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US Special Forces Deployed with Al Qaeda in Idlib in False Flag Attack on Turkish Forces: VT

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US Special Forces Deployed with Al Qaeda in Idlib in False Flag Attack on Turkish Forces: VT


Veterans Today reports (source):

By Gordon Duff with Nahed al Husaini

Communications intercepts and intelligence from inside Turkish backed terror groups tell an interesting story.  Americans are there, for the past 2 days, loads of cash, promises of US passports and families resettled in the US.

US forces are to set up ambushes and suicide bombings against Turkish outposts in Idlib in order to bring about an end to the truce negotiated in Moscow between Erdogan and Trump on March 5.

Whether video will be shot using captured Syrian uniforms may be possible.  It is also rumored that Turkish officers, some under CIA/Gulen control, may take part as well.

Some sources say the same Americans had come down from Afrin during the failed chemical attack five days ago scheduled to coincide with US envoy Jim Jeffries illegal visit with terrorist forces.  Jeffries and his party entered Idlib through Syria, meeting with Al Qaeda and White Helmet representatives while, nearby, a number of militants, including members of the White Helmets, were severely injured when chemical weapons they were planning to deploy leaked.

White Helmet and Reuters film crews were on station to provide dramatic video of a US envoy carrying dead children, a disaster when it failed to materialize and the opportunity was lost.

With a collapsed American economy and the US reeling from accusations of an attempted coup against Saudi Arabia, there was little chance that a few children murdered for Facebook was going to make an election year difference for Trump and his administration now reeling in failure after failure.


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colin adese

The Evil Empire doing what it does best, more evil upon mankind.


Can’t be possible

Concrete Mike

Why not?


Not in uniform, but we do know John McCain has been running the Al Qaeda ‘moderate rebels’ in Idlib via the CIA from 2012. Gordon Duff likes to shock a few people like Natasha.

Hasbara Hunter

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA….you must have been living under a rock for a couple of Decades….


nah she clearly is living in tel aviv – playing dumb dumber jew!

Hasbara Hunter

I’m still flabbergasted how these Khazarian Sabbatean ZioNazI-Retards could come this far in History…. I give’m a round of applause for that…

Shia man

What can’t be possible?


What this article says

Shia man

What’s so hard to believe? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DHL1vMmXkAACONH.jpg




Why not?

The US has done the same sort of things since WW2 at least.

Hasbara Hunter

The United Satans of America is using the same Babylonian Magic Trick since 1776…

The problem for America is; that these days we all know how his Tricks work…The Veil came down…the Great Imperial Wizard is standin’ there Buttnaked & damn what an ugly sight it is…Loud Mouth…tiny wiener


We actually have Trump to thank for exposing the beastial ways of the USA, HH. :)

Hasbara Hunter

Clown or Genius? Something strange is going on in America that is for sure…

Karen Bartlett

I think it’s entirely possible, but hard to believe the US actually got caught.


Very hard to believe


The photo of John McCain ( above posted by Shia Man) with a few Al Qaeda is not fake, there are many more. The CIA has funded, armed and trained them in Turkey since 2012. The photo with the article, 5 uniforms and a civilian is fake, that photo was taken in Afghanistan or Pakistan. The CIA has been planning this war for a long time, here is a document released by the DoD going back to 1983.


Damien C

Do these western brain-dead donkeys not realise that in order for a chemical attack to have any sway little children (innocent kids and babies) have to be held down and gassed before placing their little bodies in a pose for the cameras. What sort of a cunt can do that? Are these children just abducted from the streets or are they children of captives these head-choppers took years ago. Do these US operatives not have children of their own to sway their moral compass

Hasbara Hunter

The CIA & Mossad are specialized in KID-napping & Honey-trapping https://dcdirtylaundry.com/the-clintons-laura-silsby-haiti-amber-alerts-human-trafficking/


US and the west in general is devoid of any moral compass, it basically operates on hypocrisy and the doctrine of expedient double standards.

Jens Holm

Only cunt like You can write like that. You see nothing in Your niqab and homemade sunflasse. But we do. Remember to shave now and then.

Its no wonder women need an 8. marts too. Now try You mini carrot under Your bed blanket again – UPS – under please. You know what under os beingtold You many times are under prastandard.

One of my friends are like You after he lost half of his brain in a car accident. He also almost blind.


Jens, I see a few changes in your behaviour lately, I wonder what caused it. You insult people directly, you rarely -if ever- did it. You downvote some comments and I can’t remember seeing you do that before.

Please return to your usual glorious self and just type nonsense.

good american

I think Jens suffers from dementia. Watching Joe Biden speak and Jens write, one suffers the same agony of trying to understand what the heck they are trying to say. Or maybe Jens IS Joe Biden…..

Hasbara Hunter

No Jens is a permanent pissed sorry-ass Danish Zio-Viking who can’t remember where he parked his Drakkar…. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e2886603e448edfb58b987eccb5588c3b5001d2b419a4e19ec533dc7341eaf0e.jpg


Your friend,no wonder the poor bastard is brain dead,incest:

Germann Arlington

US troops moral compass is always true and points to the Cash.

Karen Bartlett

The terrorists kidnap children, that’s for sure. They hold hostage entire towns that they take over. The White Helmets never show the mothers of the children in videos. Where are the mothers, as Vanessa Beeley has asked? (But I don’t think “cunt” is the correct word to use in this regard. I can’t fathom a women doing this sort of thing. “Prick” is probably the better word. No offense, of course.)

hore ten

The general public here in the u.s is not really concerned with what goes on outside of there states. People are so dumbed down by movies and media. Most people are just trying to survive and have gave up on caring what the government does whether good or bad for the fact people here are worried just to keep a job. Unlike Russia or other countries that use there wealth to better the lives of there citizens. It only a handful of people who are awake to what’s happening but we can’t do much about it, so we just go about our daily lives here which is pretty sad to say. Our government only has people who worship demons and satan baby rappers and if your not doing the same forget about a position of power in the government. A silent secret people don’t like to think exist but it’s the cold truth.

Hasbara Hunter

Michael Hastings gave his life for Truth like many others…American Truthseekers have done a good job…It seems to me only an American Civil War II either Peaceful or Bloody can change something in the US…Europe can use a little Revolution too…but I ain’t friggin’ Don Quixote…If them Sheeples prefer to be Slaves…so be it…it is their Personal Freedom to be so….


Likely special batch of coksukrs who have no interest in familys,like the bots we get here who are only in it for themselfs and of course their incest spawn masters,but that won’t change anything!Trump better be carefull,these neo-liberal kweers do no good (period)

Lone Ranger

No surprise, Al-cia-da… Tim Osman… According to International law a soldier without fighting in uniform can be considered a terrorist and or enemy combatant and dealth with accordingly… Time to take out wahabbimossadnaziCIA trash…

Lone Ranger

CIA trolls and hasbarats will cry and rage ;)

Jens Holm

Copy paste again. If Your comments were food, people would starve to death and be recycled as pipecleaners.

Lone Ranger

Time to insert your Tampax…;) Aside from that I never copy paste, I take my time and type it every single time ;)

Jens Holm

I can see You are a one liner in the slender version.

Lone Ranger

Careful you are bleeding all over the place…;)


He is the spam king of forums.One line is his intelectual hight. :) Kinda like a broken record.Lol

Hasbara Hunter


Lone Ranger

John “songbird” McCocaine is in hell now. Where he rightfully belongs. USS Forrestal fire killing a 130. Killing unarmed peasants in Nam. Betraying fellow officers in captivity. Supporting rapist cannibal headchoppers and Neo nazis. Most vile U.S. politican ever. Good riddance…


I fail to understanfd by what means those “special forces” arrive in Idlib,when the air is russian-held,and the land route by the syrian government troops.Anyway,they should be taken out immediately,and if VT knows about them,please communicate their coordinates to the syrian air force.


The photograph shows an afghan situation I think,or pakistani.

Jens Holm

You are correct.

A movie from Idlib says “Men shoud be knights” – It worked. Saladin did not like it (Him with the 8 pasportes).

Jens Holm

Its a part of their deep deep banzai programme.

Next step wil sending DNA and grow them fast and small with hot air from their enemies. The first one made was a mistake. Its now guarding Rhodos against muslim invaders and expect to be titulated Collossus the second. .

bouncer dogsly

This is all about Israel being in a lot of trouble if this war is allowed to settle down. Before this started, Israel had stability on its borders with Syria. The Idea was to carve up Syria. Think about this. If this war ends Israel ends up with Hezbollah type fighters now on its Syrian borders as well as Lebanon. Syria will also then be developed with missile technology and just like Israel can no longer bomb Lebanon, the situation will be the same, Syria. Syria now will only come out of this much much stronger. The West to protect the Zionist project, had to try and keep this war going going, but now the Western economic Ponzi scheme built on printed money is starting to fall, and the coronavirus, is a much greater priority, and so their attention must now switch to their own problems. Syria is small potatoes now for the West. Slso Erdogan has given Europe a massive problem of refugees on its borders. The West and especially the perfect storm and far more important problems than regime change in Syria. Also Saudi and US oil are in big trouble. WHO SAYS THERE IS NO GOD?

Lone Ranger

Hasbarats are crying and raging ;)

Hasbara Hunter

Them Psychopathic little Cockroaches have been doing nothing else but Cryin’ & Moanin’ since 2015…. When Russia, Hezbollah & Iran stepped in & Destroyed their Greater ISISraeli Caliphate…

Lone Ranger

Israel wouldnt have a single problem if not for ziofucks doing what they are doing. 98% the crap they can thank themselves.

Jens Holm

Menthal infidels certainly has their own problems too. Try to solve them first. No wonder Your family ran away.


This should hardly come as a surprise as Salafist terror sponsorship is part and parcel of US and NATO proxy warfare doctrine since its introduction during the USSR’s intervention in Afghanistan.

Lone Ranger

Terror state USA…


It goes beyond a mere terror state, the US foundations are built on the mass genocide, subterfuge, slavery, racism and contempt for the rule of law or even basic decency, it has been a wild west show domestically and globally and has brought nothing but misery for the people who can not fight back.

Hasbara Hunter

The Devil’s Pulpit….

Shia man

Video of the day https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lH5Ay4tWvWc


There are two heads of state in the world that got elected with 99% of votes.One is Kim Yong,guess who is the other one?


More reason for turks not to be there in the first place.


USA civil war starting soon, first the quartine lock down in next few days.


”US forces are to set up ambushes and suicide bombings against Turkish outposts in Idlib in order to bring about an end to the truce negotiated in Moscow between ERDOGAN AND TRUMP on March 5. ” LOL ,

Meet Gordon Duff , Senior editor Vietnam war veteran, aged some 90’s , Alzhemier late stage

cechas vodobenikov

obviously as Santayana wrote, “Americas r ignorant and unteachable”—they describe their humiliation in Vietnam as a victory…they were even unable to defeat the Canadians in 1812 despite the clear population advantage—8 million vs 500,000….so insecure, sexually repressed, amerikans now sexually assault mobile phones….indeed recent polls find that 45-60% of amerikan adults believe that ghosts exist…and of course ghosts r more competent in warfare that the obese stupefied sexually repressed US soldier…this is expected in an empire on the verge of collapse

Bill Rood

You are correct about the overwhelming majority of Americans, though there are a few of us who are inoculated from the corporate, deep state-controlled media through our memories of a lifetime of lies we’ve been told. Unfortunately, the majority believe whatever is put in front of them. That’s why nobody votes for people like Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, Jill Stein or Tulsi Gabbard.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

No wonder the suicide rate among the West’s veterans is so high, when they know so much about the reality of the morality behind their military intelligence leaderships.

Kilgore Trout

Round them up and public executions. Broadcast to the west. Fill those body bags to the jewsa!!!


Round up… Take the well experienced materials provided by Monsanto…Protects any soil from any sort of parasites…

Xoli Xoli

Erdogan plan is to destroy Syria no matter what.


This is typical arabis/islamic conspiracy ballcock to support a whole bunch off wishful events to happen. Jeffries would not even be in the surrounding 200 miles if there is change off a live threatening event! And the US does not want to get involve in a war over Idlib, not at least because it is an election year but also because Erdogan is an insatiable bitch. He demands , demands, demands untill you have nothing left.

Tim Williams

This is absolutely preposterous …


Preposterous or not, the facts are that a White Helmet chemical warfare team , also financially sponsored again this year by the USA and others, managed to poison themselves. The evidence is there to see.

Its is a fact that Al Qaida was losing ground in Idlib and wished for US military intervention to directly aid their Jewhadi terrorist units.

It is a fact that US envoy ‘Jim Jeffries’ and his team ‘just happened’ to be visiting the conflict zone at the time.

It is a fact that the Jihadis are de facto mercenaries who have recieved US aid via Turkey for years.

It is a historic fact that the US has employed such False Flags in the past.

Whether all these facts coming together is a perfect storm of chance is debatable BUTit would be most prudent for Russia, The SAA and other allied fighting groups + Erdogan are all made fully aware of the dangers of a possible US False Flag in Idlib and other parts of Syria, and in fact within Turkey as well.

History will be the arbiter here I think ,Tim. I am sure we both wish for the story to be incorrect ,for the sake of all of us in the world.

Wayne Nicholson

This has to be either propaganda or psyop. I don’t believe the USA would send anyone on the US military payroll when they could send in contractors and have plausible deniability in situations just like this.

Tim Williams

Egypt turning very fast against Turkey …



Tim Williams

ERDO will end up cancelling the elections …


Samuel Vanguard

false flags and america go along together pretty well

Gabriel Hollows

Veterans Today is a known fake news site, admitted by Gordon Duff himself.

Tim Williams

should be called ” DELUSIONS TODAY “


Most of us here realised that the final days of the US Coalition of Terror within Syria would be akin to putting the rabid dogs of war out of their misery with humane destruction methods. :)

Corono Virus in the history books yet to be written will , I hope, be recorded as the trigger for US economic collapse, together with those NATO nations also infected with the rabid American hubris virus.

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