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US Politics: Intensified Censorship, Political Persecution, Schisms Between Ruling Elites – Prelude to ‘La Violencia’?

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US Politics: Intensified Censorship, Political Persecution, Schisms Between Ruling Elites – Prelude to 'La Violencia'?

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Written by Daniel Edgar exclusively for South Front

The unofficial, unspoken agreements underlying the monolithic Two-Party State cartel (perhaps best described by US historian Howard Zinn in A People’s History of the United States) that has dominated US politics and controlled all State powers and functions since just about forever are breaking down. The ruling elite families, groups and factions that control the political and bureaucratic machinery of the Democrat and Republican political parties are reverting to practices of vitriolic and incendiary slander, stigmatization, censorship and selective campaigns of blatant judicial/ political/ media persecution of their political rivals/ partners to an unprecedented degree, with a level of histrionics and ruthlessness that is usually only deployed against ‘outsiders’, i.e. anyone who questions or challenges the divine right to rule of the Democrat/ Republican duopoly and their stranglehold over the US system of government.

The longstanding political convention of ignoring or glossing over the corruption, abuse of power, conflicts of interest and influence peddling that have come to typify the commanding heights of the political system in the US is under threat as never before. While the Democrat & Co. apparatus have marshalled their forces to arrange a Grand Jury investigation of a somewhat bizarre and eclectic assortment of scandalous allegations claiming former Republican President Donald Trump is guilty of a variety of misdemeanours which seems to serve no purpose other than trying to derail his 2024 presidential campaign, the Republican & Co. apparatus have responded by initiating hearings in the House of Representatives committees that they currently control into ‘the Hunter Biden laptop’ and the ‘Weaponization of Government’. The mass media is lapping it up, with a deluge of incoherent reporting dedicated to providing maximum coverage to one side while studiously ignoring, downplaying and ridiculing the other.

One of the main accusations and complaints of the ‘pro-Democrat’ media companies and programs centres around the claims persistently made on some Fox programs that the last presidential election was ‘stolen’ through massive irregularities and fraud in the voting system. The media outlets and programs aligned with the Democrats insist that the allegations that the presidency was stolen are outrageous ‘conspiracy theories’ motivated by the objective of polarizing society and fueling protests and violence, with the ultimate purpose of carrying out a coup d’état (while at the same time  alleging or insinuating that the Republicans – and the Trump campaign team/ Organized Crime Syndicate in particular – attempted to alter the final vote count in their favour).

The allegations against Trump and his supporters of deliberately peddling absurd conspiracy theories simply in order to fan the flames of social polarization and slander the Democrats are building up to the casus belli, accusations of an attempted coup d’état, culminating in the January 6 protests during which some of the protestors tried to occupy the Congress (as opposed to the other cassus belli, that the last presidential election was stolen). The same media programs claiming that the allegations that the last presidential election was stolen are baseless, malintentioned ‘conspiracy theories’ – or part of an ongoing subversive plot – authoritatively assert that the January 6 protests were undoubtedly an orchestrated attempt to overthrow The Constitutional Government, and that a conniving Trump was definitely The Mastermind.

If anyone fails to accept the last presidential vote count without question and denounce everyone who participated in the January 6 protest as criminal coup-plotters, deluded fanatics or dangerous extremists, they are denounced  as accomplices and/ or ignorant conspiracy theorists. While I have not paid much attention to the details of the specific allegations and accusations, I suspect that in general terms both camps are right, and that they are also both wrong – that in the leadup to and during the last presidential and congressional elections all or most of the main ruling elite factions engaged in widespread practices of fraud, procedural irregularities and chronic manipulation of the media coverage, electoral system and vote count attempting to shift the result in their favour, but that some factions were ultimately a bit more effective than the others…

Meanwhile, the political posts controlled by the Republicans (in particular several House Committees) are investigating the shady deals and corrupt activities of the Biden family/ Organized Crime Syndicate (in particular Biden Jnr’s extraordinarily lucrative business dealings and consultancies in Ukraine), while the Democrats are busily doing the same against Trump (in particular through their indirect control over the New York District Attorney’s office). The resulting judicial/ political processes seem to exist in parallel universes, where the respective sets of allegations and hyperbole have for the most part been isolated, extracted and hermetically sealed off from each other, as well as from the broader institutional and social contexts. A cursory review of the accompanying media frenzy immediately reveals some of the major players in the diametrically-opposed constellations of political/ financial/ media factions and forces orchestrating, or simply uncritically repeating and amplifying, the main talking points that have been developed by each side (e.g. Republicans/ Trump and Fox Corporation v’s Democrats/ Biden and MSNBC, CNN).

These selective high-profile investigations/ witch-hunts and media spectacles are perhaps the clearest indication of the rupture of one of the core terms and conditions of the unspoken Two-Party State Accord – some of the corrupt practices, vested interests and abuses of power of some of the most powerful personalities in the Republican and Democrat camps are being exposed, something that is usually off-limits. Does anyone really doubt that a thorough, professional, non-partisan investigation – if provision for such a procedure existed in the Constitution  – of the politcal and financial dealings of just about anyone among the Republican or Democrat ‘heavyweights’ ensconced in the political party apparatus, the Congress or the White House would reveal a similar tangled web of conflicts of interest, abuse of power, insider trading, and vested interests operating behind the scenes?

The mass media companies allied with the most powerful Democrat factions of the Two-Party Srare cartel have even trundled out a ‘former Prime Minister’ from their obsequious pseudo-colony ‘Down Under’ (where the national government recently agreed to squander a sum equivalent to about a quarter of the country’s annual GDP to purchase a few aging nuclear-powered submarines from their US/UK Masters, something that will do nothing to enhance Australia’s security and that the Royal Australian Navy is not capable of operating and maintaining, but will make huge strides in terms of their determination to confront, provoke and infuriate the Chinese) in their desperate attempt to stigmatize and ultimately eliminate the few dissident voices that remain among the mainstream mass media outlets. LINK, LINK, LINK, LINK

In this instance the target is several programs broadcast by Fox Corporation (the ‘former PM’ is calling for a Royal Commission into the Murdoch media empire’s control over many of the mass media companies in Australia – see LINK1 above). However, scratching beneath the surface just a little, some of the contradictions begin to emerge. In the first place, the major shareholders of Fox Corporation are for the most part the same private financial/ corporate ‘institutional investor’ combines that are also the major shareholders of the parent companies of most of the other major media outlets in the US (as well as the main social media platforms, most components of The Federal Reserve cartel, weapons manufacturers, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, pharmaceutical companies, and a long etc). Notwithstanding their considerable media power and influence in the past, the Murdoch family doesn’t even appear on the list of major shareholders of Fox Corporation, much less have a controlling interest. LINK, LINK, LINK

Giving rise to the doubt – is this a real controversy over conflicts of interest and the manipulation of media coverage to further the subversive agendas of personal vested interests, or a contrived media scandal over a high profile personality fabricated in order to draw media coverage and distract public attention whilst furthering deeper and even more powerful hidden agendas? It is noteworthy that while the ‘Rupert Murdoch Media Empire’ and ‘Fox News’ programs have been singled out for particular attention and abuse, the ‘George Soros Colour Revolution & Regime Change Empire’, for instance, or the burgeoning financial/ corporate combines that serve as the economic equivalent of the Two-Party State cartel that taken together make up the nucleus of the Military Industrial Complex (the intertwined BlackRock/ Vanguard conglomerate that has captured the commanding heights of the economy in the US and many other countries, along with a select group of other equally anonymous and impenetrable corporate fronts such as State Street, Capital Research & Management, and Fidelity Management & Research), remain unmentioned and untouchable. In this instance, the unofficial pact of silence remains firmly intact.

The absence of a reliable constitutional procedure that could provide the possibility of a solution to the political stalemate, structural corruption, fierce and hysterical factional clashes, and multiple real or contrived crises that have taken over the ‘Yawning Heights’ of the State/ Corporate/ Media apparatus, fueled by the capriciousness and desperation of the groups involved and their determination to preserve their power and privileges at any cost, raises the spectre of one side or the other (or some unidentified and unobserved third party lurking in the bowels of the Deep State) seeking to capitalize on the volatility, instability, heated emotions and outrage by resorting to a series of staged attacks and provocations designed to shut down or take over all opposition or alternative media outlets, and accelerate the breakdown of law and order as a prelude to declaring a period of martial law.

As time has passed, many of the most insidious, cynical and corrosive political gambits and practices (such as covert and overt vote buying, influence peddling, horse trading, pork barrelling, censorship and manipulation of key information on the management of State institutions, functions and powers and the economy, and the constant rotation of senior and mid-level employees between regulatory agencies and the companies they are supposed to regulate, between weapons companies and the Pentagon, former members of Congress and lobbying firms and lucrative consultancy positions, etc.) have been legalized and thoroughly incorporated into the political system and other components of the system of government. Meanwhile, corporations have been deemed by the Supreme Court to possess all the constitutional rights of natural citizens, whilst being subject to few of the corresponding duties and obligations.

Given the split control that currently exists over specific legislative and executive functions and powers and the deeply entrenched politicization and infiltration of many critical State agencies by vested interests (in particular affecting the command centres and operational management of many if not most key law enforcement, intelligence and military agencies and functions), it is not entirely inconceivable that the bitter clashes and confrontations that are taking place between the ruling factions could degenerate into a bloody civil war, similar in some ways to ‘La Violencia’ that hurled Colombia into a decade of particularly murderous and destructive clashes between the Liberals and Conservatives (each of which mobilized armed factions from the nilitary and police, buttressed by the mass recruitment of ‘cannon fodder’ from amongst the poor, marginalized and other vulnerable, extremist or gullible social sectors) if a political solution cannot be found.

Amidst the maelstorm of accusations, suspicion, murky dealings and histerics, one thing is abundantly apparent – the degradation, manipulation, abuse and subversion of the system of constitutional principles, procedures, checks and balances is virtually complete, with all of the principal institutional mechanisms and procedures that were established to act as safeguards, checks and balances acting more like accomplices charged with covering up corruption, fraud, misconduct and other abuses of power by the ruling personalities, factions and vested interests while at the same time working in overdrive to persecute or harrass political opponents and others who are in some way a nuisance to the powers that be.

One of the steps that is most needed to reduce the heightened state of tension and begin the difficult task of addressing the structural features and causes that are responsible for the volatile and dangerous political, economic and social conditions – namely, restoring public confidence in the system of government and the media – appears ever more unlikely as time passes. The most powerful financial and political groups and factions that control the Congress, White House and most of the mass media outlets are not interested in analyzing and addressing the numerous structural flaws, defects and operative developments and dynamics that have overwhelmed the political system.

Rather than responding to the concerns of the substantial number of people who have genuine doubts about the integrity of the voting system by establishing an independent commission of inquiry headed by non-partisan experts acceptable to all sides as well as the public generally in order to thoroughly investigate the allegations of fraud and other irregularities in the electoral system and vote counting procedures, and – probably more importantly – and overhaul the system so as to ensure that the next elections are conducted in a manner most likely to produce ‘free and fair elections’ with accurate and verifiable results, the respective sides are reverting to ever more inflammatory rhetoric and actions trying to discredit and neutralize their rivals and at the same time gain some partisan advantage for themselves.

Nevertheless, it should also be noted that despite the putrefaction and decay that has taken over the commanding heights of the State and the economy and established a pervasive and impenetrable system of control at this level, there are still significant numbers of rank-and-file party members and State officials who are dismayed by what is happening and are committed to serving the American people as a whole and halting the ongoing slide of political, economic and social decay. Much will depend on whether they are capable of breaking free of the elaborate systems of social and mental conditioning and control that have been constructed and working together to find a way out of the current climate of multiple crises and conflicts.

On two occasions in Australia a political party gained complete control over the legislative and executive branches and thereby neutralized the mechanisms of accountability by appointing close associates and collaborators to manage them, reducing their jurisdiction and powers, and/ or by cutting off funding and resources to the point that they could no longer operate. The political and institutional deterioration reached crisis point in both instances (in Queensland in the late 1980s and Western Australia in the 1990s), and the government and Legislative Assembly were eventually forced to agree to the establishment of a comprehensive independent inquiry to investigate the scale and nature of the rampant corruption and abuses of power, examine how the institutional checks and balances were so effectively subverted and neutralized for so long, and make recommendations as to a comprehensive series of institutional reforms designed to minimize the likelihood that something similar could happen in the future. If some type of similar arrangement cannot be established to respond to the political, social and economic crises that threaten to overwhelm the country, the situation seems certain to continue deteriorating.

As a final note, I would like to make reference to and recommend the analysis and comments proferred by the independent presidential candidate Emanual Pastreich (from which the following quotes are taken) in terms of confronting, neutralizing and dismantling the core elements and groups underpinning the ‘Deep State’ that has taken over the country. LINK

9.11 truth is in my platform and I’ve given several speeches on the topic. It’s a gangrene that has infected our whole society. There are two issues. 9.11 was like a stiletto stab. It barely leaves a trace on the surface, and the skin heals up immediately so you cannot see the point of penetration. But beneath the surface, horrific, deadly infections are brewing.

Making the chain of command visible will require us to declassify a large number of documents, perhaps overnight. We do not have time to file hundreds of freedom information act requests over 20 years.

Our lawyers must take the strong position that because everything that was done was criminal, therefore everything must be declassified immediately.

The second part of the project is healing the American psyche, the American mind, the sick American culture.

That is the more important part because so many people know that there was something wrong about 9/11. The story doesn’t make sense; and yet they’re unable to address it.

When I bring up the topic in conversation, their response is silence. They don’t say I’m wrong; they’re just silent.

It is the intellectual or cultural equivalent of rape, child abuse, or incest in that we were violated. The government, the universities, the media, and the authority figures all around us like doctors, in the case of COVID-19, engineers, in the case of 9/11, all lied to us and they seduced us.

The resulting trauma, just like incest or rape, is so great that the individual is unable to come to grips with what has taken place. Therefore treating this trauma is the other key. We need to grasp the facts, reveal the chain of command, the specific chain of command through which the actions were taken. And then we must address the deep psychological trauma for Americans…


To those who accuse me of running a vanity campaign I ask, I demand, of any of those politicians who think that they’re qualified to run for president,

One, have you condemned the criminal operation that planned a false flag attack on the United States, known as the 9/11 event, as a means of dragging the United States into foreign wars and demolishing the republic? Have you asked for an international investigation?

(Of course the answer is no).

Two, have you demanded the return to the Federal Reserve of the $10 to $15 trillion stolen between January and September of 2020? (And of course that number is even much, much higher now, of course, with COVID scam) by multinational investment banks and other global players. Have you demanded that the criminals behind the theft be jailed?”

(And of course they haven’t)…

Notwithstanding the refusal of the legislative and executive branches and the mass media to conduct a thorough investigation of exactly what exactly happened on September 11 of 2001, and the identity of the perpetrators who were responsible for organizing and carrying out specific tasks and operations during the terrorist attacks, a large number of concerned citizens have examined what transpired and the inconsistencies, anomalies and contradictions that abound in the official version. Along with the numerous documentaries that have been produced, such as ‘Zero’ and ‘Loose Change’, there is a long list of detailed and high quality investigations of specific aspects and details of the attacks. Following is a select bibliography of some of these investigations and commentaries as to how the attacks were organized, carried out and subsequently covered up. While there is plenty of room for argument and disagreement over specific aspects and details which must be clarified, the urgent need for a comprehensive investigation to ascertain exactly what happened and who was involved should be obvious to all.


  • Barbara Honegger, Behind the Smoke Curtain – What happened at the Pentagon on 9/11?  LINK
  • Colonel Tony Shaffer interview with Stephen Gardner LINK
  • Kevin Ryan, Demolition access to the WTC Towers LINK
  • David Ray Griffin: The New Pearl Harbour Revisited: 9/11, the Cover-Up and the Exposé LINK
  • Veterans Today, 9/11: Filling in the Map, Tracing the Nukes LINK
  • Institute for the Study of Globalization & Covert Politics, Supranational Suspects Behind 9/11 LINK


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Edgar Zetar

No mather what happen in the Civil World. The Masters of the Universe are still moving forward their preplanned agenda from fifty years ago.. now its on full speed because time is getting shorter to their Empire. Suggestion: dont buy anything from them. Its all lies and deceit. But they still control everything “The Masters of the Universe”.


If those of you outside North America want to see the Western Establishment controlled by D.C. at it’s finest… Then look no further than it’$ family and probate courts, jails and prisons that sell it’s women, children and elderly and their estates for sale and cannibalize the “one visa” non-Asian H1-b visa($) post 9/11 (3 buildings 2 planes) in our State court(s) –






Last edited 1 year ago by Matt

The most effective strategy employed by the US deep state is division. As more people lose faith in the media and the government, the deep state will have to create more division to maintain control. If this continues, it could eventually lead to an actual civil war, although I don’t think we are close to that yet. If Trump loses the next election to Biden, then things will get interesting. The best move for the deep state would be to allow DeSantis to win, otherwise they will have to deal with half the country losing faith in elections or the unpredictability of a second term for Trump. Unfortunately they always have the option of starting a war if they feel threatened, this will both distract people and justify massive new government powers that will be used to solidify their power.


As long as the USSAN tax cattle buy the “Moon landing” bullshit, they will buy anything. That particular bit of delUSional nonsense is still “believed” by most livestock on the planet. If the herd imagines that the USSAN ruling class landed a tin can on the Moon, played golf, took selfies, rode a “Moon” buggy and did wheelies then the livestock will “believe” anything. There is nothing in USSA to “reform”, the entire shithole must be pumped, the shack burned and the contaminated soil bagged. Then something might be possible to atone for centuries of consummate evil.

Karma is coming as it always does and it doesn’t do debates.



“9.11 truth is in my platform and I’ve given several speeches on the topic. It’s a gangrene that has infected our whole society. There are two issues. 9.11 was like a stiletto stab. It barely leaves a trace on the surface, and the skin heals up immediately so you cannot see the point of penetration. But beneath the surface, horrific, deadly infections are brewing.”…

If the Russian Federation cared so much about where it was headed after (3 buildings 2 planes) it would have embarrassed the PRC and India when they helped the Bush “Administration” haul away the crime scene for their silence and in return for America’s manufacturing base especially in computers and related technology in their duplicity and spoke to it in the well of the UN HQ’s demanding an investigation of their “participation”!…

But Russia never has and never will even though it’s brought the possibility now of the worst catastrophic war that will end all wars to it’s front door! Russia has had many opportunities post 9/11 and the line in the sand was the overthrow Yanukovich administration by the CIA/Mossad/MI6 contingent!…

Too little too late -know!

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt
Anti Zio

911 truth is a cover up to the cover up… Alex Jones is another CIA puppet, they brought him up to conceal the real truth of 911 which is the planes were pure CGI! And those bombs weren’t termite, it was kinda nuke… “Bush” didn’t know it was going to happen, Bush planned it himself….

youtu.be/WCoKYQFruqs 911planeshoax.com https://rumble.com/vbw6ip-911-truth-documentary-no-planes.html?s=09


In the immortal words of Bob Mcilvaine.

The planes don’t even matter.

“Demolition” is “Demolition”!… And when NIST 2 years ago was forced to admit that their canard/ analysis of what took place with the collapse of Building 7 (the building that never made it into the pages of the 9/11 Commission Report) “was indefensible” -it was the same as admitting science fraud to the American people and the rest of the World!

After Shyam Sunder the lead engineer at NIST on that study of the Building 7 collapse admitted NISTs analysis was a fraud, he should have been frog marched to the Hague for crimes against humanity… And that’s how you know the system is beyond salvage when they can simply tell you that they’ve committed fraud and tell you “nothing to see here” … Now run along.

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt
Paul Citro

Too many words. People don’t have time to wade thru this kind of writing.


pretty sure its la stupidia, or at least la keep hunter biden’s heinie out of prison-ia. Something like that. Govtardz will do as they will do…

Edgar Zetar

Violencia is coming everywhere in the west. DARPA Biological Weapons Program: Modified resistant worms as plague and tools for stacking goals against enemy countries Project started in year 1942.

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