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MARCH 2025

US Set To Send Ukraine Patriot Missiles In Huge Escalation

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US Set To Send Ukraine Patriot Missiles In Huge Escalation

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Originally published on ZeroHedge

CNN’s chief Pentagon correspondent is reporting the breaking news based on multiple anonymous US defense officials – including a senor Biden administration official – that the White House is currently finalizing plans to send Patriot missile defense systems to Ukraine.

“The Biden administration is finalizing plans to send the Patriot missile defense system to Ukraine that could be announced as soon as this week, according to two US officials and a senior administration official,” CNN writes. “The three officials told CNN that approval is expected.”

If approved, this could be a tipping point in the conflict leading to direct confrontation between nuclear-armed powers given transfer of Patriots would mark the longest-range missiles sent to Ukraine thus far.

Washington has so far been reluctant, despite Kiev officials since nearly the start of the invasion making repeat pleas for the US to help “close the sky” – as President Zelensky many months ago urged Congress.

As The Guardian reviewed of the dangers involved in sending the Patriot:

“Long sought by the Ukrainians, the missiles have a range of up to 300km, but so far the US and its allies, including the UK, have declined to supply them because they could be used to hit targets inside Russia. Supplying them would help “bring the war to an end as soon as possible”, Johnson said.

Patriots have long been deployed in neighboring Poland, but Ukrainian leaders have been persistent in requesting them on their own soil amid a major uptick in recent Russian aerial attacks. Former UK prime minister Boris Johnson this week urged in a Wall Street Journal op-ed for the West to get serious about supplying Patriots and other anti-air systems, even including military aircraft.

It’s likely to take some time to deploy the Patriots, given Ukrainians are expected to be trained on operating the sophisticated systems at the US Army base in Grafenwoehr, Germany, per officials cited by CNN. In the meantime Moscow is likely to react fiercely to the news, which could result in more intense and escalatory airstrikes on Ukrainian cities, and command and control bases. Washington, for its part will likely emphasize the purely “defensive” nature of the Patriot systems.


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Russia needs to start the offensive is capture so much that borders Poland


easier said than done when they seem unable to take small villages…

A 2017 New York Times report found the Patriot system ineffective when used by Saudi Arabia against Houthi missiles fired from Yemen. So I wouldn’t worry much and neither should the Russians.

Russians have no solutions to this war, they are dumb, Americans are setting the tempo of the game here. For the first time I can see Russia broken up in pieces just like Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Africa and soon to be Iran, Saudi Arabia and China

The Objective

Putin is doing all he can. Do you expect him to start a nuclear war over some landmass in Ukraine? I think Russia should enjoy the ride it started.

And the longer my beloved Russia takes to act, the more brazen their enemies will become, taking any sign of Putin’s restraint as weakness. Please stop playing with your prey and finish it as soon as possible, please Putin

The Objective

Putin is doing all he can. Do you want him to start a nuclear war over the Donbass? I think Russia should enjoy what it started. This war should continue as long as it takes to restore original national borders!


Man Sh#t The F up


Anything and everything coming into Ukraine from the west should be destroyed…..

The Objective

“Should be destroy” is quiet different from “WILL be destroyed”


Supplying them would help “bring the war to an end as soon as possible”, Johnson said. Johnson is moron !

End Ukraine once and for all!

Actually, he might be right: providing such CRAP to Ukraine will bring the victory of Russia quicker :) .

Maybe they could supply some WWII tanks from museums, so they can die like real nazis… And WWII uniforms from movies! :)

The Objective

I think they should supply long-range precision missiles and surveilance/targeting drones with stealth features.

Nose, Nose

Well, he’s right. If these missiles are a major escalation, we’ll have lots of mushroom clouds, and the war will be over very quickly.

The Objective

Of course. And mushroom clouds right above the Kremlin building.

The Objective

Johnson is right. Ukraine needs more weapons to end the war.


The Nazi Brand Rises like a Phoenix, while the filthy jewish brand and their second rate commie brand is crippled like a lost blackbelt with no Honor.



Nazis AlQaeda & Kamikazi have again Won WW3 & WWAtoZ.

The filthy jews are finished, The UN, EU, G7, and NATO have a real chance to make a comeback, but will fail everytime they use kikery and the Street Knows It.

commies are as fake as isis and could never live up to Reality, just as bollywood is only useful for bindus.


Patriot system is total garbage and it will just become another Russian target just like 777 and Himars !!

Mini Tactical Hypersonic Nuke locked on Kiev

Himars should never have entered Ukronazi territory. This was a fatal mistake of the RF to allow that. Hundreds of civilians died in Donbass, Zapo and Kherson under Himars


yes of course, so there is no problem ukies get it. poor russian pilots :(


De la risa que les van a dar, no pudieron parar unos drones huties de cartulina, van a parar misiles hipersonicos.

The Objective

No kalibr will give you victory. you have to fight. You like looking for a fight. Now you’ve got one. Roll up your sleeves and fight to the death.

Michel LeBlanc

No worries thats why kalibr exists mac.

The Objective

We’ll soon know. Iranian missiles may be superior in evading such defences.

The truth is out there

Not going to make much difference. The Americans have never put any effort into their air defence systems. They have mainly put more efforts into their fighter aircraft. You just have to go back to when the Houthi launched drones at Saudi Arabia oil facilities, they had patriot systems deployed and they didn’t do a good job of shooting the Houthi drones down.

The Objective

It should scare the pilots a bit or give them a quick pass to the afterlife.


Biden: “no himars for Urkops. we do not want an escalation” ukrops are using himars Biden: “no patriot for Urkops. we do not want an escalation” Patriot will be send to Ukrops Biden: “no us force in Ukraine. we do not want an escalation” us force will go in Ukraine?

Biden the Clown and the WW3 served in pills

The Objective

Get the hell out of the Ukraine’s territory cos you obviously lack the conventional might to subdue that country. Period! All this endless talk and blame won’t help.


could be a lie to make russia take more risks with their soldiers life

americunt minister of ugliness

americunts are morons—their weapons lose in Korea Vietnam Afghanistan—feminized homosexuals—they are ugly matriarchy that are now again humiliated by Russia

The Objective

But their weapons have killed thousands of Russians in Ukraine, as confirmed by the Russian ministry of defense.

americunt minister of ugliness

like everything americunt–patriots are incompetent and expensive—send all then Russia invades calif-homo after cleansing of all perverts reunites w Mexico


Hypersonic missiles WILL DESTROY THESE AS SOON AS THEY SWITCH ON which their is NO DEFENSE AGAINST so in fact these systems are USELESS. =Z=

Ghost of Moscow

If that was TRUE then why haven’t the other Military Aid NATO sent been destroyed yet? You Pro-Putin guys just don’t know when to give in do you! Stop defending Russia and just give up already, it’s clear the Russians have been defeated! The whole reason the Americans are even sending the Patriots is because they know the PATHETIC Incompetent Russians will not respond!

Michel LeBlanc

Russias reaction: LOL patriots are useless.

Also who wrote this shit?

Patriot is a SAM, SURFACE TO AIR MISSILE. Sure it has 300km range, but it cant be used to strike ground targets in russia.

They will get destroyed like all other crap we send them.

Nose, Nose

Maybe it’s ineffective against ground targets, but I don’t see a principal reason why a small software change shouldn’t allow them to be used against ground targets.

Ghost of Moscow

Yes I remember hearing the same thing in the beginning of War about the Military Aid NATO was sending and everyone said it was useless, meanwhile the Crimean Bridge was Blown Up and Russian Cities even at this very second is relentlessly being Shelled and all across the Frontlines Russian Troops are retreating!

And let’s not forget the Russian Destroyer that was sunk and Russian Troops having to retreat from the Island that I can’t remember the name, but Ukrainians we’re relentlessly bombarding them, the simple fact is every Weapon that NATO has provided has proven decisive!


because the yankees and nato are on the commands !!! guided missils directed by the satelites and P 8 spy planes all around the frontlines. Yankees boots on the ground and puching the ukranian farmers in the mine fields and right in the machineguns from Russia. Those spyplanes are legitime targets !!! Sed hypeersonic missils in crimea and shoot them down, is coletteral damadge. Or send a swarm drones against it, they will collide and bey bey yankees.


The Patriot’s aren’t that effective at air defense. What the US will likely do is use the radars and insert offensive missiles in those launchers to attack Russia. Putin needs to seal that border.

Ghost of Moscow

And obviously Russian Air-defense Systems aren’t no where near as effective as Putin claimed, because if they were, maybe so many innocent Russian Civilians wouldn’t be dying and having their Homes Pulverized by Ukrainian Artillery!


“Patriot Missiles Are Made in America and Fail Everywhere The evidence is in: the missile defense system that the United States and its allies rely on is a lemon.” https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/03/28/patriot-missiles-are-made-in-america-and-fail-everywhere/


“Patriot Missile’s Success a Myth, Israeli Aides Say” https://www.nytimes.com/1993/11/21/world/patriot-missile-s-success-a-myth-israeli-aides-say.html

Poor ol’ Ukretards get snookered again.

jens holm

new jens diagnosis lgbt dementia after married to crazycanuck for 2 years


Dementia, rabies, it’s hard to tell.


This is not a huge escalation, the patriot system is from tgec1980s and is inferior to what Ukraine had in their old S-300s. Patriot missiles are ridiculously expensive as well and are not sustainable for Ukraine. This system was proven sun standard in Israel against Hamas and was the reason Israel developed its own Irondone system.


The patriots are known to be crap. That’s why I don’t think Ukraine can sell them for much. I don’t think they have solid buyers lined up for them already. But foreign “contractors” will have to operate them, so I guess they will guard them too, so they won’t be sold off.

King Alfred

The latest 1980s tech ….

Commodore 64 Released January 1982


The first mobile phone that bears a resemblance to modern devices was the Motorola 8000X, introduced by Vodafone in March 1985


This would change the game; Russia would no longer be able to use many of its air-based weapons and aircraft.


Supplying them would help “bring the war to an end as soon as possible”, Johnson said…… Boris Gorilla is the one that had Zelenski pull out from peace discussions in Turkey last March… Now the clown wants to start WW3… Sure ‘supplying them would help “bring the war to an end”” with the total destruction of Ukraine…

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