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US Sending Soviet Anti-Air Defense Systems To Ukraine That Were “Secretly Acquired”

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US Sending Soviet Anti-Air Defense Systems To Ukraine That Were "Secretly Acquired"

SA-8 GECKO file image

Originally published on ZeroHedge

Update(12:15ET)Greater escalation is in the air as two nuclear-armed superpowers continue stumbling toward a hugely alarming WWIII scenario as the Russian invasion of Ukraine reaches almost a full month. The Wall Street Journal on Monday has cited US defense officials who say Washington is covertly sending Soviet-made air defense equipment to Ukraine to help repel Russian air power. It seems this is the Biden administration’s ‘alternative’ to directly imposing a no-fly zone, yet it’s still a step in that direction. But given the fact that these systems might go all the way back to the 1960’s or 70’s – and perhaps more appropriately belong in a museum in some midwest town – it could be more of a symbolic step to appease the hawks without really doing anything too severely escalatory.

“The U.S. is sending some of the Soviet-made air defense equipment it secretly acquired decades ago to bolster the Ukrainian military as it seeks to fend off Russian air and missile attacks, U.S. officials said,” WSJ writes. “The systems, which one U.S. official said include the SA-8, are decades old and were obtained by the U.S. so it could examine the technology used by the Russian military and which Moscow has exported around the world.”

The Pentagon has not yet officially confirmed the breaking story, but it comes as the administration is facing immense bipartisan pressure from Congress to “do something” more than merely sending smaller arms. It must be remembered that Moscow has clearly warned it will attack as “legitimate targets” any inbound weapons shipments to Ukraine from Western backers.

The WSJ report says that S-300 systems are not part of what’s being considered for the shipment, and details further:

The secretive efforts received public attention in 1994 when a massive Soviet-made transport plane was observed at the Huntsville airport within sight of a major highway…

Some of the Soviet-style weapons have been kept at the Redstone Arsenal in Alabama, which its website notes serves as “the Army’s center for missile and rocket programs.” At least some of what the U.S. sent was from that base, said officials, who added that C-17s recently flew to a nearby airfield at Huntsville, Alabama.

The Russians will surely seen this as a massive escalation, likely resulting in threats that such shipments of any anti-air defenses will be directly targeted.

* * *

Update(10:23ET) The past days have witnessed Russian officials lash out at Joe Biden over his most recent scathing comments directed at Vladimir Putin personally. This included a St. Patrick’s Day address last Thursday wherein the US president blasted Putin and a “murderous dictator”. He had stated global nations, especially in the West were “standing together against a murderous dictator, a pure thug who is waging an immoral war against the people of Ukraine.” Prior to that, Biden had told a reporter that Putin is a “war criminal”.

On Monday Russia’s foreign ministry summoned the US ambassador to issue a note of protest over Biden’s latest comments, handing over a letter condemning the “unacceptable” remarks about Putin. Further US ambassador John J. Sullivan was informed that US-Russia ties are “on the verge of being severed” according to Reuters. Obviously they are already strained following both the invasion and US-led retaliatory sanctions and measures to severely isolate Russia, but a total severing of relations would likely see embassies shuttered and diplomats expelled.

Russian state media is also confirming it was in reaction to the prior “war criminal” and other statements about Putin: “The Russian Foreign Ministry handed a note of protest to the US ambassador on Monday over Joe Biden’s comments about Vladimir Putin – remarks that, according to Moscow, put the relations between the Kremlin and the White House on the verge of being severed,” according to Russian sources.

Meanwhile, after an alleged two instances where Russian forces said they launched a hypersonic missile into Ukraine…


* * *

With newsflow out of Ukraine nothing less than a firehose (of often fake news), with market moving headlines firing every minute, traders can be forgiven if they have just given up following the narrative. To help out, here is a snapshot of all the latest market-moving news out of Ukraine from the last few hours courtesy of Newsquawk:


  • Ukrainian President Zelensky said he is ready to negotiate with Russian President Putin and warned that if peace talks with Russian President Putin fail, it would mean the start of a third global war, according to an interview with CNN. However, a Turkish official said that Russian President Putin is not ready for talks with Ukrainian President Zelensky.
  • Turkish Foreign Minister said Russia and Ukraine “have almost reached agreement” on four critical points of a potential peace agreement, as fierce fighting continued to devastate the key port city of Mariupol, according to FT.
  • Russia’s Kremlin says the progress of peace talks with Ukraine is not as big as it should be; there is no basis for possible Putin-Zelensky meeting, significant progress needs to be made first, there will be no ceasefire during the talks.
  • Russian Defence Ministry called on ‘nationalists’ in Ukraine’s Mariupol to lay down arms and offered humanitarian corridors to both the east and west for this Monday, while it stated that Ukraine has until the early hours on Monday to give its answer on surrendering Mariupol.
  • Ukrainian Deputy PM Vereschuk said there is no question of surrendering Mariupol.
  • Ukraine says eight humanitarian corridors have been agreed on Monday, but the city of Mariupol is not included in that list.

Energy/Economic Updates

  • US threatens to expand sanctions on Russia and said they are nowhere near lifting restrictions, according to Sputnik.
  • Russian Central Bank Governor Nabiullina said they will start purchasing Russian government bonds and will sell them after the market stabilises.
  • EU Foreign Representative Borrell says Russia is guilty of “massive” war crimes, the EU is ready to talk about energy sanctions.


  • Ukrainian President Zelensky appealed to Israel and said that they know Israel’s air defence is the greatest in the world and could protect Ukraine, while he said the Kremlin is discussing the final solution to the Ukrainian issue in the same way the Nazi’s discussed the European question.
  • Ukrainian Deputy PM said they plan to send nearly 50 buses on Monday to evacuate people from the Mariupol region, while she added that 7,295 people were evacuated from cities on Saturday as four humanitarian corridors worked and that 3,985 people were evacuated from Mariupol to Zaporizhzhia on Sunday.
  • Kyiv Mayor said there were several blasts in the city’s Podil district with residential houses and the shopping district hit.
  • China’s ambassador to the US said China will work to de-escalate the Ukrainian conflict and said there is misinformation regarding China providing military assistance to Russia.
  • UK Ministry of Defence said Russian forces advancing from Crimea are still attempting to circumvent Mykolaiv as they look to drive west towards Odessa and that these forces made little progress during the past week, while it added that Russian naval forces continue to blockade the Ukrainian coast and to launch missile strikes on targets across Ukraine.
  • US officials see signals the Kremlin is shifting to a new strategy to secure key territorial objectives, according to WSJ.
  • Luhansk separatists say they have recorded an increase in the intensity of Ukrainian shelling on their areas, especially the  Pervomaysk region, according to Al Jazeera
  • Kyiv Mayor Klitschko announced a curfew from 18:00GMT today until 05:00GMT on Wednesday 23rd.


  • Israeli defence sources noted several intel warnings that suggest Iranian intention to carry out attacks via air, sea and on land, according to Israel Radar citing Walla News.
  • US and Turkey are said to be in talks over a deal for Turkey to send its Russian-made S-400 missile defense systems to Ukraine in exchange for the scrapping of sanctions imposed by Washington, according to Reuters citing sources. The report suggested Turkey is unlikely to agree to such a deal


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Putin the invader says, calling an invasion an invasion is forbidden. Putin the warmonger says, calling a war war is forbidden. Putin the war criminal says, calling war criminals war criminals is forbidden.


Last edited 2 years ago by Loki

You and all people like you will be detained and brought so Siberia to make something useful (we, communist, are not killers)

jens holm

Sure. Do we have to bring our dildos.


No you are not killer you are f****** murderer f*** off


Russia will need to change the demographics of Ukraine and relocate millions of hohols in reeducation and work camps. The Ukis are either pimps of prostitutes and lazy bludgers.


Thats the reason nobody want to be dominated or even rulled by Russia. You have to serve tyrants and his yes men and if you think freely they will “bring you to Siberia”

Pedo Andy

Good target practice for Russia. The hoholassholes are living like rats as Russian 🇷🇺 airpower keeps destroying all the hidden ammo dumps in malls and schools, even hospitals. The Kiev Nazis are worse cowards than even the Saudis. SLAVA ROSSIYA!


The Pollack bastards are giving this SA-8 to the Ukie Nazis after Greece refused. Russia will easily wipe out the 1970’s Soviet system as it has counter measures.


Of course Mariupol defenders will not surrender they know Russia in nowhere trustworthy.if they say you can leave they will shoot you or take you prisoner and put you in camps and Goelags .Remember the treachery and murdering by Russian of Ukraine soldiers passing threw a humanitaire corridor out of Ilovaisk train junction.


no need to surrneder. soon they will all be termo fucked or TOSsed. https://twitter.com/i/status/1506000910765355010


Cry and rage more, 🚽


Groupies copying me, why? Is it because I make a sleep with my own mother? 🤷🤷🤷


Putin says to NATO out of Russian neighborhood NATO is forbidden. Putin says desnazification nazis are forbidden. Putin says let’s go for a walk in ukraine BECAUSE HE CAN


Think the “3. Weg” nazi party guys, and similar scum in other EU countries, will have a nice life now? It’s very imaginable they end like their scum brothers in Azovstal plant feeding the rats and worms of the earth.They need to eat too.

jens holm

They only need reals information from me. Real jensi. Leader of the danish tactical tranny spec ops unit. The only one in existence. I eill spoon feed everything to everyone. Given I get some tenderness in my viking mangina in return. Jas.


Lucky for everyone. Except the Nazis and their US handlers, I suppose.


What did you call the ethnic cleansing operation in Donbas conducted by the armed forces of the Ukraine? What did you call the forces conducting that ethnic cleansing operation? On the subject of war criminals, why did the Ukrainians have such a hard-on to join the NATO organization which has conducted massive, large-scale war crimes in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and Libya?


loco nazi claims she hasn’t suffered from mental illness past 60 years


Traditional Russian meat. He, too, believed Medvedev and carried out Putin’s orders. Do you want to be like him? Come to Ukraine – to your personal branch of Hell on earth.


Last edited 2 years ago by Mickey
Edmund Hillary

Its not an invasion per se, Russia has stepped assistance in aiding the ethnic Russian separatists of Donbass who live inside Ukraine and have been under attack and in subsequent conflict with the Ukrainian Regime since 2014. Russian assistance is to break the stalemate and end the Kiev Regime attacks on Donbass for good. The real combined arms Russian military remains inside Russia, mobilized and ready for a much bigger action with NATO should it come to that.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edmund Hillary
The maharaja

Now this is a response, wasted on people who would simply call him a goat fucker or something like that. But this is how you do it.

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Don’t worry you neonatzi hohols will be toast soon. Ukraine will be the new home of Khazars. Again… Im doing a really good job throwing every neonazi trash under the bus :)



Troll Identified. Maybe it isn’t you but you’ll be next, I found this browsing my phone before bed and made the collage in photoshop express. Effortless. You’re done for when I have to get back on my computer.


Just another degenerate, pro-vax, pro-ukrox, pro-sucking-cox, whatever shit MSM serve him, he eagerly swallows.


N.orth A.tlantic T.errorist O.rganisation


Yes, and Putin is only the guy now posing as the big bad boogey-man, when in fact it is all a big foul game, which the NWO/JWO guys are playing on us. And Putin, Trump, Biden, Merkel, Scholz, Baerbock, Xi Jinping, Morrison, Trudeau etc. etc. they all belong to it and are part of that global dicatorship NWO, andwant to force it upon us, the free people of the world ! See:

Jewish billionaire Bloomberg advices Americans to stop eating meat, throw away their cars, and kill their pets, in order to overcome dollar inflation, while WEF chief Klaus Schwab (who has a portrait of Mr. Lenin in his office) goes even further, telling the Americans to go full communist, led the state rob them of everything, and start to enjoy poverty and eat beetles instead of meat, and drink sewage instead of clean water, because it is cheaper !

See: https://uncutnews.ch/der-milliardaer-bloomberg-um-die-inflation-zu-bewaeltigen-sollten-die-amerikaner-linsen-essen-und-ihre-haustiere-sterben-lassen/

and in english


So here we see what the commie-jews have in hand for all of us ! Death and destruction !!! And for the survivors: Total Slavery ! Not only for the Americans, but for all of us – they want to extirpate and exterminate us, treat us like insects and enjoy tormenting the populations which they managed to usurpate and oppress. If mankind doesn t wake up soon, it will be too late to stop them. We shall overcome the splinter and divide tactics of these communie-jew morons. They want us to hail eighter USA, EU, Russia or China, they want us to be liberals or republicans, democrats or conservatives, pro-ukraine or anti-ukraine etc.

And as soon as we step into this and comply with one of these “options” we are in the trap. Therefore I say NO !

It is enough to be a natural upright, godfearing human ! Willing to fight for his rights against whoever wants to destroy his godgiven rights to freedom, independence and freedom of speech. There is God and his angels, the upright godfearing humans, or like JHK stated: True Christians, True Muslims (sometimes called islamists), Truthers, Hitler, True Samurai and more honestly godfearing people from around the world, on the one side. And on the other side we have Satan, the shaitan together with his hook-nosed little demons and disciples, the jews, and more dishonest, perverted, disgusting, inbred, satanic, corrupted godhating people from around the world.

That is the eternal battle between good and evil !!!

So it is just God vs. Satan, and good humans vs. evil humans, and not USA vs. Russia, or China vs. EU and so on. No ! It is Satan and his jews and other godless evil disciples vs. godfearing mankind. Jewish (resp. International-Satanic antihuman) World Order vs. Heavenly (National-Natural human) World Order.

And the earlier people realize this truth, the better mankind’s chance to get rid of the Shaitan and his hook-nosed evil-doers and avoid full-blown World War 3 !

There is no God but god and truth will prevail, and glory is to god and to all true fighters giving their blood and soul in mankinds fight against Satan ! But to win that battle we all first need to know our common enemy, Satan and his hook-nosed demons and disciples, the Jews:




Last edited 2 years ago by Mickey



That is what US/UK/NATO say…… And now, when Russia is incinerating the Ukro-Nazis of the Central Imbeciligence Agency, you suffer an incredible Itch in your Rectum. I recommend Preparation H, deep and copious.


well said!

Muhammad your Prophet

Everything that sticks a rim up Putin the cockroach’s ass he will consider an escalation.

Pedo Andy

Russia 🇷🇺 sure is killing a lot of hoholassholes Nazi terrorists. They are now living in rat holes under curfews 😆 🤣 😂

Muhammad your Prophet

It is no secret shipment and it is no secret where it’s coming from. The only reason Putin the terrorist cockroach is calling it a secret is because he’s beyond terrified of the country that’s giving it.

Muhammad your Pedophile

I bet if somebody rape your mom or your daughters, you won’t do anything… of course because you’re a pedophile too.

Muhammad your Prophet

You’re desecrating the name of your Prophet. What a piece of shit.


Muhammad your Prophet (aka Loki, BangderaSteponPutin, TomSaweyer) is not a Muslim, he is a German nazi from “3. Weg” splinter party, an organization that has sent German nazi volunteers to Azov for 8 years and will certainly bleed in the future.

Antitrol Patrol

OccupyBacon – gypsy transgender from Romania, and Tzatz, old pedophile from Canada. 90% of trolling are those two degenerates. the rest 10% is some nazi German idiot and another nazi idiot pretending he’s German.

Last edited 2 years ago by Antitrol Patrol

Don’t abstract to trolling. There’s one guy, who is the main user of these names, he has a certain writing, posts in just a few seconds or minutes difference between these names in new articles the same shit, he also came with “groupie” and “copycat” more just today. If its not the same guy its people who know each other, but that’s unlikely from experience. The guy speaks German it seems. He is a nazi. And I dont mean that figuratively like some conservative person or so, but even a nationalist, but a nazi. At least sometimes he shows it, like calling Russians vermin and talking about Wotan, he did that for 6-7 hourts today, and yesterday, the next moment he plays micro aggression survivor for Ukrainian nazis. Oh, mean Putin invaded Ukraine illegally, poor children, Azov has nothing to do with this. All instances behave autistic and changes in the behavior of one, for example in regard to “copycats”, are also displayed in the other instances. First he tried with several accounts to make fun of it (other people, like me, using his stupid names), now he ignores it again – all his sockpuppets do the same at the same time. He is also in an European time zone.

About 1/4 to 1/2 of German nazis support Azov. 300 souls splinter party “3. Weg” being the center of that wing of German nazism that supports Ukronazis.

Last edited 2 years ago by Loki

It is one troll most of the time, yamil perez, muhamad, bangera, tom, trevor, bunker etc etc obviously the same sick idiot. Definitely Bacon or Twatz. Difficult to say about time zone, he is always here literally 20 hours every day. Not sure about Loki? yes, he does indeed speak German. That psycho nazi Universal Order doesn’t speak German tho, he supposed to be from Australia, his previous nick is “cuckcommander zion”. Also there is this nazi lunatic with various german names, HansGunther etc, he always spam nazi cartoons but he never speaks German. I’m not sure it’s the same troll. Perhaps or perhaps not. Perhaps he is paid to troll, or he is just completely insane. Whoever he is it shouldn’t be extremely difficult for some people to find his real IP and address. So perhaps someone finally ban him…. permanently……

Muhammad your Prophet

Sounds like the god of mischief. I wonder what Allah would say about that.

jens holm

You can ask him when you see him soon.


actually you sound like a total loser. because you are a total loser: dumb, wretched loser.


Only because I dreaming about giving oral to Adolf and bandera doesn’t make me a nazi.

jens holm

Only if suck some Jewish dicks as well. That prevents you from being a Nazi.

Arnold said so, so it must be true.


arnold should know: he sucked nazi cocks then switched to jewish

Zelensky-Biden Coke Imports Inc

You have unhealthy fixations with deviant activities and a very unhealthy fixation on Vladmir Putin as a man. You are broadcasting your unhealthy fixation issues all over the web, better if you keep them between you and a therapist.

jens holm

You could escalate my viking mangina anytime babe.


Poutine this modern day version of Hitler but couldn’t fit in the hat of napoleon is not mad enough to use the nuclear option. That would mean the complete and irreversible eradication of the Russian nation. There is nothing to gain from a nuclear exchange and the people who are still sane around him and have the balls to do so should remove him from power the moment he issues such a destructive order.

Pedo Andy

Desperate hoholassholes 😆 🤣 😂 😹

Yamil Perez Dead

Monkey I don’t blame you, you’re just a mentally diseased moron without life or brain, and probably without legs and spine – sitting in your basement, eating turds from your diapers and farting here all day long, every day of your pitiful, sad existence (hopefully to be over soon)

I don’t even blame your autistic cheap mother, or the dog who raped her bum. Probably her close relative.

I actually blame SF idiots for not ever moderating this site, allowing you to reek here and polluting every thread with your moronic crap instead to flush you dumb turd back to filthy sewers where you belong.


I’m happy you liked it. Readers are always appreciated.


copycat copying me.


Bla bla bla 💩 for brains just 💩 ing out his mouth again


Have you ever in your silly life seen the map of Russia? you can’t “cancel” or conquer or destroy a continent. Also if you are American or European I invite you to read a little history, if you didn’t forget to read during quarantine, (internet has other things besides porn), the only one who dropped atomic bombs on civilian targets was your beloved USA the real war criminals of all history.


75% of the Russian population is concentrated in an area about the size of the EU. So in that sense, they can target the Siberian cities but 1000 warheads falling on western Russia would quickly eradicate up to 50-70 million Russians. The rest would die from radiation in a few months. Anyway, the best part of the Russian population would turn to ashes in a few hours.

Last edited 2 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin

The US submarines cannot even fire their nuclear second strike warheads without authorization codes from Washington/Biden, which will not exist anymore after hypersonic nuclear missiles eradicate it together with your beloved whore house Berlin. A scenario. Russian submarines can without radioed in codes, like it was in the cold war era.

Last edited 2 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin

Wow you know allot about American nuclear deterrent. Do you think they’re that stupid? Do you really believe that if Washington is struck by Moscow there is no mechanism in place to turn Russia to glass?

Last edited 2 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin

Yes, they are that stupid. It was changed in the late 90s, early 2000s. It’s publicly known. They didn’t believe they needed it. Maybe they change it back again but that was/is the thing now. No launch without a certain authorization code from the US-President himself. Google it.


Not only warshington will be struck. DC NORAD, All navy ports, Brussels, London, Berlin, Chocolate Mountain, Area 51 list goes on.


Most western cities would be toast before that tho. But like adolf we hohols rather die taking everyone with us when we get defeated. Another proof we are sour cowards.


Most US cities are on both coasts. Subs can hit them in 10 minutes.


Zellerboy this modern day version of Hitler but couldn’t fit in the hat of napoleon is not mad enough to use the nuclear option. That would mean the complete and irreversible eradication of the Banderite nation. There is nothing to gain from a nuclear exchange and the people who are still sane around him and have the balls to do so should remove him from power the moment he issues such a destructive order.


SA-8 hahaha not even the patriot would be enough. Russia has destroyed hundreds of its own S-300s and Buks in Ukraine.

Washington DCorruption

Great help! Now send them something captured from Japanese in WW2.

A few katanas to commit mass banzai suicide charge!


For Emperor Zelensky!!!! And Bandera!!!!! Gonna look great on CNN lol

Joe Biden

and for Joe Biden their real master…. Perhaps US should send them Joe’s pampers? But camouflaged in NATO pattern 😃

Joao M...

I’d say captured Nazi WWII equipment would be more appropriate. Preferably Waffen SS stuff…

jens holm

Ukras are not like that. So man has jobs and are used to at lest have something.

We had 10.000 Ukras here. The unimployment rate was 0%.

That goes for many here. They aree creating their own dark state and blame us for it.

Hardly any here read or understand much gpoing on in west even most things are open.

Its like most muslims comming here as refugees and sl ome few as emmigrants too.

Their prayer start says: It has been written.

But facts are, they are told it has been written but the facts are the Choran has been modified for centuries by old mans rule for control of the rest.

In Denmark those incommers now can read whats actually is written. They learn danish and by that can read the Holy Vhoran in a modern and traditional way. They and we also has child introductions to islam and even i small cartoons.

By that most women and girls at least get the low rights and becomes almost human beings.

We see the same for the rest. After some years Vomen and girls from Syria and familiar countries are just as bright as the rest of us.

But we still has the men killing women for socalled honor. Thats why we anytime prefare Ukras as incommers.

Almost 50% of the muslims here after 10 years has no jobs. The women are kept home or prefare that. Why should be pay them.

Its forgotten many of those woemen from those areas are lazybums too.

It makes no sense to be thieves and steal from people having nothing. No we steal from exh other.

They learn danish and by that can read the Holy Vhoran in a modern and traditional way. They and we also has child introductions to islam and even i small cartoons.

By that most women and girls at least get the low rights and becomes almost human beings.

We see the same for the rest. After some years Vomen and girls from Syria and familiar countries are just as bright as the rest of us.

Here we include as many as possible for equal rights. That homogenize us by accept. The resukts are there in big GDP, low corruption, trusted police and courts. We mainly are safe in the streets vomen and girls included.

People looking down like them often are the bottom of the world. Some use chairs and high heels. Many here treat their very expensive wife a boymaker in the kitchen only.

Women in those areas forced low in IQ.

When they coome to here their IQ is raised to the same level as dansish women. Evn in Islam, they get more right, because they learn danish and by that can read and understand a modern and traditional version of it.

Now I quote only god advices from there. I joke too.

So why did Jesus wear sandals`? Well, he was not goof in knots. Sometimes making wine into water is a good thing too.


Putin has a new secret weapons, they’re called nuclear babushkas fascist dirty bombs. They’re all his most loyal voters and the most ardent supporters of this war. Of course they can be dropped from planes, but Russian society has deemed it as an act of inhumanity towards the poor babushkas. So they’re fitted with a portable nuclear charge and are instructed to run towards Ukrainian machine gun lines and press the button as soon as they are within an 100 meters range. Unfortunately, Ukrainian machine gun points have a range of over 3 kilometers, so some of these unfortunate babushkas might not make it. They’re of age it happens.


wow! that’s a good story coming from mi6 and cia cunts, please go to pedowood and film a movie with that script you will won an oscar for sure (or a bang gang)


Putin! Putin! Putin ate my homework! Meanwhile, the US puppet government in Ukraine fades into memory, along with the Ukrainian armed forces. Last person to leave Kiev, remember to make sure the stove is off and turn out the lights.

jens holm

Ukras are not like that. So man has jobs and are used to at lest have something.

We had 10.000 Ukras here. The unimployment rate was 0%.

That goes for many here. They aree creating their own dark state and blame us for it.

Hardly any here read or understand much gpoing on in west even most things are open.

Its like most muslims comming here as refugees and sl ome few as emmigrants too.

Their prayer start says: It has been written.

But facts are, they are told it has been written but the facts are the Choran has been modified for centuries by old mans rule for control of the rest.

In Denmark those incommers now can read whats actually is written. They learn danish and by that can read the Holy Vhoran in a modern and traditional way. They and we also has child introductions to islam and even i small cartoons.

By that most women and girls at least get the low rights and becomes almost human beings.

We see the same for the rest. After some years Vomen and girls from Syria and familiar countries are just as bright as the rest of us.

But we still has the men killing women for socalled honor. Thats why we anytime prefare Ukras as incommers.

Almost 50% of the muslims here after 10 years has no jobs. The women are kept home or prefare that. Why should be pay them.

Its forgotten many of those woemen from those areas are lazybums too.

It makes no sense to be thieves and steal from people having nothing. No we steal from exh other.

Here we include as many as possible for equal rights. That homogenize us by accept. The resukts are there in big GDP, low corruption, trusted police and courts. We mainly are safe in the streets vomen and girls included.

People looking down like them often are the bottom of the world. Some use chairs and high heels. Many here treat their very expensive wife a boymaker in the kitchen only.

Women in those areas forced low in IQ.

When they coome to here their IQ is raised to the same level as dansish women. Evn in Islam, they get more right, because they learn danish and by that can read and understand a modern and traditional version of it.

Now I quote only god advices from there. I joke too.

So why did Jesus wear sandals`? Well, he was not goof in knots. Sometimes making wine into water is a good thing too.

jens holm

I verry much love Ukras. Sucking their dicks is almost as good as licking Yankee assholes.

No one can lick and suck as wee Danish thralls.

jens holm

Van i suck your hohol duck?

jens holm

You make jensis mangina wet,jaa.

jens holm

I need some tender neonazis love 💕😘


What’s next, sending them Colts from the American Civil war museum surplus?


Alec Baldwin will send them his own cowboy revolver. He already killed one Ukrainian woman with it. And Arnold should send some of his home made gay p*orn. Morale booster for boys in trenches.


its pedowood


Lol zelenskiy desperate asking for 5 junk migs from poland and now osa soviet era aa system from 1950s 😂

And yet ukraine is winning!

Msm in the west raging so hard they coming up with new stories like ‘russian soldier calls girlfriend to tell her his 6 squadmates killed by ukrainian woman and her poisoned tea’ or ‘secret convo recorded by russian oligarchs intending to assassinate putin’. 😂

And the Fake News Pinnacle BBC has spinned the massive pro putin rally in Moscow yesterday as ‘they told us the employers told them to come and they would get a day off …. but we couldn’t catch it on camera!’

Putin hitting these Nazi bastards so hard they’re spending all their time daydreaming and concocting imaginary scenarios and victories!

8 years of Russian ethnic cleansing in Donbas and all this fuss for 3 weeks? Wait till the actual pain starts!


Ukras are not like that. So man has jobs and are used to at lest have something.

We had 10.000 Ukras here. The unimployment rate was 0%.

That goes for many here. They aree creating their own dark state and blame us for it.

Hardly any here read or understand much gpoing on in west even most things are open.

Its like most muslims comming here as refugees and sl ome few as emmigrants too.

Their prayer start says: It has been written.

But facts are, they are told it has been written but the facts are the Choran has been modified for centuries by old mans rule for control of the rest.

In Denmark those incommers now can read whats actually is written. They learn danish and by that can read the Holy Vhoran in a modern and traditional way.

They and we also has child introductions to islam and even i small cartoons.

By that most women and girls at least get the low rights and becomes almost human beings.

We see the same for the rest. After some years Vomen and girls from Syria and familiar countries are just as bright as the rest of us.

But we still has the men killing women for socalled honor. Thats why we anytime prefare Ukras as incommers.

Almost 50% of the muslims here after 10 years has no jobs. The women are kept home or prefare that. Why should be pay them.

Its forgotten many of those woemen from those areas are lazybums too.

It makes no sense to be thieves and steal from people having nothing. No we steal from exh other.

Here we include as many as possible for equal rights. That homogenize us by accept.

The resukts are there in big GDP, low corruption, trusted police and courts. We mainly are safe in the streets vomen and girls included.

People looking down like them often are the bottom of the world. Some use chairs and high heels. Many here treat their very expensive wife a boymaker in the kitchen only.

Women in those areas forced low in IQ.

When they coome to here their IQ is raised to the same level as dansish women. Evn in Islam, they get more right, because they learn danish and by that can read and understand a modern and traditional version of it.

Now I quote only god advices from there. I joke too.

So why did Jesus wear sandals`? Well, he was not goof in knots. Sometimes making wine into water is a good thing too.

Last edited 2 years ago by jens holm
jens holm

Uding Bandara in the Communist Russian version confirm Ukras and for that Poles never shoudl be indeoendent. By that ir was legalized to move Ukraine west and expell all poles, germans and th few leftfover jews.

Here more crap:

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ABC: Audit Bureau of Circulations – her finder du den officielle US Top 100 Den Danske Pioneer – den ældste dansk-amerikanske avis. Udkommer i USA med artikler på både Top 5

New York Times New York Post Washington Post USA Today Los Angeles Times

Ny 5

The Epoch Times Worcester Telegram & Gazette Wilmington News Journal White Plains Journal News Washington Times


great! more old scrap for DPR industrial development we Urkabots are lost!

Muhammad Piss Be Upon Him

I am sure the Russians are shaking in their boots right now…

Muhammad your Prophet

The few Azov nazis “still alive” in Mariupol will be rotting corpses in a few days. No biotching around here will change that.


I heard the russians armaments industry has successfully produced more nuclear babushkas fascist dirty bombs today.

BangderaSteponPutin Copycat 2

russians facist? you have definitely lost your mind, (opioids accelerate your contradictions) you know? there are other channels besides Disney channel

jens holm

jensi would like some tender pee pee from you. Jaa.

Where victory?

Can’t beat the Russian armored trains


Banderpites can’t get their stories straight. The Russians are being killed en masse, or deserting en masse, and the Ukrainian forces are tearing up the Russians, and yet the Ukrainians are wailing and shrieking that the US and their NATO stooges have to come and save them. Which is it?

Timmy Temperance

Cluster munitions have been used on this comments section.

jens holm

Uding Bandara in the Communist version confirm Ukras and for that Poles never shoudl be indeoendent. By that ir was legalized to move Ukraine west and expell all poles, germans and th few leftfover jews.

Here more crap:

Akron Beacon Journal – (2) Albuquerque Journal Allentown Morning Call Arizona Republic Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Arlington Heights Daily Herald Asbury Park Press Atlanta Journal-Constitution – (2) Austin American-Statesman – (2) Baltimore Sun – (2) Bergen County Record Birmingham News – (2) Boston Globe Boston Herald Buffalo News Charlotte Observer Chicago Sun-Times Chicago Tribune Cincinnati Enquirer Cleveland Plain Dealer – (2) Columbus Dispatch Contra Costa Times – (2) Daily Oklahoman Dallas Morning News Dayton Daily News – (2) Denver Post Des Moines Register Detroit Free Press Detroit News Florida Times-Union Fort Worth Star Telegram – (2) Fresno Bee Grand Rapids Press Hartford Courant – (2) Honolulu Advertiser – (2) Houston Chronicle Indianapolis Star News – (2) International Herald Tribune – US/FR Investor’s Business Daily – (erhverv) Kansas City Star – (2) Knoxille News-Sentinel La Opinión – (spansk) Las Vegas Review Journal – (2) Lexington Herald-Leader – (2) Los Angeles Daily News Los Angeles Times Louisville Courier-Journal Memphis Commercial Appeal Miami Herald Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Minneapolis Star Tribune New Orleans Times-Picayune New York Daily News – (2) New York Post New York Times – (2) Newark Star Ledger Newsday New York Daily News – (2) New York Post New York Times – (2) Newark Star Ledger Newsday New York Daily News – (2) New York Post New York Times – (2) Newark Star Ledger Newsday New York Daily News – (2) New York Post New York Times – (2) Newark Star Ledger Newsday New York Daily News – (2) New York Post New York Times – (2) Newark Star Ledger Newsday New York Daily News – (2) New York Times – (2) Newark Star Ledger Newsday New York Daily News – (2) New York Post New York Times – (2) Newark Star Ledger Newsday Norfolk Virginian-Pilot Norfolk Virginian-Pilot Norfolk Virginian-Pilot Omaha World-Herald Orange County Register – (2) Oregonian Orlando Sentinel Palm Beach Post – (2) – (3) Philadelphia Daily News Philadelphia Inquirer Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Providence Journal Raleigh News & Observer – (2) Richmond Times-Dispatch Riverside Press-Enterprise Rochester Democrat & Chronicle – (2) Rocky Mountain News Sacramento Bee Salt Lake Tribune San Antonio Express-News San Diego Union Tribune – (2) San Francisco Chronicle San Jose Mercury News – (2) Sarasota Herald-Tribune Seattle Post-Intelligencer – (2) – (3) Seattle Times – (2) Rochester Democrat & Chronicle – (2) Rocky Mountain News Sacramento Bee Salt Lake Tribune San Antonio Express-News San Diego Union Tribune – (2) San Francisco Chronicle San Jose Mercury News – (2) Sarasota Herald-Tribune Seattle Post-Intelligencer – (2) – (3) Seattle Times – (2) South Florida Sun-Sentinel Spokane Spokesman Review – (2) St. Louis Post-Dispatch – (2) St. Paul Pioneer Press – (2) St. Petersburg Times Syracuse Post-Standard Tacoma News Tribune Tampa Tribune Tennessean The Epoch Times – USA/Kinesisk The State – (2) Toledo Blade Tulsa World USA Today Wall Street Journal – (2) – (erhverv) Washington Post Washington Times White Plains Journal News Wilmington News Journal Worcester Telegram & Gazette


ABC: Audit Bureau of Circulations – her finder du den officielle US Top 100 Den Danske Pioneer – den ældste dansk-amerikanske avis. Udkommer i USA med artikler på både Top 5

New York Times New York Post Washington Post USA Today Los Angeles Times

Ny 5

The Epoch Times Worcester Telegram & Gazette Wilmington News Journal White Plains Journal News Washington Times

Mark Dankof


Maybe we’ve never met face-to-face, but I know my real friends in a war that has sadly only begun.

Mark Dankof San Antonio, Texas


God bless you mate. And God help us all.

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

I wouldn’t want to be the truckdriver haha.

Edmund Hillary

More free targets for Russian Kalibre cruise missile field test program.

Adolf Hitler

I amd Zelensky are in the Reichsbunker. We are waiting for Steiners counterattack. It can happen anytime. Brace yourselves.

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining 🤗

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

A hypersonic missile a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Slave Rossiye 🇷🇺


SlavaRossii ru ru ru


Cool, more targets for the Russians to practice on.


former Ukraine defeated—USA and colonies defeated the number of nazi /CIA comments has increased exponentially at SF since the Russian victory over the barbaric forces of the angloshere and NATO colonies…this pathetic desperation reveals the true impotence, immorality decay of moron amerikant society….it should come as no surprise that sociologists describe anglos as “over-conformist semi-automatons”

Last edited 2 years ago by Yuri
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