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US Policemen Threaten “To Put A Cap” In Pregnant Woman’s Head Over $1 Barbie Doll “Shoplifted” By Her 4-Year Old Daughter

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On May 27th, several Phoenix Police officers threatened to execute a family over a 4-year-old “shoplifting” a Barbie Doll from a Dollar store, in Phoenix, Arizona, US.

“After this, me and my daughters will never be the same anymore or feel the same for police because it seems like every police is out for blood or something. We wasn’t really doing anything,” Harper said during a press conference.

The family – Dravon Ames, 22, his pregnant fiancée Iesha Harper, 24, and their daughters, Island, 4 and 1-year-old London, were held at gunpoint by several screaming Phoenix police officers.

Police were responding to an anonymous caller about a possible shoplifting incident of a dollar store Barbie doll.

Court documents show that the dollar store did not call for police. With guns drawn, and screaming orders rife with foul language, cops surrounded the family at their car, pulled guns, and threatened to kill them.

The Phoenix Police Department said it was opening an investigation after partial footage of the incident was released by a bystander.

The family said the video didn’t include the first 5 to 10 minutes of the encounter.

No arrests were made nor were charges filed, though Ames says his car was impounded and that the injuries he sustained have made him unable to work.

Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego issued a statement calling the officer’s conduct as seen in the footage “completely inappropriate and clearly unprofessional.”

Currently, the family is suing the Phoenix Police Department in a $10 million lawsuit, after almost getting shot over a $5 Barbie Doll.

The family claims they weren’t aware their daughter had taken the doll until they were in their car and on their way to a nearby apartment complex where their babysitter lived. That’s when they said a police car silently pulled up behind them and an officer went up to Ames and allegedly pointed a gun at him.

Their lawsuit claim states: “The police officers committed battery, unlawful imprisonment, false arrest, infliction of emotional distress, and violation of civil rights under the fifth and 14th amendments of the United States Constitution.”

Chief of Police Jeri Williams gave a statement on saying that the police officers would be investigated, but their names weren’t revealed.

Message from Phoenix Police Chief Jeri Williams

Chief Williams addresses incident which occurred on May 27, 2019 in the area of 3200 E. Roosevelt.

Posted by City of Phoenix Police Department on Friday, June 14, 2019

This followed a written statement by the Phoenix Police Department on June 12th.

Public Information June 11, 2019

On June 11, 2019, we were provided video of an officer taking two individuals into custody while investigating a shoplifting incident in the area of 3200 East Roosevelt Street. This occurred after the suspect vehicle was stopped a short distance from the scene of the theft. It involved a man and a woman with two small children. Please be advised, there is some language which might be considered offensive. The video is intentionally blurred for redaction purposes. The Phoenix Police Department takes all allegations of misconduct seriously and for this reason, this incident is currently being investigated by the Professional Standards Bureau. Information provided by:Sgt. Tommy ThompsonPhoenix Police DepartmentPublic Affairs Bureau

Posted by City of Phoenix Police Department on Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Arizona Senator Martin Quezada called the incident a “systematic failure of leadership” over Twitter, in a response to Chief of Police Jeri Williams.

So, yes, to answer all arising questions, the bastion of democracy and human rights has repeated examples of systemic racism and families with young children being threatened with execution over an item that costs between $1 and $5.

US Policemen Threaten "To Put A Cap" In Pregnant Woman's Head Over $1 Barbie Doll "Shoplifted" By Her 4-Year Old Daughter

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US Policemen Threaten "To Put A Cap" In Pregnant Woman's Head Over $1 Barbie Doll "Shoplifted" By Her 4-Year Old Daughter

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Hasbara Hunter

It’s pretty common practice for American Coppers to Kill U.S. Citizens…



This is what happens in any police state regime that always recruits those with little or no empathy or common sense. Such people are all the same in any country and ISIS thugs are a good example.

The US cops are largely mentally unfit for their jobs, and as they have past acumen tests to get the job, it suggests that the US government actually wants violent morons to be police officers.

Such extreme behaviour by state institutions everywhere throughout history has always been a harbinger of a states collapse. This fact alone gives me hope that the US is in serious difficulty now. :)

Hasbara Hunter

Waitin’ for a Global Revolution to occur…. People should take back the Power that they Rightfully Own… Criminals are in Control at the moment…


As the US declines, so will the push back of her vassals wil further increase against the US military protection racket, especially in Europe , I hope.

Tom Tom

they have a right to shoplift, and when they’re caught, to not do what a police officer tells them?

Hasbara Hunter

Shoplifters should be summarily executed by Coppers….take no prisoners…

Tom Tom

except no one was shot for shoplifting, genius. you have to obey police officers. All he asked for was to put her hands up. you have no clue of what you’re talking about.

Hasbara Hunter

I don’t know what kind of treatment you are used to… But here in Holland Coppers ask things a lot nicer


This dude is a typical neocon asshole. Whenever there is an incident like this, the first thing they do is jump up and grab the cops dick for something to do. We in the states call them copsuckers, because that is exactly what they are and do. These are the types that let cops off when they are clearly guilty.


You are a fucking idiot. Do you know what a civilian gets charged with if they were to say they were going to “put a cap in your head”? It’s called terroristic threatening, a felony. Try it yourself asshole and see what happens. But all copsuckers come up with this BS.


You’re an idiot with think this a normal behaviour for a police officer. What the F@#k is wrong with you?


And their families,its the Cultural Marxist way of doing things. No mention of Jews or Zionists either :)


Typical COPsucker reply. No one said such shit, but YOU.


Few situations require maximum force in any policing.

Tom Tom

I know this, as you do, but I also know that if and when a cop says “do this” I do it. Know why? I’m not stubborn to the point of stupidity. You can always sue a cop/county later. Can’t get your life back.


” Can’t get your life back.”

Which is saying that you realise that (some) cops are willing willing to kill you if you are unarmed and challenged for a minor misdemeanour.

Pragmatically you are correct. How has this systematic police abuse been allowed to ferment ?

Lazy Gamer

It is not only the mental capacity of the police officer which influences how this scenarios unfold. It is also the fact that US citizens in some states have the ability to carry guns. Now these police officers are always hair triggered with the slightest movement from the suspect. States should invest in police body/head armour so these officers would learn restraint. At the same time, there are also factors from the suspects themselves. Some of them do have a problem with complying with an order from an officer.

Lazy Gamer

Also, those are irresponsible parents for not detecting that their child is holding a stolen item. Stupid carefree parenting.


That may be so, BUT I am sure that if the non-criminal US population was not so heavily armed, the greatest threat to civilians would be the current brutal police state.

Many tens of millions of Russians were murdered by the Soviet police state from 1917 to 1950 ish.

Millions were brutally killed by the Pol Pot police state in the 70’s.

Millions were killed by the Chinese police state during the cultural revolution.

The Zionists that control America are the same blood line that willingly murdered many tens of millions in Russia, so its not a stretch to think that Americans are at risk. Soviet Russian civilians were not allowed to own guns. American civilians can own guns and if they hand in their guns, tens of millions who oppose the Zionists are likely to be killed by the state troopers, I would suggest.

Lazy Gamer

And world peace is ensured with MAD. lol


Actually MAD is all that protects the world from being abused by zionists, as we see today in Palestine. Gaza is the largest Concentration camp that has ever existed.

It does not take much to imagine what would happen if only Israel and her US military assets were the only regimes with nuclear weapons.


Yes, there have been so many of the incidents, they are uncountable. If you want to see more disgusting shit, go to PINAC (Photography Is Not A Crime) News. What will really sicken you is how many are never charged. We have our fellow copsuckers to blame most of the time, because they will inevitably pack a jury with them and they in turn let the cops off. But, let this happen to them..and all of a sudden they just can’t believe it happened to them. This is the result of Israeli training. US citizens should realize this is how all Palestinians are treated every day.

Hasbara Hunter

With cars like this you can go in without knockin’


Zionism = EVIL

Americunts are natural born cowards and thugs. They only excel at beating the weakest and those who can’t fight back. A true shithole of low lives and cowards. The pigs are the just part of Americunt sick psyche.

National Pride

Nah, see power-tripping psychos like this exist everywhere. This sort of thing is actually exceedingly rare; it’s just that, when they do happen, it gets spread around and amplified because it gets clicks. This is a clear example of how sensationalism can warp public perception.

Tom Tom

Why is it that black people never seem to understand that you have to comply with what a cop tells you. There’s no negotiating. If they treat you wrong then you get a lawyer and make some money. So why risk getting shot like idiots?

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Why treat them like sub degenerates and sub humans? If those officers had not acted like armed thugs (tyrants with a badge) themselves, then this bad publicity would never have come to light and their dept would not be being sued for many millions.

You can call me Al

In my view,you are both right. I would hate to live over there, I would hate to be black, but I would hate to be a copper…… the US is terribly out of control, us armchair so and so have no right to criticise.


Why don’t you just come out of the racist closet? You must live in Chicago. I knew when I read your first post that this would be your argument. I know you’re too bigoted to give a shit, but you’re the reason we have the justice system we do. I hope the next cop related death is your family. Then we can all blame it on you being too white.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

There is obviously a culture of over-reaction, machismo and limited levels of common sense prevalent within U.S. law enforcement. They have started serving themselves and not the public.


This in the US, Jewish state as Israel, the police repress the slave people, be it Palestinian or black.


Aren’t American policemen sent to Israel for training?


I believe they are. Israeli’s train cops in Australia I think as well. Judging by the UK cops methods these days, the could well be training cops here as well.

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, part of the Zionist plan for a global police state. The dumb rednecks are scared shitless first by daily “terrorism” bogeyman and they accept any lie. US has the dumbest population in the world as confirmed by recent PEW poll, which ranked Americunts, Brits, Aussies and Canucks as the most ignorant people on earth and most brainwashed.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

america is so fucked up its not even funny

friendly anon

r/entitled parents much?

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