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MARCH 2025

US-Russian Road War In Northeastern Syria

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Four US service members were slightly injured during a standoff with the Russian Military Police near the border-town of Al-Malikiyah in the Syrian province of al-Hasakah. According to reports, the US troops received “mild injures” after their MaxxPro MRAP vehicle collided with a Russian vehicle. US officials quoted by media said there was no exchange of fire during the standoff, which took place earlier this week. According to their version of the events, a Russian vehicle intentionally rammed a US one.

Videos from the scene appeared online on August 26. They show Russian and U.S. armored vehicles chasing each other in the al-Hasakah countryside. A Russian helicopter was also filmed harassing U.S. troops that were trying to block a Russian patrol. Syrian sources say that Russian forces were reacting to attempts of the US military to block a Russian patrol in the area.

A few hours later, the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley made a phone call to Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov, the Pentagon said. The US military did not provide details regarding the agenda of the phone call, but it is likely that the sides discussed the current situation.

Forces of the United States and Russia regularly find themselves engaged in various small-scale incidents in the area as both sides seek to block movements of each other in the region. After the first deployment of the Russian Military Police in Syria’s northeast, forces of the US-led coalition immediately started trying to block the movement of Russian patrols near al-Hasakah. Later, the Russian Military Police and the Syrian Army, with support of pro-government locals, joined this standoff by regularly blocking US military convoys and forcing them to return to their bases. The recent developments demonstrate that these actions may easily lead to a further escalation at any moment.

A group of pro-government fighters went missing near the town of al-Mayadin in the province of Deir Ezzor during the recent security operation there, according to reports by pro-militant sources. The missing fighters are reportedly members of the local National Defense Forces (NDF) and the Palestinian militia Liwa al-Quds. The NDF and Liwa al-Quds dispatched a large force with dozens of vehicles to the western Deir Ezzor countryside to search for the missing group, whose fate is yet to be revealed. Most likely, it was ambushed and eliminated by ISIS terrorists. A wide network of ISIS cells still operates in the Homs-Deir Ezzor desert. Russia says that these cells use the US-controlled areas in al-Tanf and on the eastern bank of the Euphrates to resupply its forces. The US rejects these claims as false.

The situation in southern Idlib remains relatively calm after the recent attack on the Russian-Turkish patrol. Nonetheless, the sides are apparently preparing for a new confrontation. On August 26, two service members of Syria’s 45th Special Forces Regiment were spotted with 9K32 Strela-2M and 9K310 Igla-1 MANPADs near the al-Zawiya Mount, close to positions of Turkish-backed militants. Apparently, these MANPADs will be employed against Turkish forces if Anakra once again opts to go offensive against the Syrian Army to protect al-Qaeda terrorists hiding in Greater Idlib.

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The US Zioterrorists just said Syria is not getting back any more territory, implying there’s gonna be US attacks against Damascus if Syria attempts to liberate the Turkish/US/ISIS/SDF invasion areas. Trumptard scum still think he’s different from Biden, but it’s all the same shit in different package, so unless Moscow’s ready to escalate, they’ll have to get used to US attempts to block Russian movements and ops in Syria.


Your mighty Iran will “escalate” with their 100000000000000000 missiles. Why would you depend on country like Russia on which you spit every day?! You don’t need Russia obviously. You are even talking about “US blocking of Russians” on video where Americunts are chased away by Russians you RETARD !

Lux et Veritas

Desperate hasbara homosexual? trying to deflect.


Wow the guy who is systematically down-voting all my comments is not pleased? Fuck you pig!

From now on as much you talk against Russia I will return the same favor to you!


Time to call the bastards bluff,if they want a full blown tear up let the bastards have it,it can’t be any worse than this situation.

Fog of War

True, but Putin wont do that, as that would severly damage the ZioAmericans military reputation in the world. Even Iran just bent over, once again, and allowed more inspections of its nuclear sites ? Why ? What are they scared of at this point anyhow ?


I second that opinion


Fear itself.

Fog of War

” The US Zioterrorists just said Syria is not getting back any more territory, implying there’s gonna be US attacks against Damascus if Syria attempts to liberate the Turkish/US/ISIS/SDF invasion areas. ”

Sadly, unlike Putin, the ZioAmericans mean what they say. This is a sad shi*tshow at this point.


I think the American Volk will be our closest ally in the future, once they wake up (and they do at an exponential rate) and lynch their zio traitors within


Get off the feminazi hormone pills soros bot,since when did usa did as what they said?

Damien C

Need to amass a very strong force with sustained aircover and tanks across the southern Eurphrates and roll the US/SDF northwards out of the oilfield then the US will leave with no oil assets left. This is Syria not Texas


I said the same weeks ago,its the only way,don’t anounce it just do it,Blitzkrieg.


Syria dont have the air defenses to do that.. They got their hands full just keeping their cities safe form israel.

Антон С

Remember that strike 3 years ago? ~110 cruise missile launched, 30 of them stroke at abandoned building, rest ones flew at syrian airbases. Result – ~90% of missile been intercepted. AA arsenal of Syria is: old “Cube” (“Quadrate” is export name), S-200, quite modern “Buk”, modern “Panzer” and S-300PMU2 + aviation with 15-20 MiG-29SMT. Add electronic countermeasures and data from S-400 and A-50 in Hmeimim.


Who invited the joo-lovers into Syria? OK, the joos did, but what legitimacy the joo-slaves have there? NONE!!

Fog of War

The one Putin gave them by agreeing to deconfliction agreements with them. That gave them defacto legitimacy to be there. Thanks Putin.


What does a deconflict agreement have to do with right to be there. It’s meant to prevent WW3 idiot. Are you claiming that Zioterrorist have a legitimate right to be there? Because it sure sounds that way.


Any excuse from false to totally false statement is good enough for him. What it counts is repeating “Putin=Russia did it”, or “Russia is not doing enough”. Those 2 narratives are systematically pedaled by almost everybody from false friends of Russia to “useful idiots” who support anything accepted by majority.

1) “Russia is not doing enough” is US-NATO narrative – plan to push Russia in investing lot in Ukraine and Syria and than create quagmire to drain Russia’s strength.

2) “Putin=Russia did it”. They attack Putin all the time to keep pretending that they are pro-Russian but Putin is “not doing enough“(like Putin is giving orders of every action of Russian army) And they do exactly the same approach of CIA – MI6 tactics. They sling any kind of dirt and falsehood on Putin hopping (that some of it will stick) to discredit Putin=Russia

Actually they use absolutely same narratives already established by US-NATO, CIA-MI6 already in their use. And everybody is doing that from neo-NAZI’s to Shia Muslims to NATO bots, Israeli bots, US bots and “useful idiots” who imitate majority. The biggest critics of Putin are citizens of Western NATO countries that are enemies of Russia. The ironi is that they pretend to be “friends” of Russia.

Shia Muslims are not much better. Level of duplicity and hypocrisy is disgusting. Not to mention all other endless list of Russian enemis. NOBODY ever criticize Iran or China about anything only Russia.

Fog of War

Because Idiot, if you walk into your house and find a thief there, but instead of kicking him out you offer the thief some food and a bedroom to stay in, while only requiring that the thief stay out of your way , you have in fact legitimized the thief’s presence in your house. I know this might be to high brow for you to understand.


@Faggot of War

Neo-NAZI’s and Turk up-vote your comment. Always same scum sticks together…rats recognize another rat.

You yourself were participating in attack on Greeks in Greek-Turk dispute. Which designates you as Turk or Shia Muslim who hates Russia (just doesn’t want to show it)

Антон С

Almighty Putin have more power than Zion wisemen, masons and reptilians together.) Putin is G… I didn’ tsay so, but he is. At least for mad hohols in Kiev and some liberals, who trying to catch “the Kremlin’s hand” in every case. Swedes are catching USSR’s submarines in Stockholm sewer. Who sent submarines? Putin.

Lux et Veritas

They are exceptional and self anointed chosen.

cechas vodobenikov

where r the coward amerikan trolls in this thread? to fearful to confront the truth


I ran a half a dozen unarmed and armed recon ops through the CHAZ/CHOP zone where the police wouldn’t go. Most at night when there was gunfire every time and multiple active shooter incidents with multiple injuries and fatalities. The US needs to be dejudified so that it’s Jew free. This will create a much better future for the US and humanity. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2fc5510bc24a17cb3460181117ccdb442992d316249dd9a525e27a138883ba29.jpg


didnt you run out of natives to shoo t by now?


I don’t shoot anyone if it’s not necessary.


This was my concealed carry CHAZ/CHOP op concealed carry load out.



The compact high tech search light shown has a beam range of up to 2,000 feet (650 meters) on the highest setting.


I ran a half a dozen unarmed and armed recon ops through the CHAZ/CHOP zone where the police wouldn’t go. Most of the ops that I ran were at night when there was gunfire every time and multiple active shooter incidents with multiple injuries and fatalities. I didn’t carry a long gun, but I have one if I need one.

The US needs to be dejudified so that it’s Jew free. This will create a much better future for the US and humanity.


This video can be watched by clicking on the link below the screenshot.




The crimes against humanity that the Jew world order has been committing against the planet using the US as it’s global hegemony drive stalking horse. Are now being committed against the American people as the JWO attempts to implement a fascist Bolshevik Jew Stalin red terror style government. To progress with their end of humanity omnicide plan to kill us all and replace humanity with a caste system slave species.


“On the morning of September 21st Phil Giraldi was fired over the phone by The American Conservative, where he had been a regular contributor for fourteen years. He was told that “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars” was unacceptable.”

– America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars –



The US needs to be removed from Iraq. That will end support for the zioKurds and allow the Syrian government to restore administration east of the river without significant conflict or risking WW3.

It will also allow the Turks to make a negotiated withdrawal from the border areas as part of the Adana agreement implementation once the threat of the US supported Israelistan KRG2 is gone with the withdrawal of US forces from NE Syria. Or better yet a redeployment to new basing arrangements in Syria in coordination with the Syrian government as part of a regional coalition to clear the IDF out of the occupied territories, including the Golan Heights.


Dream on,they will only understand brute force of the bullet and bomb.


The US just completed the withdrawal from it’s largest base in Iraq. The are reports of additional withdrawals in process:

“The Pentagon will be reducing its military personnel deployed in Iraq by nearly 1/3 in the coming months, down to around 3,500 servicemen, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing anonymous officials. The process will reportedly take between two and three months.”

– Trump to Reportedly Cut US Troops in Iraq to ‘About 3,500’ –





The lying Jew media is front running and cheer leading both the scamdemic and the BLM/Antifa rioting and anarchy. http://esau.today/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/jews-6-media.jpg




Republicans rarely elect Jews. 15% of Democrat Congressmen are Jews and 20% of Democrat Senators are Jews. 1% of Republican congressman are Jews and 0% of Republican senators are Jews.

“Although Jews make up 2 percent of the U.S. population, nearly 7 percent of the new Congress is Jewish, with 36 Jews among the total of 535 lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate. In the Senate, the 9 Jews members comprise 9 percent of that body.

All of the Jews in the Senate are Democrats, as are all but two in the House.”

– Jewish Members of the 116th Congress (2019-2021) –


Icarus Tanović

Did Yanks get fine beat up?


Not near enough,it will take some dead ones before they get the message.

Lux et Veritas

US came out second best in the latest road rage.

cechas vodobenikov

no fake CIA Mossad trolls on this thread


Russia is at war on many fronts domestic Syria and behind the curtains these days with the Belarus episode and the Yankees are now even assisted in Syria by the Saudis how is this not an invasion and criminal looting of resources


The amerikan fat arse yelled and cursed the Russians for making things so difficult while he was stealing the oil.. Why so hard he said.. only a little oil..

Rodney Loder

Trump is doing his best to exit the ME, but the Biden side would give on some issues and reinforce Israel with the cooperation of Russia as a consequence, in turn Russia would engineer slight political changes in Israel, all up after that Jew maggots will dominate the Earth Globally.

Brother Erdogan is the best bet for progress in the ME.

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