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MARCH 2025

US Setting Up 2 Bases, Considering Deployment Of Additional Forces In Syria – Reports

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US Setting Up 2 Bases, Considering Deployment Of Additional Forces In Syria - Reports

AP Photo/Hussein Malla

Despite President Donald Trump’s statement that the US should withdraw forces from Syria, his contry expands its military presence in the war-torn country.

On April 3, the Turkish state-run media outlet Anadolu Agency reported the US is setting up two bases in the area of Manbij, which is controlled by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Anadolu claimed that the US is extending an observation post in the village of Dadat north of Manbij in order to build a base. Construction materials and heavy equipment units have reportedly been transported to the area.

The facility under construction is located 8 km from Sajur River, which is a contact line between the areas controlled by Turkish forces and the SDF. Another US base is reportedly under construction south of Dadat, 4 km from the river.

Earlier, about 300 additional US soldiers were deployed in the Manbij area strengthening the US garrison there.

The Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), the core of the SDF, is considered by Ankara as a terrorist group. The Turkish leadership has even threatened SDF units in Manbij with a military operation if they don’t withdraw. This has caused notable tensions between the US and Turkey.

On April 2, CNN reported citing several US defense and administration officials that US military has been working on a plan to deploy dozens of additional troops to northern Syria. This plan goes in contrary to Trump’s last week remarks that the US would “be coming out of Syria like very soon.”

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Well Assad deserves it ….

leon mc pilibin

Deserves what exactly?

Claire Langoulant

Fucking yankees ! RAUS ! Bloody terrorists !


Hey hey we’re there to help… and the world hates us because we’re free… and we have gone to the moon…


Well how exactly Assad hurts beautiful American exceptionalists?


Your words. Assad deserve it. Yeah let’s kill the villagers while we’re helping them.


Yes Assad will make Mixed pickle of these terrorists wait.


The left side of Trumps brain doesnt know what the right side is up to!

Mahmoud HAm

You are accusing Drump of having a brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can call me Al



Here come the zionist trolls telling you that politicians never intentionally lie.

Albert Pike

Sometimes the left side of his brain – also tricks the right side, and then forgets. Anyway, nobody knows where that is going to end up, with Mike Pompeo and John Bolton coming in. Those are not doves of peace. It might be all a trick – a trick for the neocons, or a trick for Putin and Assad – or might be all one big show, and they are all just actors…

Winnie Eldrup

Fascist Trump/deep state lie again.


What, you believed the ZIONIST CLOWNS who pretend to be on our side in these comments- who told you to cheer the FAKE NEWS ‘fact’ that Trump was withdrawing from Syria? More fool you.

Try reading what I write. Zionist appeaser Putin has sold out Syria behind the scenes and agreed to its partition. As I type a massive multi-national NATO force (Britain, France, Turkey and the USA) is rolling into Syria right under your noses. This NATO force is currently establishing bases all across the West’s sector of Syria, just as a partition requires. And no-one in the West or Russia is protesting- because of the LIES that describe the invasion.

Onno Frowein

The United Nations prove again that they are absolutely USELESS in protecting the sovereignty of Syria by letting these US/NATO troops setting up additional bases in Syria NOT conform UN charter & violating ALL international laws & UN Charter!!


UN has no enforcers. The only quasi enforcers it has is the UNSC member and such decision through the council can be vetoed. Guess why Israel keep violation of UN resolution with impunity.


WRONG- UN forces frequently enforce UN rulings- so why would you LIE?

What is true is that UN forces CANNOT act without the agreement of the UNSC, and five nations have permanent rights to VETO any resolution. Britain, France, the USA, RUSSIA and China would each NEVER allow action against the neo-nazis of Israel.

Most resolutions against Israel are majority votes of the main chamber, which carry no legal weight. When UNSC resolutions are rarely passed against Israel, they carry no consequence in the terms of the resolution BY DESIGN.

Pave Way IV

Enforce?? [chuckle]


UN forces it’s ruling through UNSC member States military so it’s a quasi enforcers since it’ll definitely marred. Your idea that UN have forces are false. Their forces come from volunteer of the UNSC member that’s why NATO states are more active than others in implementation (read coercion,aggression) of UNSC ruling and most of those ruling as well initiated by one or two of their member.


Hey, the U.S. are sending their Cop Cars to Syria….spraypainted them desert Camo….


Dog excluded…can Kick some demonstrators their asses with a car like that….


They expected the rioters would have IED planted along their highway.

Onno Frowein

After US dumped their non-working Humvees to Ukraine to show: What good Friends are for!! The only friend Americans have is the $ & even that is falling apart!


So True…:)

Tony B.

Time to dump Britain from the UNSC. It is just a decaying little island with no force left. Wholly owned by the Rothschild cabal in its City of London. Dump it too.

Ariel Cohen



UN and UNSC etc are jokes.


The UN responds to complaints by members- but Syria is BANNED from issuing such complaints by Putin- who tells Assad that Russia will speak for Syria.

Meanwhile the zionist appeaser is in Turkey, according to RT, arranging the next stage of NATO’s invasion of Syria.

Meanwhile America sez it must put more troops in Syria cos of Turkey, and France sez the same. The Turkey sez it needs more troops cos of France and the USA- while Britain without comment ramps up its own presence.

For f–ks sake, don’t you dumb-dumbs get what is going on. The EXCUSES don’t matter. A massive multi-national NATO army is rolling into Syria, with more troops arriving every day- and PUTIN is the one who arranged this, and whose propaganda outlets are providing every kind of smokescreen for the invasion.

You dumb-dumbs dribble on about whether the turks hate the yanks, or the french hate the turks, cos your propagandists, like southfront, sell this laughable story. And that is ALL it takes for you to relax when Putin gives the West permission to invade Syria and begin its formal partition.

As I’ve told you all along, East Ghouta is the clue. For the longest time, Putin refused to allow Assad the means to cleanse East Ghouta, and the rebels from the region were recognised by Moscow as the ‘official opposition’ and invited to official talks. Why did Putin change his mind?

Because now Syria is being partitioned. East Ghouta is in the Russian sector, and it no longer made sense to allow it to be under rebel control.

You’ll notice a handfull of regulars here who are oblivious to all emerging FACTS. Except they are not- they are here to control and guide the narrative AGAINST the facts. Southfront has been infiltrated both in the editorial board and then the comment section that makes out the now clearly zionist agenda is acceptable.


Didn’t know if you had read these…so posted’m again interesting articles: I personally think NATO got kicked out of Incirlik Airbase and had to look for a new place to sleep…doesn’t sound too heroic



Tony B.

Bull shit.

Onno Frowein

Starlight where did you get this NONSENSE. Brainwashed by US MSM propaganda c.q. FAKE NEWS!


Trump regime is a bigger threat to the world. Trump regime supposed to be not in Syria, Iraq and in Afghanistan. Trump regime is not allowed to use the terrorist controlled areas for their military bases.

Tony B.

Nonsense. The U.S. military and the terrorists are one.


The problem is Assad. He is just plain coward to protest and silent until every Nato country will be sending their armies there.

He is the defacto leader and should make as much noise as possible

Tony B.

He’s winning his war. Where have you been?


Do you know the difference between PR and battle fields?


The problem is USA-Israel-NATO (with the help of Qatar, Saudis, Turkey-Jordan) who planned and executed the destruction of Syria, initiating it with a Syria spring violent mercenaries paid by these guys.



Point is he is losing the PR war which is also very important besides the battlefields..

Look now every Tom dick and Harry country is announcing they are sending troops to Syria to fight “Terrorists” jokes

No need to ask. Syria is free game

Onno Frowein

President Assad is a HERO who is loved by its people, the cowards are the Americans & NATO members who are violating the country’s sovereignty by bombing from 10.000′ civilian targets like hospitals, schools, markets & other civil targets. But most of all the regime change policy of Washington which is a criminal act & US/NATO troops have NO rights whatsoever to be in Syria in the 1st place. Yankee Go Home, you’re needed there to protect your schoolchildren!!


I agrer with you . Not only that I say he is Assad the great to win against impossible odds.

Point is , he is really timid and terrible in PR . Too scared to speak up for his country.

Yes, in fact he is the rallying figure to keep Syria as one.


The UN has been hollowed out, a long, long time ago. First priority of a new world grouping similar to the UN must be that it is based in a neutral country. There are many more I can think of; but giving Yanki Zionist Scum the luxury of harassing UN delegates has to stop

Tony B.

Thank the Rockefeller clan for that. They donated the land and the international prostitutes snapped it up. Most Americans would love for it to move to some other country. Forever.

Ivan Freely

Once again people fail to understand what the UN is suppose to be. It’s not a government, but a forum to resolve political differences. And, there’s no such thing as “International Law”. In order to have what you’re suggesting is to have all member nations surrender their sovereignty which we all know will not happen.

Onno Frowein

Ivan you just confirmed that the UN has NO right of existence. For your INFO why do you have UN troops spread all over the planet? Indeed it’s in the 1st place a Forum but then the UNSC gives them also the right to interfere using UN’s own military = White Helmets. But this happens ONLY if it serves the interests of Israel & its big Brother USA!!

Ivan Freely

I agree with your sentiments. Unfortunately, neoliberalism and corporate / private interests have taken over the UN. The result is a bloated, incoherent mess of an organization.

Now, the UN responds only to money. Those that contribute the most, gets more influence.

Onno Frowein

Yes Ivan & that’s USA like they say: Whose ever bread one eats, his language one speaks!

Michał Hunicz

This is not Trump’s country… this is a satanic ZioWahhabi deep state!


Syrian should open their chest and accommodate more terrorists from Zio led coalition.

Richard M

Either Trump is a liar or Deep State is mutinying?


Or both.

Ajdin Aksoy

Trump is a clown and the Deep State’s lying buffon.

He babbles lies to his redneck mass that elected him to keep them quiet and appeased, but his actions say something different.

He said to be anti-estabilishment but the moment he won, he surrounded himself with Goldman Sachs advisers, and he has never hidden to be the most pro-Israeli president in decades.


Trump has always been liar and cheater long before he campaigning as a Republican. But the sins of the Clinton cronies simply too heavy for American public.

Trump may the only president that do not publishing his own tax return and both his supporters and his oppositions failed to see it’s relevance. Tax return publication designed to be a reference for elect candidate for characters and behavior eligibility by exposing their financial track records. Cheats and liars, Clear sign of corruption would happened. But yeah throughout all these years they slowly escalating the public acceptable corruption that they’re not relevant anymore.


They need some excuse for the FED soon….wag the dog….and they are in a hurry…


Pave Way IV

Emergency! We need some gold, and fast. Get on the line to CENTCOM and tell them to invade someone and steal their gold. At least one dumpster full.


Did they spend the Libyan gold already?! That’s Fast I thought it would last longer.. I’ll get me whip and tell’m to Dig Faster….


I don’t think so. They make it into spray or dips for their tungsten and voilà you multiplying it through alchemy. Their believe : con scheme = money even before the con carried out.

Tony B.

If anyone got Libya’s gold it was France.


They were all there….Everyone was there to Kill Gadaffi & Steal his Peoples Gold…The same Looters that first took away Saddam’s Weapons so it was easy to steal Iraqi Gold & Oil too… the Same people that are in Syria, to steal some more & to go to Iran and Steal some more…who’s next? Parasites that Let others dig it up first! The Old Colonial Ways… I thought they were gone….but they are the same graverobbers…

Richard M

Bankster machinations. Not even politicians are as loathsome.


Again, to the dumb-dumbs- it is a politicians JOB to LIE. What matters is how good the lies are at pacifying the emotions of the mob of dumb-dumbs who make up the majority of the population.

What you are seeing is aspects of the NATO invasion of Syria that even the best efforts of Putin’s propagandists cannot lie. Behind the scenes, Putin has agreed to the partition of Syria, which is why NATO has now rolled in, and Putin has finally cleansed East Ghouta.

Richard M

Best laid plans of mice and men sometimes go astray!

Onno Frowein

Forgive them Richard these braindead ‘rednecks’ don’t know any better!

Richard M

You sure do hate Putin, but the fact is without Russia’s 2015 Syrian intervention, the whole of Syria would probably be an Orc amusement park, like Libya, Afghanistan, Somalia have become.

I don’t recall you posting any positive ideas about how to resolve Syria’s “Civil War”. Just a constant barrage of hate Putin. So riddle me this, who benefits if Putin and Russia cease support of SAA?

Tony B.

Now you know why he hates Putin.

Tony B.

With Trump you never know. It may just be wishful thinking on his part. Or he figures its what the people he is with want to hear. He seems not to understand the difference between reality and make believe.

Ivan Freely

I vote the latter. We got institutions who are no longer listening to the White House. The things that I see from Trump are along the lines of “face saving”. He doesn’t want the public to know that he is powerless, of the infighting within various US institutions; thus, giving the impression that the US is still strong. IMO, the US have become a failed state.

Richard M

Like a Civil War in the Roman Empire!

Onno Frowein

Richard during the Roman Empire people were still civilized today USA has become anarchy on the streets were police executes innocent people on the streets without even being prosecuted!

Onno Frowein

Ivan, I think these are just evidence that Trump is NO longer in control of the country & that Washington neocons, warmongers plus US military industry complex plus power elite have taken over running the nation. Electing John Bolton as security advisor could NEVER be the idea of Trump who will NEVER tolerate such a strong personality next to him in the WH!

Ivan Freely

Plausible. However, I wonder if Trump (or his benefactors) are allowing the psychopaths to enter into the political limelight with the intent to discredit them publicly, before they are fired. You know the adage, “Give a man enough rope, he’ll find a way to hang himself.”

Onno Frowein

Ivan that will never happen since the media is controlled by these scumbags in Washington called THE democratic power elite plus the military industry complex

Fred Dozer

There is no place, USA ever abandoned, once they set foot , except the moon ?

Brad Isherwood

Us never landed Astro Nots on the Moon http://www.aulis.com/

Premiere Website with data study proving the Apollo Moon landings were faked

Feudalism Victory


Fred Dozer

Will that would explain why they abandoned the moon. After 911 they showed their true colors. Inside job.


It looks like these US troops are being deployed as a trip wire for air strikes against advancing Turkish troops. To do the same thing to them as was done to Syrian government coalition troops east of the river in Dier Ezzor.

Almost all of Turkey’s military equipment is of NATO issue. Though they probably have some Chinese and Russian equipment as well. How effective the Turkish equipment would be for providing counter measures against US air strikes is questionable. My guess would be that it’s pretty limited and not much of a deterrent. The Syrians probably have a better deterrent than the Turks with 50 new Pantsir systems and more older upgraded long range systems than that.



– Syrian Air Defense Force –



Turkey’s air defense capabilities and border clearing operations in northern Syria are probably one of the topics of discussion of the meetings going on in Turkey at this time between the leaders of Turkey, Russia and Iran.



They are doin’ a good job….



Yes, and Egyptian military advisers in Gaza as part of preparations for disarming the Jews would be helpful as well. The AshkaNAZI criminals have rights as human beings. I don’t wish crimes against humanity to be perpetrated against them as they perpetrate them against others. They have a vote in how dejudification proceeds. If they choose being on the receiving end of Masada nukes, it would be a tragedy that I’d encourage them to avoid.


Zionist appeaser Putin has agreed to the partition of Syria, and is working with Turkey to ensure it happens as ‘peacefully’ as possible. That is why a massive NATO multinational army is currently rolling into Syria- British, American, French and Turkish forces.

PS you dumb-dumbs knew (before your goldfish brains ‘forgot’) that the NATO force poised to invade Syria was always mainly the british, french, americans and turkish- so now a force with that exact composition is invading Syria, how the hell do you make yourself fall for the zionist lies of people like the idiot i’m responding to?


What exactly do you want Putin to do go to war with the whole of NATO just for Syria! that was never on the cards. It looks like you are blaming Putin for the zio west invading Syria lol Putin prevented Assad regime change by the air campaign in 2015. Syria may well be partitioned but at least Assad is still in power.


You’ve been running this twisted anti Russia garbage for months. And when it gets disproved you just add more. You’re a loser and a head case.

Jim Prendergast

The Turks are in a position to smoke these little outposts


And what would be the US response?

Jim Prendergast

If U.S. loses the support of Turkey it is facing Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Kazakstan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Slovakia, Belarus, Georgia and Russia. It could call on the support of ISIS, Saudi, Israel and Britain. No chance.


You evaded answering the question.


Only a cretin or a zionist would claim NATO member Turkey is at odds with NATO leaders Britain, France and the USA.


Ah- our regular zionist liar, claiming conflict between NATO member Turkey and other NATO members. All to ensure you NEVER question the massive current NATO invasion of Syria.

Later all these zionist liars will be fake crying “how could we have been fooled all along” when NATO and Putin finally admit the truth to you dumb-dumbs- the truth that was staring you in the face all along.


I disproved your false accusations and disinfo yesterday about the Blackwater shooters going to jail and serving long sentences, when you claimed that they didn’t . Which you never responded to. And now you’re adding to it with more lies. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/220866f20bcf23526875418b661d5793ce415fd8cde008b9b0d9997b2650f981.png


Doesn’t that mean there is a Military Coup going on.

When the Military disobey the President. . .

Ajdin Aksoy

Or the President is just a lying clown


It happened in 2001…

Basically confirmed by former US general Wesley Clark:


Pave Way IV

That’s why they created GOYCOM, er… CENTCOM.

Joe Dirt

Wesley is a TRAITOR!


No. Wesley is no angel, but distrusts the political motives behind US wars in middle east since 2003. These are wars to secure Israeli interests first and American interests second. For a US general to witness his military being used for benefit of a foriegn nation must be quite galling. Former Bush adviser Phillip Zelikow admitted in 2004 the Iraq war was primarily fought for Israeli benefit against an Israeli enemy.



Joe Dirt

You are in the military to fight and take orders. Wesley lost it with his “political motive conspiracy” feeling BS!


Orders from whom – a tiny and unrepresentative Neo-Con political clique, fixated on Israeli security above and beyond the interests of the US? Who since late 1990’s have repeatedly and publicly called for US military action and escalation of US military resources into middle east region predicated on pursuing what are primarily Israeli security interests? It is equally a general’s responsibility to mitigate against poor decision making and attempt to minimize the casualties under his command. It merely indicates how bad the political situation has gotten in the US leadership clique, that an ex-general feels compelled to speak out, about the political decision making driving the systematic US instigated middle eastern wars since 2003.

Joe Dirt

Maybe you should look at the M.E pre-1990. French Manadate, Ottoman Empire, All the Crusades, Roman Syria. Seems to me Europe and the Arab world having been fighting in the M.E since forever!

But I get it Bob, you’re a Nazi and hate the Jews.


ME pre-1990 – here’s a random example – like when Israel air force attacked the USS Liberty? Throwing around hollow labels and smears like ‘Nazi and hate the Jews’ just doesn’t cut it anymore. Either debate with knowledge and merit on the issue – the post 2003 Neo-Con driven ME wars exploiting US military for Israeli security and interests – or fade back into the shadows where you came from.

Joe Dirt

I get it Bob, you’re a Nazi, you hate the Jews, and you hate USA!

Maybe you should look at the M.E pre-1990. French Manadate, Ottoman Empire, All the Crusades, Roman Syria. Seems to me Europe and the Arab world having been fighting in the M.E since forever!

Debate? You really want to debate me?! :D Sorry Bob debating your IQ is not worth it.


No- it means Trump LIED as part of the plan to provide public cover for the NATO invasion of Syria arranged by Putin.

Here’s a clue for you dumb-dumbs. The wahhabi horror placed into power in Saudi Arabia by a british orchestrated palace coup is currently on a world tour, receiving servile adoring receptions by the West AND Russia. Southfront has been praising this wahhabi butcher constantly over the last few days, and using his official photos designed to make him look lordly at the top of all associated articles here (for you dumb-dumbs- the choice of photo always tells you everything you need to know about the purpose of the so-called ‘journalism’- Southfront only allows the king of the wahhabis to be shown as a ‘king’- just as Putin demands)

Lies are a valid weapon of war, just like a bullet.

Tony B.

Ooooo. You must be a general!

Ivan Freely

Not just the military. There’s the intelligence / security agencies.

Jim Prendergast

Nice photo-ops. These guys would not last two miserable days against the Turks.

Joe Dirt

IF Turks decide to do anything stupid. I think the USA will give Russia free range on the Turks. Allowing revenge on the Turks for shooting down Russian war planes.


Unlike you, Putin is not a retard. So, no, Russia would not attack Turkey and Turkey itself is not an easy to swallow target. On its own it prevented Russia from reaching “hot waters” for decades.

Joe Dirt

I don’t think you fully understand Turkey/Russian relations, regardless of the pootin puppet. Deep state Russia will attack Turkey if given permission by USA

Ajdin Aksoy

If our country really wanted, we could eradicate these little ants of bases in a week. But it will all depend if our government will do something about it…


They play a smart game….good game of chess…like it


USA is ammasing troops in manbij and other places near turkey…also they are leaving incirlik really fast…could they be preparing to punish turkey soon??



You can call me Al

Hey Yankers – you lost. Dig the hole deeper if you want, you fat, useless, greedy war mongering scum.

Feudalism Victory

Its a bad omen.

Hide Behind

It is not just US that is increasing its military presence in M. E., Brits, Finn, French, Germany has been moving massive amounts to Jordan from its old Turkish bases, there are Spec Ops, including Norway and Israel, inter-mingled with US and Kurd units. Does one notify an enemy of its true intentions, withdrawal, and remember Trump plays with truth on daily basis. The American populace being prepared by propagandist in all its media outlets, that we good guys are trying to help: Then what happens but another false flag demanding US military “REACTION”. IMHO Syria is actually in far greater danger now than at any time in recent past by American Allies and all of its neighboring M. E. neighbors U. S. Cannot afford to pull out of Syria, and lately the French have been allowed to partially replace US Empire forces in many African nations, thereby freeing up all military branches resources, air, ground, naval, for use elsewhere. NOT only own troops but their trained African militaries for use in Yemen and Syria. Watch US Diplomatic Military attaches increases of Rank and transfers, to get a fuller understanding of what’s in works Yes info is available without being spy, they have own bragging publications and news outlets, pure u.s. hubris.


They can leave this conventional stuff where it is…not necessary….if they continue this war, it will end Nuclear….

Hide Behind

I totally agree. Most people do not know about US tactical nuclear advances of last 15 years, and how these newer tactical nukes supplies have been getting stockpiled around world. These newer nukes while having less power, destructive/explosives, feature massive Increases in radiation, immediate killing in huge areas of all life witnessed property damage

Small enough to place multiples of programmable warheads to disperse upon multiple in theater combat in a single cruise missles or a drone. Useable by planes, making old less powerfull and heavier bombs obsolete. Same goes for artillery rounds, no need for multipleshellings when onerous say of Neutron, will kill far more over wider area. This type weaponry is outside of any World wide treaties or conventions, controlls, as it is classified by tech specifications, non thermo-nuclear. And today there are true suitcase size warheads, manpacks for spec ops. Can be deployed anywhere deemed strategic and detonated by satelites. Scary to US but to the psychopaths who build, and a military-political-financial elites, but mere toys, if they have toys they await time to play with them. And to them A Syrians is no more than a lab rat, and they need to show that their dicks are bigger than those of China and Russia. LIVE WELL!


It is a good idea to know that no matter what: They themselves will be gone too…comforting thought…


Here is a nice article with one of the reasons why they moved to Jordan… it looks like they needed a new place to stay


Willing Conscience (The Truths

The only thing you missed is the so called pocket of Isis that remains in Hama and Deir ez-Zor. This so called pocket of Isis is the key to an invasion that so few of us seems to be aware of. They’ll soon take over a major city in eastern Syria, most likely Palmyra or Deir ez-Zor city, giving the US the perfect excuse to invade. But if they do, Putin won’t hesitate to surgically cleanse the area at Al-Tanf with those tactical nuclear missiles he has, which will forever put an end to this proposed gas pipeline from the Saudi’s. Erdogan may even end up with a couple on his doorstep for his back stabbing. That speech Putin made about his nukes during the Russian elections wasn’t for domestic consumption, or even about the US’s failure to renegotiate a new treaty, it was a sinister warning to Erdogan for halting his offensive in Idlib. Those extra observation posts Erdogan placed right in front of the advancing SAA, weren’t part of the agreement they had, and halted the very successful advances the SAA had been making into Idlib. People think the Russians have only been bombing HTS [the Saudi backed rebels] in Idlib but they’ve also been bombing Turkey’s proxy army the SLF whenever they can. Just recently they even bombed a town that had a Turkish delegation visiting at the time which had a high probability of killing Turkish soldiers and upsetting Erdogan, but that didn’t deter Putin at all, maybe he wanted revenge for the Russian pilot or maybe just really pissed at Erdogan. After Erdogan booted Putin out of Idlib, Putin refocused all his attentions on Ghouta, trying to eradicate the rebels there as quickly as possible, and diminishing the probability of having to fight them, as well as any invasion forces that might cross the border at Al-Tanf. Now he’s trying desperately to try and clean up any other pockets that could possibly do the same and is preparing for the invasion he knows is coming but most of us don’t. Except for you and a couple of others that is.

Hide Behind

Lest we forget, that US and Turkey as NATO allies also have in joint posession US nuclear weaponry. Estimated 20-30 such weapon warheads. The Netherlands and Great Britain have very large numbers of such in storage as well.

Joe Dokes

Actually the US is pulling out of Manbij and being taken over by France.


So long as Israel and their Jewish lobbies such as AIPAC, Protestant fundamentalists, and the ADL basically control Congress and the media, President Trump will have a hard time bringing forth a truly American foreign policy.

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