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MARCH 2025

US Soldier Died In ‘Rollover Accident’ In Syria: Defense Department

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US Soldier Died In 'Rollover Accident' In Syria: Defense Department


A US soldier died in “a rollover accident” in Syria, the US Defense Department reported on January 25. The soldier was identified as Army Spc. Antonio I. Moore, 22, from Wilmington, North Carolina.

The incident took place on January 24 in he province of Deir Ezzor, while Moore’s unit was involved in “route clearing operations”.

The soldier was assigned to 363rd Engineer Battalion, 411th Engineer Brigade, Knightdale, NC.


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Saddam Hussein

Burgers with their automatic transmission are too stupid to drive in Arab countries.

Zionism = EVIL

Rollover all right…


Bobby Twoshoes

Good riddance, he came to steal oil now he’s dead. Next…


not to worry -he’s just a under-educated twat from the fly over states whose choice in life was either cooking meth or join up with the us marines, a criminal terror-organization! cooking meth would with some certainty lead to lengthy periods in jail (and loss of teeth) and joining the marines, be brought home in a body bag – hard choice but imminent death in either of the options.


Verner, he was not a Marine. Reread the article.


it’s irrelevant -his choice is between meth-cooking or the military man and the two options for an under-educated twat is thus as sad, prison for the meth or body bagged home. anything else you can’t fit together?

Karen Bartlett

You don’t know that.

Karen Bartlett

He was a high-school football star and an excellent combat engineer, according to the Wash. Examiner story pasted above. North Carolina isn’t a “flyover” state, either, It is a South Eastern State.

Arch Bungle

A young black man? Why are a people brought as slaves to build the Queen’s colony still fighting for Empire hundreds of years later? Some black Americans remain slaves even though the chains are long gone …

Karen Bartlett

Many American Indians also join the military. They don’t know they’re fighting for Empire. They think they’re fighting for the country’s safety. We are heavily propagandized in the US. Very few understand what the US gov’t is actually trying to do in the ME.

Arch Bungle

It’s a shame. They don’t realise they are slaves bred by a colonial system and used to colonise others in turn.

Ivan Freely

Sometimes three hots and a cot is enough to get people to enlist. It’s not always about being fooled to serve some higher purpose.

Karen Bartlett

Well, you’re right, but in this case the boy’s joining the military wasn’t about unemployment. He was deluded into thinking he was doing good.


it’s irrelevant if he’s from a fly over state or not – he’s a loser on the elits altar set up after the vietnam war. the elit in washington dc realized they could never carry on a perpetual war with conscripts (too much wailing from the mothers when the conscripts come back in body bags) so they stopped the conscriptions and set up a standing army with under-educated hillbilly types with little or no interest in further education/regularfamilyraisingwork, at least for a foreseeable future – the change over has been successful to a degree, the standing army is chock a block with these low grade educated types whose alternative in the real world is or was either cooking meth or sign up with the army. under-educated or not – good quality schooling is available for those who can pay for it and the 35 states in between the east and west are at best providing a basic learn to write and read education (few exceptions) and those fuckers are the ones that are caught in pentagon’s net! and don’t quibble about details.

Karen Bartlett

Maybe. I don’t know any meth cookers. But the South has historically had more men in the military, percentage wise, than the North. It is part of the Southern culture. Even during the American “Civil” War, the Northerners marveled that the Southern Confederacy’s armies had many wealthy and educated soldiers in it. The wealthy Northerners paid substitutes $300 to fight in their place. The South had no such policy and it was mostly a volunteer army. “Hillbillies”, also, won the American Revolutionary War. Look up the battle of King’s Mountain.

Denigrating Southerners as hillbillies and meth cookers is Killary Clinton’s characterization of people who would never have voted for her after Benghazi.

The South is full of warriors. They’re fighting for an illusion, that they are “defending their country”, but they are fighters and most are brave and honorable. Especially if they are from the South. Bravery and honor in battle is part of the Southern ethos.

Even the German army in WWII were fighting because they loved their country. You can’t fault them for their country’s government.


You worry about someone speaking “ill of the death”. What dead? Americans? What about the millions that have been murdered by the Americans? At least this “high-school football star” chose his fate. Have the millions of civilians in the ME had a choice? Did anybody ask them whether they wanted to be blown up or displaced or forced out of their countries?

Karen Bartlett

No. And you are right.

Xoli Xoli

The infidel died while stealing oil for Pompeo and Trump.

Zionism = EVIL

Hopefully, he had an apple stuck in his mouth. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/164435984eed5c5a5775273b436aba5e6065b938674b1f680d74a3d88d839234.jpg

Xoli Xoli

He was a bloody fat fuck marine just as dotart fat fuck Trump.

Karen Bartlett

He wasn’t fat and wasn’t a marine.

Xoli Xoli

The bottom line is he is dead USA soldier celebrating statues in hell and pray to Marry.

Karen Bartlett

I understand your hatred, but he probably wasn’t Catholic, being black and from the South (probably Protestant) and he may not be in hell.

Xoli Xoli

I dont hate people only USA and Israel exercise and practice hatred.Sorry for offending you by criticizing your ex marine boyfriend. But all killers goes to hell just like your killer hubby.Dont worry there lot of ISIS fighters which USA NATO soldiers have trained. Please help them out before their violate gaots.

Karen Bartlett

For somebody who doesn’t hate people you sure make hateful comments.

Xoli Xoli

Very true I actually looses respect for bossy attitude people.I dont like arogants of Israel,Turkey,British,USA and puppets. This Particular country brought in division in peaceful Middle East. Way back you could visit Middle East country’s without fear.Native were so curious about the way how you live day to day.But today it is otherwise. Lastly we served a living God .The God of Israel.But yet it is heart broken to see how Israel the chosen nation through their administration kills fellow humans because of their land and resources. Instead of being example to them.

Karen Bartlett

The State of Israel was founded by atheists and terrorists and is not the Israel of God, because it was established by men, not by God. The Jews who lived in Europe and Palestine at the time of the planning for a “Jewish State” in Palestine were anti-Zionist. Especially the Rabbis: https://youtu.be/v9q4e9zmTL0?t=66

Xoli Xoli

Understand I am not a Zionist supporter but according bible scriptures God was first for Israelis and then for gentiles after their started believing in Jesus the Messiah.It is written in bible after Moses led Israel’s Jews out of Egypt after Pharaoh give in after 12 plaques. God the father led Israel by the day under the shadow of cloud and at night under burning light to the promised land Kanan. God promised them land and this land was occupied by Philistines .God used to communicate to Abraham,Isak and Jacob.Including Moses because God even split open red sea to enable Israel to cross it with all their animal and shunt it When Pharaoh and his chariots enter red sea.

Xoli Xoli

Remember us Christians believe in trinity God the father God the Son and God the Holly spirit and this three are one.In the beginning was it word and the word was with God and the word was God self.God send his beloved Son Jesus so that everyone who believes in him must find everlasting life.Israelis and Israel will still be destroyed. But when Israelis turn away from their sin and believe that Jesus is God and Messiah. Then God will fight their battle from heaven and destroy all its enemies. Who ever hates Israel will be curse by God .Israeli’s are isolated because of their misleading power hungry regimes just as their crucified Jesus the Messiah. Jordan’s,Persians the Iraniabs,Qatar,UAE,Saudi,Iraq and Kuwait are tolerant and really treat un thank full Israelis as brother because this tribes originated from Jacob’s 12 Sons

Xoli Xoli

Yes I personally makes hate full comments depends also on ignorance.But I dont keep it in my heart.You will be shock if you meet me one day.All my friends are arabs,muslims,Israelis,British,Russians ,cubans,and Africans.But that does mean I should hide away from reprimanding them.Right is right and wrong is wrong turn.



Zionism = EVIL

Any vehicle would be flawed for these lardass dumbass swine eating swine faced tubs of shit, the Danish and Belgian fat cupcakes army spent millions on widening the hatches on their APC as the new recruits were too fat to get inside, let alone drive them.

NATO soldiers face obesity epidemic- Servicemen of the national armed forces in most EU states face high levels of obesity making them unfit for most combat situations. Servicemen of the national armed forces of the Baltic states, Canada and US the military has experienced higher rates of overweight troops in the ranks that is severely restricting their combat capability and poses health risks like heart attacks, strokes and diabetes

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/787ca9a5a71af41c9c658b3873869d77015f9a2a7f25a9194ada9838b18f4720.jpg .


God Willing, the obesity crisis in Western nations will get far worse :)

Many people are ‘Proud to be fat’.

Zionism = EVIL

There is also an added bonus of sleeping with a fat woman, you don’t need a mattress and it feels like a water bed.

good american

It’s too risky, that may have been the very ‘roll-over’ accident he died in.


Yuck, that must be a dreadful experience :)


The obesity epidemic is also starting to affect eastern Europe.


The US is contaminating the globe.


Sounds like NATO needs to be renamed FATO.


They have fitness standards, he wouldn’t qualify for any of them. The roll over incidents are a result of their wheeled vehicles being too heavy with a high centre of gravity.

Karen Bartlett

I don’t know about NATO troops, but it seems to me that US troops are mostly only used to raiding civilian homes and terrorizing them, Like the IOF (Israli Occupation Forces). That means of course they can’t fight against battle-hardened veterans like the IRGC or Hezbollah or SAA or Russia. Or the Houthis, in fact.

Arch Bungle

Probably died in a missile strike on Al Asad base in Iraq. Rolled over to Syria …


My guess is one of those Ruskie Spetsnaz gave him a glancing look when there was that little altercation the day before yesterday. Besides frightening the shit out of him it scared the poor chap to death……


In the meantime, hundreds of your he-man Ruskies have been blown away in Syria. Oh, the best way to blow away Ruskies is to light a match in front of their face and boom goes the Vodka.


Your nuclear shit, Bibi, after 80 years finds the Aryans at his doorstep, and cannot make the third thermonuclear world war to get them out of the way. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b9ff39d664bcf2409df1b2d89abd5913a39b39604e52e0ee270285c1567a0133.png

Ricky Miller

There have been Russian casualties, sure. But when one looks at a map it’s easy to see what they’ve sacrificed for. The Syrian government has reclaimed large areas of territory, including all the major cities. Russia’s military intervention has clear, concise goals: defend Syria’s independence, thwart regime change by way of jihadi insurgency and eliminate large numbers of battle hardened jihadis. The American goals? No one knows. It seems like they’re just stuck on the ongoing, failed regime change and gaining nothing while at the same time pushing Turkey away.

Bill Rood

American goals? The 3 Ps are Profits (for military contractors), Promotions (for brass) and Pork (for Congressmen). The bonuses are Pillage and Plunder. No enlisted personnel need apply for any of the 5 Ps.

Arch Bungle

Best way to blow away your ‘superhuman’ IDF soldier is pack them all in a can and drive them across the Lebanese border. They come back smoked and gravied courtesy of the Hizbollah Head Chef Nassrallah.


yeah or bury them 6 feet under to push up daisies, the most valuable these criminals ever have been engaged in – or dried wet stains on the beaches so palestinian kids can have some fun while having a swim, denied them today by the hymie pigs awaiting an early grave!

J Ramirez

Tie a Penney to an IED and hundreds of Jews ;}

Luke Hemmming


Arch Bungle

I’m thinking the Pentagon is very busy trying to cover up the casualties from Irans missile strikes. All of a sudden theres a spike in Army casualties worldwide, e.g soldiers being found dead for no apparant reason in Germany and the US. A death here, a disappearance there, Sweep it all under the carpet …

Karen Bartlett

Hm. Interesting.


Your Islamist Iranian top general and half a dozen of his top military buddies remain quite blown up, Adolf or Igor as the case may be.

Arch Bungle

Soleimani went as a true hero went. At his age there is no finer way for a warrior to die. Fighting from age 18 to 62, not one of your living slimeball IDF functionaries are his equal. There is no living American soldier who matches him. His time on earth was well spent, nobody regrets his passing.


It was probably a bad idea for him to visit Iraq, and Iran has Sharia Law.

Arch Bungle

Iran has an independent legal system based on religious law, like every other legal system on earth. Sharia is nothing extreme in itself. The 10 commandments are Sharia.


“Iran has an independent legal system based on religious law, like every other legal system on earth.”

Most countries have separated religion from state. Iran and other countries that enforce Sharia Law legally punish apostasy and blasphemy that results in fines, imprisonment, or the death penalty (obviously this includes imprisonment before execution).

Arch Bungle

This, in itself doesnt mean much when you notice that even with church and state separated, these so called ‘modern’ judicial systems are just as capable of injustice as one based on religious law. Bradly Manning. Julian Assange. Guantanamo bay. Mordechai Vanunu. Israeli occupation legal system etc. Iran is a system in the process of evolution. Given time and without the daily threat of nuclear extinction, their legal sysyem will also evolve and modernise. The Sharia of Iran is not to be compared with the Sharia of Saudi Arabia or the Sharia of the Taliban or ISIS.

Karen Bartlett

Well said.

Luke Hemmming

General Soleimani was a much better military leader than some of your IDF riff raff who are either coksucking faggots or backstabbers. IDF ex-general does interview to highlight the IDF’s low morale, incompetence and lack of any real fighting spirit. YEAH go the IDF!! Yup gotta love them backstabbing jews.Maybe cause its the fag jew generals that run the joint?

https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-promotes-its-first-openly-gay-major-general-sharon-afek/ https://sputniknews.com/military/201901101071358691-idf-preparedness-levels-brick/


Since the Iranian missiles rained on his head, the Mameluks of Israel have gone crazy, lose consciousness and overturn with the car.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

The soldier was assigned to 363rd Engineer Battalion, 411th Engineer Brigade, Knightdale, NC.

During the deployment, (in Iraq War) the brigade had five principle duties: route clearance and sanitation, rapid crater repair, engineer support to the 3rd Infantry Division and other combat units, planning, design and construction of contingency operating bases, and command of tactical bridging assets. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/411th_Engineer_Brigade_(United_States)

42 HSabbagh

He died protecting the oil.

good american

I’m sure his family will appreciate the sacrifice the next time they fill up their gas tank. Thanks, Agent Orange!


they tried to roll his fat ass over sth ?

Peter Bozich

Another wasted life, courtesy of the lies and deceit the West dabbles in. Unfortunately for this young person, he or she is just another number that becomes a statistic. And you see a piece of shit like Soros who is nearly 90 and speaking at Davos.


You see some connection here? What you been puffing on?

Peter Bozich

I’m puffing on some rolled up crappy U.S dollars because they’re going to crash buddy lol.


What exactly is a ‘roll over’ accident; As in he died from being rolled over by vehicle of some sort?

Karen Bartlett

His vehicle rolled over.

Xoli Xoli

O now I understand the soldiers was busy operating drone car.When the mechanism failed he couldn’t get out from the way as he was to fat marine.That’s why the car roll over him and he damaged the car and died.

Xoli Xoli

I think he roll over the car with his fat body and fell down and died.


Just one small life for israel and one giant leap for plunder..


American, let’s say Israeli colonial troops. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2f309461bcc59a0d329067f960bd9049be1e5d47247381c89ab434aed6c4f00e.jpg

Assad must stay

lol what is that? like his vehicle rolled over or something?

Karen Bartlett


Assad must stay

Oh well, that’s war, when you sign up, survival isn’t always guaranteed

Karen Bartlett

Yes, and he did sign up.

Karen Bartlett

US soldier killed during vehicle ‘rollover accident’ in Syria https://washex.am/3aIGjpU


Rolled over on a AK-47 slug…..

Raptar Driver

And what are we doing on sovereign Syrian soil? The American forces there are invaders and occupiers. They require dispatching ASAP!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Accidents happen all the time don’t they, smirk, and I know I shouldn’t make fun of someone else’s misfortune either, Smirk, it’s absolutely deplorable behaviour I know, SMIRK, but I just can’t help myself, what an idiot, LOL.

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