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US Senators Propose Resolution Blocking US Withdrawal From Northeastern Syria

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US Senators Propose Resolution Blocking US Withdrawal From Northeastern Syria

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A bipartisan group of congressmen is to propose a resolution to US Congress blocking US President Donald Trump’s order to withdraw US troops from northeastern Syria.

Senate Minority Leader Sen. Charles Schumer said on October 13th that he’ll demand a vote this week to oppose President Trump’s troop withdrawal from Syria.

“The president has been derelict in his duties,” Schumer said. “He’s making Americans much less safe, and undoing years of work to curb ISIS and he’s making America much more susceptible to terrorism by his actions. He may not have intended to do that, but that’s just what’s happening as a result of his actions.”

Schumer said the resolution will be bipartisan and require a new strategy to defeat ISIS and defend Kurdish partners. An identical version will be introduced in the House of Representatives.

The Democrat further explained that lawmakers from both chambers will offer a joint resolution demanding Trump “undo his decision, to do everything he can to protect the Kurds, to do everything that we must do to prevent [Islamic State] terrorists from escaping, and make sure that Turkey respects existing agreements related to Syria and with the United States.”

He that Republican congressman Michael McCaul, the top Republican member on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, had indicated he would support the resolution. “I’m going to work hard to pass this resolution, this joint resolution, this bipartisan resolution to try and get the president to undo what he has done.”

Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger, an Air Force veteran, condemned Trump’s decision, while on Fox News’ Face the Nation.

“You hear the president and people like Rand Paul talk about endless wars all the time, and it’s kitschy. But actually, we were preventing an endless war,” the lawmaker said. “For me—as a guy that served in the military and really got into politics because I believe in the role America plays—to see this yet again, you know, leaving an ally behind… is disheartening, depressing.”

Kinzinger added: “The Kurds found out on Twitter, for goodness sake… We have left them to the wolves. And the message this is sending to our allies around the world, I think, is really going to be bad.”

Republican Senator Bob Corker, too, rebuked the decision on Twitter.

On October 14th, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he was “gravely concerned” about how the US responded to the Turkish advance in northeastern Syria.

“Turkey is our NATO ally and has legitimate security concerns stemming from the conflict in Syria. But Turkey’s offensive against our Syrian Kurdish partners is jeopardizing years of hard-won progress in the fight against ISIS,” he said in a statement.

“For years, the United States and our Syrian Kurdish partners have fought heroically to corner ISIS and destroy its physical caliphate. Abandoning this fight now and withdrawing U.S. forces from Syria would re-create the very conditions that we have worked hard to destroy and invite the resurgence of ISIS,” he continued. “And such a withdrawal would also create a broader power vacuum in Syria that will be exploited by Iran and Russia, a catastrophic outcome for the United States’ strategic interests.”

McConnell said that the withdrawal of troops would not help the US’s long-term interest in the region. He reiterated that earlier this year a bipartisan supermajority of senators supported legislation warning against the early withdrawal of US troops from Syria and Afghanistan.

Senator Lindsey Graham is introducing a bill to sanction Turkey, but is not condemning Trump’s decision.

On October 14th, Graham joined Trump at the White House to speak with Turkish officials and General Mazloum Kobani, the leader of the Kurdish forces. Graham praised the president for “trying to end the bloodshed through a negotiations deal addressing Turkey’s concerns about certain Kurdish elements near their border.”

“The President’s team has a plan and I intend to support them as strongly as possible, and to give them reasonable time and space to achieve our mutual goals,” Graham said.

Despite Trump’s executive order for sanctions, Senate Democrats said that sanctions against Turkey are not enough.

“Strong sanctions, while good and justified, will not be sufficient in undoing that damage nor will it stop the consequences stemming from the ISIS jailbreak,” said Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer said, in a joint statement with Bob Menendez and Jack Reed, both Democratic senators. “The first step when Congress returns to session this week is for Republicans to join with us in passing a resolution making clear that both parties are demanding the president’s decision be reversed.”

The situation is quite unclear, since sanctions against Turkey will likely prove ineffective, but at the same time, it is unlikely that the Turkish forces would stop if the approximately 1,000 US troops remain in northeastern Syria. Withdrawing them would more than likely save their lives, after the massive failure of US foreign, and even internal, policy that this matter has turned in.


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One only needs to check, who is invested in theCarlyle Group. Then you know who has aninterest in this conflict to continue.


Yes, follows the money and jews activities.


A resolution is non binding, it’s not law. These people are morons. We’d still be in Vietnam if they had their way. They’re the ones derelict in their duties spending us into bankruptcy with their Zionist forever wars. They all need to be replaced with patriotic Americans who’ll put the US first and sever ties with the Israeli crime syndicate.


A resolution is non binding, it’s not law. These people are morons. We’d still be in Vietnam if they had their way. They’re the ones derelict in their duties spending us into bankruptcy with their Zionist forever wars. They all need to be replaced with patriotic Americans who’ll put the US first and sever ties with the Israeli crime syndicate.

Ceasar Polar

When that happens, the world will start cleansing itself of corruption as well. Hope some Free and Patriotic Men in America wake up and cut the snake’s head (zionist lobbies, dual israeli citizens, the zionazis in the media, fake terrorist attack perps….) time for a drain


Judaism should be outlawed.

Ceasar Polar

Zionism, not so Judaism. They are some jews against zionism and imperialism.

Tommy Jensen

Here we go, thumbs up for being intelligent.


Read my reply. You’re a pedophile supporter.


They’re a rounding error. The Jews rape 1,000 children a week worldwide. Judaism needs to be outlawed.

Ceasar Polar

The Torah says “no jew can have/adminitrate his own land. A true jew should wander from country to country to collect the spark of God.” So being a zionist go directly true jewish commandments. Zionism is an attack on all 3 abrahamic religions. It is an attempt to bring about a new world religion set to replace the ones that God sent us. Replace it with their Cabalistic version of world religion. The attack on humanity is also against the True messages of God.


“94% say that if Jewish state “no longer existed tomorrow,” it would be a “tragedy.””



Ceasar Polar

The polls are conducted by the zionists.


Then disprove it.

Ceasar Polar

Polls arent legit dude. Well known fact. Most polls are distorted to reflect whatever result. Few polls are legit, but those are used to see if the manipulation/persuasion of MSM is working on “X” project or “X” idea.


The orthodox are the biggest baby rapers of them all. They all need to go.


There are some Catholics for abortion, that doesn’t make the Catholic church pro abortion.

Kemal Büyük

There is only one solution. Kill all jewish-zionists animals.

Tommy Jensen

What about all their Democrat slime?


Closing the synagogues and yeshivas works. Half of the world is Jew free. The other half needs to be.

Ceasar Polar

How about the Freemason lodges ? They are all infested with zionists from ALL religions, including Hindus and muslims…


You’re talking out of both sides of your mouth. First you’re against outlawing Judaism when it is the root source criminal organization of Zionism. But you want Masonic lodges closed because of their Zionist nexus.

Ceasar Polar

The enemy is have many faces, many religions, represents many institutions but all work in concert for the great zionist/massonic project of ruling over mankind true order and chaos. There is no set in stone description of the enemy of Humanity. Certainly not the jews only. Certain jews of course, but also certain christians, certain muslims, certain buddhists, certain atheists that have zionist/freemasonic affiliation all need need to go!


This is totally unconstitutional. Is the US Senate not aware of SEPARATION of POWERS? This is executive area pure and simple. Plus there is the utter insanity of conducting military operations from Senate floor. Ludicrous.


McConnell: “And such a withdrawal would also create a broader power vacuum in Syria that will be exploited by Iran and Russia, a catastrophic outcome for the United States’ strategic interests.”

He really wanted to add that the “power vacuum in Syria” may be exploited by SYRIA. God, I hate these evil fools.

Ceasar Polar

They use their words to distort reality. They cant say, after 10 years conflict in Syria, Damascus is finally seeing an end to the conflict, and peace will be restored. Instead they are reflecting directly the zionists interest by saying yea it s american interests, let them kikes cry like babies then shit their pants.

Xoli Xoli

Unending war promoters on Zionist pay roll are going mad.Spelling blood is their hobby. USA Presidential rules are infested with Israeli unending war clauses.Look like Trump is really tired of this remote controlling evil rules.

Ceasar Polar

Israel is moving its lobbyists and sold out senators. The kikes are in PANIC MODE. Good signs that peace in Syria is under way!


may trump prevail


too later SAA arrived in rojava!! lol!

Joao Alfaiate

As Pat Buchanan pointed out, Congress is truly “Israeli occupied territory”.

Ceasar Polar

The proof of that is Satanyahu bypassing Obama then President, to have a speech before congress, that showed the world the True colors of Congress and its lobbyists.

Tommy Jensen

Obama created and fed ISIS. Obama doubled public debt to -$20 trillion. Obamas weekly killing lists by drone murdered and ruined 9/10 innocent families.

Ceasar Polar

Obama will burn in hell.

AM Hants

So true and if you go to Open Secrets, they will show you how much the pro-Israel-America Lobbyists, who do nought for the people of Israel or the people of the US, fund the poltiicians. ;

Peter Jennings

The US Congress is still a nest of vipers. They will slither and coil and spit their usual venom but to no avail. Their time has passed and they are now just preaching to the converted and back-slapping equally corrupted backs within a controlled environment.

The US steamroller is running out of steam because these talking heads in Congress keep letting off the pressure with their shrill alarms, to increasing numbers of deaf ears. The glory days are over and the only thing left to do is to bluster and blame. Congress should be able to cope with that having had so much practice. The actions of Congress is dragging the rest of america down with it to maybe third world status. Similar to a corrupt Junta.

The excuses emanating from McConnell, Schumer, etc are pathetic, and i am sure it hasn’t escaped Mr Kinzinger that the USMIC has abandoned the Kurds before so they were more than likely expecting it.

Robert Ferrin

That’s what happen when people elect Jews to office any office, for their loyatity is to Israel rather than America,Schumer has been involved in running illegal cig. and gun running from the St. Regis up into Montreal, being run out of his office in N.Y.C. before the Jews in N.Y.C bought his way into congress, and the rest are little better our congress critter is under inditement for fraud and insider stock trading which they all do but yet they e4ver saw a war they didn’t like.!!!!

Tommy Jensen

Zionists not Jews. Unless you deliberately want to confuse everything.

Robert Ferrin

Same tree just a different branch.!!!

Tommy Jensen

The American Congress and European Leaders have NOTHING else to do than fumbling around in Manbij, Syria. The Kurds in NE-Syria is the ONLY thing they know everything about and fight for in their stupid lives.


This is just posturing. It is too late for this. After Trump threw kurds to the (grey) wolves and the head wolf, Erdog, has bitten, they cannot unbit the kurds. Congress has no time machine.

Trump has emasculated the US position and standing and it can hardly be repaired. Not by fake sanctions and sanctimonious declarations. Only massive deliveries of heavyv arms and cas can be the beginning of repairs and apologies.

USA should be shunned by civilised countries.

Maninder Singh Batra

With your advice the collapse of the Petrodollar will be much faster and violent. Trump is trying to stem the fall of the Petrodollar and understands that Less US interventions leads to cheaper oil and stability of the dollar.

AM Hants

The nomadic tribe, made their own choice. They chose to go with the US and Israel, where Syria was concerned. They were offered the choice to work with the democratic Government of Syria, but, chose the US, who were illegally in Syria.

Funny how Nomadic Tribes stick together. Remember, the Nomadic Turkic Tribes, who adopted Judea, Christianity, Islam and learnt Hebrew and are known as the Khazarians and AshkeNAZIs? Just like the Kurds, Nomadic tribes, who were basically goat farmers, operating in the area, until after the Balfour Declaration, where they discussed the creation of Israel. Ironic, but, didn’t the Khazarians and AshkeNAZIs flock to Israel, in 1947?

The Kurdish Language And Traditional Way Of Life The Kurdish language is a West Iranian language related to Persian and Pashto. The Kurds are thought to number from 25 million to 30 million, including communities in Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Syria, and Europe, but sources for this information differ widely because of differing criteria of ethnicity, religion, and language; statistics may also be manipulated for political purposes.

The traditional Kurdish way of life was nomadic, revolving around sheep and goat herding throughout the Mesopotamian plains and the highlands of Turkey and Iran. Most Kurds practiced only marginal agriculture. The enforcement of national boundaries beginning after World War I (1914–18) impeded the seasonal migrations of the flocks, forcing most of the Kurds to abandon their traditional ways for village life and settled farming; others entered nontraditional employment… https://www.britannica.com/topic/Kurd

Tommy Jensen

Again everybody got everything wrong. America is fighting these wars to END wars.

It was HitlerPutin who poured gasoline all over ME and Butcher Assad who bombed his own Syrian civilians because they wanted to be like us Americans with freedom.

We cleaned Syria for all the terrorists, while Putler and Assad were pouring gasoline all over civilians in Syria, trying to prolong the wars as long as possible. Therefore it is Putler and Assad who want endless wars, NOT America. We don’t do anything and we don’t want any wars. America wants everybody to have peace, but unfortunately Puta_in and Ass_bad insist on endless wars!!

Maninder Singh Batra

Have you lost your mind? USA was/is the biggest sponsor of Al Qaeda,ISIS and FSA wahabbi brigades.

Robert Ferrin

You made a mistake trolls don’t have minds they read from script handed to them,so don’t feed the trolls for it only encourages them to spread some more propaganda.!!!!

Robert Ferrin

LMAO your a joke we didn’t end the war in Nam we left from roof tops on whatever came along,and of course peace is the last thing we want for our masters in the MIC has more to say about that then all the elected offical’s in Washington.!!!!


and please note that the afghanistani war is lost lost and lost but the unhinged states persist in remaining there causing massive destruction and deaths since the talibans won’t offer them a honourable retreat which won’t have defeat written allover it. it is a hands down defeat and to remain in afghanistan out of pride is to eminently stupid that it only could have been thought out in the pentagon and the white house and by the state department,i.e. by pompeo, resident fatso.

AM Hants

Do believe you are muddling up Soros with President Putin. Remember, Soros who found the best days of his life, when helping the Nazis, as a collaborater. Watching his friends and neighbours board the death trains, to the gas chambers, before going around to loot there homes? Soros, in his own words, on ’60 Minutes’ 20 December 1998. The same Soros who funded the violent Ukraine coup d’etat, which left the Nazis operating the streets of Ukraine and supporting their mates over in Syria. The White Helmet/ISIS/Al Qaeda/Daesh mobsters.

President Assad – funny how if you refuse to hand over your natural resources to the NWO gangsters, then you are demonised as a butcher. Do believe President Assad was an opthalmic surgeon, who operated over in the UK, where he met his wife. The ‘liver eating, head choppers’ were funded by those who financed the White Helmets.

Remind me, but, who razored Raqqa and never even bothered to dig out and bury the dead. They are still lying in the rubble, waiting to be found. Russia went for precision strikes, as can be proven, when you look at the actions of the little corvettes, over in the Caspian Sea. Do believe that Trump was sending Tomahawks, whilst trying to impress President Xi Jinping, whom Trump was hosting at the time. Fortunately something got in the way, with one getting stuck in a tube, 36 going awol and 23 arriving, but, with little impact. The Syrian military jets were flying from the strucken airport, just a couple of hours later. How long did it take Trump to send more cruise missiles to Syria, not caring where they would land or who they would take out? Fortunately, they only managed to hit a building site, that was due to be demolished anyway. How much did that cost the US tax payer?

How many nations has Syria invaded in the last 200 years? How many nations has the Russian Federation invaded, excluding when it found itself defending it’s people, territory or dependent territory, since the Russian Federation was formed. Following the fall of the Soviet Union. Remember, the Russian Federation was overthrown, back in 1917. How many nations has the US invaded, since gaining it’s independence from Great Britain on the 4 July 1776?

AM Hants

Vietnam – where the US used Agent Orange, but, still the Vietnamese pig farmers took the US out and sent them home. There again, John McCain, with his loose lips, helped the Vietnamese, at the expense of his colleagues, did he not? They did not call him the ‘Hanoi Canary’ for nothing.

You can call me Al

Typical war mongering Yanks.

AM Hants

Those that scream the loudest are those that found a reason to dodge serving in Vietnam.

AM Hants

So how is that going to work, considering they are illegally there in the first place? No declaration of war. No UN authority. No invite to come and invade.


Way too late dudes.


AIPAC’s cross-party political pets, getting all worked up over potential end to illegal US war against, and occupation of, Syrian state. It is Israel, not the US, that remains in a frozen state of war with Syria – since 1967.


and that is exactly why israel needs to be terminated, discontinued since there is no peace in the middle east as long as those murderous thieving war-mongers are allowed to cause mayhem and destruction in its neighbouring states. thus israel needs to be closed down and to prevent its ugly mindset to rear its head somewhere else, it is necessary to include the fifth columns embedded in different societies around the world, a fifth column that in a large part has enabled the israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity.

paul vetran

Looks like Schumer have received orders from Tel Aviv …

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