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MARCH 2025

US On The Brink Of Social Conflict

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US On The Brink Of Social Conflict

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Trump supporters react to the FBI investigation with protests.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

The US social crisis is getting increasingly worse. The recent FBI investigation against former President Donald Trump has generated chaos and anger among citizens. Republicans’ supporters are protesting on the streets in order to prevent police from entering Trump’s properties again, demanding an end to the investigations. The polarization scenario intensifies, and the imminence of a social conflict becomes evident.

The FBI executed a search warrant on August 8 at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in Palm Beach, Florida. During recent interviews, Trump declined to tell the press the reasons why the FBI agents were in Mar-a-Lago, and just said the operation was not previously announced, having taken place in an “unexpected” manner. The former president reported that the investigation was thorough, and there was even an inspection of his money safe.

The Justice Department declined to comment on the case, as did the White House. The FBI also provided little information, but what is known so far is that the Department of Justice currently maintains two active investigations against the former president, one related to his attempt to nullify the 2020 elections and his participation in the Capitol invasion, which took place on January 6 of last year, and another related to some allegations of illegal handling of confidential documents.

Citing sources, The New York Times stated that the reason for the agents’ visit would have been precisely the search for such official documents – supposedly taken home by Trump when he left the presidential office. In fact, this is the most likely reason for the police officers’ visit, considering that in February, agents had already visited Mar-a-Lago and collected fifteen boxes of documents from Trump’s house.

In his social media, Trump said that the case shows how the US is going through “dark times”:

“These are dark times for our nation, as my beautiful home, Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents (…) Nothing like this has ever happened to a president of the United States before (…) [It was] not necessary or appropriate. [It was a] prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don’t want me to run for president in 2024 (…) Such an assault could only take place in broken, Third World countries (…) [but] sadly, America has now become one of those countries, corrupt at a level not seen before”.

Trump’s comparison of the US to “third world” nations is curious, but it reflects quite succinctly the American background. In fact, the US situation is gradually looking like that of countries with low “democracy rates”. Polarization, corruption, social chaos, and instability are hallmarks of the current American scenario, which reveals a precarious democratic status. In a democracy, opposing sides must respect each other and mutually recognize legitimacy. In addition, the Justice cannot be used for political maneuvering. In the US all these non-democratic aspects are escalating recently.

The reaction of Trump supporters to the investigations was immediate. In short, they believe that the current case is not a true investigation, but a judicial maneuver to try to make Trump ineligible in 2024, as well as tarnish the name of the GOP for the midterms. Thousands of Trump voters took to the streets in several cities, mainly in Florida, to express support for the former president. In Palm Beach, protesters occupied the region of the Mar-e-Lago mansion to try to prevent further entry of agents and demand the end of the investigations. There are also reports of clashes with police and Biden supporters in the streets.

On social media, the reaction to the investigation has been even more intense. Some Trump supporters believe that a civil war scenario is brewing, opposing the Biden administration and the “American Patriots”. Kari Lake, Trump-endorsed Republican candidate for Arizona governor, for example, said:

“This is one of the darkest days in American history: the day our Government, originally created by the people, turned against us. This illegitimate, corrupt Regime hates America and has weaponized the entirety of the Federal Government to take down President Donald Trump. Our Government is rotten to the core. These tyrants will stop at nothing to silence the Patriots who are working hard to save America. This is an incredibly horrendous abuse of power. If we accept it, America is dead. We will not accept it. (…) As a governor, I will fight these Tyrants with every fiber of my being. America – dark days life ahead for us. May God protect us and save our country”.

Undoubtedly, the scenario is worrying. In midterms year, candidates are calling on American citizens to “fight” and considering the current administration “illegitimate”. Clearly, the US democratic structure is crumbling. The opposing sides no longer recognize each other as legitimate rivals, but accuse each other of crimes and promise to “fight”.

If American levels of democracy were stable, Trump would be investigated peacefully and if proven guilty he would be punished without generating popular indignation. But the lack of transparency on the part of the authorities leaves many doubts about the case and indicates that it is really possible that some kind of political manipulation of the situation is taking place in order to harm Trump and his party.

Indeed, there is a widespread belief among American citizens that this situation is going to get worse. And recent reports of US intelligence itself point the same way: the US is on the brink of a civil conflict.


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definitely, the U.S. is on the verge of a civil war.

Ed Theman

I think the one thing preventing a civil war is that the supreme court is stopping the confiscation and banning of weapons.

I believe the civil war will start once the democrats take control of the supreme court then tell the red states that their weapons are illegal.

Until this happens, people in USA have it too good to want and go fight.

That being said, if you just had a bunch of republicans say we are not gong to be told what to do from disgusting democrats, you would be surprised how quickly the country will split up. The democrats have no real power, they just have the power of the media.

I for one would love to see a civil war happen in USA.


Couldn’t have said it better myself.

It’s me

Republicans won’t be able to say it because they are being blackmailed with the pizza gate

flush goes the nation

Some are , Some are not.


I for one wouldn’t like to see a civil war. As much as there is a need for change, the loss of life would be the likes of which never seen before. It will spill over into neighboring countries, and around the world where American military forces are currently present. The major question is what happens to America’s Nukes that are stored both abroad and domestically. In a civil war, these weapons become a major liability. Not only could they be used against the opposition, they could be used by extremist groups within the conflict to strike out at foreign enemies of the US. Given the risk of Nuclear War, I very much would not like to see a civil war. The best I can hope for is a dissolution of the United States into regions that better represent the needs and political desires of their respective populations. The US has already been described by some parties as a rogue state, the thought of a rogue state in violent anarchy is one of greater concern. Unless the world is willing to step in and secure the WMDs and contain America’s civil war to the domestic borders, a civil war could easily destroy the current world as we know it.


“The major question is what happens to America’s Nukes that are stored both abroad and domestically. ”

The Dragon comes to the West, the Bear comes to the East along with a “coalition” of willing Euro Peon post Natostan clowns and defangs the evil beast aka the angloZionaZi empire of shit. Get it going already before your livestock owners release their next bio attack…the world can’t wait for Slumville to really burn


Yes and the loss of life would only be the tip of the iceberg, so to speak and the spiraling out of control would happen. There will be no law of any kind. There will be no currency. There will be no supply lines. There will be no international trade. There will be no jobs. No healthcare. Food will be scarce. There will be the creation of warlords and fiefdoms. All infrastructure operations will be interrupted or cease. The real state of energy production will become very apparent. Take a look at Syria, Libya, Yemen, Ukraine for what the future would look like. People talk of a civil war, yet have no clue what they are asking for. Do they actually think there will be any sort of order? They need to keep in mind that there will be no winning side, only factions.


Careful what you wish for.

Florian Geyer

A US civil war is what the world needs to prevent a global nuclear war.


That makes you either an imbecile or a terrorist. for the latter fbi knows the cure. long-term jail.

Hostage (Raptar) Driver

The F.B.I. is one of many criminal organizations in the good old USA. It needs to be disbanded immediately and it’s controllers put on trial for crimes against Americans and humanity.


This is your disconnect from your understanding of Freedom of Speech, the gentleman is at liberty to express his view. Also you’re presumptuous in thinking that he’s a US citizen, your domestic laws DO NOT APPLY TO THE REST OF THE WORLD.

Hostage (Raptar) Driver

You must be trying to make some kind of convoluted point. I understand freedom of speech just perfectly. Under the Constitution you can say whatever you want to whoever you want as long as it is not slander. Basically you can’t lie, that is not freedom of a speech. Of course being a Croatian you must know very much about liberty,? yes?


What an ignorant post, so full of mistakes and wrong presumptions. In a country which is obsessed with guns, where the NRA is the most powerful political lobby–would the democrats make guns illegal!? Are you that stupid that you don’t realize both democrats and republican supporters own guns? Even more stupid: “the civil war will start once the democrats take control of the supreme court”. Erm, last I checked Trump made 3 extreme right wing appointments to the supreme court, and they are relatively young in age like Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barett. According to your odd reasoning it will be decades until the democrats even get the chance to appoint a left leaning justice to the bench. So much for your ‘civil war’ due to a democrat supreme court taking control of red state guns :-D Maybe you should change your moniker to ‘pea-brain’, would fit better.


You are quite right, but the bad part is that this is the type thinking running rampant in the US (if not the entire world). Propaganda is real to some people. Common sense, not so much.


You could be right if Donald wins the election and the Democrats control the FBI and find a charge that’s occurred OUTSIDE his Presidency after he left office -like shredding files then the US still living in the “cowboy era ” mentally and he is imprisoned ( up to 3 years ) he cant hold office then shooting will begin-remember each State is in many ways a “law unto itself ” and has and will buck Federal Laws.


It´s about time. Let they kill each other to get the taste of what they have been doing to others for centuries after the arrival of their forefathers.

flush goes the nation

I agree in whole but I would not say on the verge. If things go south fast. (by that I mean trump brought up on charges arrested or assassinated then yes. There is an other read on here saying Trump has Militant followers, This is not true at all. The Dems have the militant followers, Antifa, BLM, ETC.FBI, DOJ IRS, DC cops, etc

Last edited 2 years ago by flush goes the nation

A civil war requires two opposing forces. The US govt has the army, etc. Where’s the opposing force? And don’t say weekend warriors with Walmart AR15s. Ergo, not war, just more frothing and foaming.


Yes and it seems these people forget that they would be dealing with the same people that brought the all those color revolutions…oh, but it would be different here. Sure it will.

It’s me

Americans shot stop protesting and take your weapons out and and drain the swamp, sure it can be done in 15min

Ed Theman

It really could, you could see how the BLM protesters were able to burn down many cities and law enforcement was not able to do anything.

If a lot of Americans protested with their guns, I don’t know what the government would or could do.

Would the national guard really go to battle against Americans?

I honestly don’t know why Americans don’t protest with their guns, do we really want to be told what to do from people like

Nadler Pelosi Schumer Shiff Garland

These are all disgusting people, I certainly don’t want to be told what to do from people like this.

hunter bidé lab pork !

the fake merdia should implode !! then fraudi should be left allone with a monkey !!! then all the ss cientists should go to the moon and be there polluting and get f up !!!

hunter bidé lab pork !

then the fbi make a raid to the anus of biden !!!

Tom Bombastadillo

But that is where they live!




U.$. “on the brink” of civil war!???….

When I read this announcement from AG Garland earlier today https://www.zerohedge.com/political/watch-live-ag-merrick-garland-makes-statement-following-trump-raid

All I could reflect on was the Mandamus complaint from AE911Truth that inevitably made THIS happen – https://www.ae911truth.org/evidence/technical-articles/articles-by-ae911truth/845-nist-confirms-its-building-7-report-is-indefensible-part-1-of-5-the-omitted-web-stiffeners …

And that Garland ignored deliberately when it was submitted right before he took his oath as AG!…

The American people should have been involved long before Donald Trump came to Washington!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

Yep, around 60 years at the least.


You see, Donald, despite of your coqueterie with kikes, one of them called “Garland” sent in the FBI agents. Never trust the “tribe” and never rely upon zhids. They have no sense of loyalty or gratitude. They are just a smelly pack of rats.


Nothing will come of this. It’s just more baiting.

Seymour Undies

If there is an American civil war, it likely will start over politics, or because of cheating over votes, or secessionism. But very quickly, it will become a race war.

Tom Bombastadillo

No it won’t. The racism thing is a leftist canard.


I would feel better about “the republicans” if they weren’t 100% behind the current warmongers in charge. Basically, when it comes to war, I just don’t have a choice. Even Trump in some new ad that all his supporters are fawning over, claims that Russia “has destroyed Ukraine” and killed “hundreds of thousands”. This is the kind of bullshit even the “rogue” Trump spreads. In a civil war, I’m wondering how many “sides” there will be to it. The assumption is will be “right vs left” or something. More likely it will be the uniparty deepstate against whoever stands up against it. Will the military have factions?

Southfront resident nigha

US political system has always been uniparty. Puppet show. Even Trump is sucking up to nighers. And we nighers are the most degenerate haters. I am a nigher and I cannot even control my own crotch 🙈🙉🙊

Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront resident nigha

In the end after all the BS is exposed, it will be the haves and have-nots. Guess who we will be?


That would be the only reason why theyre bringing up civil war. Prices gone crazy, i wonder why prices are going up to such extremes if the billionares own all the corporations? Their incomes have all increased. Human slavery is run throughout america with government highly involved. Millions coming in each year from border crossing. Quality of life way down. Doctoring for the poor bad. Etc…ya. americans fight for monies.

JM Larch

Juan Biden is the US’s Joe Guaido.

Peter Jennings

Most service people would know what is happening in Ukraine by following events from those reporting things as they are and not as they are told. Those service people who don’t know probably died in Ukraine already, or are about to, or have ditched their contracts and left for home, or for the next highest bid.

When bojo played army for a day, the only markings on the machine gun that he used, to imagine being a hero, was a small ‘z’. It seems the squaddies acknowledged an honourable adversary whereas the politicians parade, clueless of reality, led by their arrogance and not by their capabilities, from one dinner to the next.

Most people in the services will soon have a choice to make. Being service people, usually from the people, they should also know the mood of the people. Will they stand up for right or wrong?


Saw the ‘z’, laughed my ass off. The intelligence factor of western lackeys is so far below the scale, it boggles the mind. I imagine those soldiers had a good one over it too. Wonder if anyone got a reaming out of that?

Peter Jennings

The NWO is coming for the opposition because, in the near future, you won’t have any.

The US is looking at a civil war against its gov’t, as are all western societies. It’s inevitable. The unstoppable force and the immovable object. The gov’t’s have planned for this end game over many decades, but the societies haven’t.


Hahaaa this article is a joke. There will NEVER be a civil war in America its as simple as that. Trump is garbage just like every other U.S. President. The U.S. govt. cannot and will not dare take away our guns because its literally impossible to confiscate 300 million guns lol. The states where Americans are heavily armed like where I live are comprised of hard working family oriented people who have better things to do than waste our time on the fake political actors that call themselves presidents. We know all presidents in America are controlled puppets. Presidents cannot affect our lives or cities, governors and mayors however can. Local politicians yes they can improve or disrupt our lives to a certain extent. Most Americans are so fat, lazy, indifferent and there is so much apathy that its inconceivable to imagine Americans fighting in any kind of war. I already mentioned this in the past that if America breaks into 2 different nations it will happen peacefully and without violence. Americans are so divided by ideology as far as left vs right is concerned that they would happily welcome secession. I can definitely see the U.S. splitting into 2 or more nations in the near future and it will be beneficial and prevent negativity among the masses but this process will happen naturally as a matter of fact America is as we speak already dividing as more and more people are moving to red states if they’re conservative and blue states if they’re liberal. This article is also on RT and its embarrassingly inaccurate.


You’re right they’ll never be a civil war in the US, ’cause ye ‘All are frigging stupid. Go on dive into your burger, add some mayonnaise eat up Champ.


You are not going to like this, but I am going to say it anyway, Trump is obviously a criminal, and so is the other idiot. The cops do not ‘announce’ raids ahead of time, as such would be quite stupid. We are all quite fed up with this nonsense, why do you think we were willing to ‘elect’ a literal reality tv star in the first place?


Oh, and for the record, isn’t there another television star in office as ‘president’ somewhere or other (it’s been in the papers for six months or so)? How’s that working out?

Tom Bombastadillo

The senile Reagan was the first actor sock puppet president. At least Trump was on a ‘reality’ show being himself. Reagan had a brain full of holes.


Can’t dis the Ukies for this…we set the precident in 1980…electing a B actor that couldn’t out-shine his co-star…a chimp. But, he was good enough to run the country…into the ground that is.

Last edited 2 years ago by zman

Lol – Obviously, Biden should take adive from Mr. Putin and should try to poision Trump and if that fails, put him into jail for 20 years. Democracy like Russia. —


The most retarded comment so far, how much do they pay you by the hour?

biden is pedo peter

americans are far to fat, lazy and dumb to fight a war. they are all talk waving banners and flash and crying on the internet


Well I would say half of Americans are fat, lazy and dumb so around 165 million lol. The other half is kinda fat, kinda lazy and kinda dumb haha. hey I can say it I’m American, but guess what? so is most of western Europe and many other people from other parts of the world. But there are a lot of good folk in America contrary to what some people think.


Ya. The dumb blind ones. Oh well, every nation is pretty well programmed from birth by its leaders.

lgbt sawyer USA military expert

inferior species amerikan require fascism…we too stupid immoral to govern ourselves

lgbt sawyer USA military expert

amerikan too submissive fearful obsequious—idiot cartesian machines will never rebel

Tommy Jensen

As long as they stay away from Oklahoma City they can do wtf they will.


Te USA is supposed to be a Constitutional Republic with a Bill of Rights not a damnocracy. What we have now is a dictatorship run by a gang of the uber rich.


A republic is just a country where the head of state is not a monarch. The US constitution declares that the government is elected and every citizen gets a vote … which is democracy. So a constitutional republic in the USA’s case means the government gets elected and you have no king … in other words the USA’s a democracy.

The reason the US democracy is hijacked by US oligarchs is because you allow nearly unlimited campaign funding for politicians …. in other words buying politicians is legal in the USA … you’ve managed to legalize corruption turning your country into third world shithole where the rich and powerful live in gated communities protected by private police forces and the common folk live off the scraps. Sure you get your easy credit, cheap TV’s, internet and guns but you lost your real freedom … political power

Bufford T Justice

Total / absolute corruption, we have passed the point of no return. The system is broken, the country is spiraling out of control.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bufford T Justice

Oh boy ! Ok, first it’s not an investigation that happened in Mar-O-Lago, but an FBI raid. Second, there will be no civil war , YET, in the US. Wait until the results on November 9th, the day after the mid-term election.Finally, what happened last Monday, will bring more people behind Trump and fight once and for all that level of corruption that exist in DC , in the DOJ and the FBI. People are waking up and fed up with this Gong-Ho type of politics in the US. All Trump’s endorse candidates have won in the primaries, Still 2 more to come next week, especially the one Cheney vs Hageman. Cheney will be defeated.That proves the Red Wave is on the move. Don’t need a civil war to change things.

Tom Bombastadillo

As a Yank I agree. If the Repugs win back the House in the midterms then we might see a flood of impeachments, indictments and prison sentences for the globaleftist crime gang. Sadly, Trump will still be kissing Israel’s ass no matter what.


Petty pilfering of Syrian oil, about sums up the state of grovelling cowardly America.


Another psyop, like George Floyd and who else. Sure there is a civil war rewing, thtas the idea when people dont realize Trump is just an actor working for the british crown corporation. And so are other politicians. No, you say, but when was the last time they did anything for the people? They cannot, we live under corporate maritime law with actors as politicians.


World cannot have peace and prosperity if there’s Trump’s who want to bomb Irans. You have to change.

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

Because he did not attack Iran was why the Jews who run America fucked him over in the election! They don’t like disobedient pets.


So they elected Biden who supported JCPOA in the first place? No, it’s just good cop, bad cop. Trump is still on the payroll, he’s talking about running again, isn’t he? His job is the same now as before, division. It’s the same job as the L/R, repug/dem farce promotes. Liars/traitors all.

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