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MARCH 2025

US Officials Doubt Ukraine’s Objectives Will Be Achieved – Media

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US Officials Doubt Ukraine's Objectives Will Be Achieved – Media

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The possibility of Kiev annexing Russia’s Crimea is remote, according to US sources consulted by Politico.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

Apparently, even American officials do not believe in Kiev’s plan to take over Russia’s Crimea. According to a recent report from a major Western media outlet, high rank US officials are skeptical that the Kiev regime will be successful in its goal to restore Ukrainian pre-2014 borders. In fact, the case reveals how it is becoming more and more difficult to disguise the indisputable reality that Russia is winning the conflict.

The information was given to Politico by sources inside the American political scenario. According to what was reported, lawmakers from the US House Armed Services Committee would have heard the opinion of some US Department of Defense’s officials at a recent joint meeting. There is no public list with the names of Pentagon’s members who would have participated in this meeting. However, it was informed that among them were Laura Cooper, deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia, and Lt. Gen. Douglas Sims, director of operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. This shows the relevance of the event, considering the high positions of the participants.

Four people who were at the meeting told about the details of the occasion to Politico. As expected, the sources remained anonymous. According to them, Pentagon’s officials said that Ukraine is not capable of expelling Russian troops from all regions already integrated into the Federation. The consultants were emphatic in saying that any Russian withdrawal from Crimea is unlikely, considering the current military scenario of the conflict which, at least in the short/medium term, may not change in favor of the Ukrainians. Officials also said they believe that if Ukrainian forces launched an operation to retake Crimea, it would be at high risk of defeat and not a guaranteed success.

Politico also interviewed Pentagon’s spokeswoman Sabrina Singh about the case. She refused to comment on the matters allegedly discussed at the meeting with House’s members, emphasizing the confidentiality of the issue. She made some ambiguous comments, stating that Ukraine’s military capability “speaks for itself”. Indeed, her words sounded like an attempt to disguise Pentagon’s real opinion on the Ukrainian conflict.

“We’re not going to comment on closed-door classified briefings nor will we talk about hypotheticals or speculate on potential future operations (…) [However] in terms of Ukraine’s ability to fight and take back sovereign territory, their remarkable performance in repulsing Russian aggression and continued adaptability on the battlefield speaks for itself”, she stated.

In fact, other recent pronouncements by US officials endorse the narrative that the Pentagon does not really believe in a Ukrainian victory. For example. Gen. Mark Milley, the Joint Chiefs chair, had already stated in January:

“I still maintain that for this year it would be very, very difficult to militarily eject the Russian forces from all –– every inch of Ukraine and occupied –– or Russian-occupied Ukraine (…) That doesn’t mean it can’t happen. Doesn’t mean it won’t happen, but it’d be very, very difficult”.

At the time, Ukrainian officials severely criticized the American general. According to sources familiar with the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was reportedly “furious” with Milley’s words. Also, Zelensky’s adviser Andriy Yermak even commented on this topic during the summit of the World Economic Forum in Davos, assuring that Kiev would regain all the territories it considers part of its sovereign space, “including Donbass and Crimea”.

In this sense, what seems to be happening is the coexistence of two discourses in the US: on the one hand, the Pentagon knows that the Ukrainian victory is unlikely, if not impossible, and that the supposed “reconquest” of Crimea is unlikely to happen. On the other, there is an attempt to maintain the public narrative that Kiev is winning and can reach its pre-2014 borders, as this feeds NATO’s war machine and justifies the irresponsible policy of sending weapons to the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime.

When the American military for some reason publicly reveal what they really think about the conflict, the mainstream media reacts to it with exasperation and the Ukrainian authorities utterly deny it, promising absolute victory. For the western elites and the Ukrainian regime, what matters is to keep the war until its ultimate consequences. Recognizing Russian victory and negotiating peace terms does not even seem like a possibility.

At some point in the future, however, if it wants to avoid an unprecedented escalation, the West will have to admit the unfavorable circumstances and stop encouraging Kiev to regain territories which chose to join Russia.


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The maximum that Kiev regime can achieve is going back to 24.02.2022 borders, with total mobilization (up to 1 – 1,5 million) and huge western support. Not farther from that.

Even that is a very remote possibility and the chance is getting slimmer and slimmer.

If the pronounced figures are true (500K soldiers are at the borders), time to kiss goodbye the country 404.

I hope Kremlin will take everything east of Dnieper, the river would be a natural border.


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Last edited 2 years ago by anni4
Vlad the Sissy from Rumania

I am still waiting when will the libtards send their flying niggers and their screaming faggots to do anything 😆😆😆😆🏳️‍🌈🖕🐒🖕🐒🏳️‍🌈🖕 The hippie nation of cucky JFK and the sissy nigger MLK is dead.

Romanian whore

It’s the only way for the russians to prevent future bombing of the russian soil with conventional artillery and accomplishing a buffer zone needed to fight against future west provocations.



Just right.

Psionists slaves of America

NATO will lose in Ukraine even worse than in Afghanistan, where they couldn’t even defeat a few thousand barefoot TalibanGoatHerders in over 20 years.


Just remember the costs of Ukraine may far exceed the total spent in Afghanistan. That is without a doubt. The sheer amount of resources, manpower, equipment and capital is massively disproportionate given the sheer lack if any success from the Kiev Regime and Western Military advisors.

Psionists slaves of America

Those Israel-First treasonous AIPAC puppets in the government, in the intel and in the military were bragging about how they would completely destroy Syria’s economy because Assad won. Now the shoe is on the other foot. Putin will so completely wreck Ukraine’s economy that the Psionist slaves in the US, the EU and NATO will spend hundreds of trillions and decades to rebuild a Ukraine that will never be allowed to join NATO. Slava Bashar Hafez al-Assad. Slava Putin.



True, that’s why it would be much more clever to open new front in the Caucasus aka Chechnya and also in Ukraine reform the war into a pure guerilla war – heavily supported by all so-called western big players. But that will not be, because they are all one jewish controlled bunch of shit governments and the jewish plan is not to finish off one side in Ukraine (neighter West nor East), but make both eradicate each other.

See also Albert Pike, 3 World Wars, he already back hundred of years stated it very clearly. They want none-jews to conquer and annihilate each other – and at best they want to do this to the muslims too. That’s their evil plan. And the bigger the wars the better for them (jews). That’s the sad truth !

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin

americunt is losing in Ukraine, and all in Europe is laughing at brit-am jews.

americunt and ukraine are the subHumans of Europe (but dont tell (((anybody)))).


Hitler is E1b1b – Maghrebin Aryan, and not subhuman r1a or even r1b or i or stalin g.

Yani Hitler is ABCDE and We can cut f to =z=.

Last edited 2 years ago by JHK

Napoleon is E1b1b.


Franz Kafka is E1b1b.


Japan Unit 313, Out.



The Nazi regime doesn’t know, but Poland and Hungary are already watching.


Those who rule the west are in a panic. Everything they undertake goes from bad to worse. Everything goes to hell. Courage, leaders of the banana republic, you will win in movies of propaganda!


They have feminized our rainbow military and then picked a fight with Russia. No one wants to enlist. And the whole planet hates the woke insane gangster US empire ruled by Israel. What could go wrong?


They are not in panic. They are traitors from the very beginning. Everything goes according to plan for them. West is ruined, tax-payers money stolen. World jewish communism dictatorship (NWO-JWO) is spread and the jews are glad for the goyim to be – like you – stupid to the bone, and not getting that it is jews behind it all !

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin


They are not in panic. They are traitors from the very beginning. Everything goes according to plan for them. West is ruined, tax-payers money stolen. World jewish communism dictatorship (NWO-JWO) is spread and the jews are glad for the goyim to be – like you – stupid to the bone, and not getting that it is jews behind it all !

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin

Anglo-Saxon propaganda makes us believe that the so-called Jews are omnipotent (ha ha ha ha ha!!!!). Why has America lost decades attackimg the World instead of just attacking the Middle East, where the alleged masters are? So-called Jews don’t have high IQs as trumpeted……………….. otherwise they would have dominated at least a small area, Instead it’s just to divert attention from the main enemies of the west: the evil Anglo-Saxon masters of America. Wake up! Don’t be fooled like a fool.

Romanian whore

Sorry man, they already dominate the entire world via the financial-monetary complete reign.

The Crunge

Singh sounds like an Indian name. I think if the Ukrainians want to help their nation or their people they should work hard and have children. It seems to be working for the Indians.

Probably better then this war anyway. With 1.0 being the average number of children per woman in the Ukraine combined with this war their population is quickly imploding. The quicker the Russians win the better off the Ukes will be.

chester mann

This conversation is mute. Ukraine had six years to attempt to retake Crimea while they held Kherson Oblast. Which means they were on the border of Crimea. How is that going to happen now that Russia controls Kherson east of Dnieper River, thus putting another army in their way.



Last edited 2 years ago by Clyde
Buford T Justice

I’d crap my pants if the Americans ever came out and spoke truthfully. .


At least two months in the Soledar Artymovsk meat grinder and at approximately 1000 deaths a day of Ukrainian troops. Puts 60,000 Ukrainian and Natostan deaths in last couple months just in that area and add approximately 100,000 injured. I believe we are eclipsing 200,000 deaths of Ukrainian military and Natostan.


There is some exaggeration in those numbers. Also, Russian casualties are not official but must be very high. How would a major offensive play out at home?


I see it will a minimum of half of Ukraine annexed, just with all US, Natostan lies. Minsk agreement involving many nations including the UNITED NATIONS, was all a scam by the Natostan to build up Ukrainian forces to fight Russia; all confirmed by Angela Merkel herself. There is nothing to be trusted in US, Natostan agreements. The famous old story the boy who cried wolf, only this time no one believes these lying sociopaths anymore.


What if all these Ruskie psy-ops don’t work? This crescendo of bravado simply isn’t seen on the ground;i.e. the Ukies don’t buy it.

Putin should have sought a settlement last March. Too late now.

OTAN Piggies Go Oink Oink Oink

Putin DID seek a settlement in April in Istanbul. Too bad those back stabbing Anglo Saxon serpents weaseled into Ukraine’s ears


Ukraine will be invaded by NATO forces from Poland who will attack the Russians, without mercy or restraint. Get ready for this Russia.

OTAN Piggies Go Oink Oink Oink

Good luck with that. Say hi to your makers for me.

OTAN Piggies Go Oink Oink Oink

Ya think. Cocaine is a hell of a drug especially when combined with captagon


Taking Crimea is certainly unrealistic for Ukraine. Despite the usual Russian spin (here, Rybar etc.), things are moving very slowly for Russia. While Russian propaganda stresses Ukrainian losses and attacks on civilians, the extreme secrecy around Russian losses suggests that they’re very high too. The fact that the odd misguided missile hits civilian areas is a welcome distraction that 99,9% hit Russian military assets, nobody wants to talk about. The latest Russian hysteria about main battle tanks, albeit few in numbers and mostly not top-notch models shows their serious misgivings. Russia can win this war, I think, but it will have to change tactics to a all-out offensive. The piecemeal approach, while working partly, will not give the desired results.


The resources to proceed as you recommend are not available.


I wonder. If West according to russian tv is ruined and in horrible state why russian elite is still sending their families to live in the West? Including Putin own kids and lovers/wife


Only the fool that already born and the one that will be born will believe that Ukraine will regain back the territory already been taken by Russia.


Joe Biden yesterday declared that “50% of the women in his administration were women” normally I would say the demented old fool just said another Bidenism.. but these days in trans america….he prob telling the truth.

Romanian whore

This imbecile is almost semiconscious. Never in the history of Jumerica we saw such degradation of standards. America is on the bring of destruction, in one way or another; seems there Homo sapiens was long go extincted and hunter-gather Neandertal DNA control the whole population.

Romanian whore

After being the real criminals who pushed hundreds of thousands peoples of Ukraine to death, sacrificing an entire generation and destroying a nation, those ameriscum cabal satanists begin to fall back and are searching a ‘lucrative’ disengagement from this war to stay on ‘profit’. They are really sons of the devil, a completely immoral and evil circle of criminal global puppeteers. Not to mention the millions killed in Syria, Irak, Afganistan, Lybia, etc…….and tens of millions displaced with life ruined. Are those sons of Satan aware what means to raise a child ? Matter of many years. Are those cabal antichrists aware how fast a human life can be lost ? In matter of miliseconds. For that reason, a real Christ and Light servant, a son of AllMighty Creator, will do any compromise with the transient things of this world only to save lives. Now it’s too late….as for 4.II.2023 there are 125.000 ukra KIA, and another 20-35.000 MIA (of course all are KIA), plus a phenomenal 350.000 WIA. And every day that numbers raise in an accelerated pace due to war-engine achieving more inertia.

Last edited 2 years ago by Romanian whore

Zelensky needs to own the responsibility associated with hi position and formally surrender on behalf of the ukranian army, then physically surrender himself to russian authorities so his trial can get started


So at one point they did? lol Get back to hunting secret killer Chinese EMC balloons.

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