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US Seeks To Save Jabhat al-Nusra From Defeat – Lavrov

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The US is contributing efforts to save members of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) from defeat and to save them for further regime change in Damascus.

“Western partners, especially the United States, would like to take the heat off al-Nusra Front, which has now changed its name, — but this does mean it has changed in nature, — and save it in case they decide to return to the plan “B,” which is to change the regime in Damascus,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on March 5 following talks with Namibian Minister of External Relations and Cooperation, Netumbo Nandi Ndaitwah.

The minsiter added that Russia is accumulating an increased amount of data confirming the US’ efforts. The minister also recalled that the Syrian Army’s operation against the terorist group in Eastern Ghouta is is absolutely legitimate.

Lavrov added that currently the Syrian government is being pressured to stop its military operation despite it’s aimed against the terrorist group, which is not covered by the ceasefire regime.

Last weekend, Washington accused Russia and its allies in the Syrian conflict of violating the ceasefire regime in Syria saying that this had led to deaths among civilians in Eastern Ghouta.

The US had repeatedly called on the Syrian Army and its allies to halt anti-terrorist operation area in the area. It seems the White House has nothing against a daily shelling of the government-held part of the Damascus countryside from the so-called moderate opposition accidentally consisting of al-Qaeda-style terrorists. MORE HERE

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leon mc pilibin

Its better to just ignore these zionist genocidal maniacs and at the same time warn them that the mountains of evidence of their collusion and support for these head chopping terrorists is being carefully assembled and will be used in the future to claim reparations for all the murder and destruction as a result of their regime change agenda.

You can call me Al

BUT NOBODY sees this evidence – that is the problem.


NOBODY IN USA to be precise

Joe Dirt

no one in the US cares about the Middle East that’s why.


Agreed, so when the blow back hits the US, they will be totally surprised. I remember a distraught woman in the aftermath of 911, saying “Why do they hate us so much”. Most Americans have no idea about the despicable crimes committed by the USA, but sadly, they are the ones that will be held accountable.

Joe Dirt

USA commits no Crimes!

You can call me Al

Satire or my stupidity in asking ?


you are an example of ignoring what your government does outside your country.

You can call me Al

Every one in the US thinks that means Ohio / Viginia or Kentucky – that’s why.



I Don’t think many people in the U.S. Care about the World in general……


Joe Dirt

USA citizens don’t care about the ass backwards Middle East.

You can call me Al

Yes, sorry, you are correct.


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Karl Patfield

“Evidence” this article offers no evidence. How can you say the USA is genocidal maniacs? USA doesn’t carpet bomb civilian neighborhoods. USA has precision guided bombs, it can pick targets. US military can guide a JDAM through a window. Russia and Syria don’t habe this technology, they simply drop bombs in civilian areas, but somehow you think USA is genocidal? No side is clean, but USA cares about civilian casualties. Russia/Syria/Iran doesn’t have the technology to care

Assad Did Nothing Wrong™

That’s why the US stopped caring about Libya, Afghanistan, and Iraq when regime change was accomplished. Just like they would with Syria.

Karl Patfield

Look up the amount of money the USaid department has spent in Iraq, and Afghanistan. US is still involved in Afghanistan, how can you say US does not care? US has spent billions of dollars nation building in Iraq, the US does care.



HAHAHA yeah right!


USaid, is aid for American arms dealers, most US aid is in the form of weapons. Giving away free Humvees and Abrams tanks is not what a normal person would call aid


Yeah ISIS got a LOT of this AID, by getting new Humvees and Tanks and ofc there Plastic shit guns.

Karl Patfield

USAID offers official development assistance. Military spending does not count as official development assistance therefore is not part of USAID funding. The OECD tracks official development assistance. For information on how the United States is spending $40 billion in development projects. Please visit the below website.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Yes and has Friends of Syria part of USAID also NGOs and other linked groups to Al Qaeda , we already know what goes on. Ret Gen Vallaly had carried the Sarin that came from Tiblisi, Georgia that was involved in the 2013 attacks as he came with a convoy of 400 Turkish trained TFSA troops all recruited by US contractors and funded by the GCC, to meet the Commander of the TFSA group.

Karl Patfield

This is a huge claim, if you would provide evidence I would like to further educate myself. Where are you getting this information?


When Australia was helping the USA bomb Iraq back to the stone age, sometimes the US would arm the Australian planes with American bombs. I know this because at the time I saw Australia on a list of US aid recipients. I couldn’t understand why Australia would get aid from the US, so I tracked it down, bombs for our FA18’s.

Joe Dirt

LOL you didn’t have to bomb Iraq back to the stone age it was already turd world country.

Doyle Philipson

Though better known for administering humanitarian aid around the world, USAID has a long history of engaging in intelligence work and meddling in the domestic politics of aid recipients. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, the agency often partnered with the CIA’s now-shuttered Office of Public Safety, a department beset by allegations that it trained foreign police in “terror and torture techniques” and encouraged official brutality, according to a 1976 Government Accountability Office report. USAID officials have always denied these accusations but in 1973, Congress directed USAID to phase out its public safety program — which worked with the CIA to train foreign police forces — in large part because the accusations were hurting America’s public image. “It matters little whether the charges can be substantiated,” said a Senate Foreign Relations Committee report. “They inevitably stigmatize the total United States foreign aid effort.” By the time the program was closed, USAID had helped train thousands of military personnel and police officers in Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, and other countries now notorious for their treatment of political dissidents.



Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well had been reading about Ret. Major General Valally arriving in 2013 around the time of the attack it was just before actually an he came with 400 TFSA it was remarked he came with an army at the time. Since then have read further talks of the Sarin gas origins from Tiblisi, Georgia and via Turkish officials to the TFSA Convoy headed to Aleppo. Seems USAID just found another group which i headed up by a former US military General, coincidence here is too close to the truth.

viktor ziv

USais does care XD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjF8ju7YeLI

888mladen .

Nice video I’ve seen it few times.


I feel your pain , Karl. Sometimes I try to be funny in a post by loading it up with heavy sarcasm , and then nobody gets the joke !

Anyway , I got it. How others missed it , I don’t know , your sarcasm was as obvious as it could possibly be. The joke’s on them , not you.


US criminals destroyed country after country, they directly and indirectly killed millions in Iraq alone and you say – yes but we gave them some surplus humvees and paid our quislings?! Have you no shame? You have no brain obviously… Imagine someone destroys your house, kill your family, then give you some cookies? “The US care”?? Fuck the US mass murderers and fuck their “care”.


888mladen .

All humanity is their potential pray irrespective of age, ethnicity, religion or being friend or foe.


Yes, Rakka and Mosul really look like they have been using precision ammo, lol, completely leveled http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/russia-compares-us-coalition-bombing-raqqa-syria-wwii-dresden-germany-isis-a8013626.html


The USA does carpet bomb civilian neighborhoods, the US carpet bombed Sadr city, used phosphorus and other banned substances. The US also bombed civilian neighborhoods in Hanoi, Tokyo, and Hiroshima, Hiroshima was 100% civilian and had never been bombed before. The USA also targets sewerage plants, in an effort to spread disease. The USA is the dirtiest fighter of them all.

Karl Patfield

US military is not perfect, and rules of engagement have been loosened since Trump. It is true, that in 2017 US military dropped more explosives than the entire previous years of Syrian conflict combined. My point is not that the United States is perfect, it is that the United States knows where it’s bombs land. Russian military does not have precision guided technology. This is why Russian backed urban offensives see much higher civilian casualties. USA can bomb a specific building and hit that building. Yes USA makes mistakes and civilians die. Russian pilots can target a building, but their bombs will land anywhere within the block. USA is targeted, Russia just drops bombs and hopes for the best, sounds like carpet bombing to me. USA also doesn’t use chlorine gas. Maybe the world could find the truth behind the chlorine gas attacks, except Russia keeps blocking the United Nations from investigating the issue. Something to hide it seems.


My God, you’re a dumb f**k. You can hate Russia all you want, but to claim that they don’t have the capability to drop bombs at a point target is ridiculous.


He’s dumb indeed, guess I wouldn’t bothered explaining, as he just said whatever comes up in/from his dumb brain (if he has one) without even thinking and thinks that everyone here are as idiot as he is..


UAss militery is a disaster be it domestically or on other peoples’ land that’s far2 away from their stinking sewage turd country


The choice to bring the fight in the urban environment was made from the instigators of violence Syria via their proxies. Cities offer fortified positions and civilians to be used as human shields or leverage against any opposition. You are brainwashed fool, better start educating yourself.


correction if you don’t mind.. The US is the dirtiest terrorists..! They’re not fighters or warriors.. warriors don’t kill innocents.., and I’ve seen how these fucking babies in diapers shits in their pants(diapers) begging for their live or crying asking for help..! Fighter my foot..! These fucking Yankees brings chaos to every lands they set their stinking foot on.. Fucking Faggot Bastards..!


Did you know they did Bomb Raqqa with Phosphorus(Modern Napalm)? NO?! Look it up there are a LOT of videos about the Time when USA “Presicion” Bombed the Civilians there. Go make your OWN MIND. READ, RESEACH and “THEN” REPLY!

Joe Dirt

Time to take your medicine Orcbruuuuu you are becoming a bit delusional.


So you never use yours, i see. Piss off, Dirt i wasnt talking to you.



Karl Patfield

Are you referring to this video? https://mobile.twitter.com/Raqqa_SL/status/872911900727808000/video/1

My point is that USA knows there these munitions land. This Does not absolve USA of using awful weapons. But it does allow the USA to minimize collateral damage. Russia has no ways of precision guiding munitions


Russia fired 18 cruise missiles from the Caspian sea to Syria, via Iran, a distance of about 1500 kliks and took out 7 targets, one of which was an Israeli manned ISIS command and control centre. The US fired 59 cruise missiles from a couple hundred kliks away, and less than half made it to the target. The USA reached its peak in 1969, and has been regressing ever since.

Joe Dirt

Interesting how Russian is on a MAJOR OFFENSIVE clear out “terrorist” AND thousands of civilians are dying and they(Russian) asked for a ceasefire to hide the dead bodies.

Russia also claims they have no military casualties. MORE LIES! Russians are reckless and need to leave Syria at once!

Icarus Tanović

As soon as you and zionistic maniacs stop supporting wahhabi monstrosities.

Freelance Christian

You made me laugh so hard I spit out my coffee! You are laughable!

Icarus Tanović

How about using white phosphorus back in 2003 in Mosul, huh? How about that, you son of a bitch?


Phosphorus(ILLIGAL) is like WILD FIRE it spreads in a very big place a lot, this is not Precision Bombing you fool. They do not even get the Ammunition destroyed by this. Russia has no Precision Guided Munition> Go watch some documentarys about the new weapons russia has, are you new or a fool to this weapons?! Russia has much better weapons then the U Ass of A has. Guided ARTILERY. Guided Missiles that fly over 600 Kilometers under radar. Just to name two. Even NATO addmitet to this, you are 3 years Late, BOY. They even said that russian Militar Technology has already surpassed them by a margin. Wait, watch Putins 2-3 March Conference about the KNOWN 5 New weapon systems. Russia is leading. Dont come up with shit like this. Or you just think America the lamp of the Free and Stupidly Brave is the Good one here, do you get your news from Marvel or Hollywood films? I tell you what, ITS ALL A LIE, you just have to beLIEve in it.


Karl, I’ve been listening to the U.S. say that back to WW 2. Does it not occur to you that they know you would like to kill fewer civilians, so they tell you so?

The Russians not only have better technology than the U.S., they also have better snitches, which is what counts — somebody on the ground to report exactly which buildings the bad guys are meeting in.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The US have done it in Raqqa, Fallujah, Mosul and elsewhere can you not offer any other pretense at providing proof , the only difference i the US calls civilian members of ISIS. Please show me proof otherwise or go find yourself sitting in the dunce corner.

Your claims that the US cares about civilians then why the hell haven’t they allowed the refugees at Rubkan camp go as they are under constant attacks by ISIS which resides in the At Tanf region. Then explain why they haven’t cleaned up Raqqa and de-mined it as dead bodies and mines still litter the city and pay for the destruction they caused.

You are a stupid idiot there are no smart bombs and precision guided bombs JDAM is a system not an actual bomb and primarily used for hitting moving targets ,you seem such a silly little witless idiot. No matter what type of bomb you have all are designed to cause significant damage.

Try not to believe photos from other times and countries are actually in East Ghouta it is really shows you lack the time and effort to check but make an unfounded and conspiratorial lie as fact.

Freelance Christian

Their proxy army’s you do it for them troll


You blind or what or rather soooo low in your comprehension of the entire Syrian war.

Suggest you stop reading western MSM like CNN, Foxnews , Guardian , BBC etc for a week and read rt.com or SF … then you will be in line with the truth .

888mladen .

US ruling elite is a bunch of demoniacs and genocidal maniacs which treat all humans equally including US citizens considering them all to be a legitimate pray.


Who can enforce those ? They are the judge , Jury and executioner …


Probably israelis and who knows who else embedded in e ghouta. Same noise as in halab

Jozsef Osztronkovics

Zionist-israel-US the terror leader bloodthirsty the monster US the evil Satan


Of course, they want to save Al Qaeda. Sunnis are american best useful idiots. Without sunnis, USA can do shit.

I said it 1 billion times but the truth never changes.


not sunnies as they claimed themselves.. it’s.. Wahbabism..! All ur comments seems to be full of hatred of sunnies.. why is that so..? what does someone’s faith got to do with their actions.? I believed every religions teaches all the goodness stuffs.. especially not to kill or slaughters innocents.. and calls it collateral damages after that..!


And btw, I’m not even a sunni myself..!



Joe Dirt

Of course the US “created”/supported Al-Qaeda, because the Russians invaded Afghanistan in the 80s. Which the Russians lost the WAR!


They didnt INVADE! That is again Propaganda made by the West. It is the same situation like in mostly all arab countrys some foreign People come by the 1000thends and try to topple the President. Russia came with its soldiers because al-quaida was fighting the civilians and was recruiting people for there HOLY-WAR against them, at the end CIA and Friends had more then 1MILLION foreign People from around the Globe(Mostly Muslims) in Afganistan, then after the war they have gone to other ex-soviet countrys to recruit more people to fight the HOLY-WAR (Chechen,Usbek, ect.), later then they have “Shipped” many many into Yugoslavia to fight there, then to Lybia ect. ect. Its the same SHIT.

And no the Afgan War the Soviets fought, was not AGAINST the Civilians or People of Afganistan, or your other FACT in the “80`s”(LOL). You POS Trying to tell us some Shitfacts YOU HAVE NO IDEA of WHAT THE FUCK you are TALKING OF. PISS OFF

IF you just Opened your Piss Closed eyes for a MOMENT you would Puzzle it out for YOURSELF, This Terrorist Groups(Names change a LOT) Exist for MANY, MANY Years even before Afganistan. But trying to remember the SHIT they have Tought you in the Media or School, how bad the others are and how much good and very freedom you are. COME ON, TRY TO GRASP IT WITH YOUR OWN MIND AND MATTER.

Joe Dirt

blah blah blah propaganda, Jews , Zionist, USA, CIA, lies, Media!

Did I cover your argument?

Fred Dozer

Their telling you the truth. How many Americans know Turkey was buying Syrian oil form all the terrorist groups and it was tanker trucked into Turkey ? And the Turkish Presidents son ran the business. Russian started to bomb the convoys. Maybe put a end to it, but not sure. Did that make headline news in the USA ?

Joe Dirt

Buying oil at a discount does not justify bombing Turkey.


Piss of Dirt. I never said this things, i stay by the facts, even watch a U Ass of A documentary, they say this even THEMSELF. You just have to Understand this, if you even able to watch a 30-60 minute documentary and not crack up on pot again. POS dirt.

Joe Dirt

you based your “facts” off a USA documentary! what a fool


Seriously Joe, you’re just an inbred, clueless 7 y.old fat kid with a single digit IQ from some Midwest sh*thole and you have no idea where or what is Syria, nor you can find Asia on the map. Or Earth.


NO, the US(CIA) created the Mujahideen to commit terror attacks on Russia, that was in 1979(operation cyclone) The Soviets invaded in response to the terror attacks.

Joe Dirt

Russians invaded Afghan because they FAILED to spread communism within the Afghan government.


Tribute to the sunni stupid people. XD.



The best way to fight a fire is to remove the oxygen. Sunnis are the oxygen and USA is the heat. The heat can do shit without the oxygen. Remove the oxygen so that the fire stops. Simple as that.


Ahem-and Putin didn’t give Erdogan explicit permission to invade Syria and hunt down and murder all kurdish alphas? The same Erdogan who baiyed and shot down the Russian jet. The same Erdogan who arranged the FALSE-FLAG of the failed ‘coup’ so he could PRETEND he had fallen out with NATO and the EU, and take Putin in as his new best bud.

Relax, guys, East Ghouta is going to be cleansed of wahhabi terrorists- but that isn’t the issue. The issue is WHY Putin is cleaning East Ghouta after preventing Assad from doing anything significant in the region for the longest time- even to the point of suffering constant shelling of the Russian embassy. What is happening in East Ghouta NOW is a Putin smokescreen to stop you seeing far worse horrors on the horizon.


What kinda horrors? There’s a Big Game goin’ on…. not many people will know who’s who, even insiders will have difficulty finding out what is going on… it is just one BIG CLOUD….in the end everything will be different than what we all thought….. that’s just my guess…

888mladen .

True. Just one example:

Key players in this political circus, including Robert Mueller himself, are directly tied to the Clintons and the highly lucrative “Uranium One” deal with the Russians during the previous administration. Foreign businessmen involved in the deal, led by Canadian investor Frank Giustra, “donated” millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation:

“The president [should] investigate the Obama-Clinton-Mueller-Rosenstein criminal collusion that enriched the Clinton-Democrat crime syndicate by hundreds of millions of dollars…the multi-billion-dollar Uranium One pay-to-play scam… In 2010, when Mueller was FBI director, the Obama administration and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton approved and facilitated this highly suspicious business deal that… effectively handed Russia and Vladimir Putin control over upwards of 20% of the uranium assets of the United States…

While Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State under President Barack Obama, the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom, was handed official U.S. Government authorization to purchase a Canadian company named Uranium One which controlled uranium mining stakes stretching from Central Asia to the American West, including approximately 20% of America’s known uranium resources. Uranium One…was effectively the creation of a Canadian entrepreneur named Frank Giustra [who] happened to be a major Clinton donor* and a personal friend of Bill Clinton. The Clinton-Giustra genesis of the Uranium One scam was detailed in a lengthy New York Times story in April 2015 titled “Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal”…

The new company Giustra formed (in 2005) to effectuate the Uranium One deal, UrAsia Energy Ltd., signed a preliminary deal giving it stakes in three uranium mines controlled by Kazatomprom, the government agency that runs Kazakhstan’s uranium mines and nuclear energy industry. In 2007, UrAsia merged with Uranium One in what was described as a $3.5 billion transaction, with the successor company retaining the name Uranium One…

When all was said and done, UrAsia’s investors controlled the new Uranium One. Chairman of the new company was Canadian Ian Telfer.** Telfer donated $2.3 million to the Clinton Foundation. Frank Giustra, who had shepherded Bill Clinton’s influence with the Kazakhstanis, held a personal stake in the deal estimated at about $45 million… According to the New York Times, one year after the 2005 uranium deal was final Giustra donated $31.3 million to the Clinton Foundation with a promise of $100 million more. One adviser on the Uranium One-UrAsia merger was Paul Reynolds. Reynolds donated $1 to $5 million to the Clinton Foundation. A company called U.S. Global Investors Inc. held $4.7 million in Uranium One shares. A U.S. Global executive named Frank Holmes donated $250,000 to $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation…

The Clinton cabal’s uranium wheelings and dealings began immediately at the commencement in 2009 of the Obama administration, under the close direction of newly-installed Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton. In order for Russian nuclear entity Rosatom to purchase Uranium One the deal required approval from the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, or CFIUS. The committee consists of top officials from nine different federal agencies [and] the key agency is the U.S. Department of State… In June of 2010, the same month that Rosatom struck its deal for a majority stake in Uranium One, Bill Clinton spoke in Moscow for the tidy sum of $500,000, the 2nd highest fee he had ever received for a speech.”

— Roger Stone article

Putin was a prime minister at the time dealing with RU economy . What was his involvement with Clinton’s’ cartel?


“The minsiter added that Russia is accumulating an increased amount of data confirming the US’ efforts” Hope this increasing amount of data will then be used to force the US to get out of Syria when the time is right.


I was hoping that this evidence would come in the form of captured American agents in East Ghouta.

You can call me Al

Hung and drawn on a cross but alive for now.


I hope them just go MIA….never to be heard of…. no trading of prisonerssss they never where there…. the evidence already overwhelming anyway


That’s because there are none. At least no Americans. Because no American is insane enough to go into Jihadistan. They train locals to do their dirty work for them instead in Jordan. If anyone think some American, or Frenchmen or Brit will be unearthed in East Ghouta you all are probably in for a major disappointment.


The Russian cruise missile strike that so freaked the US out, was said to have taken out 30 Israeli British and French people at the operations centre. Early on, when Iran first entered the war, they took out an SAS squad, Cameron went ballistic, and Britain reported that they had died in Afghanistan. But you are probably right about Americans.


It’s not that I don’t want to believe it, in fact I’d like nothing more then to see a few of them paraded on television, its that I just find it extremely unlikely that there are any. Because: A: Said to have means nothing. That’s just a rumor and fake news is often based on rumors. Show me dead bodies, show me actual evidence. B: Like I’ve said before its just too damn dangerous for any westerner to go into EG. There’s like 4 to 5 groups who often fight among each other. Any westerner, especially a military agent, would become a highly sought bargaining chip to extort more cash and prizes from the West. Western NGO’s learned that the hard way when they sent their Western personnel to such warzones. Far better and far less risky to rely on locals instead. C: Any Western agent would become a highly sought after target by the Syrians, Iranians and Russians. I assume that they have agents in the rebel enclaves so any Western agent would not only run the risk of his own Jihadi ‘allies’ taking him hostage, but also evade detection by the Syrian government at its allies. Not to mention that in order to get to EG he’d have to move undetected through government terrain.

I’m a firm believer of Occam’s Razor. Always go for the most simple and most plausible solution. Western agents operating in a surrounded Jihadi enclave for years, evading the perils of their own unstable allies and the Syrian government is not the most simple plausible solution. Outsourcing that work to locals, trained in Jordan, THAT is the most simple plausible solution.

I get it that you guys want to believe this but, again applying Occam’s Razor, I find it far more plausible that this whole myth of Western agents stems from Jihadis who have come from Western countries and who have served in the armies of those countries. And who there passed on their training. This turned into rumors about Western agents and once out there rumors often lead their own lives. And are often impossible to kill.


From what I have picked up Ghouta is a British French Israeli controlled operation. So the US might just sacrifice them, notice that it has been France and Britain front running the media?

888mladen .

You can’t do that to your partners. Can you? Ask Mr Lavrov he will tell you.


jabhat al n-US-ra

You can call me Al

As my Father used to say in a fit of anger “These people, rally are swine’s”….

These Yankers really are just vile – disgusting pigs.


Yes.. I 2nd you.. And those wahbabism.. notice the spelling wahhabism..? “babi” in this region’s means swine.. pig..!


Last weekend, Washington accused Russia and its allies in the Syrian conflict of violating the ceasefire regime in Syria …….

Great! If Washington wants a ceasefire to continue it means they’re in deep shit…… good reason to go full force SAA & Allies…. every dead Headchopper will not return…..


And what seeks for Lavrov?




The civilians that still remain in East Ghouta are probably mostly the family members of the rebels. This was exactly the case in East Aleppo last yaer in 2016. At that time, the news media was claiming that 300,000 civilians were in jeopardy. But, when the rebels surrendered to the SAA in December 2016, there were only 70,000 civilians there, and they were mostly family members of the rebels. …


Too damn late. Get over it!

Icarus Tanović

Just fucck that, and keep on crushing wahabi cockroaches.


Syria and Russia need to counter US claims by constantly reaffirming in media it is HTS/Al-Qeada they are fighting in East Ghouta and that any other other militant faction fighting alongside them is responsible for own actions as a target. Recall Bush Jnr’s binary declaration before Iraq War – you are either with us against or against us – the US’ own rhetoric and hypocrisy can be used publicly back at them – ie are US currently for Al-Qaeda terrorists that routinely shell residential Damascus or against them? That question leads to a lot more very difficult public questions for US about its policies in last two decades.

Promitheas Apollonious

reaffirm to the ones who support them, that they fighting only their mercenaries and patsies? I think already know that.


Better to be prepare for an USA-NATO air support to terrorists. Meanwhile, Syria-hezbolah-Iran-Russia aerospace force musk keep advance fast, strong, brave, and without mercy.


Excellent article in FarsNews https://en.Farsnews.com/Turkish/daily/discloses/five/state/plan/to/disintegrate/Syria/

888mladen .

What are you going to do Mr Lavrov about it? Just barking?Are you going to do anything at all? You let them (US) kill over hundred choice RU veterans in Der Erzor without providing them with MANPADs. You let them kill your great top general in the same place and so on and on and on. The list is long.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Kill the ZUMA terrorist Lavrov.USA is terrorist and gay marriage promoters.Time for USA and Satan is over.

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