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US Sets Up New Military Base in Kurdish-Controlled Areas of Syria – Report

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US Sets Up New Military Base in Kurdish-Controlled Areas of Syria - Report

The US military has set up a new military base in the Kurdish-controlled areas of Syria, south of Kabani, the BasNews news agency (based in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region) reported on October 10, citing security sources.

The report said taht a military official from the Democratic Union Party (PYD) confirmed this report and added that site will be used to supervise and train the PYD-linked forces known as the People’s Protection Units (YPG)

The new military base is allegedly located in the vilalge of Karah Kuzak near the Euphrates river, 35 km south of the PYD’s administration self-proclaimed capital, Kobani.

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Normal Citizen

Another violation of Syria’s sovereignty, at this point the US could just give the literal middle finger to Syria and no one in the West would care.


yeah violation!!and Russia just dropping Arms, Bombs and Chemicals worldwide is an act of an Hero!! i would really watch the russian History, if they did anything except expanding their territory(country). Its great that Russia cut some Deals with Turkey, because for me as a kurd, i dont want to sell Russia SUGAR or SERVE Russians on their Vacation and im all good with that Base and i hope it would be a pain in Russia’s ass.


you will go to prison, bandit!

Gue Bjuen

i think he is aleardy there. he just doesn’t realize it yet.

Jens Holm

bork, bork.

Get out out Syria and Iraq You Turkish non delights.




i think u mean im not WHITE, caz ur skin policy pretty much works but morals might affect u, maybe in a 1000 years!! maybe when u take ur kids to buy icecream whity


so not put your words in my mouth accordin to your comment you are the racist!


But i did say Prison!! According to Erdogan, the leader of the second biggest Nato Army and lately peacfull with the Putin, Kurds are terrorists, so maybe i should go to jail caz im kurd!!i got it like that!! So watch ur moves Raciest!!


i piss one ergogan. in each country the traitors of coubtry go in prison. we discussed about splitting of syria.

IF the most of ALL population are fo this, it is OK if less then 50%, is not OK.

this system is called democracy.

try to split USA and you will see.


estas muy estupido.

Jens Holm

Go home and fix Your small catalonien problems in stead El Cupido.

Jens Holm

We all got hopes. I hope You make Your civilian structure better and actuelly do a lot better, som many people would like to resettle and build better productions and a more modern ruled area.

john mason

your comment explains why you will never have your own country. Back stabbing, two faced and totally untrustworthy.

Gue Bjuen

yep, this is not good. absolutly not good. how many soldiers does the US have in syria? does anybody know the number? why are they building a regular military base in syria? do they really want to fight assad directly??? or are they trying to move their 8000 units from iraq to syria because the iraqi government delays to take mosul back.

Jens Holm

Its not about low life Assad.

I agree about moving troops. Isis has to be defeated as the first priority. It could make sense to take Eufrat from Tabqa to the Iraqian border and leave Mosul for more and more collapse.

Why only write US aganin and again. Its Nato.

And one more thing. For a long I have only seens kurds as one, You can rely on as a more independent area, and autonomy with not all the area they have.

The rest is not to trust for us.

Kurds incl. YPG might be upgraded some and could be a new friend to Nato.

john mason

Once they are setup the US will be difficult to remove as is the situation in Afghanistan and Iraq. They believe that possession is 90% of the Law. Hopefully they are in for a surprise. Kurds allowing this to happen goes to show their true colour.

Jens Holm

bork bork


The Kurds are once again repeating their historical mistake of acting as pawns for super powers. What these people fail to understand is a nation is only legitimate and stable if it is able to stand on its own feet not by selling out to a foreign power. Since there was no such thing as “Kurdistan” in history they are attempting to create an illegitimate state and an illegitimate state is only possible through outside intervention and force. The US won’t be there forever to protect them but their neighbors will remain there long after the US empire finally collapses and the Kurds will have to face the anger and wrath of their neighbors who will feel betrayed.

David Brown

What do you suggest the Kurds do to get the rights they need? Propose a solution!


Your question is invalid to begin with. There’s no such thing as “rights”. That’s a Freemasonic concept that comes out of the European enlightenment whose purpose was to overthrow the European establishment and replace it with Judeo-Masonic rule which exists to this day. Using excuses like “rights” and “freedom” they attempted and succeeded in overthrowing the “tyrannical” and “dictatorial” rulers so they could rule themselves. The naive dumb masses as usual don’t understand how the game is played and they’re usually fooled by this empty phrases and slogans.

The Kurds must first of all stop lying and making up false history. They have two choices, either to live as regular citizens of the nations they live in and respect their laws or if they want “their own nation” they must come to the understanding their historical nation was Iran. They should attempt to either move back to Iran or to seek its protection. Anything else is an illegitimate attempt to create something that is based on lies and historical distortions.


That’s a silly argument, you might as well say that the Arabs move back to Arabia and Americans go back to Europe; the world is as it is right now and we have to accept it. The Kurds want freedom and they have no choice but to accept the help that the US provides, despite the compromises and betrayals; they have no other option and have still gain plenty from their patronage. Kurdistan needs to happen because it’s the least that the West would accept from the outcome of the civil war; the breakup of Syria, weakening of it. Taking 3m or so citizens out of it would do that, while also providing a buffer for Syria with Turkey and keeping the area on edge, causing a likelihood of furthering weakening, which the West wants.

The SAA can barely defend what they have, they can’t keep Turkey and its proxies at bay, so it needs the Kurds, who would luckily never accept Turkish intervention nor have an alliance with them.


Arabs ARE in Arabia, what do you mean “go back”? If you’re referring to the Syrian/Iraqi/Lebanese, these people are not “Arab”, only Arabic speakers. They are indigenous to the lands they live in, their languages were changed into Arabic after the Muslim conquests. And yes whether you like or not America is a nation that was established by conquering another nation and ethnically cleansing it, which goes back to my original point that there’s no such thing as “rights”, the only thing that exists and has always existed is the use of force.

OK you claim the Kurds “want freedom” but you don’t consider that the Syrians don’t want to have their country disintegrated so whose “want” are we going to respect? In reality the Kurds are declaring war on their neighbors, whether you want to justify it or not is irrelevant, once you declare war you better be ready to back it up with force since if you fail to do so you’re going to get punished. My whole point is that the Kurds are declaring war using outside force which makes them nothing more than pawns and nobody respects pawns not even the entity that is using them. This has been repeated countless times in history, outside powers use Kurds to temporarily advance their own geopolitcal goals in the region and end up abandoning them once their use runs out or once they fail to succeed in their mission.

Nobody cares what the (((West))) expects in Syria. The (((West))) is illegally in Syria in the first place and doesn’t have any legitimate say in Syrian matters. Of course as usual the (((West))) doesn’t have any respect for the law or the “rights” they always pretend to espouse so they resort to the illegitimate and illegal use of force. Unfortunately for you and the (((West))) they are failing miserably and all their puppets will have to answer for their betrayal very soon.

Using force is a two way street, once you declare war expect the other side to respond in kind.


Arabs are all over North Africa and the Middle East, over 400 million of them, only 20m+ of them are in Saudi Arabia.

What the Syrians want is irrelevant, their country is being propped up by Russia and 60,000 foreigners fighting alongside their army, an army that faces massive manpower shortages due to Syrian citizens lacking the will to fight for their homeland. They will have to take what they can get, and reclaiming 80-90% of the nation, when they only currently control, what, less than half(?) is a great proposition, one currently far out of reach.

The Kurds need Syrian support, they learned this when they attacked the SAA and then the Americans abandoned them the second that Turkey invaded. The Kurds need Syria to hold Turkey at bay and vice versa.

Again, you’re talking about irrelevancies; the West’s illegal war and continued presence, their lack of legitimacy in Syrian affairs are neither here nor there, they simply are, and if they’re ever to back off, seeing a result like this may be the best case scenario for Syria, because they’ll never be able to take the country back fully, they don’t have the men for what they currently control.


Did you just completely ignore my last post? What part of not all Arabic speakers are Arabs didn’t you understand? “Arab” can refer to someone who speaks Arabic or someone who’s genetically Arab. Syrians, Iraqis, Lebanese, and the people of North Africa aren’t ethnic Arabs. You can clearly tell based on the physical differences between these groups. These people all had their own indigenous cultures and languages before their language was changed into Arabic following the Muslims conquest. The language of Iran was also being changed into Arabic before it was revived back into Persian. Language doesn’t change your ethnicity. These people didn’t “Come from Arabia”, their language changed into Arabic, I can’t make it any more clear. Obviously you’re completely clueless about the topic you’re discussing which is why you’re disagreeing with me in the first place. I’m not going to repeat this point any more after this so if you fail to understand it again I wont even bother responding anymore.

Anyways it’s clear you’re on the side of the terrorist Anglo-Zionist empire, you can propose what you “hope” to see happen in Syria all you want, at the end of the day your side is getting its ass handed to it by the SAA, Russia, and Iran so you can forget about your proposals and demands. And yes Syria WILL take back all its land from imported American backed terrorists, just sit and watch. You attempted to destroy and disintegrate Syria using imported foreign terrorists and you’re failing. Due to your shortsightedness or delusions you might not see your impending failure on the horizon but it won’t be long before you do.

Gue Bjuen

you got something wrong. the US+israel are not allowing the kurdish country for NOW !!! they will do create one when they are done with iran. as bobby said, the kurds have been used 100% as a proxi and will be used to destroy turkey’s military.

israel+US don’t want that to happen right now, because they still need the help from turkey. they don’t care about syria no they don’t they would even prefer syria as much as and as long as to suffer.

what you are saying is a total war in the mid east. turkey+syria+iraq+iran will be sure allied against kurds+who ever wanna join the ride with the kurds. and how you even plan to create kurdish territory? there are areas under kurdish control which non-kurds are living or mixed. how about iraq?

have you ever heard of the ethnic cleansing commited in iraq and syria by the kurds. ok they didn’t kill non-kurds but they harrased to make sure non-kurds leave.

you always hear nice things about the kurds in mainstream media. but they are not. they do have a very dark side which is not beeing reported that much or even forgotten

you say the saa is incapable? the kurds are not the one who have to face israel+US+saudi+qatar+nato+foreign gang punks. the kurds are not the one who have to protect the majority poulation, and take care of them and it’s infrastructure. how dare you say they are incapable.

i bet they never traded kurdish militia refugees in order to get their saa prisoners taken by ISIS or nusra. i bet they never asked for randsome for kurdish militia refugees for release. both crimes were committed by the kurds.

and how about aleppo. didn’t the saa leave the kurds alone in aleppo. but what happend to hasaka? not even a kurdish dominating city. non-kurdish pro-government forces were being pushed out of that city with the help of US.

if you want to make the kurds shine, don’t try it by insulting the saa and the syrians.

and if you want wish a kurdish country, you should ask for a peaceful way to do that. there should be long term peaceful negotiation among TURKEY,SYRIA, IRAQ, IRAN and KURDS and NOONE ELSE absolutly noone else not even the retarded UN. that is the only way to create a kurdish state with stable peace.

Jens Holm

Hope You are writing from a mental hospital. Your brain could improve by some etnic cleansing and after that several well known parts of the history book, which seems to been gone or has never existed in it.

Shame on You. If You can. Kurds in Kurdistan has about 80% refugees of Iraq as well. Thats anbout 1,3 million and mainly arabs and som turkmens.

If You would like to read about large scale etnich cleansing in Iraq, You should try, where shiits are.


My argument still stands; all of these countries were changed irrevocably by Arabs, language, culture, even following the way led by the Saudis much like the West does with America, this is the way it is now and differences centuries ago are irrelevant.

Not at all, that’s just childishness on your part; understanding what both sides would benefit from without one side coming out entirely on top, which is very unlikely, is hardly worthy of being called a terrorist supporter, that’s actually retarded Bobby. I’d rather have most of Syria stable than chunks of it barely so. As I said above.

Gue Bjuen

what a about the only agenda the kurds have? isn’t that a one sided benefit. there is only one way of ending the syrian conlfict with lasting peae and that is one syria as it was before.

the agenda the kurds are now trying to achieve is something which only benefits the kurds. because their independent movement was made by the USA. who created the federal kurdish state in iraq? was it the pkk? was it the iraqi kurds? no it was the US who gave the green light to create one.

so what happens now is, the kurds are fully depending on the US for their independent. a US style kurdish independent state will only be possible through blood and missary. that is the only option now because the kurds only rely on the US.

like in the south china sea conflict, if you really want to solve this problem in peace and lasting peace, you get rid off the US from the negotiation table. the Philippines are now exactly doing that. because the main reason for that conflict was the US. it was not a conflict china VS Philippines and vietnam. it was china VS US of course it will take a long time to find a solution for the kurdish problem, but never ever to give them an independent countrywill end peacefully. the syrian kruds uprised against the syrian government. at that time there were no ISIS nor nusra in that area. the reason the syrian government is tolerating kurdish uprise are the kurds have no interest in removing assad government and the saa has not enough capability to fight also against the kurds. the kurds are the one making this war more and more disasterous. what on earth are they thinking allying with the US. if you have seen ypg videos, you also know that they only talk about their kurdish indenpent country and nothing else. which they want to get only through the US. that is a future nuclear time bomb. if the kurds should have the right, why not anybody else. what about spain, france, germany etc etc. how about africa and asia? there are many ethnic, regional, religous, cultural groups who would like to have their own country. what about their rights?


The kurds, if they ever have a state, will be led and governed by neocolonial puppets. Many states fall into that category, but it still isn’t independence. After the us empire finishes dying or picks a fight with Russia and China then the proper governors will likely take the territory back and possibly just wipe the kurds out so no more kurdish issue. I used to think they were honorable enough until researching some of their history. Their loyalty seems to be for sale to whoever is the highest bidder or whoever is willing to dangle the “statehood” carrot in front of them.

Jens Holm

bork bork – You puppet

Jens Holm

Kurds hasnt only one agenda. They also try to find them differently. They are not that mob, You try to descibe them as. They also has 3 main languages and are in very different possitions.

Your knowledge about Phillipines are same kind of dark. Soon even the fish speak only chinese and Vietnam as well as Phillipínes are not allowed to take any of them.

Jens Holm

Well, before it was taken by force by Muhammad and Co. There were no muslims. They were mainly christians and there were many jews as well.

Its even written in the Khoran, where the Jews first think Muhammed are trying to make a new version of The Old Thestament. Thats exactly were some muslims got the Jew hate from.

And the stone i Mekka. Muhammed fighted with Baal and the many Baads gods as Chritians and Moses did.

Arabic culture took over because it was easy to sell and practice. A common language as well and the way of living more or less too.

You should compare with the Roman empire. Many spoke latin all over especially upperclass and church. Ideas could then spread. But the population stayed more or less unmixed.

And the shit about Kurds attacking SAA are pure shit. They would all be dead, if they havent done that. 400.000 of them.

How many times do we have to tell Yoú that Assads didt protect eny kurds. For SAA, Assads and ISIS-arab-supporters and members. They were spendable victims or lower than that – and Turks loved it and tryed again and again to deny them help.

How many times do You have to have it. Kurds cared for themselves. No one else did.


What the hell are you talking about in your last 3 paragraphs, they’re pure unintelligible nonsense Jens.

Jens Holm

Agree about Kurds being neutral to Assads and the others can keep Syria as one country, IF Assads are winners. And kurds might have some kind of autonomy.

Jens Holm

Agree. But those right are written in the UN charter, because of WW2 to make the world stable again.

To me they should change, Many states of today has old colony seize and borders and should be more than one state.

I agrre very much about Kurds are lying very much too. If they want there own, they also must stop heroized tribe thinking and thing in equal right for all, more independesy, decentralisation and make areas for every body else, where things are better then neigborareas.

Almost any, I read hear only has learned their own tribestory. The strange to me are, they can read all about here at the internet from very different sources.


im gonna give u some Infos too. I’m a kurd from northern Syria. i live in germany for some time. Whenever i had a discusion with germans about the middleeast, i would prefer to say that my last name is manipulated by Mr. Al-Assad(the father) in 1960’s, beacause of his arabization-policy and complain about it and we pretty much didnt have any infrastructure in our home Towns compared to the rest of syria ,and wouldnt be treated with the same rights( in german they call it: Menschen zweite Klasse) and that is ALL in the abscence of Russia and EU.In the times Kurds were pressed like hell in EU through work or even their own existens. Now after the war in syria and germans getting a good taste of Arabization and shit,they would talk about the issue loudly and my answer is again the same and for sure im not doing the war,so lets ask Russia and USA for that, so if Kurds are a proxy or not, they had a deal with God or Revenge(Halabja) and suffered the whole time, so it shouldnt be like torturing other ppl in the world when those powers are in conflict!!! so for me as a kurd, i would be neutral and build the US more bases to stay stable and even for Russia, if it leads to my Dignity and Safety,but plz dont say that Russia provides that. and plz no one say that syria is a state for its people,though SAA wouldnt have bombed for the last 5 years..perscuated at home and when u go abroad, no Chances or Education or even Existance,and u go ahead and live that life with the SAA Bombing Nightdream ,so put urself in our place and i would love to see how u r gonna figure it out!!

David Brown

What an incredibly retarded answer.


Yes I agree you are retarded


fully cultural an partial economical authonomy. like in europe.

Jens Holm

Of course in different more or well done projekts. Not all are succes.


in europe all are success. there are differencies between countries. the federalisation is no way for syria. the kurds must understand this. and the cultral autonomy, partially economical authonomy is a maust, this has to understand the government.


One thing they can’t do, is just go squat in someone else’s country and demand statehood. I know it worked for Israel, but this isn’t the 1950’s.

Jens Holm

ha-ha, but its true we are not in the 50`s.

Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, bosnia, Mchedonia, tjekkiea, Slovakia, Suth Sudan, Turkmenistans, Usbekistan, Tjatjkistan, Estonia, Litauania, Litaunia, Ukraine, White Russia.

Autonomi is same thing. Scotland is a very good example of that, might take Greenland and Faroe islands too.

Jens Holm

Well, I know the comment is not to me. But the answer is yes. They have to get any kind of friends they can and try to calm their enemies down. They also have to show, they can build better for themselves and invite everybody in as setllers – well not ISIS`s and not Assads.

Jens Holm

Well, actually there are a Kurdistan of today in the Iraqian Kurdistan, and just because something hasnt happend before, it can happen. Put away that sunnishit.

Well, illigitimite state or not. Its about facts. There are several ways to help people in low populated marginal areas. Only one of them is a state.

41 million hits on Kurdistan at Guggle.

I see more independensy as a grown thing. When the first proposals for it came in WW1 they were not mature for it even mixted with others and a coastline.

Compared to, what I see as a result of the French colony borders, they are much better capable to decide at least much things now – AND – damaskus far away has shown, what they are as well as Ankara and Teheran. Bagdad is far away too and Kurdistan there has its own problems, but should be able to solve it with no war.


The kurds did not learn their lesson after Erdogan invaded and attacked them while the USA supported him.

After SAA and the allies continue their successes the kurds will be isolated and the USA will sell them out.

Gue Bjuen

the kurds are meant to go to war against turkey after “they” are done with iran. so we could say turkey is the one being sold twice !! and i think the kurds kind of know that. that they will get their own country after destabilazing iran and a war with turkey. and i think the kurds don’t care whether they are proxi of israel+US as long as they get what they want….

Jens Holm

A lot of minuses and but, but heardlesabout that. Kurds are overestimating themselves.

Jens Holm

bork bork

Jacek Wolski

Yes, you are right. After “Erdogan invaded and attacked’. If anyone invades my house and attacks, I’m sure as hell not going to sit back on my rocking chair, while they loot my house and rape my family.

Jens Holm

Well, You could learn from that leasson – If possible. They dont do. And why. They are right in many things and thats well descriebed to You from all over the world incl. UN and EU.


I do not think Turkey will look on this favorably. U.S. losing ground in Afghanistan and matter of time before some suicide bombers start attacking this U.S. base for their afterlife rewards. Best we get out of here.

Mahmoud Larfi

Hold on… this was predictable ; USA totally lacks imagination. Pinned to their plan they always tow dead horses behind, even if it means crushing everything in their path.

Actually the SAS just flew in another 250 riflemen to join their already 500 SAS on the ground for operations in Iraq. SAS have committed genocide against every single people group at one time or another in the last 90 years. This is the golden opportunity for Russians and Syrians and Iranians and Lebanese and all humans to level the playing field by leveling these 750 known SAS-terrorist invaders of Iraq. Also, the SAS are planning to kill woman and children to place blame on Shia militias. https://syrianfreepress.wordpress.com/2015/08/05/british-sas-daesh/ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/68a06e1bc4ad3da5001a233fe28ea94311a9d95c097a10f2c4eb22861d1efc2d.jpg

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