders.uncle sam even flew kurd leader of isis out of denmark i think to amman in jordan to set up isis.isis is almost all non -syrian fucks from jails. Denmark is still accessory to usa causing all the trouble.
What should Trump do ?
They will have no other choice but assad: Iraq and turkey will not allow the backstabbing communist kurds to have any place in the syrian future. And in the end, who gives a shit what trump/israel/imc/cia/france/germany have to say… ITS over.
Syria is destroyed, hummm, next country is Iran. Why ? because Israel wants to.
So how comes Israel dont like Iran ?
‘you know nothing john snow’
You must have a very vertical memorylack.
@disqus_4i0qg70fp2:disqus … Because Iran has the biggest Jewish population in Middle East after Israel itself…Iranian Jews are a threat to Israels narrative that only Israel is safe for Jews. No where else in Middle East can a Jew pass thru or buy a property or be a citizen then in Iran. Try going to Saudi Arabia or UAE and live there as a Jew … you will not even make it out of Airport … !!!
Thanks for the heads up Lone Wolf. I bet less than 1 in 100 Americans know that fact. I believe we Americans should leave now and NOT COME BACK unless President Assad invites us.
Israel already has several 100.000 narrative jews fx from Syria, Iraq and Etiopia. What a joke.
I have no idea what you are trying to say … ? Syria don’t have any Jews nor anywhere in ME … except in Iran where they are protected by the Religious decree by Ayatollah Khomeini. They get to have one MP in there national assembly. I do not know what you are trying to say about Ethopia….
Come on US! Declare victory and f*#% off!
The plan is to get out of all of these Jew hegemony wars and to get the Jew problem corrected. Preferably by creating a Jew free future for humanity. Goodbye Israel first, roll on America First.
If some few jews can run so much Your world, ist hardly worth some space in a zoo.
You’re an evil Jew supporter trying to keep the pedophile rape mills going. They rape a thousand babies a week. And you harass the people exposing Jew evil for what it is with your insanity.
Since when is it up to the US who controls Eastern Syria? Problem with believing you are ‘exceptional’ is that it makes you an exceptional asshole. When Syria tells the US to get out it would be in there best interest to go, peacefully.
And You talk the more then 400.000 dead, the 8-10 mio. refugees, SDF, FSA or what.
Your English is atrocious, told you that last year……all points to a troll, who you represent makes no difference…troll is a troll. The garbage coming from you is endless.
Good. I’m glad my tax dollars aren’t further wasted.
finally they understood that their plans are ruined. The game is over in SYria. They have no role to play, their favourite toy ‘the Kurds’ are just meat for Turkeys war machine if it wishes so. They have their media show called ‘liberation of ISIS capital Raqqah by the coalition forces’ …they will feed that to the taxpayers and baack in business…..what part of the world is up for destruction next?
The “problems that remain” are the #$&@%#s and ¥€π£∆s in the U.S. who think they have a God-given right to interfere in the affairs of Syria and other countries. The arrogance is stunning. The world is sick to death of America’s vaunted “leadership.”
I am not surprised.
That is what you get with presidents hesitating to set a policy and ultimately leaving it in the hands of the Pentagon. Clear objectives, no policy.
What this needs is a president with focus and who will set his people to make a clear policy, endorse that and set long term moves in operation.
Will that happen?
Please hand the city over to the legitimate government of Syria.
For fucks sake. One day you want assad in , the next you want him out! Fucking yanks can not make up their mind!