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MARCH 2025

US Setting Up Military Facility In Tabqah Town In Syrian Province Of Raqqah

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US Setting Up Military Facility In Tabqah Town In Syrian Province Of Raqqah

According to local sources, US-led coalition forces have begun setting up a new military base in Tabqah town in the province of Raqqah.

The new base will be located in the military housing area, the Mohammed Fares school as well as the military and security buildings in the third district of the town. US forces reportedly intend to build a command center and residential buildings for its troops. According to opposition sources, USA wants to adopt the new base in Tabqah town as a long-term base in Syria.

Meanwhile, unconfirmed reports from Kurdish sources appeared arguing that a new agreement between the USA and YPG was made. The agreement will allegedly allow the US military to stay in the YPG-held areas for 10 years. In turn, the US will continue providing military aid to YPG. However, no official sources have reported about this.

The Turkish News Agency Anadolu announced that Washington has supplied YPG and YPJ Kurdish forces in Syria with modern weapons within the last ten days. On June 16 , 50 trucks loaded with weapons arrived through Kurdistan Region border crossings. On June 5, 60 trucks loaded with arms arrived to the SDF-held areas. 20 more trucks arrived on June 12, according to the agency.

According to the Anadolu report, the Kurds received: 12,000 rifles, 6,000 machine guns, 3,500 machine guns, 3,000 RPG-7 bombers and 1,000 grenade launchers of the AT-4 type produced by the United States and LNG grenades, besides near 235 mortar rounds, 100 sniper rifles and 450 7PV night vision sights.

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Solomon Krupacek

this is what i wrote several times. if saa and russians give up the initiativ, they lose the war.

already in tbqa americans. and today shot down syrian plane near tabqa.

if putin would be really great and tough, he would send also 89 crusie missiles on tabqa and destry sdf rats. but i am sure, putinissimo is little mouse in hole.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The US is showing they are in territories stealing mode and continually violating articles, chapters and resolutions set by the UN . The future for the US is looking dimmer by the moment they are going way overboard and even lied about the downing of the plane and the fact special forces were with the SDF attacking a sovereign nations soldiers . This has become a repetitive action by the US , showing they truly are war criminals . They play their part, they play their game , they give politics and war a bad name .

Solomon Krupacek

i have no doubt about usa. BUT! usa protects its fighters. russia is pissing on its “allies”

that is the big difference.

russia was, is and will be loser, until will not change

Jens Holm

Russia is not pissing. They have deliered a lot of help withs Iran and hesbollah, but they are not Your puppets but helpfull for securing Assads and their bases and some being close to the oild there as well.

So there is a borderline for that support made by them and USA for support. Tempting to compare it with YPG trying to take Al Bab = NO SUPPORT.

Solomon Krupacek

they ar not my puppet, its true :D but they are betrayers. if do not protect allies, should go home. like from middle europe.

Jens Holm

The world is not black and white like that. I cant see they are betrayers. Their promise – as I recall it – was to keep Assads safe. They have worked hard and has used much money doing that.

But they have never promised assads to regain all territory. Its assads private matter.

Jens Holm

No, US are not at all. The mistake is, that Assads think they are more, then they are and ever will be again.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

US is Rogue state who is out of control , the Syrian Government has every right to file charges in the UN and have them make a full accounting to their intentions in Syria no UNSC this is in front of the Assembly .


Like Russians in Ukraine or Iranians in Yemen, you mean? You bastards wanted a bloody fucking mess, you got it. Just remember this, assholes, next time you declare endless war on us or our allies, you may pick the first strikes, and draw first blood, but you do not get to decide how it ends. We decide, and it may be long long after you have had enough, long after you have ceased to care or even remember why it was SO very important to kill Jews and Americans in the first place.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Russian myth was debunked long ago in Ukraine , what about the US in the overthrow of the Ukraine government and installing a Nazi regime in its place . The Ukraine at the time was crawling with Blackwater mercks everywhere and funded by the US , then training kids to snipe civilians and police , yep US the good . The Houthis are supported by the previous government who was ousted by the Saudis , why they have so many security forces fighting alongside them .

The US has conducted enough first strikes with their false flags and color wars using proxies , just a reminder don’t group Jews with Israelis most find it very offensive . Those in the towers most inside were foreigners , and a lot of rescuers lost their lives were in building 7 . The truth will never be allowed to be revealed , that is which has given the US its believed injury to cause harm to others .



Julius Meinel

I was thinking… maybe the Russian can spare a dozen ( or more) of their OTR-21 Tochka ballistic missile to the Syrians which could lunch them from a safe distance ( around 185km) towards US formations in both Tabqa and At Tanf in the south. These missiles are about to be decommissioned by the Russian forces as they are increasingly replaced by the more modern Iskander. The problem with this approach however, would be that such an action on part of SAA would invite a swift and powerful retaliation form the US bombers which would have no problems decimating the SAA formations in the eastern and southern desert. I wonder what SAA and Russian response would be to this gross violation of territorial sovereignty . If left alone, it would only embolden the US and their local stooges to even more daring actions against SAA in the near future. Something is got to be done, but not idea what the best course of action would be that would not escalate the conflict between US and Russia.


The best course would be talks between Assad and NSR (northern syrian region) under Russian and US guidance to resolve issues, to create autonomy for the region, to safeguard territorial integrity, to restart and integrate the economy.


Without US you mean, they are the ones responsible for the mess in Syria, lol. If they would want peace there they would have kept their nose out of the country.

Jens Holm

The usual stuff. The little diaper jumping arab has no response for its own situation and are by definition the obvius superior in peacefull religion and culture.


Senseless comment from a senseless person )) You think that everyone who’s against US is an arab ?


Whoever wants to shoot at us we will be more than happy to oblige. Right now it’s mostly Muslims, but we can and will accommodate others if they like.


and get some right back


like that worked? liar. 50 years of endless syrian support for terrorism. you get what you deserve.


Had no idea that Syria supported US for 50 years. Lol, when US gets it for all of it’s wrongdoings, it’s going to be biblical lol.

Julius Meinel

I do not mean peaceful solutions to the conflict, as US/Israel are quite obviously not interested in any. This call for a military solution of some sort. You have to give them (us/Israel) what want: a war.

Jens Holm

Arrrrrh Israel too. And they made the Holy Choran to keep the rest down or what ???

Solomon Krupacek

for you, impotent dick



That’s a joke, as it’s been the Arab nations committing attacks against Israel for 50 years. After they started wars they lost, mind you.

Jens Holm

rubbish. 230.000 killed and 8-10 million dead isnt enough.


It’s going to escalate, don’t worry. the russians will attack, we will hit them back, they will hit us harder and we will start sinking their ships, at which point they will try and nuke us. from there the real fun will start.

svenne svensk

Let the kurds have their own territory in syria with the help of the US. Syria should cut the roads and set up fences and block and withdraw oil pipes from the new kurdish area. No trade because they do not want to to stay in the country of Syria. With no friendly border against syria this country for the kurdish will die out itself. Their new naibours Turkey will not trade with them and Irak don’t want the kurds to get independence.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That is the worst idea ever suggested , the Kurds would continue to sell their Meth no matter what and sell arms to ISIS . Never give Kurds anything the people are controlled by false lies and a high illiteracy rate by their own doing . They would stubbornly wage war and get the US involved which would get the US losing soldiers for nothing but empty platitudes to them from their own government .


Sure, some kurds were illiterate as they were not allowed a kurdish language education. Now they are in control of their own education, they have build a kurdish and syriac education system, including, as of yet, two universities.

But hey, if you do not like kurds, do like Erdogan, Assad, Hussein, any other arab or persian ruler, have them shot.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Some Kurds share no common language Zazaki are another people and tribe like many of them are no actual bonds , language or cultures or even genetic similarities . Many are terrorist and sell drugs ,smuggle weapons, human slavery, organ trafficking is also within that culture of theirs . They are a new people been around less than any other , just facts should actually realize if aren’t with them you are against them . They treat Arabs worse and others also ,the left wing communists are lead by Turks and they speak Turkish Ocalan is a Turk and leader of the PKK/PYD . Ocalan’s son leads the YPG .

Jens Holm



There has not been any trade for years as what you describe was the de facto situation.

Iraq will not have any problems with a kurdish region within Syria. KRG, if independent, will be interested in trade as they will be in the same position.

Syria needs wheat and cotton and oil from the north, the north needs industrial products, medicines etc.

The goal is not, nor should be, how to inflict the most damage, but to create the best future for Syria.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Iraq is opposed also and don’t follow orders from the US ,KRG doesn’t want the same type as these Communists whom are more blood thirsty than Stalin was in maintaining his style of order . Stalin was typical for a Ukrainian , these wonderful Kurds killed over 30,000 civilians in Turkey . The Syrian government and UN will veto any suggestion and have the US absent from any negotiations , The problem of creating sectarian divides is obvious look at the Balkans based on lies we had Muslims and Croatians killing Serbian civilians the actual only ones being genocided . The regret of many NATO countries we are still there and will remain there for another century .


I believe Stalin was from Georgia, not Ukraine.

Jens Holm

Im sure many kurds there hope assads also put many landmines there too, so Assads cant come in as well.


Stealing some more land.

Jens Holm

blabla. Assads are the theives.

Hershel "El Muerte" Ezestein

Lay off the CNN, moron.

Jens Holm

You sponsor ´CNN well by that. How much do You get paid ?


Of course, Syria put their nation far to close to those military bases of the US and NATO?

Jens Holm

Im afraid so. The real world seemes to be like that. Im still not sure most of those fightings are fake or not…

Im surpriced myself US should make a base there even Tabqa Dam is important. It make more sense with the 2 airbases for heavy cargo transport as an alternative to Incirlik.


Does International Law not apply to the US? Do they actually understand what a sovereing state is?

Jens Holm

Seems like You dont know what same HUMAN RIGHTS to all are: Article IA All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Article 2 Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion,political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty. Article 3 Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. Article 4 No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms. Article 5 No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Article 6 Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law. Article 7 All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination. Article 8 Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law. Article 9 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile. Article 10 Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. Article 11 1. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which hehas had all the guarantees necessary for his defence. 2. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed. Article 12 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks. Article 13 1. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State. 2. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country. Article 14 1. Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. 2. This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. Article 15 1. Everyone has the right to a nationality. 2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality. Article 16 1. Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. 2. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of theintending spouses. 3. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and isentitled to protection by society and the State. Article 17 1. Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. 2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property. Article 18 Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Article 19 Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Article 20 1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. 2. No one may be compelled to belong to an association. Article 21 1. Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. 2. Everyone has the right to equal access to public service in his country. 3. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures. Article 22 Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality. Article 23 1. Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. 2. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. 3. Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection. 4. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests. Article 24 Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay. Article 25 1. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. 2. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection. Article 26 1. Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit. 2. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace. 3. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children. Article 27 1. Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. 2. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author. Article 28 Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized. Article 29 1. Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible. 2. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. 3. These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. Article 30 Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.

US and others already has declared Baatistas and that regime for enemy nr 1 and they are 2 now because of ISIS killing too many muslims. keeping international laws goes both ways.

And Yes, US are the strong ones i many matters and then sometimes do things as that having other interest as well.

About oil it seems like others are there too – every time.


So how does that apply to regime change?

Rememember Madeine Albright? Rejoicing, over 500,000 Iraw babies and children, well worth being the cost? How does that fit in with human rights and regime change scenarios?

Karma. What you wish on others, so comes back to haunt you and coming from the UK, where we also celebrate carnage.


Which is why the Arab nations are being rent assunder, after promoting war violence and terrorism for 50 years, they are FINALLY getting what they deserve.


About as well as Muslim nation understand Israel is a sovereign nation. HAHAHAHAHAHAAA…


That’s OK, we moved them.


what buildings exactly? we need to know so we can bomb them.

eric zweistein


General Surena

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps has launched missiles at Daesh Takfiris’ headquarters in Syria’s Dayr al-Zawr. this is a clear message to US/YPG forces about dayr al-zawr.


True… but there were also a strong message from US.. https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2017-06-18/us-shoots-down-syrian-air-force-fighter


21 June 2017, doesn’t the US debt ceiling fall? It got a reprieve in May, when they kept the printers turned on. Remember, when the US sent the impotent tomahawks to Syria? Plus the USS Aircraft Carrier, on it’s way to North Korea, was heading in the opposite driection?

So things are going to be pretty volatile this week, until they decide to keep the printers working or realise their economy is basically bankrupt.


You’re right. Pay no attention to those Americans behind the curtain, they’re harmless, they can’t beat anybody. I wouldn’t worry about those pesky Americans were I you, I’m sure they have no idea what they’re doing. They’re harmless.

You believe me, right?

Real Anti-Racist Action

This has been one of my favorite days in history. Iran has built up a beautiful defensive missile system to use only when they come under attack. And today after all the talk, and research, they have proven they hold world class missiles to defend there Nation. I know Benjamin Netanyahu will be getting drunk today to try and cover his rattled nerves. Then tomorrow he will make up more lies to tell the world Israel needs another 50-billion a year for free. Since Iran says they know Saudi Arabia was behind the attack, they should have sunk a Saudi Ship that is blockading Qatar or Yemen to send the message to them. Israel should in kind be sent a message in the Persian gulf. As Israel always has a Dolphin-class submarine patrolling inside of Iranian waters, Iran should discretely sink one, and never claim responsibility. Just like Israel does when they murder Iranian University professors or Palestinians, Israel never confirms or denies these murders. http://ihr.org/ http://presstv.com/Detail/2017/06/18/525740/iran-irgc-missiles-syria


Enjoy the coming mushroom clouds. The third world war has been underway for years. Coming soon to a neighborhood near YOU.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The US are mad because they are outsmarted again the SAA cut off Al Qaim border to Sukhana now they will push along an capture the border , the US will try to send specfor an negotiate with these Baathist ISIS there on the border and try to take it before hand .

Jens Holm

They can come from the SDF possestions from north. You have used Your globe or head as a football ?


Sectarian thinking by Assadophiles. They only see and acknowledge what is fitting in in their way of thinking. Fools.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Nothing like the calling a Camel a Dromedary, they can’t see they are the ones backing sectarian violence by saying Groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda are secular followers of Saudi Wahhabism. They accuse anyone who opposes all that is wrong with liking someone who fights that wrong .

Jens Holm

I vote for that. Sometimes I think we should send more weapons in stead of less. After few Years, there will only be kurdish female figther with a sniper left – inviting the 8-10 mio. peacefull syrians home.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They would need to travel through ISIS and they would be blocked by Iraq if they tried to cross ,not invited . Your the one with his head up there trying to breathe some air into your failure of a point to see the obvious .

Jens Holm

I just tell You geografi, that the obvius way for stupid taking Deir El Zor is from Markada and down.

SDF by us can cross Eufrat easy, artillery dont need crossing having a range of 30 km and airstrike are the same. We even has killed a lot of SAA`s by total unknown reasons.

But we dont want that.

You assume too much. I didnt say it was a good idea. I say – if so – the shortest and best way are therough the Markada fortification and the smaller roads there – not Your way of thinking.


‘We even has killed a lot of SAA`s by total unknown reasons.’ Gee, Jens, are you an armed Kurdish SDF, US proxy, fighter then?


It serves our purposes just fine. Let the SAA and Russians kill all the ISIS that ran to deir azzor, save us the trouble. we just did Mosul, now time for you to spend your own money and blood and clean up those assholes who ran there. Kill em all, I’ll enjoy the gun camera footage.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The ISIS who ran from Mosul had a full escort with Apache helicopters all the way to Raqqa . The US has no intentions of dealing with their toys , they are already treating the PKK/PYD Kurds like their little pets , they listen even though they know they will die against the SAA and the Turk backed FSA . Iran sent a message of Missiles to ISIS which was nice they asked for permission though from Syrian Government not like some do like your common uninvited guest .


Either way, still fine by me if the Russians kill them all, and no they did not have Apache escorts. But I’ll tell you what we DID do, we jammed the Iraqi army radios when they tried to coordinate their strikes as ISIS leadership fled in the early days of the Mosul siege. Likewise we have left open an evacuation route from Raqqa.

I think they want them to gather all in one place before they make a final decision as to what to do with them, as to whether the pentagon feels they are more of a liability than an asset at that point and will act accordingly. You can be sure you have US generals arguing both sides of that quarrel. Trump and mattis want em dead, this isn’t the Obama regime ( Obama the muslim) that propped them up in the first place. New sherriff in town. They may just step back and let the Russians, the Kurds and the SAA mop up the dregs of ISIS.


So the us has decided to extend this 6 year war on Syria for another 10 years? A complete waste of american money and time. It’s as if the Pentagon’s strategy is completely scripted by Netanyahu.

Solomon Krupacek

be sure, anks have more money to pay long war then russia

Justin Ryan

Russia isnt paying for this war, Syria is! Plus the rebuilding of Syria (of which Russia has the contract to do so) is estimated in 2016 to be 800 Billion USD. Also, Russia has 2 permanent bases in Syria now! SAA is funded by the Syrian Govt! Who funds the Kurds? Syrian govt controls all the major cities which produce tax money thus funding can occur! This war costs USA much more than it does Russia! Plus Russia is there protecting its national interests (its energy market to Europe). If this war is won by Russia or even Drawn, It means the USA and Israel now know that they cannot continue to create wars in middle east countries. It means the world equalises! The russians are back and there will be 2 super powers (perhaps 3) once again! So instead of “wars on terror” we will be back to the good old cold wars lol.


Why would you say that?? Why shouldn’t we enjoy a long war like Syria has enjoyed their 50 year war with Israel? I thought you guys liked war and killing, no? Doesn’t Syria back and fund it’s proxy like Hezbollah to commit terror and threaten and attack Israel and drop rockets on their heads? or maybe you only like long wars when it’s Americans and Jews dying. Maybe you only like it when US buildings are laying in the street in Rubble. We, like you, have a very long memory, and we do not forget, and we pay our debts, and Syria is owed a blood debt for all the americans that have died due to terrorism that Syria has financed and backed.

It is only right that any and all American lives lost anywhere due to middle east wars or terrorism, are laid at the feet of Syria, for, after all, does not every muslim lay all their deaths at our feet, because we are allied with Israel? Now, Syria too can suffer for it’s alliances, and have their 50 year old war of vengeance come home to roost. Enjoy.

Justin Ryan

Here’s a long memory for you! America vowed to join WW1 and help the Brittish IF Britain granted palestinian land to Israel! So it was done! Stolen land! Organised by American Jews!

next….. Golan heights, who the fuck does that land belong to? Oh yeah….. Syria!

What is Israel doing there occupying this land? (protecting themselves from a possible future invasion from Syria who may be trying TO GET PALESTINIAN LAND BACK?)



hmmmm i wonder

OH YEAh, and then there was those oh so friendly relations the USA had with the Iranian shah! Just like they do now with Saudi arabia (“please sell ur oil and gas in US dollars so we can be the reserve currency “petro dollar” and print our own wealth therefore build strong military to force more countries to do the same”). But the Iranian revolution changed that!

So ur best friends became ur worst enemies…. so then u suck up to Saudi arabia WHO IS THE ONE COUNTRY WHO HAS SHARIA LAW as their political system and have now been ushered in twice as the heads of the UN’s Human Rights council!

Coups everywhere! South America, Kiev, Egypt, counter revolutions in Bahrain where the US 5th fleet is based!

You make me sick!



Don’t know where you get your history from, the side of a cereal box, but you are all wrong, A to Z.

First off it was British land, the US had fuckall to do with entering into WWI on behalf of Israel, you psychopath.

There was no Palestine, the land never belonged to them. it belonged to Israel long before the Palestinians, who were never a people. The real Palestinians are the Jordanians who long ago made peace with Israel. they were the only ones with any claim, any right, but not being insane fuckers like the Syrians, recognized it was THEY who declared war on Israel, lost, and then accepted peace.

How the fuck does the Golan possibly belong to Syria when it was CONQUERED,ON THE BATTLEFIELD, by outnumbered outgunned Jews, in a war Syria started. please stop right there and explain, in depth, you fucktard, how you 1) start a war on Israel 2) lose the war 3) cry the land was stolen.

It was conquered, retard, not stolen.

thats a nice trick, pick a fight, try and exterminate a whole people, attempt genocide, and then cry when you get your fucking asshole stomped in. what a bunch of whining disgusting cunts.

Justin Ryan

YOU SAID: First off it was British land, the US had fuckall to do with entering into WWI on behalf of Israel, you psychopath.


I SAY: THIS IS THE ZIONIST BELIEF VERSION! (OFFICIAL VERSION BELOW) “The British government and the Zionist leaders struck a dirty deal. The Zionists were led by Chaim Weizmann, the man who one day become the first President of the State of Israel. The idea was for the Zionists to use their influence to drag the mighty USA into the war on Britain’s side, so that Germany and it’s Ottoman allies could be crushed. In exchange for helping to bring the USA into the war, the British would reward the Zionists by taking over Palestine from the conquered Ottomans after the war was over. The British had originally wanted to give the Zionists a jewish homeland in an African territory. But the Zionists were fixated on claiming Palestine as their land. Once under British control, the jews of Europe would be allowed to immigrate to Palestine in great numbers.

Zionists powerbrokers such as Bernard Baruch, Louis Brandeis, Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff, and many others immediately went to work to put the screws to President Woodrow Wilson. The Zionist influenced press, quickly transformed the German Kaiser and his people into bloodthirsty “Huns”, determined to destroy civilization. In 1916, the US, with the help of the Lusitania “incident”, entered the war on Britain’s side under the ridiculous pretext of “making the world safe for democracy”.

THIS IS THE OFFICAL VERSION “Jewish American sympathies likewise broke along ethnic lines, with recently arrived Yiddish speaking Jews inclined to Zionism, and the established German-American Jewish community largely opposed to it. In 1914–1916, there were few Jewish forces in favor of American entry into the war. Many regarded Britain as hostile to Jewish interests. New York City, with its well-organized element numbering 1.5 million Jews, was the center of antiwar activism.[53][54]

The different Jewish communities worked together during the war years to provide relief to Jewish communities in Eastern Europe.[55][56]

Of greatest concern to Jews was the tsarist regime in Russia because it was notorious for tolerating pogroms and following anti-Semitic policies. As historian Joseph Rappaport reported through his study of Yiddish press during the war, “The pro-Germanism of America’s immigrant Jews was an inevitable consequence of their Russophobia”.[57] The fall of the tsarist regime in March 1917 removed a major obstacle for many Jews who refused to support tsarism.[58] The draft went smoothly in New York City, and left-wing opposition to the war largely collapsed when Zionists saw the possibility of using the war to demand a state of Israel”

YOU SAID “There was no Palestine, the land never belonged to them. it belonged to Israel long before the Palestinians, who were never a people. The real Palestinians are the Jordanians who long ago made peace with Israel”


I SAY: “Palestinians have continuously resided in Palestine since four thousand years before Christ, Abo-Sak pointed out. Their ancestors built the cities of Jerusalem, Nablus, Jericho, Beisan, Acca and Jaffa. The Hebrews arrived in the land between 1400-1200 B.C., and only maintained control over it during the lifetimes of King David and his son King Solomon” THEY WERE KNOWN AS THE PHILISTINES!

YOU SAY: “How the fuck does the Golan possibly belong to Syria when it was CONQUERED,ON THE BATTLEFIELD, by outnumbered outgunned Jews, in a war Syria started. please stop right there and explain, in depth, you fucktard, how you 1) start a war on Israel 2) lose the war 3) cry the land was stolen.”


I SAY: “Israel maintains that it may retain the area as the text of Resolution 242 calls for “safe and recognised boundaries free from threats or acts of force” MEANING THEY WILL OCCUPY IT BUT NOT OWN IT AS LONG AS THERE IS PEACE! WHY ARE THEY DRILLING FOR OIL WITHOUT SYRIAN PERMISSION?

United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 SIGNED BY BRITAIN STATES THIS CLEARLY!

“The non-binding preamble refers to the “inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war and the need to work for a just and lasting peace in the Middle East in which every State in the area can live in security”.

Operative Paragraph One “Affirms that the fulfillment of Charter principles requires the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East which should include the application of both the following principles:

(i) Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict; (ii) Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force.”


Its an agreement between arab nations and Israel that “as long as there is peace and no threat, no armies shall occupy this land and it is agreed that this land is SYRIAN land as stated and signed by Britain and Israel in the United Nations Security Council Resolution 242


ALSO, saying Israel fought the war all on their own lol. Youre an idiot!

“The United States and Israel have made it official: The two countries signed a new 10-year military-assistance deal on Wednesday, representing the single largest pledge of its kind in American history. The pact, laid out in a Memorandum of Understanding, will be worth $38 billion over the course of a decade, AN INCREASE (A FUCKING INCREASE ONTOP OF WHAT THEY ALREADY GET) of roughly 27 percent on the money pledged in the last agreement, which was signed in 2007






The US is obviously thinking about what happens after ISIS is eliminated.

Obviously the US has secretly promised the Kurds their own homeland in exchange for their fight against ISIS. Therefore, they want to guarantee the Kurds security from multiple enemies and also guarantee themselves a seat at the table to determine the future of Syria. The more important Syrian assets that they control, like the Tabqah dam and nearby oil wells, the more cards they will have to play later at the bargaining table to fulfill their secret deal with the Kurds.

Jens Holm

Its not about kurds. Its about Assads and who can control, what Assads cant and should not.

But You get one possible scenario well and an important side of it. Some seems to hav forgotten, that before ISIS it was Assad being enemy nr 1.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You are being a repugnant idiot with Assad this Assad that , this is the Syrian government not a one man country you imbecile , start going to Damascus now and find out the true feelings of the Syrian people .


We all know the true feelings of all Muslims, death to America, death to israel. we accept it now, and the endless wars that come with it. If all the nations of Islam are willing to accept endless war, how can we do any less? You have at long last convinced us, converted us to your religion of war and bloodshed. We’re cool with it.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That’s a pure fantasy perpetuated by those who wish to do harm others , Sufism is very much opposed to Wahhabi and Salafist ideology , just as Christian and Orthodox Christian is opposed to them , yet those three opposed follow the same ideas as we are created in the image of God and follow the respect of our fellow human beings as we are equal in the sight of God . The US is the only one craves and needs endless war it has been addicted to it since its inception , leaving one to think when will they stop .


You miss the whole point. we don’t give a SHIT about Assad. The ONLY real issue for the US is syrias stance towards Israel. No one will say it, but I am telling you, we are fucking DONE letting terrorists attack Israel from Syria or with Syrian backing, and we KNOW they will never stop, so their nation must be destroyed so there can be peace. if there is no peace anyway, then so be it, better to have the inevitable war on your lands than ours. we have already had your shitty wars pissing festivals come to our nation, so now we bring it to all of you. Enjoy death, the death you like to spread to Israel and the US. Have some for dinner. Live in it. watch it burn your shit down. if you are that committed to terrorizing Americans and wiping Israel off the map, don’t cry when it isn’t playing out to your liking. too fucking bad, and don’t think Americans give a shit about people who have been murdering us for decades.


Don’t kid yourselves, we aren’t going to war over the kurds, they can handle themselves.

That Guy

If Hafez Al- Assad was still alive, this shit would’ve been over since 2011. Bashar didn’t deal with the rebels with an iron fist, this is why his army now is in an absolutely shitty shape.

Now regarding what the US is doing here, let’s hope that the Syrian leadership come up with a smart idea to deal with this ordeal. Syria is losing the war, since it is getting partitioned, and it is losing its gas fields to the US.

Jens Holm

far out


It is winning the war against daesh and soon once thats done they can kick out the other invaders

Solomon Krupacek

nothing winning. losing the country. the final picture is the only important.


They have retaken like over 5000 square kilometers in just a few months are you fucking kidding me???

Solomon Krupacek

UNTIL these gains are in boders of obamas plan to divide syria, is no winner position ;)


they will also retake those areas as well, besides, any land retaken is better than nothing

Solomon Krupacek

you are naiv. syrians do not want fight. to take back syria the saa should have 250 000 troops. dream only.


more numbers does not always mean more success, after deir ezzor, they could start taking back the north if they wanted to

Solomon Krupacek

good luck to defat 80 000 kurds and rising sdf and fsa and turkomans. together 200 000 fighters. plus western support.

you are dreaming, boy. probaly you are young and unexperienced. you trust politicians. mistake!


why should i believe u or those numbers?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They have taken over 15000 sq km , the US are done as a party to this conflict might even more Dissension in NATO now .


Even better!!! :DDDD


I agree. Would you care to elaborate?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The only one losing and they are a spoiled sport about it is the US .

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Army has been re-organized and fights better than most countries . The leadership is playing a careful game of diplomacy and eliminating the US allies in the region , Jordan may ask its FSA the southern front to lay down there arms and join the Syrian government . Jordan is amenable to opening trade and withdrawing support for the FSA on the border with Jordan . Bashar never had the support like his father had , now he has earned the support and respect of many . The Ja’yadeen Town is in SAA control the US is going to be charged with war crimes and Trump is going to have to get his generals in check . The SDF is like their backers incapable of fighting a real war ,more borer openings will happen and ISIS will be defeated by The Syrian government and no the US invaders .


I hope he fires Mattis I never liked him lol

Cora DeClerk

Kill them SAA.


Keep in mind that this base is within Grad rocket range of the present location of the SAA, just 20 miles to the South. This base will be extremely vulnerable if the US thinks it can continue to attack the SAA.



Jens Holm

Grad rockets hahahhahahha.


Nice :)))

Solomon Krupacek

SAA is not enough. But if russians would attack, then the americans would give up.

Jens Holm

Very optimistic in a totaly insane way. Damaskus as a lake – or something.


You don’t know you’re Yankees very well. As a result, this is going to get VERY bloody before this is over.

Jens Holm

Some seems to have forgotten, that attacks like that will go the other way too and make an escallation.

I allow me to talk for, the opposite is needed.


And if the SAA thinks it can attack the US with impunity, they will be reminded again they cannot, and if Russia wants to throw down, so be it. Like all wars the US fights, we will get bloodied and mangled in the beginning, but we will prevail in the end, unless we all go up in a mushroom cloud, which is looking increasingly likely.

If Russia thinks they can use nuclear weapons and we wont respond in the like they are mistaken. We can and we will. Same goes for Iran.

Solomon Krupacek

assad should give for turkey afrin for help to clean kurdich animals. americans can not attack turks.

John Brown

This will mean war between the USA and its master Israel on the one side against Syria, Russia,Turkey, Iraq Iran and China on the other.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Means they swim alone against the current .


We are a Naval power, so, we know how to swim.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They are going to have to swim since a loss of the fleets would mean they would have to be good swimmers .


China will not go to war with us, their economy would collapse in a week. Turkey would last about a week against the US and it’s allies. Irans airforce and navy would be gone in less than 2 weeks. Iraq is no threat. Russia will be forced to resort to nukes after the American counter attacks reverse Russia’s early war gains, and we will respond in kind, that’s how this is going down.

John Brown

15 years ago you would be right. Today it is the US Soviet economy that will collapse along with the US dollar in any kind of war with China and Russia and the US economy is going to collapse within 5 years anyway. China has taken almost all world markets away form the USA now so they don’t need the US as much as the US needs them. The US is the one in debt to guess who? The borrower is servant to the lender. You need to stop watching Jewish T.V and get back to reality. The US can’t defeat Russia, China, Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran all at once in any war. First thing all USSA carriers (floating coffins) would be sunk in 24 hours and it would be over.


Nah, that’s my area of expertise. We’ll lose a few, 2, maybe 3, but after that neither the Russians nor the Chinese will be able to leave port. If we said fuck you to the Chinese tomorrow they’d be screwed, they’re the ones holding the debt. do I have to explain it to you how this works? Their banks would be insolvent. Stop with the bullshit about what TV I watch, i get my news from varied and eclectic sources ( notice I’m here?). it’s also a fantasy that we’ll be fighting them all at once. Alone.

John Brown

You must watch CNN. Carriers are as useless in a modern war as battle ships were in world war 2. Their only use is for bombing defenseless third world countries. Without them there is no way for the USA to project any military power in the middle east and Eurasia against countries that are located there. and most importantly most USA weapons are now made partially or mostly made in China, which you obviously don’t know. Like John insane McCain did not know all Apple I Phones are made in China not the USSA


So Pro Trump rats will now use Syrian military airbase against Syrian nation. LOL.

Paulo Vieira

USA are like an Cancer spreeding. Imperialists .


The biggest problem facing humanity and the American, British and French people is the Jew 4 of Israel, the US, UK and France, where over 90% of the planet’s Jews live and which is the power base for the evil Jew cabal and their collaborators in the US, UK and French governments. With their endless fabricated Jew wars, including the Hegelian Jew war on terror, and the false flag terror attacks against the US, UK, France and the Muslim world, 99% of the victims who are Muslims.


Fitting as 100% of the terrorists are muslim too.


That shouldn’t be surprising after being subjected to decades of Jew cabal abuse.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The truth is the US army is the largest terrorist organization in the world .


They replaced Islam as the largest terrorist organization in the world when, exactly? You are confused, mate.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Never confused just keep a score card , you are the one who is confused seems they have you trained . History can be distorted briefly but never long some times it is so brief its more like a blink . Wahhabi ideology shares the same ideology as Salafism and Zionism , those are the general ones that have fueled terrorism for centuries now .


They dont have me confused, I can probably name every terrorist organization in the world and when they started.

a flocking idiot can read the Koran, and understand mohommeds gospel or terror, murder and rape, and look at the spread and conquests of Islam, and go to any of these nations and hear of the murders crimes rapes outrages and slavery the committed for a millennia and a half before they were carved up after WWI. I’m very curious to know how much money, in total dolars, you think israel has spent on terrorism, and where you think they rank on that list, better yet, list all the terrorist organizations you claim they support. where, when they started and for how long. you can’t. If your goign to do some stupid shit like name the Israeli army. then I trump you by naming all of islam as the biggest supporter of terror.


Turkey can be a great power if Turkey unite with Syria, Iraq, Iran and Russia and think about joint Scientific Research and development and space and missile industries. Turkey should never trust in US, NATO and Ezraheli.

The recent military coup was planed by US, NATO and Ezrahel. They will never let Turkey to unite with Syria, Iraq, Iran and Russia. They will divide each country by Kurds.


This action to setup A base in Tabqa won’t prevent more or less coordinated Turkey/Syria/Iraq/Iran squeeze on SDF territory post ISIS/Nusra/FSA world.


Nobody wants to unite with Turkey, least of all Syria, Iraq, Iran and Russia. China might want to if they were boss, Turkey as a protectorate of China.

I would be interested to know which rich resources Turkey has. A bit of uninteresting coal and not much more as far as I know. The great influential power interests me too. Qatar and northern Cyprus?


Anyone who trusts Turkey is a fool. Who wants to get into bed with that bag of snakes? Also, it is hysterical to hear you say, Turkey could be a great nation if they ally with this one and that one and ride this ones coat tails and that ones coat tails. do you listen to yourself? you are funny dude.


I seriously do not get it? They have not been invited and have no legal authority to be in Syria?????


We simply are not going to let syria drag us into a nuclear war by having us defend Israel that arab nations are intent on destroying, so, we bring the war to you first. you started it, and now it has moved into your nations. Too bad for you.If there is going to be a nuclear war, WE are going to decide when it starts, not you.

Justin Ryan

This war is following its TRUE and natural progression! A proxy war between USA (SDF) and Russia (SAA)! I will also admit this is a multi proxy war with Iran vs Israel and Saudi Arabia. An energy market war, (pipelines to feed europe hence the coup in ukraine to potentially block russian pipes). Turkey and Qatar have seen the light! Qatar (along with Glencore) each purchased 20% of Russian energy company”Rosneft”. Qatar has finally stopped funding ISIS and is now allying with Iran. I think soon Bahrain (70 -80% Shia population) will have another civilian uprising and side with Qatar and Iran. Ive also heard pakistan is siding with Iran (probably for profits to be made from Iran to india and Iran to China pipelines). US interests in this war is purely for petro dollar status and thus reserve currency status! And other US interest is Israel’s interest! What a scum country Israel is! These scum bags STEAL palestinian land and now they want all the oil and control of trading routes all the while they get free money from the USA to do it! They are scum!


They didnt steal it , they CONQUERED it, outgunned and outnumbered ,after villainous scum declared war on them, in violation of a UN resolution, and swore they would exterminate them. You fool, you know not your own history.


If you never get to visit HELL, visit the Pentagon or State Dept. to view close approximations.


And this is what these people want an endless war with. I hope they enjoy it.

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