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US Profits As German ‘Leopard 2’ Tanks Soon To ‘Reach’ Moscow

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US Profits As German 'Leopard 2' Tanks Soon To 'Reach' Moscow

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst.

Virtually the entire world was able to see the absolute debacle of NATO’s much-touted heavy armor and other weapons recently, precisely as various independent experts predicted just days before the wanton counteroffensive began. Despite decades of close cooperation between the former Ukrainian military and NATO, as well as close to a decade of much more intensive joint training between the belligerent alliance and the (then newly installed) Neo-Nazi junta that focused on interoperability and the implementation of NATO standards, the Kiev regime forces’ performance against even the conscripted (although battle-hardened) Donbass militias within the Russian military has been embarrassingly poor.

The counteroffensive is still ongoing, resulting in largely insignificant gains (that are still firmly under Russian fire control), but has now largely stalled. The mainstream propaganda machine is trying to portray their favorite puppet regime’s “successes” as militarily significant, but the available information (ample footage included) indicates this is simply a coping mechanism and a desperate attempt to keep the laughable “Russia losing” narrative alive. Even if the Neo-Nazi junta’s gains have been a hundred times greater (a virtually impossible scenario as evidenced by undeniable battlefield information), this would still not justify the massive casualties its forces have suffered so far and which are still far from being conclusive.

However, the political West is wholly unmoved by the deaths of tens of thousands of forcibly conscripted Ukrainians, as its only concern is “killing as many Russians as possible”, per their own unrepentant admission. Still, the humiliating losses of such a large quantity of top-of-the-line (on paper only, it would seem) NATO equipment and weapons has now exposed significant cracks within the political West, particularly the growing frustration and disdain Western Europeans have for the ever-hegemonic United States.

The delivery of Western-made weapons, munitions and other equipment has been spearheaded by countries such as the US, UK, Poland, etc. London was the first to pledge heavy armor and long-range missiles, as well as banned depleted uranium munitions that can leave disastrous consequences. This was followed by Washington DC’s intention of delivering its M1 “Abrams” MBTs (main battle tanks) that are reportedly slated to be upgraded with some M1A2 systems and subsystems, increasing their overall performance and capabilities.

Afraid of potential losses (rightfully as we’ve learned recently), Germany was initially reluctant to provide its own MBTs, long considered the most advanced (and best overall) in NATO. This was met with cheap moralizing from the US, UK, Poland and many others, pushing Berlin to speed up its deliveries of heavy armor. However, now that its prized MBTs have not only been destroyed, but are also on their way to Moscow (including one of the latest A6 variants), Germany realized just how big of a mistake this has been (just like 80 years ago).

Interestingly, ever since the debacle, Washington DC and London have been strangely quiet about their previously boastful pledge to send the “Abrams” and “Challenger 2” MBTs. Especially now when all the German manufacturers of the “Leopard 2”, primarily Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (chassis producer) and Rheinmetall (main gun producer), are facing plummeting stocks (and extremely likely market share losses). We can only guess who will benefit the most from filling the market gap with their own equivalent equipment and weapons.

However, apart from irreparable damage to its reputation, Germans are also faced with the prospect of their heavy armor becoming nearly obsolete, as some of it has been sent to Moscow, where the Russian military will study it in detail. The mainstream propaganda machine insists this is because Russia supposedly “lacks such high technologies” and wants to reverse-engineer them, but this notion is quite laughable, as Moscow will simply study it to find easier ways to destroy NATO heavy armor (not that it has problems doing that already, though).

On June 13, Russian President Vladimir Putin held a live meeting with a number of prominent war bloggers and military journalists, where he detailed the results of the Russian military’s performance in previous days. Putin didn’t hide Russian losses and admitted there are certain problems in the armed forces and the country’s military industry, but also reiterated that these are being tackled as the authorities are working towards weeding out deficiencies. Still, he didn’t miss the opportunity to praise the overall performance of both.

And indeed, the Russian military-industrial capacity has been greatly expanded and proved virtually invulnerable to Western sanctions warfare, while the military demonstrated remarkable flexibility by rapidly adopting new tactics, an effort that resulted in its largely stellar performance when it comes to repelling the Kiev regime’s attacks. Putin specifically praised the T-90M MBT, as it has indeed proven to be the best in the world. This notion is further reinforced by the fact that it has suffered very few losses to enemy fire in well over a year of its use.

On the other hand, the number of German-built “Leopard 2” MBTs destroyed in mere days far exceeds the number of T-90Ms lost in approximately 16 months of the special military operation (SMO), despite the fact that the latter is also much more widely deployed. Worse yet for the Germans, even the less advanced T-72B3 proved to be much more survivable against both drones and ATGMs (anti-tank guided missiles) than NATO’s latest and most advanced heavy armor. What’s more, the upgraded Soviet-era T-64BV in service with the Kiev regime forces also demonstrated greater survivability.

Apart from Russian Ground Forces and drones, attack helicopters such as the Ka-52 “Alligator” proved particularly deadly against hostile heavy armor. This fantastic machine’s primary ATGM is the 9M127-1 “Vikhr”, one of the world’s most advanced weapons of this class. Putin also praised its ground-based “cousin”, the no less capable 9K135 “Kornet” ATGM, which the Russian President also said will be produced in larger quantities. He also added that military experts expected no less than what we’ve seen in the last several days, adding that NATO weapons and equipment “burn nicely”. The same as that of their “Barbarossa” ideological (and literal) forefathers, we might add.


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Ahmed the Sissy Faggot

stupid inbred faggy muzlims pay to sυck jew dick..masochist feminized sissy muzlims are desperate for nigher boyfriends 😆😆😆😆🖕☪️🖕☪️

Last edited 1 year ago by Ahmed the Sissy Faggot
Ahmed the Sissy Faggot

stupid inbred faggy muzlims pay to sυck jew dick..masochist feminized sissy muzlims are desperate for nigher boyfriends 😆😆😆😆🖕☪️🖕☪️

stupid inbred faggy muzlims pay to sυck jew dick..masochist feminized sissy muzlims are desperate for nigher boyfriends 😆😆😆😆🖕☪️🖕☪️

stupid inbred faggy muzlims pay to sυck jew dick..masochist feminized sissy muzlims are desperate for nigher boyfriends 😆😆😆😆🖕☪️🖕☪️

Last edited 1 year ago by Ahmed the Sissy Faggot
Ahmed the Sissy Faggot

stupid inbred faggy muzlims pay to sυck jew dick..masochist feminized sissy muzlims are desperate for nigher boyfriends 😆😆😆😆🖕☪️🖕☪️

stupid inbred faggy muzlims pay to sυck jew dick..masochist feminized sissy muzlims are desperate for nigher boyfriends 😆😆😆😆🖕☪️🖕☪️

stupid inbred faggy muzlims pay to sυck jew dick..masochist feminized sissy muzlims are desperate for nigher boyfriends 😆😆😆😆🖕☪️🖕☪️

Last edited 1 year ago by Ahmed the Sissy Faggot
Ahmed the Sissy Faggot

stupid inbred faggy muzlims pay to sυck jew dick..masochist feminized sissy muzlims are desperate for nigher boyfriends 😆😆😆😆🖕☪️🖕☪️

stupid inbred faggy muzlims pay to sυck jew dick..masochist feminized sissy muzlims are desperate for nigher boyfriends 😆😆😆😆🖕☪️🖕☪️

stupid inbred faggy muzlims pay to sυck jew dick..masochist feminized sissy muzlims are desperate for nigher boyfriends 😆😆😆😆🖕☪️🖕☪️

Last edited 1 year ago by Ahmed the Sissy Faggot

u had to edit ? cant you even copy paste without getting that wrong ? your post is a great reason why south front needs better mod system to be taken seriously by any readership

Mykola the last Queer Ukrainian pole tugger

soon, this shitty little terrorist rump state of ukraine will cease to exist. heheheh 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 ура росії ура росії ура росії ура росії ура росії ура росії ура росії ура росії

Mykola the last Queer Ukrainian pole tugger

soon, this shitty little terrorist rump state of ukraine will cease to exist. heheheh 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 ура росії ура росії ура росії ура росії ура росії ура росії ура росії ура росії

Mexican-Illinoisian 🇲🇽Z🇷🇺

stupid inbred faggy muzlims pay to sυck jew dick..masochist feminized sissy muzlims are desperate for nigher boyfriends 😆😆😆😆🖕☪️🖕☪️

stupid inbred faggy muzlims pay to sυck jew dick..masochist feminized sissy muzlims are desperate for nigher boyfriends 😆😆😆😆🖕☪️🖕☪️

stupid inbred faggy muzlims pay to sυck jew dick..masochist feminized sissy muzlims are desperate for nigher boyfriends 😆😆😆😆🖕☪️🖕☪️

Last edited 1 year ago by Mexican-Illinoisian 🇲🇽Z🇷🇺
V Molotov

they will reach moscow zoo where monkeys will piss on inferior german tank

Secon thought

or trophy of war.


the us should send abram’s, and when one gets knocked out of captured, the russians should put it on display outside the us embassy, so every time that enter or leave it they’ll has to pass the abram’s.

Last edited 1 year ago by Christopher

your cut off head will be a trophy, ruzzki!!

Ultrafart the Brave

dude, you should take up writing novels.

what convoluted abstract train of thought could possibly lead to this projection?

the mind boggles. very warped – but hilarious nonetheless.

Gneaus stapo

russian flathead subhuman assclown lack of intelligenz at work…. t90 transfered to usa and transported out of public side…. flatheads fantasy about leo 2 in zoo+ some odd monkey waterplay sex fantasy.

no question needed why russians lost cold war

V Molotov

russia won cold war–now we are not burdened by poor muslim nations—german inferiority complex expected–now you are usa colony…🤣🤣🤣


i rip of your fucking head and shit down your neck, stupid ruzzki!!!

V Molotov

only on your coward keyboard can you rip a used condom from other lgbt-lol


pleo-panzerschrott wird zu neuen t90 verarbeitet


but mr. prigozhin in his new speech says that you are lying. here, new speech from mr. prigozhin, listen carefully: rlu.ru/3jexh

Last edited 1 year ago by Wadim_the_Great
A buktee

jeobehsoendhxuo3orh uisj3ia

Last edited 1 year ago by A buktee

make russia great again!


the jewish prime banker rothchild, the father of the red army and red communist russia, together with his not less vile buddy jacob schiff, who ordered the murder of the whole russian czar family. from trotzky, lenin, to stalin, to putin – it is all anti-russian jews !

Ultrafart the Brave

interesting that you keep getting down-votes for your comments.

perhaps there is a certain bias against you here on the forums, irrespective of the substance of your comments.

in any case, it occurs to me that all the american neocon psychopaths behind the entire long-running conflict around ukraine are dual nationality jews.

“cookies” nuland comes to mind.

there’s that “elephant in the room” again.

The pragatic economist.

“now that its prized mbts have not only been destroyed, but are also on their way to moscow (including one of the latest a6 variants), germany realized just how big of a mistake this has been (just like 80 years ago).” technology transfer. for free. cope.


the same with captured bradleys, javelins, stingers, pzf3, matador, tow…


and small arms, and ammunition types, and optics, and radios, and body armour, and helmets and…

russian military reverse engineers are going to be busy.

Mykola the last Queer Ukrainian pole tugger

already pumping out the russian version of caesar artillery. thank you france for the donation of the “only abandoned once” spanking new technology. 😆😆😆 ура росії ура росії ура росії ура росії ура росії ура росії ура росії ура росії ура росії ура росії ура росії ура росії ура росії ура росії ура росії ура росії


tak toto je ozaj čistá potupa pre debilov zo západu. ha, ha, ha … už aby si ruskí vojaci mohli zastrieľať na „abrams“ a „challenger 2“. to bude ešte len zábava. ruské vojská nateraz zvládli všetko čo proti nim postavil prehnitý západ.


for zelensky there’s nothing a line or two of coke can’t fix! get that “coke is it” feeling and all doom and gloom washes away. 😂🤣


dear sf, “the afu loses in life are not worth the lousy gains on the battlefield” so far i agree.

but the russian loses in the spring offensive were although too high. especially wagner pmc was knocked out after the soledar bachmut (now atemovisk) offensive. so be fair the whole war is too expensive for both sides. but nobody can stop the destruction of the historical russian mother soil (ukriane and russia). too bad for russia and ukrainiane.

jens holmo

i will be the superstar of tonight’s ‘glory hole’ at the gay sauna

jens holm

not me must be sawyer–i only like lgbt taliban brothel


operazione z in tutta europa . grazie putin

Last edited 1 year ago by Franco
Gneaus stapo

useless crap articel as always.

i am looking forward to see the leo 2 a6 in moscow…dont sing it bring it. wont happen anytime soon.

by the way my rheinmetall shares are going trough the roof, it is a good year.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo
Душан Мирић

of course they are going to reach moscow – as spoils of war exhibition items

Gneaus stapo

i believe it,as soon as they arrive.


the us will profit even more once the first captured leopard 2 is placed in front of the german embassy in moscow to shame “sergeant” schulz and his lackey state. but then once the first abrahams garbage gets trashed by russia the very same profit will be quickly gone…

Ultrafart the Brave

some things are inevitable.

watch also for the first shootdown of an f-22 in syria to be admitted by the american regime – but we can rest assured that they’ll try real hard to deny it.


rhine metal and thyssen krupp vs roxoboron corp. precision vs infinite fuel? cutting tool,s heat and organization. i’d be curious about the salvage and scrap economies. towing. steel is cheap compared to the tanks be 20 tons highly processed alloy should still hit 20,000 dollars a huld depending on heavy industry and scrap salvage. demolitions tech, nano thermite and arc welding might make prospekting end game battlefield valuable.

komodo – died in your arms tonight


this was learned from youtube hence no secret, anyway the later t72’s had upgrades like revised armour, and not just reactive exterior packages retrofitted, but the arrangement and thicknesses of steel panels that makes the hull differed, so those “old” russian tanks are not always old at all, they just look outwardly the same as the original models.

V Molotov

the humiliated trolls tantrum at sf—you are defeated weak paper tiger….”it is not russianism that will destroy the earth, it is americanism..not only the english have fallen prey to it but all of europe has as it represents modernity in all its monstrosity”. martin heidegger

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