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MARCH 2025

US Reaper Drone Shot Down Over Afghanistan

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

In a rare, successful attack on one of the most advanced US offensive weapons, a US drone has reportedly been shot down over Afghanistan. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (Voice of Jihad) reports that Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate shot down an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) said to be operated by the United States.

US Reaper Drone Shot Down Over Afghanistan

The UAV above is believed to be a MQ-9 Reaper with a price tag of $10.5 million. The aircraft can stay airborne up to 36 hours with 1.7 tons of missiles and bombs. The wreckage of the plane is said to have been seized by the Mujahideen. So far, there has been no comment from from the US military.

US Reaper Drone Shot Down Over Afghanistan

The location of the downed drone is in Kunduz, a city in northern Afghanistan.

US Reaper Drone Shot Down Over Afghanistan

The attack may have been in retaliation for a US drone strike which yesterday killed 14 ISIS militants in the Kunar province, a northern boarder region in Afghanistan. According to The Guardian, “Abdul Ghani Musamim, a spokesman for the provincial governor, told the Associated Press that the drone had targeted a meeting of Isis commanders who were planning a terrorist attack.”

US Reaper Drone Shot Down Over Afghanistan

Apropos, on Thursday, we reported U.S. bombs dropped in Afghanistan surged to a 7-year high in the month of September, as it became clear that Trump’s Afghanistan war policy was simply to add to the local death toll by dropping more bombs.

US Reaper Drone Shot Down Over Afghanistan

As discussed before, we suspect that President Trump, gradually settling in into his role as the next “Warmonger-in-Chief” has reignited a trend that the military industrial complex is simply delighted about.

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Tiresia Branding

https://youtu.be/jqupk12FGag https://youtu.be/OnI7ebtIBfI two Reapers lost in one week…. Iran do it?

Solomon Krupacek

the iranian is paper scale-model


Oh, yes! Iranian missiles are also firecrackers. So, no need for Israel to be worried if it decided to attack Iran, right?

Solomon Krupacek

this stealth machine is fake

arga garga, why do you shenge the theme? i talk about concrete plane, you begin about othe issue.


That too, is fake. Pinky swear, Happy? When it had it’s test flights, we’ll say it’s being Photoshopped, but don’t tell anyone else, it’s our little secret. Shhh…

Gary Sellars

Fake? WTF are you blabbering about. If it was fake, the US wouldn’t be so upset, and the Iranians wouldn’t bother with putting on a propaganda show (otherwise they would look like stupid liars when the US proved it to a fake…)

Seriously, do you think about teh stuff you write?


u are paper scale-model


America paying for their wrong doing in Asia region.

The Farney Fontenoy

Sell it to Iran, they’ll pay handsomely for it!

Real Anti-Racist Action

Or to NK or Lebanon or China also.

Mase fah

iran dont need it as thier drone technology is very advanced

Cheryl Brandon

Great to see the Reaper done down.


Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate? Who are these guys? Do they have SAMs?

The drone in the photo does not look like it was shot down – more like it ran out of gas.


They are more commonly known as the Taliban.


OR it was bought down electronically perhaps ?

Keith Smith

probably, in a hot war, these drones will get hacked in seconds or electronically disabled. I think France just weaponised some of their drones? they like to get involved on the side with war


This is indeed welcome and most amusing news.


The US will deny they lost a UCAV and say it’s photoshopped, then will ask them to return the wreckage.

Real Anti-Racist Action

The democratically elected Taliban has won the war, the USSA has lost the war just as the evil USSR did. The gig is up, and the UK’s dream of running Afghanistan is also over after hundreds of years of trying, The world patiently awaits the demise of the UK and USSA.

Keith Smith

am from UK. you say the world wishes for my death? how should i respond to that.. are you a racist for assuming different cultures want the same thing unconditionally across the board? or are you racist for wanting British people dead?….why are you racist?


nobody said anything about wanting anyone dead, read his comment again. The demise of the USSR didn’t mean the Russian people died.

Solomon Krupacek

the four A-level shitmixers on the earth are: usa, uk, france, il

be sure, half ow world is happy, the uk is sinking and sinking …


Don’t take it personally. When people talk about misdeeds of the US or UK, they usually mean their governments not their people. Nobody wishes for death of another country’s people.

As a British citizen, do you support all the actions of your government? Specially the ones which result in the destruction of other people’s countries and their death?

I think it would be nice to see the demise of the US and UK governments and witnessing a new one who follows it’s own national and people’s interests and at the same time, wish you to celebrate your 120th birthday with your loved ones, as long as you don’t wish ill for other people too.

Keith Smith

Alwys the same dont take it personally until everybody thinks the same way and UK under v serious real threat, UK already getting battered by EU, islam and traitorous government


Then take it personally for all I care. I said nobody is your personal enemy, your country is responsible for a lot of suffering in the world, they destroyed countless lives, don’t tell me your sheltered feelings got hurt because somebody wished for your criminal government’s demise.

Whatever is happening to your country is the DIRECT results of the stupid policies your stupid politicians decided on. Perhaps you should elect a bunch of better politicians.

Keith Smith

meh i voted UKIP my conscience is clear. And if everybody wants UK to die off, mebbee to defend ourselves we should continue to destroy other countries to stay alive. Regime change is the talk of BS like Syria, (i support the Russians in that one) Otherwise its called a n election, not an overthrow, but chances are with mulsim population it will be labour in charge next time


Ha! Good luck changing your government for the better by an election!

Keith Smith

lol, things are kinda moving forward, UKIP have a better shot against tories when they completely balls it up leaving EU. But Imams up and down the country say vote labour and swung around 30 seats for labour last GE. in 5 yrs, the imported vote bloc will be a lot higher.


I sincerely hope you can do that. Those Imam’s move against the interests of Britain in particular and Muslims in general. Nothing remotely good comes out of their treacherous speeches. You the British better be able to solve your internal differences and concentrate your political will to counter them. They are minority and you can stop them. I think your main problem is that your people aren’t very enthusiastic about the politics and elections after so many betrayals. Social networks are among the best tools in your arsenal, use it. Britain wasn’t like that in ’70s when I used to live there for a few years, even in ’00s wasn’t like that. People were much more united.

Keith Smith

in EU states, mass fascistbook cull of accounts that were pro UKIP, Pro Le Penn, and 5k accounts taken off before german elections. m s m comments did same, ironically express and mail removed me at the same time before last UK GE 2017. same day,no untoward posts. emails i got were virtually threatening me with police licking my door off if i made a new account to post comments with. (made a new one within 24 hrs. ) the censorship is terrible atm. I typed in ‘news’ in google 47 pages came up, even with omitted search results. nothing past page 47 to choose from. out of 8.8b search answers… google are moving to a yahoo format, database rather than free search. might even start using yahoo for a while


You’re right. I believe the reason for that is the huge number of refugees which were brought to Europe without screening. Wanna bet how many of them are in fact paid agents to create chaos in Europe? They came along with the true refugees (even true refugees need screening). That directly resulted in a wave of terror, sexual harassment, beatings, you name it so the European average Joe deduces Muslims did and doing this. The average Joe has every right to be worried, but not from the Muslims in general. All of Europe combined didn’t take the number of refugees which are in Iran or Turkey, do you see the same situation there? Now the condition is ripe for 2 goals: 1- Fascists and Ultra-right taking power (I’m not talking about patriotic Europeans who want to preserve their culture, I’m talking about the European version of Fascism), and 2- Average Joe’s hatred against Muslims to justify the future wars.

Google became an awful tool in their arsenal. It’s almost impossible for Google to present you with what you searched. Yes, we need a new and uncensored search engine.

My advice to you is start small. Don’t try to change everybody’s mind, start with 5-10 people who are ready to accept you and expand it, and if each one of these do the same, you’re just 4 steps away from 10,000 and 6 from 1 Million people. They’ll need organizing, they’ll need education but you can make a difference. Good luck.

Keith Smith

been red pilling people and fighting the EU for yrs :)


Keep up the good work! But get organized, it shouldn’t take years otherwise something is wrong.

Keith Smith

liberals dont listen. they just point the finger and shout racist because they believe that is a valid argument

Gary Sellars

He’s talking about regime change… don’t be stupid. The world will be better off once the ruling regimes of both the US and its little barking minion UK collapse and can be relegated to the rubbish bin of history.

Solomon Krupacek

RUSSIA has physiologicylly SS in the name. coincidence?


Insecure people turn SS into ß. Russians aren’t insecure, so they left it in it’s place.

Tiresia Branding

ASHKENAZI has physiologicylly NAZI in the name. coincidence?


Hard to believe that a US Reaper was shot down. Probably an older drone used by other coalition forces

Robert Duran

whatever makes you more comfy bro


Also, Looking at the picture, it is inconsistent with what we would expect see from a shoot down which would have pieces scattered over several acres instead of being pristine.

Melotte 22

Lives of many innocent Afghan civilians were saved.

andy l

Looks like the grim reaper got the reaper! this drone has likely killed scores of people many innocent

Igor Dano

The picture isfrom 2014, rt.com. Comments at zh revealed it. It is misleading. Go to the bottom of the comments at zh, and have a l9k at rt.com, 2014.

Igor Dano

Btw they have a self destruction.


Yeah, I wondered about that myself.

Solomon Krupacek

MQ-9 Reaper with a price tag of $10.5 million

the question of price is important for poor nations, not for yanks.

Igor Dano

Google search of the image above shows multiple hits from 2014 under the title ;

“Afghans stone US drone”


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