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MARCH 2025

US Secretary Of State: Iran Will Face ‘Strongest Sanctions In History’ If It Is Not To Comply 12 Demands

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US Secretary Of State: Iran Will Face ‘Strongest Sanctions In History’ If It Is Not To Comply 12 Demands

Source: Reuters

On May 21, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo threatened Iran with “the strongest sanctions in history” if Tehran refuses to “stop enrichment” of uranium and does not permit “unqualified access to all sites throughout the country” to international inspectors, Sputnik reported.

Speaking at the Heritage Foundation, Pompeo stressed that the US “will apply unprecedented financial pressure” on Iran unless it changes the course. He stated that the “protection of the US citizens” had been put at risk with the adoption of the Iran nuclear deal.

“These will end up being the strongest sanctions in history by the time we are complete,” Pompeo said. “Thanks to our colleagues at the Department of Treasury, sanctions are going back in full effect and new ones are coming … These will indeed end up being the strongest sanctions in history.”

Pompeo listed 12 “basic requirements” of a new nuclear agreement that could permit Iran to avoid sanctions. The withdrawal of all Iranian forces from Syrian territory and cease to support Hezbollah, Hamas, IJ, Houthis, Taliban groups considered by the US as terrorist organizations were among these demands.

Addressing to Iranian people, Pompeo said:

“President [Hassan] Rouhani and Foreign Minister [Javad] Zarif… are your elected leaders. Are they not the most responsible for your economic struggles?”

“The United States believes you deserve better.”

Pompeo expressed hope that these Washington’s sanctions would supported by US allies and they would accept a new policy towards Iran as “the right one.”

On May 8, US President Donald Trump announced the US withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear deal, which demanded Iran to maintain a peaceful nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief. Trump repeatedly criticized the deal and ordered to impose new economic sanctions against Iran for its “malicious activities.” Trump’s decision wasn’t welcomed by the US European allies-members of the deal: China, Germany, France, Iran, Russia, and the UK.

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What can I say? The US– Israel– such idiots

Michał Hunicz

Even if all these demands will be fulfilled, the US will always do the same. Remember Gulf War? Saddam’s soldiers got a guarantee of safe passage through Kuwait!

Ishyrion Av

These demands can never be fulfilled as long as Iran stays an independent country. If it becomes a colony, yes, they will be fulfilled. Also, this means US does not intend to negociate, all it wants is surrender. This means Iran will further move to the Eastern Alliance (Russia and China) and US will face tremendous pressure over their only asset, the dollar. Without international dollar, US will become an usual country with a unsustainable deficit. This means world war, cause they cannot accept this.


True US is a country cannot be taken seriously their words as they are uttered by kids.

Come on .. cannot defeat Iran , using economics to defeat Iran .

US is lucky , Iran is patient otherwise by now US forces in Syria would have been driven out as the Iranian general has threatened.

Now more and more countries are using non dollars for trade .. and the moment China says all her products from China to be in Yuan only . … dollar is dead instantly .


Tommy Jensen

Iran is Rothschilds war. A new Central bank.


After 10 years of sanctions + no-fly and destruction of Anti aircraft capabilities over 10 year attrition and US paying off Iraqi generals. Iran will not be the same cakewalk


Pomegranate (Pompous ass Pompeo)– the biggest idiot of them all. Well, equal to that of Donald Duck and his Micky mouse outfit. Oh, Little America is very scared, indeed–and that is a good thing for such arrogant Zionist louts– .




The ambitions of US, UK, France and Israel are not looking good. They want to take whole Middle East. That is why they don’t like S-400, S-300, Pantsir-S and Ballistic missiles in Middle East countries. Very short time left with Muslims. Wakeup.


very shot time for Muslims..? hehehe.. they have been holding on like this many years since time exists.. it’s Piece of cake..! Muslims are aware of all this.. except for those inbreed Bedouins you called Arabs (The Fake Muslims)..!


The main problem is they don’t have education. Majority of Bedouins are good. The problem is the Zionists, that pretends to be Muslims but in fact they are atheists.

Hisham Saber

very well said. Wahhabism was created by a Mr. Abdel Wahhab and Britain in the 19th century. Its a diabolical creation to subvert Islam. And it will fail.


Funny that ALL the anti-imperialist movements in the Indian subcontinent, Afghanistan are Salafi based (Deobandi) – and the opposing camp (Barelwi-Sufi) were mostly collaborators with Empire. I don’t think the problem is the “doctrine” of ibn Abdul Wahhab – it isnt a doctrine – just a puritannical movement within Sunni Islam. The problem is that the house of Saud has hijacked the legitimate salafi movements and now instead of them being religiously driven, they are politically manipulated


I am not sure about Shia society but in Sunni society Wahabi is an abusive world, for example if somebody is doing wrong then people warn him that don’t do that because then people will brand you Wahabi.

Icarus Tanović

Those are inbreed Wahhabis.

Hisham Saber

Wahhabis don’t speak for, or represent Arabs. Get your fact together and stop dancing to the tune of the mischievous international Jews. Your not helping.


it seems like you did get my point there..


US, UK, France and Israel have invaded Middle East for oil and gas.


Like they always have done…. Murdering, Stealing, Looting & Destroying the Earth…Nothing Good has come From their Hands but Death & Slavery…

Brad Isherwood

If you Google Iranian Mullahs offshore banking accounts,…

Or….Who wants to be a Millionaire http://humanevents.com/2010/03/25/irans-mullahs-play-who-wants-to-be-millionaire/

So ya…..There is lots of Bias Israhell,US,England webspin. Yet so too….there is evidence that so called Religious clerics have hundreds of 100,000s To Millions stashed offshore.

Money gets jealous of other money first ….before the political thumb screws and knee capping. , Or US it drilling kneecaps now?

There is so much crime on this planet,.. And the Religious trash from US Televangelist to Iranian Cleric are front and center in the Evil deception/extortion of people’s.


Yup… they all Hang out at the Same Elitist Parties in the End… Humanity perhaps a sorry ass bunch… with a couple of honest dudes here & there…the Monkey with the Most Bananas wins


And they brought only disasters & sufferings whenever they set their stinking foot on other peoples’ land while robbing and looting..! These are lessons to be learned especially by NK fat boy..!


Only for that matter nationalism is a good thing…. you can kick them Westerners with their Arrogance out of your countries… They place Big Orders with their Credit Cards… and Only leave you with Debt… what an Idiocracy… better do business with people that Pay for their Goods


Aha.. You’re right..! Me never had any plastic money.. as I’m aware of the implications of falling into credit card traps ..! I always pay cash & buy/keeps gold as much as possible whenever I can for future use..! credit card traps you into spend more then what you earned.. it let’s you plays around with their credits by robbing you in terms of interests.. hehehe.. and yet many called it convenient lol..! it’s a huge big serpent (phyton /anaconda) plans waiting to squeeze you to death..



Debt per Country… check Luxembourg…€7.000.000 Debt per Capita… I don’t want to have a Luxembourgian Passport…oh… Netherlands…€264.000… per Capita… I will throw my Dutch Passport away… Saves me paying Back €264.000… I never borrowed that Money anyway… why do I have to pay that Money? They must have spend it for me…wtf


It’s called inherited debts created by the system of Satan.. The stupid Yankees are the 1st one got duped/imposed by the Jews.. and now being the slave of Jews as Bill Collectors.. lol..!


“I am the most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is now controlled by its system of credit. We are no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.” – Woodrow Wilson, 1919

This was despite the widespread public mistrust at the time regarding the suggestion of the US Federal Reserve Act when it was being discussed before actually being passed into law in 1913.


I agree. All debt is voluntary slavery.

Tudor Miron

Florian, what do you think – is that current developments look more and more like if those predictions that I often posted start to look less weird? USA isolating itself, EU is considering giving money to Iran to compensate US sanctions…


Yes, you are correct Tudor. Historians have recorded countless such maschination’s for thousands of years and none have ended well for the Empires.

Some of the greatest satisfaction of the US Empires current chaos comes from her vassal states :) They snigger in private but despise the US policies even more that we do. As a servant despises an overbearing and bullying master :)

Hisham Saber

Interest – usury is also a form of slavery. That’s why its strictly forbidden in Islam. Indecently, usury is also how international Jews have attained such power, especially over Christians of the west, and western states that bow down to their demands.

Julian Clegg



yeah.. English is not my mother tongue.. but I’m sure the typo is due to my keyboard error.. SwiftKey.. ???


Iran should just stay calm and ignore the US. The 2 do some $2billion a year in trade. Let the US sanction the hell out of that, so what it’s peanuts. As long as Iran doesn’t start huffing and puffing too so that the EU feels (or can sell to their voters) the need to copy the US sanctions, Iran will be just fine.


Europe doesn’t want to go along with the U.S. Sanctions… but the U.S. Has threatened all companies from Europe that will do business with Iran they will have to pay a heavy prize… Just BOYCOT THE BLOODY U.S.A. & their Buddies in IsraHell….they DESERVE it more than anyone….for bein’ War & Drugs Criminals

Rafik Chauhan

tell all europeon company to abondon business in Usa and move to east where they will have good oppotuninty then America


I already know that there are better opportunities in the East… that’s why I’m moving there… It seems Europe doesn’t want to be pulled into the Free Fall that the States are headin’ towards… If the U.S. Becomes Isolated, they can Scream “WAR!” whatever they want, but no one will listen…. yeah IsraHell & their Kid-Killers perhaps… if they still exist by then…

Hisham Saber

Iran has China firmly on its side. And the 21st century and beyond will be China’s. There’s no stooping that. Increasingly, the international Jews who run the U..S are showing signs of extreme desperation.


Regime Change needed in DC The SAA should set up observation posts and bases in Maryland and Virginia. Who would even notice?


Said the American on his computer…


Poor Itzig, the Iranians aren’t crippled Gaza-civilians and not even the US Army isn’t so very willingly to let its bones there :))


No and a lot of their Mercenaries got Chopped up… so now it is pretty hard to find a New Bunch of Sorry-Ass-Wahhabi-Headchoppers…perhaps this whole Episode will mean the Death of Talmudic Wahhabism in General…I hope the Sunni & Shia will chop up the Remnants pretty soon…bunch o’ Satanic-Wahhabi-Terrorists…they only tried to give Islam an Evil Name…


And sectioned :)

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

And its “leaders” sectioned as insane warmongers by doctors at WHO. Lock em up, lock em up, lock em up!!!


“Iran must support Iraq Gov”. I told you that the iraqi gov was a US puppet.

Alexander Lyapunov

I can assure you they’re not. The US want’s them to be, but they’re not. They wanted to purchase s-400’s recently and also conducts airstrikes in Syria in coordination with Russia,Syria and Iran.


Some cookies for the sheep. When you want, you can.


They should be… a United Middle East is a Strong Middle East…. no more Divide & Conquer


So what. The US has been messing with Iran since the 50s. They will survive, they will plow ahead and this will probably wreck relationships, that the US cannot afford to have toasted. What is the chances that in a year or two that people will be saying Mike Pompeo who? All this grand standing talk just forebodes disaster as the outcome. Good luck with your seat on the political Titanic Mr. Secretary. My sense of this. I wish well to all.


Iranians should not comply one single US demand. To humiliating and non sense. They will have nothing to lose keeping firm stance in front of the main terrorist nation of the world.

Alan Foo

They will not. The language used by pompeo already tell you instantly US is desperate just like Israel using tough language but impotent vs a strong enemy.


Europe is Not even With the U.S…. they want to continue their relations with Iran…so basically the U.S. Stands Alone… together with their Masters in IsraHell


He is not talking to Iran actually he is talking to Israeli terrorists.

Alen Crow

Cuba has set the precedent when it comes to US sanctions. The US can throw every sanction they have at Iran. They will survive and be stronger for it.


Sanctions are meant to weaken the country before invading Iran.

Alen Crow

The Iranian people are united like never before in their history. They have everything they need to defend themselves successfully. The only way to win over Iran is to destroy them completely with nuclear weapons.


You must be kidding. USA will use the iranian traitors (kurds, sunnis and so-called human right activists shit, feminists, ….) + the gulf states + the sunni states + Europe will say nothing + Russia will say nothing + China will say nothing.

Alen Crow

Iran does not need anybody to help defend itself, nor does it care what others have to say. War with Iran will be another Vietnam for the US and its puppet allies. A long and drawn out conflict resulting in lots of US body bags. The only way to win over Iran is to destroy them completely with nuclear weapons.


Bullshit. China helped Vietnam. Otherwise, Vietnam would have been an US colony.


True is that , US in Vietnam were defeated everytime only saved by air force. Vietnam stilled used mass infantry with out air support.

Today .. it is different . US air force has no effect and there is no US forces in Syria will make Us defeat almost instant.

Michał Hunicz

True is that the NVA had hundreds of tanks, artillery pieces and air support during the siege of Khe Sanh.


China helped, but it was won at a great cost to Vietnamese life and brilliant strategists like Nguyen


Not true .. war with Iran would be quick and fast as US has no forces able to do battle. Naval power alone are useless .. Look hundreds of cruise fired at Syria what damage ? Nothing .

Planes can be shot down real quick and ground troops will finish off US ..

No the reality is that US/Israel has no way to defeat Iran in Syria or Iran .

It is only if Iran wish to do battle …

It would not be like Vietnam where vietnamese ONLY had AK 47s to fight.


Another Vietnam..? No.., this time they’ll extend the war to yankyland where no one had ever done b4..! it’ll starts with Iran.. then the rest will follow up..! And israhell is already a gone case by then..!


USA will NEVER invade Iran. Never never never. It will be suicide


NO you are kidding . US has no force able to withstand Iran alone not to say Syria and Hezbollah . In Syria , even Assad alone can take care of US forces provided they have enough air cover . Even without fight like Houthis .. US finished and all soldiers will surrender. Already a few hundred US, UK , Israeli soldiers are prisoners of Syrian soldiers.


Please stop kidding. Tired of these non-sens bullshit.

Alan Foo

What nonsense. You tell me how is US able to defeat Iranian forces in Syria .

Do talk about in Iran , that’s 20 times tougher.

I give you just Syria…. Tell me .

I am waiting


EVEN OUTSIDE Syria – Afghanistan for example – US forces are routed – only cowardly air campaigns allowing them to maintain presence

Joe Dirt

BAHAHA! Cuba is a waste land 3rd world because all Cubans left for Miami, Castro was a nut job.


does anyone knows what IJ stands for?

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

intermediate jew lmao jk idk


Any chance you actually could report the “twelve basic demands” – with direct quotation.


The Big Bully, with the Big stick is going to get a Big Surprise when Iran shoves that Big Stick right up your Yanki Arsehole….. Lol


I sincerely hope that the Russians and Chinese, and the unaligned Third World, will stand by the Iranians- and that the Europeans will continue to honor the JCPOA. The only way to break this insanity is to stand up to it and prevail.

As for the U.S. in the Middle East, they should have gotten the hell out and stayed the hell out a long time ago. The neocons may think they are going to get away with it, but IMHO, when the dollar cracks- and it will- the house of cards will fall, and we will see social conflict in the U.S. like we haven’t seen for over a hundred years- and the oligarchs who have used their power to steal from the people and the system, will all become targets.


You’re right.. but the 1st thing needed to be done is.. get the hell out of the useless and incompetent body called UN.. as it was created by the ZioJews, for the convenience of the ZioJews and still up to these days being infected by the cancerous parasites..


If you mean that Israel has been shielded by America’s veto in the UNSC for the past 70 years, or that other UN organizations have been compromised, you are correct, but I don’t think the Russians or Iranians or Chinese would ever advocate doing away with the the UN, whose Charter is the basis of international law, or that has the means of providing international security, or has the chancebeing reformed, now that new multipolar polycentric system is being created and US hegemony is eroding.


Iranian scientists must build nuclear weapons ASAP. I don’t know what are the military capabilities of Iran but if Iran want to be safe, Iran must build nuclear weapons that could target israel. If USA dares to invade Iran, three nuclear missiles will destroy israel.


That’s correct. That is why America trying extreme to stop any Muslim country from producing nuks because then US and Israeli terrorist state cannot expend. if Israel has nukes and the Muslims don’t have then if they attack Israel to stop them from taking lands from Syria, Iraq and Iran then Israel will use their nukes on them as they have done to Japan. Now all Muslims are vulnerable to Israeli nukes.

Casual Observer

What about Pakistan?


USA will never mess up with Pakistan. Nulcear weapons is the key to independance. It’s good for Pakistanis that they were building weapons instyead of talking in coffee shops.


Free Nukes for the Whole World… Will Put an End To All Wars! No One will Dare to Attack Anyone….Unless He is SUICIDAL…


That’s what I proposed. Every country should have intercontinental nuclear weapons. Then, nobody will dare attack nobody.


Building nukes is pretty simple, once you know how. That’s what Israel has always been scared of, not nukes, but the ability to make nukes if they wish to do so. What you will never hear in the press, is that Iran is technologically more advanced than Israel. Israel can’t enrich uranium, they don’t know how, but Iran can. Israel can’t build ICBM’s, but Iran can. The Israelis cannot stand the idea that others might be smarter than them, they are after all the master race.


Don’t listen to US, Iran. Defend your country against the vile regime in Washington and its Likudnik controllers.


So pretty much Washington is demanding Iran’s unilateral surrender from the geopolitical stage in the Middle East and that Iran exchange it’s sovereignty for Vassalhood to the Anglo Zionist Empire.


Iran must get rid of kurds ASAP. Syrians should have get rid of kurds decades ago before these thieves start grabbing their lands fo give it to USA.

Clean your own country from the traitors.

Concrete Mike

Ohh fuck off you and your ethnic cleansing. Iran knows whats its doing, your an internet nobody.


What ethnic cleansing. If Iranians don’t want to be ethnically cleansed by kurds, they better throw them ASAP.

Joe Dirt

maybe you should go to Iran and help…


Your Days of Dictating the World what they Should do or how to behave are over U.S…. Fuck Off… you are a bunch of War Criminals & Massmurderers….GO HOME YANGEESE….and Never Return


USA made a very very bad move. Iran can show now by this stupid Pompeo that USA is not willing to help Iranians. USA always tried to cover their massacres by “freeing the civilians from the devil”. But, now, everybody can see that USA wants Iran to give up his sovereignty.

So, you can conclude that any Iranian who is helping USA is a traitor and not a nationalist because no nationalist can accept these statements.

By this, USA is showing the world more and more that USA is only a rogue state and a terrorist state.





John Brown

These conditions are a joke. For example Iran does not support the Taliban in the first place, so how can they prove they have stopped doing something they never did? Its just like the Skirpal case and the russian olympic state doping case, how can Russia prove it has stopped doing something it never did? Notably both these cases are proving to be totally false.





Joe Dirt

Japan and China best friends? LOL lay of the drugs



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