FILE IMAGE: U.S. Navy / Reuters
On Saturday, the US Marine Corps’ MV-22B Osprey tilt rotor aircraft with 26 servicemen aboard crashed off the east coast of Australia.
23 serviceen were rescued, according to the Marine Expeditionary Force. Three Marines are still missing.
31st Marine Expeditionary Unit MV-22 Osprey mishap.@USMC @PacificCommand @PacificMarines @USPacificFleet @AFNPacificNow pic.twitter.com/6dJX7Ke8w5
— III MEF Marines (@IIIMEF) 5 August 2017
The Herald Sun also released a unconfirmed report of two or three fatalities in the incident off Queensland.
The Osprey aircraft deployed in Australia in Juy for a joint US-Australia military training exercise in Shoalwater Bay. The Talisman Sabre exercise involved over 30,000 troops and 200 aircraft.
= a piece of junk just as the international politics of the US deep state.
Only 3 dead. I am disappoint :(
If you’re still alive and Reply to me, I’ll be disappointed…
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The great tragedy here is that our spineless government lacked the willpower or sovereignty to refuse hosting these enforcers of Pax Uh’murikkkana on our shores. China is a vital trading partner yet we spit in their eye by hosting US baby-killer thugs?
Is because the same special interest groups that control the US government also control the 2 major Australian political parties.
I wouldn’t doubt it.