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MARCH 2025

US Places 33 Alleged Russian Spies And Military Officials On Sanctions Blacklist

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has authorized the addition of 33 alleged Russian spies, defense and intelligence officials to the US sanctions list. The blacklisting took place following an executive order from President Trump authorizing Steven Mnuchin, in consultation with Pompeo, to employ all powers granted to the President “by IEEPA and certain CATSAA sections” for implementation of certain sanctions with respect to Russia.

A White House official said the new measures were aimed at “imposing costs on Russia in response to its malign activities.”

Washington has also imposed new sanctions on a Chinese military unit over the purchase of Russian jets and missiles.The Chinese sanctions are to come into effect immediately.

Trump has been criticized by Congress for not using his legal powers to target Russia’s defense industry and gas export pipelines, and with the Mueller probe still continuing, Trump has been eager to show an “unfriendly” side to Putin in advance of the probe’s release.

Unlike other occasions, which saw the ruble slide on any incremental sanctions or blacklist news, today the ruble – following the lead from the rest of the EM space – is trading stronger on the day, and is the third best performing currency of the week. Earlier in the day, the First Deputy Governor of the Russian Central Bank, Ksenia Yudaeva, said that even if FX drop, the central bank will stick to its recent promise of not engaging in FX purchases by the end of the year which is why the Ruble may have more upside to go, even as Russian stocks hit a new all time high.

US Places 33 Alleged Russian Spies And Military Officials On Sanctions Blacklist

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The Farney Fontenoy

33…? That number was chosen very deliberately. Everyone in the know realises what that number means…

hope springs eternal.

I don’t know what 33 signifies! Kindly explain. Thanks.

The Farney Fontenoy

Freemasonry, there are 33 degrees in it’s hierarchy, the number is often used symbolically in various ways to make others understand their involvement in certain events.

hope springs eternal.


You can call me Al

This cracked me up – “Washington has also imposed new sanctions on a Chinese military unit over the purchase of Russian jets and missiles.The Chinese sanctions are to come into effect immediately.” …… Who exactly do the Yanks think they are ?.

Embarrassing to watch.


“Embarrassing to watch.”

Also maddening.


I have placed all trumpieces on sanctions blacklist.

Empire's Frontiers

To answer that question, I think they’re right about here with who they are and what they thinking.


You can call me Al

Hehehe, nice one.

AM Hants

China dumped $7.7 billion, US Bonds yesterday, with an ‘I am not amused’ statement today, telling the US where to stick it.

‘Remedy the mistake or bear the consequences’: China hits back at US over sanctions on military… https://www.rt.com/news/439005-china-sanctions-military-us/

You can call me Al

Yes I have seen that. Personally I think the Globalists NWO are panicking; trouble is, is that China and Iran especially dont seem to give a toss – and good on them.

Regards China dumping $7.7 billion, it is a start, a small start so we need more and more of that dumping, small -> medium dumps so the market does not collapse just yet; give it a year or so and then the US id a dead duck.

My view only.


And western propaganda keeps going on. Just short recapitulation. They orchestrated anti Russian hysteria on Ukraine and killed thousands of innocent Russian civilians. They are supporting neonazi extremists and civil war. They put sanctions on Russia. They killed dozen high ranking Russian diplomats . They even killed Putin’s own driver and Putin barely escaped alive. They seized Russian property and closed embassies. They started disgusting hoaxes about Litvinenko, Nemcov, Skripal and MH17. They banned Russian sportsmen from Olympic games. They shot down Russian airplanes. They armed ISIS. They are brainwashing all the world against Russia, with perfect results namely in Poland, Baltic, Ukraine and Caucasus. They surrounded Russia with military bases and they started trade war with China. They destroyed Arab countries and destroyed Europe with migration.

And what Russia did meantime? Nothing. Keeps talking and that’s all. Pathetic. Why Russia didn’t deploy some assymetrical countermeasures at least ? For example killing Soros and Rotschilds clan would be good starting point.

AM Hants

They even killed Putin’s own driver and Putin barely escaped alive – President Putin was not in the car at the time. When he kicked the Rothschilds out of Russia, he knew it would not be easy. However, he had the strength to do it.

What exactly would you wished he did instead? The UK version? ‘Sentence First, Verdict Later’?


So 33 Russian Oligarchs refused to go against their kind? Who really initiated these Sanctions?


A White House official said the new measures were aimed at “imposing costs on Russia in response to its malign activities.”

Gosh karma just loaded a big one in the chamber. For if that criteria stands, I can not see F.uk.us and evil co-conspirators surviving. How do you fuck over the world for over a century and then get a free pass to carry on.

Every single sanction from now on will act to further isolate the F.uk.us from reality.


Why does the US keep doing this in dribs and drabs, why not just do it all at once, and sanction the whole world?

AM Hants

Cannot understand why they do not openly declare war on those they sanction, or is it because the electorate would not support it?

AM Hants

Reminds me of the Saker article, going back to HR 1644. When you look at how much the Senators, who come up with these bills, take from their sponsors. They sure as heck do not work for their electorate, but, make some decent money, keeping their sponsors sweet.

The US Bill H.R. 1644 to kill Russian food export and Chinese trade…

‘…On April 29, the US House of Representatives passed a newly minted H.R. 1644: Korean Interdiction and Modernization of Sanctions Act. Despite of its title, the Bill targets Russia, China, Iran and Syria by a slew of measures that normally would be implemented only in a time of war.

At the look of it, the US Congress members claim to enforce the control over implementation of the UN Security Council resolution that limits the trade of the DPRK with other countries, and bans the supply of weapons, aircraft, missiles, nuclear and other technologies. However, the document also provides the “legal basis” for US military control over Russian ports in the Far East and in Syria, and also over the Iranian and Chinese ports.

What the Russian politicians and observers found the most amazing was the fact that the UN Security Council has never requested the US to provide control over implementation of its resolution on the DPRK.

…If it becomes a law the Bill will allow the US military to inspect, search and seize any vessel or aircraft suspected in violation of the anti North Korea sanctions per their own discretion. It also gives the US military the authority to inspect the sea ports in Russia, Syria, Iran and China, implying that resisting will result in much broader sanctions against these four countries.

If adopted and signed into law by President Trump, the bill will also sanction Russia’s global food trade due to the North Korean workers being employed in Russia’s agricultural sector, at the time when Russia overtakes the US and Canada as a major grain supplier. The Bill, apparently, stands to completely ban the trade of Russia’s produced food over the world in order to replace it with the US produced Genetically Modified Organisms that the US sells as food.

The Bill has also targets Russia’s Far East ports and fleet and its Navy base in Syria. It seeks to impede Russia’s right to freedom of navigation, and its LNG and oil transported by sea.

But, why stop there?

The H.R. 1466 Bill seeks to put a stoppage to the Chinese trade with the US, it also seeks to impose the MANDATORY ASSET BLOCKING on the unspecified Chinese capital and properties located on the territory of the US and elsewhere.

In essence this Bill is an act of naked aggression and interference in the affairs of the sovereign states…


Authors of the Bill Edward Randall “Ed” Royce, a member of the United States House of Representatives for California’s 39th congressional district, is listed as the main author of this bill.

Edward R. Royce is listed by the non-government political watchdogs as the top second US representative that received pro-Israel campaign contributions – $233,943

Total Campaign Contributions Received by Ed Royce: $4,041,553

NORPAC is a bipartisan, multi-candidate political action committee working to strengthen the United States–Israel relationship – $114,243

Top 10 Interests Funding

Interest Contributions Real Estate $344,349 Securities & Investment $321,400 Insurance $261,850 Pro-Israel $233,943 Lawyers/Law Firms $171,975 Health Professionals $107,185 Commercial Banks $101,000 Misc Finance $88,700 Republican/Conservative $70,740 Accountants $66,250 Top 10 Organizations Funding

Organization Contributions NORPAC $114,243 Royce Victory Fund $35,100 Morgan Stanley $17,500 Mutual Pharmaceutical $15,600 Blackstone Group $13,500 Rida Development $13,500 First American Financial Corporation $12,700 Seville Classics $12,240 Arnold and Porter $12,200 Wells Fargo $12,000 Contributions above are for the last two years of available data, Nov 29, 2014 – Nov 28, 2016.

According to the MapLight disclamer, “Contributions data provided by the Center for Responsive Politics (OpenSecrets.org). Legislative data from GovTrack.us. ”


Eliot L. Engel Democrat (Elected 1988), NY House district 16

I wrote in details about the Representative Eliot Lance Engel in connection to his anti-Russia activities in authoring STAND for Ukraine Act H.R. 5094 in May 2016

Eliot Lance Engel has been reported as being a recipient of the pro-Israel campaign contributions $191,150

Total Campaign Contributions Received by Eliot L. Engel: $1,596,646

Top 10 Interests Funding

Interest Contributions Pro-Israel $191,150 Real Estate $123,000 Health Professionals $105,925 Lawyers/Law Firms $95,186 Securities & Investment $68,025 Pharmaceuticals/Health Products $55,700 Hospitals/Nursing Homes $36,350 Education $34,300 Building Trade Unions $34,000 Public Sector Unions $31,500 Top 10 Organizations Funding

Organization Contributions NORPAC $28,000 St Georges University $20,000 Natural Food Source Incorporated $16,200 Duty Free Americas $16,200 Stroock Stroock and Lavan $11,100 Nimeks Organics $10,800 Baystate Medical Center $10,800 Boeing Company $10,000 Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers $10,000 Raytheon Company $10,000 Contributions above are for the last two years of available data, Nov 29, 2014 – Nov 28, 2016.

Read more: https://thesaker.is/the-us-bill-h-r-1644-to-kill-russian-food-export-and-chinese-trade/

AM Hants

FORMER TRUMP ADVISOR: UK TREATED TRUMP’S SUPPORT FOR BREXIT AS A “THREAT” George Papadopoulos says UK and Australian intel agents were spying on Trump campaign… https://www.infowars.com/former-trump-advisor-uk-treated-trumps-support-for-brexit-as-a-threat/

The sanctions, being used against Russia, because Trump believes the Russians helped get him elected, When it was the UK Government, helping Clinton, who were interferring with the US Presidential Election. Wonder why the MSM, says nought? Why Trump goes along with it?

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