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U.S. Pays For Israeli Attacks On Syria

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U.S. Pays For Israeli Attacks On Syria

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U.S. Pays For Israeli Attacks On Syria
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U.S. Pays For Israeli Attacks On Syria

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Israel’s repeated attacks on Syria are leading to a military escalation against United States forces in the war-torn country. Damascus and its allies, mainly Tehran, are apparently attempting to indirectly deter Tel Aviv and mount some pressure on Washington.

The last round of escalation began on March 12 when a series of Israeli strikes hit the western Syrian governorates of Tartus and Hama.

Two F-16 fighter jets of the Israeli Air Force launched the strikes from the direction of northern Lebanon. The targets were reportedly an air defense base located near the town of al-Sifsafeh in the southern countryside of Tartus and a key facility of the Scientific Studies and Research Center (SSRC) in the town of Masyaf in the western Hama countryside.

The SSRC develops and manufactures weapon systems, including precision-guided missiles and drones, for the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). The center was accused by Israel and other sides of cooperating with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and providing weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon on several occasions in the past.

According to the Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria, the SSRC sustained material losses as a result of the Israeli strikes. In addition, three service members of the SAA were killed.

A day after the strikes, on March 13, the U.S.-led coalition’s largest base in Syria’s northeastern region came under attack.

The U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) said that two rockets fell near the Green Village base, which is located within al-Omar oil fields in the southeastern countryside of Deir Ezzor. According to a statement by the command, no U.S. or coalition troops were killed or wounded and there was no damage to coalition infrastructure or equipment.

No group claimed responsibility for the attack, so far. However, it was unofficially blamed on Iranian-backed forces which maintain a large presence in the government-held part of Deir Ezzor governorate.

The rocket attack on the U.S. Green Village base was widely seen by observers as a response to the Israeli strikes on Tartus and Hama.

The attack came around a week after General Mark Milley, the Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, paid an unannounced visit to an undisclosed base in northeastern Syria. One of the main goals of the visit was to assess safeguards for American troops against attacks.

Attacks on U.S. bases in Syria will not likely deter Israel. However, they could mount some pressure on Washington. As for now, it appears to be that direct attacks against Israel are off the table for Damascus and its allies, most likely to deny Tel Aviv any excuse it could use to launch a full-blown military operation against Syria.

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Chris Gr

It is rational for Syria to have clashes with Israel but it is irrational for Iran to have clashes with Israel.


You are absolutely wrong about Iran. Any country which wants to help Syria, can do it. Look around what NATO countries doing in Ukraine. It is game over with following laws. Masks are off.


If I am Iran or Syria, I would just nuke them down, nothing better they deserve in return comparing to how many proxy wars USA is behind and Israel too.


And I feel sorry that my only take is voice for Syria, if I could I would go there and help them rebuilding country, same goes for Palestine, Yemen and Gaza.

Chris Gr

There is no border clash and no civilizational clash. Just ideology.


F7ck you kike (westerner), who is also gay (incel), who also has no job (basement dweller), and is already balding (subhuman), and cant play sports (npc keyboard warrior).

Last edited 2 years ago by JHK

And theology. Goal of zionizm is to restore the temple of Jurusalem (the third one) on Zion hill. The wailing wall is ruin of the second temple, destroyed in 70 B.C. by romans as predicted by Christ for refusal to recognize God in Christ and sending Him to death on cross. First temple was destroyed by ancient iranians. Area is busy now with 3rd of most important mosques – al-Aqsa cathedral. To build the 3rd temple = to destroy al-Aqsa and to start a war with islamic world. Sunni shia, alavi – doesn’t matter. Zionists believe that mashiah (messiah) will return to the temple and gift them power to rule the world for keeping the commandments of Torah (613). Book of Revelation say they will succeed, but it will be false messiah, anti-Christ, which comes for 3,5 years to serve the Beast (satan). Then Christ returns, defeats him and destroys Jerusalem by archangels hands one more time.

Krum Stub

In the sphere of internal relations dangling your balls is the road to ruin. Responsible statecraft takes measured and calculated thinking. Sometimes the patience shown by Russia was not advantageous in the short term. Russia was deceived by the last commie-libtard regimes they call themselves as Western partners. The short gain for the mendacious commie-libtards is turning into their permanent demise. People usually react instinctively when we are told something negative about someone or something. That said…the longer the situation continues and the greater the contradictions appear the subjects of the lies wake up and see the truth for themselves. The commie-libtards have been exposed for the liars they truly are. Not only they are going to lose whatever credibility they still have, they are loosing the battle of history. Russia is not commie-libtard anymore. How Putin himself said, that the times have passed for the libtard intellectuals and their commie agitation and propaganda.

Krum Stub

RT has published an article about a monument dedicated to Columbus being replaced with one of a nigger parasyte cunt Tubman, who never did anything in her life apart of parasytysm. The paid nigger and libtard racist troll army was unleashed condemning and criticizing Columbus. This serves to expose the human nigger and shitskin waste they are. These niggers resort to name calling and revisionist history trying to smear the good and who fought courageously to save others. The world is watching and can truly see the nigger and shitskin swines for what they are.

Krum Stub

The racist nigger invaders from the North used the same method in South Africa. The commies from Russia and libtards from America financed ANC, paid niggers to commit violent crimes against the anti-racist and anti-commie fighters and used the non-existent white on black violence BS to distance themselves from their criminality. It failed miserably. Today nigger South Africa is the most violent and most degenerate place in the World because of the nigger evil. Nigger Nelson Mandela with his racist Russian Jew bankers were supposed to open the door of the international community for the nigger group. Mandela murdered the poor women and chidren, and lied to no avail slamming the door shut on them. All niggers are going to find themselves in the same boat.

Krum Stub

The Western countries have gleaming cities with good paying jobs built on hard work and sacrifice. Everyone wants to go there no matter what cost. Every nigger, every shitskin, every chink, every beaner wants to bring their bastard children, their violence, their drug addiction hopelessness and their nigger parasytyc decay. Look at China who was supposed to be this commie niggerland gleaming example. China is mired with urban decay, constant violence on a mass scale, horrible slave working conditions and nobody wants to have children there. Russia and America are separating themselves from these 3rd World parasytes and will not provide any support or charity for them anymore. Game over for niggers and shitskins.


ok wigger, gkys in jewkraine azov kikes.


“How Putin himself said, that the times have passed for the libtard intellectuals and their commie agitation and propaganda.”

Putin didn’t say that, because it’s stupid and liberals hate communists and vise versa.

Krum Stub

Fuck you libtard-commie.

Putin: “As for the loyalty or disloyalty of the elites…. I think, it was Pushkin…. he once said, “We have a lot of people who oppose not the government, but Russia.” Unfortunately, our intelligentsia has such a tradition.” Sept 3, 2013.


Last edited 2 years ago by Krum Stub

Ah, you are that insane troll that is barking sadly from its cave and gives many thumbs up to own comments. So pity picture, you’ve change your nick and thought that nobody will recognize you, ha-ha. Guys, don’t even try to discuss with such scum.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон

Goal of zionizm is to restore the temple of Jurusalem (the third one) on Zion hill. The wailing wall is ruin of the second temple, destroyed in 70 B.C. by romans as predicted by Christ for refusal to recognize God in Christ and sending Him to death on cross. First temple was destroyed by ancient iranians. Area is busy now with 3rd of most important mosques – al-Aqsa cathedral. To build the 3rd temple = to destroy al-Aqsa and to start a war with islamic world. Sunni shia, alavi – doesn’t matter. Zionists believe that mashiah (messiah) will return to the temple and gift them power to rule the world for keeping the commandments of Torah (613). Book of Revelation say they will succeed, but it will be false messiah, anti-Christ, which comes for 3,5 years to serve the Beast (satan). Then Christ returns, defeats him and destroys Jerusalem by archangels hands one more time.

Chris Gr

Zionism is secular movement actually. The Antichrist will have a new religion, not one of the traditional ones.

Erik Nielsen

Where are our equal partners in all this?


Yanks set up near an oil field? Odd place for them to be?


Blowing those thieves up would help clean oil field 😁

Israel first

Don’t worry. Make room for the professionals. The Chinese will settle all of this.


Iran should lob a few into Greece for good measure.

Irans biggest mistake in Syria was to fight against HTS and Turkiye, and side with sdf and secularist christians who are actually jews and faggots working for mosshead.


Iran should do a Pearl Harbor on Al-Tanf, and join The Nation Of Heros (Ottoman Turkiye, National Socialist Germany, Imperial Japan).



Iran wrongly attributed HTS as zionist, and allied with sdf russia and secularists against them and Turkiye.

Instead sdf = idf, russia = mosshead, and secularists = zionist jews and transvestite faggots like chrisgayreek and jens holmo.


Iran should also publicly execute especially political faggots and jews.


The angloZionaZi empire of shit is coming apart. In 5 years the apartheid abomination in Palestine will no longer exist and the war in Slumville proper will be raging as that hubris bloated sewer balkaniZes. Karma is beautiful.



Iran needs a Pearl Harbor to Earn an Islamic MVP, just as Hitler wrote his Victory all over the filthy juden.

Like how Pele demonstrated Soccer Superiority Victory over filthy false victory juden.


sf exposed as a kike amalekunt and now commie site.


John Syria

Russia is using Syria, USA give’s top weapons to Israel and weapons to Ukraine to destroy Russia, and to kick Russia out of Ukraine, While Russia on the other hand is helping Turkey to steal land from northern Syria and not stopping Israeli attacks, and giving Syrian Army weapons to liberate their country from all invaders. Russia gets what it deserves

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