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MARCH 2025

US Spy Satellite Detected Two Surface-To-Air Missiles Launched At Ukrainian Airliner: ABC News Claims

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US Spy Satellite Detected Two Surface-To-Air Missiles Launched At Ukrainian Airliner: ABC News Claims

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A US spy satellite detected the heat signature of two Iranian surface-to-air missiles launched at the Ukrainian passenger plane that crashed January 8 morning near Iran’s Tehran, killing all 176 on board, ABC News reported on January 10 citing an anonymous US official.

“U.S. intelligence is confident that Iran painted the Ukrainian airliner with radar and fired two surface-to-air missiles that brought down the aircraft, a U.S. official told ABC News. The official said that an American satellite had detected the heat signature of the two missiles as they approached the airliner,” the report says.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also claimed that the plane was shot down by an ‘Iranian missile’.

“We have intelligence from multiple sources, including our allies and our own intelligence. The evidence indicates that the plane was shot down by an Iranian surface-to-air missile,” Trudeau told media on January 9.

“This may well have been unintentional,” he noted. “This new information reinforces the need for a thorough investigation into this matter.”

Trudeau did not provide any details or revealed the supposed ‘intelligence’.

Other mainstream media outlets, like CNN, also push the version that the Boeing 737-800 was downed by an Iranian missile (or two). All these report are based on ananymous sources and unrevealed ‘intelligence’.

The entire situation with the supposed shot down of the plane by an ‘Iranian missile’ looks questionable. It’s unclear why Western  ‘intelligence agencies’ needed about 2 days to announce that they detected some indications that the plane was downed by a missile. The same can be adressed to the reaction of Western powers and mainstream media outlets. In previous cases (like the MH17), they immediately blamed the side that it wanted to blame.


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Harry Smith

Does the spy satellite spotted the man who launched those missiles? I think it has be Putin in person.


It may as well have been!

You see this is why its a really bad idea to sell weapons to countries like Iran, they don’t know how to use them properly, a bit like giving matches and sticks of dynamite to children!

Damien C

Yeah like you’d never sell them a tank … they’d only blow up 5 little boys playing football on a beach


No they’d probably use it on their own citizens


I didn’t know that Israel had sea going US tanks. And besides, the kids were in a no go area near a Hamas weapons base. Try to keep up.

Damien C

They were on a beach playing football and your cowards deliberately shelled them from a tank


They were playing football on a beach in a marked no go zone near a Hamas weapons area during a war. And they were shelled from off shore. Too bad the Palestinians didn’t accept a state of their own some 70 years ago. In that case, those kids and lots of other Palestinians would still be alive today. Just the way it is. As an aside, I’m a Californian.

Luke Hemmming

Explain to us more curious folks how children playing football would be considered a threat! And why would people even considering firing a armanent at children? Oh that’s because Israel isnt considered very moralistic towards any other human except their own, after all they consider themselves gods chosen people, and everyone deserves to die or in this case become tank fodder.I used to go to no go areas when i was a kid and was told to get out. Never once was i shot at or targeted with tank shells. Your justification is weak. So next time i see kids in my yard i will shoot them and then when i get arrested i will say well in israel they shoot kids for this type of behaviour and no one arrests them or takes them to the ICC?

Luke Hemmming

I know that’s you typing to my comment jens

Jens Holm

I am. I am semi retired. Sometimes I work a lot and right now and tomorrow I am of judy and the weather is bad as well.

There is no change is Your crap. I wish more could be recycled. Here we transform old news into toiletpaper.

Luke Hemmming

Here we just punch you in the mouth when you talk shit. Bwahahaha

Luke Hemmming


Jens Holm

You can name me as You wish. Even we pay You, so You can be unprodutive as usual, You will demand more. We have no friends in the whole Region apart from a minority of the Jews. So why be there.

We have our own problems too.

Jens Holm

Thats not the point for me. I just tell You how at least one western think about it.

I can repeat: We never should have been in the whole ME as well as a fence around it would be enough. Oil in and food out, and thats its.

Even ISIS sold oil to westerns and the wahabit Saudis do too.

We only should send sóber information b radio, TV and Internet.

Jens Holm

Youreally dont get it. I have heard about crap form there from before I was born and dont care anymore.

I also have feeded all the Arabistanis there by our productive way of living even none of them likes me and many hope I die soon.

At least americans feed Israelians.

So buzz off with Your beach boys and children crawling on fences as spendables naming them as Intefada or whatever. I dont care.

If I had a fair solution for it, I wouldmail it tight away. None of You accept any fair solution.

Luke Hemmming

Blah blah blah. More crap from you again. Sheesh don’t you ever STFU?

Jens Holm

Thats how I see it after many years. Fokus is not there at all for good reasons. I did not make that mistake.

Luke Hemmming

Whatever…I have no idea what your saying FFS. Again your drunk. Stop drinking and typing.

Jens Holm

It must be the coffee.

Damien C

Too bad they didn’t accept a state 70 years ago …. its their fault now for resisting the theft of their land and continued theft to this day. Do they not have history or law books in California?

Jens Holm

I agree. 1967 was last chance. Arafat was no Solomon according to Jerusalem.

I still think the old time there should be an independent zone runned by some priests.

Jens Holm

Yerrh, bad luck. Many countries not even has a beach…

Ricky Miller

Says a guy who’s country (USA) gave hundreds of stinger missiles to rebel groups in Afghanistan. The same groups that became al-queida and later killed two thousand Americans.


But sure did help bring down the Glorious Russian Soviet Empire. You have to take the bad with the good.


Oh and can’t you tell how that rankles with ‘ em

Hence their love in with Putin the great saviour


Who is hell bound on joining his old Soviet KGB buddies in the dustbin of history along with a couple of other Russian Empires that too big for their britches.

Jens Holm

I agree. People too often forget the declining USSR helped themselves.


When elephants fight it’s the grass that suffers

Jens Holm

I made one the other day: When cats and rats are not there, all the little mice behave like rats.


Old African proverb

Jens Holm

I have heard that one about the grass. A good one. In ME its ruins all over.

Jens Holm

USSR did that invading Afghanistan with a lot of heavy stuff.


theys were invited by the legal government. not like yanks in panama.

Jens Holm

Thats a relative. The Communist were the only organized group for any country rule in Afghanistan, but they were not reprsenting most of the Afghans at all.

Russian tanks, gunships and airplanes was little helpers of the local police too ?

I dont write USA is better. They are worse.

Ricky Miller

Yes, but the Red Army fought the Jihadi’s on behalf of a secular and civilian government in Afghanistan. The U.S. gave those groups large volumes of weapons. The same Jihadi groups morphed into al-queda and flew planes into buildings inside the United States a decade later killing two thousand people and bringing us to this perilous era in world affairs. The USSR and the Russian Federation have consistently opposed Jihadi fundamentalism. It’s the U.S. which continues to arm them, Jens. Put the responsibility where it belongs, and keep it there.

pipic astig

While its an excellent idea to remove any gun from the Americans to prevent them from killing millions of innocent children, olds, men and women around the world.


I think most are killed with Kalashnikov, and most are dead due to their sectarian endless stupidity,just like in the middle east

Jens Holm

Tempting. But You might add Russians and muslims did not make WW1 and WW2.


Nazis and Soviet union started it by invading Poland,plus Muslim mullahs took sides with the Nazis

pipic astig

Kalasnikov bought by the Americans or allies given to terorrist and ISIS to advance american hegemony!

Jens Holm

Stalin or Chairman Mao said that.

pipic astig

Time changes! America from better to worst!


Lol. We are still waiting for the US spy satellite data for the MH17 tragedy in 2014.


Or Adolf Hitler

Jens Holm

Yes, he selfdetonated in flames and went to heaven right away:)

Julio Cesar Perez

USA with its allied countries again shows us that they want to impose an invented reality that has nothing to do with the truth of the facts in the case of the fallen Boeing 737-800 NG within a few minutes of taking off from Iran, this plane is a previous version to the recently sinister Boeing 737 MAX. Without showing any evidence they claim that Iran shot down the plane. Already for the USA and its allies, the shameless lie is the truth and it is imposed in the media controlled by them, but people are realizing the deception and lies they show us.

Jens Holm

The many Boing 737 models hardly ever has done like that before. Thats why so many around the world has bought so many of them.

Brother Ma

Spill the evidence Yankee.


But they don’t need to, they can simply sit back and let the Iranians drive themselves mad trying to prove their innocence,all the while they lose more credibility with the Iranian people, the mullahs that is,so you see the Canadian,Ukrainians and US can ask all the awkward questions and few if anyone in the west will believe the mullahs


Still no evidence that an American ‘contractor’ died. Not even a name. No evidence from that “unnamed source” claiming the PMU’s were responsible for his death. No evidence Soleimani “planned to kill Americans”, only a claim it was the US Embassy. Well finally a claim of satellite evidence, but was it released for independent verification. What evidence it was Iranians shooting down the plane, not US ‘contractors’. Stand your ground Iran, let your honor shine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOZ7cr_UcB8

Free man

It is better if the leaders of the Islamic Republic admit that Iran shoot the plane down by mistake, and get it over with. Like they admitted they didn’t mean to kill American soldiers. There are situations where it’s better to tell the truth and stop lying.


Why lie when you can tell the truth….after the fucking investigation!

Damien C

Like WMD? JFK? Venezuela? Suharto?

Skirpals? Agent orange? The Gulf of Tonkin? The Moon landings? USS Liberty? ISIS?

Shall I go on or is the point hitting home yet


David icke returns!


Well, you’re batting 500. But you forgot to claim the Sun revolves around a 6,000 year old flat Earth and Mossad did 9-11.

Damien C

Only an idiot would claim the sun revolves round a 6000 year old flat earth


You mean like the idiots who believe about half of what you posted?

Free man

One cannot evade and lie in this case. Although the Iranians are constantly lying about everything. They will eventually have to admit to the truth. It is better if they do so on their own initiative. You probably don’t want to believe that they shot the plane down but that’s the truth

Damien C

Actually you’re wrong I don’t think that way at all but i find it amazing that you have the answer before all evidence is collected examined and analysed. You have them guilty because a country they are at war with has accused them … that’s your only evidence

I prefer to see all evidence and let the professionals make the final decision as to what happened not some media spin by concerned parties

Just look at Douma and the OPCW

Free man

Do you believe the Iranian confession that they shot down the plane? So many video clips show a missile hit the plane. The real question is why did you believe the lies of the mullahs regime?


They’ve detected these 2 missiles while they coudln’t detect 13 missiles that were headed for them… hmmm


Lol. Very true.


Nahhhhhhh…very untrue. That is why there were no casualties. They saw the missiles in the way.

Xoli Xoli

Their were warn by Iraqi’s who were warned before assaulted by Iran.

Liberal guy

Yes never their was a defeat of ur brothers not a single one died in action in the last 200years.boy people like u never admit defeat.the USA Israelis win ever time ever single battle are invincible blah blah blah go and sit with some tell Aviv propaganda officer


they detected those toys, too


Yes, but these ones when they trikes the sand and saw them.


Obviously they did, but not until it was to late to stop them…

Jens Holm

Americans are armed against ISIL. They have no ballistic missiles.

Free man

Don’t you really realize that they only noticed the missiles after the crash? They checked what their satellites had recorded at the time of the crash. Like one checking the cameras in his business after a burglary.

Jens Holm

It sometimes is difficult to see the burglers and the burglery before it happens:)

Not even Yoga can do that:)

Free man

The mullahs regime is constantly lying. There are countless videos showing a missile hit the plane. But people on this site still believe in the Iranian lies. this is amazing.


any thoughts on what happened? Im still getting over the fact it left the same day of the strikes and the earth quake near the nuclear reactor! Something brought it down! Who and what did it? Remember Qui Bono!


Iran just claimed responsibility…But share with us your thoughts.

Toni Liu

Hah nailed it, what a clown circus they are, if they are honest mh17 case already closed and poroshenko already in jail right now

Jens Holm

Thats not correct. USA hardly has any airdefence against missiles there. ISIS has no balistic missiles.

The coalision is called in to regain a Iraqian mainly Shiit Armtý and military forces as well as – As now – making upgrades, so they are less depending in more advanced things too.

USA has its own Iranian agenda too, which not all support as USA demand. We are there for helping the Iraqian forces only.

Liberal guy


Aleks Chernyy

its obvious Iran did this, probably in a middle of panic by human error.

Damien C

It’s obvious to me the plane crashed It’s obvious to me that everyone died It’s obvious to me the plane was on fire before it hit the ground It’s obvious to me there was no distress signal

That is all that is obvious everything and anything else is assumptions conjecture and accusations and will remain so until proven otherwise


It’s obvious to me the Iranians cleaned up the crash site in record time

Maybe they’ve got the crash site earmarked for property developers who need to start imedietly!


Everything is so obvious (related to Iran) for WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRuCTION people. Let us wait for scientific evidence and stop making everything so obvious,


Shouldn’t they have left the crash site until investigating teams arrived?

Apparently all the evidence has been cleaned up, which appears to totally contradict the protocol for these types of accidents,the question is why have the Iranians cleaned the site so fast?


Wow, I’ve just read on RT International that the whole crash site has been cleared!

I mean,WOW, i do hope they have a good chain of custody to make sure all that evidence hasn’t been tampered with or simply got rid of!

I don’t know much about aircraft crashes, but i would have thought they’d have secured the area and waited for the investigating teams to arrive before they disposed of the evidence

Simon Abruzzo

dumb move if true


Well RT International show the photos

Peter Jennings

The Iranian systems can accurately target a US base hundreds of miles away, yet it cannot distinguish a civilian aircraft from a military aircraft in its own back yard? Not very likely.

Are we to believe US spooks who are known liars?

I’m glad that Trudeau had intelligence from multiple sources because his head is devoid of such capability. Better to have someone else do the thinking. However, in Canada, that doesn’t seem to work either. The spooks and racists are getting their propaganda out whilst they can.

Iran will soon have the data from the boxes.

Mehmet Aslanak

Holes on the fuselage quite similar to MH-17 back in 2014 over Ukraine. Those are the steel balls from the air defence missile warhead.


Well you know the Iranians will just get rid of the evidence and blame it all on Trump

Their weapons,their responsibility!

Rhodium 10

That satelllite cannot track Houttis missile vs Saudi Arabia petrol assets…but is able to track 2 short range missile in Teheran…


Good observation.

Jens Holm

We dont know any of that for sure. Ballistics are different from fx local SAM copies for airport defence. We might see later.

Ricky Miller

Okay, I’m going to put this out there. Not because I believe U.S. intelligence reports or any Empire allied governments or talking heads, because none of them are trustworthy and all lie with ease and malice. But I think it’s possible that the downing of this airliner might be a part of Iran’s response to the United States pressure and attacks. Think about the timing. Also, the air carrier is Ukrainian, a country which is among the U.S.’s largest pet projects right now. Most of the victims are Western, and the Iranians and Iranian-Canadians traveling on this flight are the kind of Iranians that are likely at odds with Iran’s government and the very population sample that likely includes Western intelligence agents of Iranian origin, now living in the West. The type of plane is a Boeing, the immediate forerunner of the Max, which is now the poster child airplane for everything that’s wrong with America’s big money capitalism style of economic life. Add to the fact that most scenarios for a missile bringing down this plane accidentally are far-fetched and yet this edition of the 737 has never had an accident before and the aircraft is young and had extensive maintenance in Ukraine before flying to Iran. Iran loses very little by downing it, has control of the accident site and has plausible deniability. According to the passenger list I saw there were no citizens of countries Iran would be sheepish about killing collaterally; no Russians, Chinese, Pakistani’s, Azerbaijani’s, Turks, Armenians, or Indians. Coincidence, or maybe some info at the airport such as “hey buddy, you really, really don’t want to board this flight?” Wink, wink. This would be the kind of pushback that both Iranian security establishment types and Imperial goons both would recognize as a part of Iran’s response (with the six or whatever number of dead Iranian-Canadian CIA assets on the plane) but that the rest of us would be unsure of the truth.


Not at all my friend. Iranian are not stupids.

Ricky Miller

Yes, you’re no doubt right. It’s probably a stupid idea. But, I keep having these two scenarios play out in my head. I see Iranian CIA agents, who would draw attention if traveling on U.S. passports to Tehran, living in Toronto and going to some secret office park location in Buffalo to meet with their U.S. handlers and being tasked to travel to and disrupt some part of Iranian governance. Oh so clever. And in the other scenario I see an Iranian state agent showing up to a residence in Iran where a hard core pro western disruptor lives and announcing in their best publisher’s clearinghouse game show voice that “you have won an all expenses paid vacation to lovely Kiev!” Enjoy your trip, MF.


The CIA asset would be arrested, no need to kill 170 people to take him out.

Ricky Miller

I see what you’re saying but something in my brain is screaming that this event lies outside the box. It seems to be more than it appears. Why is a Ukrainian airline flying to and from Tehran, with with there are extreme U.S. aviation sanctions in place? What kind of Iranians fly to and from Ukraine and then on to Canada, where they now live. Forty of them? Why would air defenders shoot down a commercial airliner that had just left their primary national airport some several minutes before? If not a shootdown how does this new (but not a MAX) 737 crash due to engine failure? These engines are built nearby to me in Cincinnati and are crazily reliable, by reputation. Planes carrying them have crashed but never due to an engine failure, that I can find, outside a bird strike. The aircraft had climbed to 8,000 plus feet, making a bird strike extremely unlikely. Things are just not adding up. Also, we don’t know that it’s 170 people. That’s declared souls on board by the airport. Agents could have held people that Iran did not want in harm’s way at the airport, but they control the human remains count and the report of souls onboard as reported to air control.


As a Ukranian airline is probably less expensive than other airlines to Tehran. There are Iranians in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. Would air defenders shoot down a plane that had been cleared for take off,, no but “contractors” paid by parties interested in starting a war would. Specifically a party that had just assassinated an Iranian head of state. Anything to smear and degrade Iran. To those bent minds 170 people are nothing, they are willing to kill thousands, maybe even “glass the place”. The word iran, comes from arian, they are Caucasian not Arab, and unlike most of Islamic countries they are very well educated. Some consider them threatening.


Wow Ricky that takes the biscuit!


These “WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION” once again have STROG evidences of something for USA be able to destroy Iran……when will north-american people learn about their own government lies ?


The ZOG has yet to discover a remedy for “Cui bono”

Assad must stay

they needed to think of a good-sounding piece of evidence that iran downed the plane, thats why it took 2 days lmao


it’s all about saving boeing – another one of the 737 model going down will spell catastrophe for the company and thus the desperate need to blame someone else than boeing. after all the production of the 737 max model is stopped and there are 400 of that model sitting unsold/undelivered on various parkinglots around seattle. this one 737 is just 3 years old and pertain to the model before the 737max but evidence that this one model is as shoddy as the max is floating around and thus, rest assured, boeing can’t survive the burden of 3 crashes in a year and a half killing in excess of 500 people. thus, operation ‘save boeing’ starts and the usual sycophants are employed to convince the world that nothing is amiss with boeing’s planes. but boeing is too far into the quagmire and project ‘save boeing’ won’t succeed.


We have the evidence but we are not going to give it to you. Yawn…

Luke Hemmming

Just announced by Iran that human error was responsible and has expressed regret and condolences towards families. Thank you Iran for that. It is sad and very regrettable what happened but by admitting responsibility it helps to shut down those wild rumours and doesnt give those annoying hasbara trolls a reason to spread those stupid conspiracy theories and ridiculous stories about iran. Finally it can be laid to rest. Now let’s hope in the future that Iran has learned from this and and it will never happen again. My condolences go out to all the passengers families and loved ones that who were fired affected by this. Your loss has saddened my heart and I grieve with you. May you always never be forgotten. God bless.

On another note have you guys noticed how quiet the Hasbara trolls from Tel Aviv have been since the missile strikes? Me thinks they have been cowering in their little air raid shelters shitting themselves thinking iranian missiles qere going to rain down on them and destroying their precious world.

Jens Holm

Remember to shave Your avatar now and then.

Luke Hemmming

My avatar never needs shaving bruh. Its a clean skin avatar.

Jens Holm

A hidden albino or what:)

Xoli Xoli

USA couldn’t detected Aramco missiles too which destroys Saudi oil facilities.USA satellites moving puppet traitors.

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