The US official asked NATO to deploy more troops to support the new US strategy in Afghanistan, the Afghan News TV channel Tolo reported on October 7.
Permanent Representative to NATO Kay Bailey Hutchison told reports at a briefing in NATO HQ in Brussels that the US is looking for 1,000 additional troops from NATO to support the additional 300 US troops who are on their way Afghanistan.
Hutchison added that the US have made a “specific” request regarding the type of troops needed in Afghanistan, not just a general request.
“We are going to be much more efficient by asking people for specific expertise areas. So we’re not just saying we want 50 more troops from Denmark, we’re saying we want 50 more troops with technology or capability to fix machines or run tanks,” Hutchison said.
The US request is a part of the US administration new policy in Afghanistan that’s focused on military actions. The US request also comes is the 16th anniversary of US intervention in Afghanistan that can be considered as one of the worst military operations of the US Army so far.
“Don’t sacrifice just any people, we want the elite high-ranking fighters to fight for us in Afghanistan.”
Its high time for the NATO vassals of the USA to tell the Yanks that doubling down on failure is not a strategy that will work.
An other 1000 heroin addicts to send back home .
Looks like they will look to the top countries who train the specialty troops to support this fiasco some of us will be hearing our countries making troop deployment announcements. They will all be saying “yes sir , yes sir, three bags full …..
When we analyse the tactics of the ISIS and US moderate terrorists who were able to infiltrate and attack the Palmyra /Deir Ezzor highway last week it is easy to see the similarity with the UK LRDG ( Long Range Desert Group ) operations in the WW2 Western Desert. Small groups of well trained soldiers ( five or so well armed and fast vehicles with about 25 soldiers) and highly mobile attacks with a well rehearsed order of battle. If such groups are then loosely linked up we have a swarm of such units that are able to join together in coordinated attacks whilst retaining their autonomous organisation. The British SAS who evolved out of the LRDG are experts in this field and funnily enough they were until recently training terrorists in and around Al Tanf.
Yes have noticed a lot of old WW2 tactics but crediting the LDRG groups which came after the establishment of the First SAS Regiment which actually was by Canada and United states in 1942 they were also known as the Devil’s brigade. The first platoon the British made was largely a regular infantry unit to play the role of a commando unit in training with no official training until after 1942 they created the British later and their first mission was a dismal failure they were later sent on another joint mission with LDRG in 1943 and had their first success. The first Regiment aka the Devil’s Brigade went into combat first and had success straight away. The British SAS was born from nations providing 2 companies each ,in 1944 they were all disbanded to form the First Para group for the D-day invasion.
The Norwegians were still training terrorists down there at Al tanf haven’t heard about them leaving think they were flown in by helicopter by Canada.
I was unaware of the Devils Brigade initial formation. Thank you for that knowledge.
How times have changed since WWII. Owing to LGBTQ and diversity quotas, our SAS, are not quite what they used to be.
These values must be spread all over the world to destroy everything normal.
I agree, although the British army is not yet as degraded as that of the USA, the UK armed forces are under immense pressure to adopt regulations that in real combat would likely cause many problems.
They insisted on female submariners, over in the UK, despite all that was said. No problem, female only subs or male only subs. A 12 week deterrent tour and hormones thrown in (same with same sex interests), well it is not rocket science to figure out how things will work out. Anyway, the PC brigade get their way and how long have they been on the Subs, when a deterrent has to pop up out of nowhere, because the CO cannot keep it in his pants? Makes a mockery of the deterrent.
So, we are working hard on it. Crazy and when will common sense return to our shores, or is that an impossible dream?
It an impossible dream I think that could only be changed by a truly catastrophic world event that necessitates a sea change in current political thinking in order to survive in a post disaster world.
As an aside, would it be prudent to install Parking Sensors in all military equipment operated by Females. For Health and Safety reasons naturally ?
Well, if they are expecting the UK to find 1000 troops, they are in for a long wait. We only provide our Forces with P45s, thanks to austerity cuts.
Canada and the Aussies-New Zealanders, France,Germany and all the other small European countries sending small contingents.
Have they got any left? Didn’t Australia withdraw their Forces, when they got caught up in the war crimes over in Syria? Remember, Australia, Denmark, Belgium and UK planes were part of the US coalition that took out the 61 Syrian Forces, in their own nation and injured many more? To give a lending hand to IS IS.
The planes involved were 2 F-16s 2 A10C’, Australia doesn’t fly those in Syria , they have F-18F there,Denmark like Belgium have F16s but not like the ones described. Guess what ,none of these countries fly A10C planes, UK predator was said to be involved these were the ones flying missions. This one was all US on those strike craft the pilots were Israeli as they have a tendency to go out of their AO and you now have your answer who shot down the SU 22 pilot.
That was one of the reasons Canada withdrew from flights over Syria and Iraq they didn’t want their planes being used by the Israelis in a war crime, the US has no problem. The US gave the Israelis special permission to use NATO aircraft.
With regards Israeli pilots, flying NATO planes, thanks and doubt that anybody is surprised. Mossad, Israel Forces, and funny how their Government appear to have a fascination with aviation horrors. Now why does Python and MH17 come to mind?
This article is interesting, owing to Australia stating that one of their aircrafts was involved. However, I do believe they learnt a lesson and pulled them out of Syria, shortly afterwards.
US-Led Strike on Syrian Army Included British, Danish, Australian Jets… http://www.military.com/daily-news/2016/09/19/us-led-strike-syrian-army-british-danish-australian-jets.html
What is strange, is the fact that out of 193 UN nations, there are 12 nations, France Germany Netherlands, Israel, New Zealand, Sweden Switzerland UK, US, Saudi Arabia, Canada Australia as well as the EU that are actually sponsoring the UN-OPCW Joint Investigative Mechanism. Funnily, all those nations, doing the sponsoring, have no desire for peace to come to Syria and lose what they aim to gain.
European Union donates €4.6 million to OPCW Special Missions and the UN-OPCW Joint Investigative Mechanism… https://www.opcw.org/news/article/european-union-donates-EUR23-million-for-opcw-special-missions-2/
What it comes down to with the OPCW with the top country funding it calls the shots and the US,UK,France, Germany Saudi Arabia appointed the people into those positions , the others just went along and provided the ground people who are getting ignored. This group has become about a witch hunt and went off the rails long ago instead of the fact finding mission it was supposed to be. This became an agenda driven tool for the select few to abuse it, time to terminate this travesty in UN diplomacy.
The OPCW has it’s mandate coming up in November and to be honest it should be terminated and look for a better mechanism as this one is a clown show. Why everyone takes this quasi-judicial group with no real mandate serious is beyond me.The sooner this clown car operation is ended the better as they have no clue as to what the fact finding mission was supposed to entail,as the main provocateurs have abused it’s authority.
Fingers crossed. I have enjoyed reading your replies, with interest.
Australia has around 270 declared ADF personnel in Afghanistan and probably about same in Iraq. However, its specialized SAS operations and numbers are not declared. As with NATO, earlier this year the US military formally requested Australia increase ADF numbers in Afghanistan. The RAAF currently operates a contingent in Iraq, but subsequently withdrew from operating with the ‘coalition’ over Syrian airspace after the first US attack on SAA forces at Dier Ezzore.
What do they want in Afghanistan? Bearing in mind the only success was the poppy harvest? How long have NATO been in Afghanistan and why? Crazy, isn’t it and none of us tax payers got a say in any of it.
Australian governments just send contingents where US tells them. Australian politicians think it is just the price of being junior partner in US military alliance. The Australian military leadership itself is awestruck by the US military, and believe that ADF personnel need to be in combined operations to get experience with US military. None of this is up for any sort of political debate in Australia – it is common policy on both sides of two party platform system.
1,000 additional troops from NATO to support the additional 300 US troops
The US decides they want to hang around and provide an additional 300 Forces. Expecting NATO, who will bend over backwards, in their lust for war, to supply another 1000? Now how does that work?
Afghan is not a US failure, its a success.
Increasing the opium from 8000 ha to 226000 ha in 2015, distributing 6000 ton heroine to destroy and criminalise populations in target countries, revenue into black accounts to buy more ISIS mercenaries for more regime changes and hybrid destructing of targeted countries. Obtained permanent military adminstration of Aghanistan which was the goal from the beginning.
And you were hoping and still hope.
The Opium and Heroin market is utterly shit and not profitable at all. Its only worth $1-2-Bil while they are wasting upto $450-500Billion yearly to just remain there.
They have over 20-trillion foreign debt and have used almost $7-8-trillion fighting war on terror.
Which means they are financially about to collapse forget about this cheap Heroin market because what they are wasting is ridiculous and it becomes one dollar given to a guy on the street in comparision
I’m sure all the drug cartels in the world do what they do to achieve “utter shit” and “no profit at all” too.
Even if they earn just $1bn from drugs and waste $500bn, it’s still their benefit because the $500bn was paid by people’s tax and that $1bn is free and black money that can be spend for anything they want, away from any control.
More death to Afghanistan citizen soon. UN should be disband….utterly shameful