USS Chafee (DDG-90)
The US has started building a “maritime operations center’ on the Ochakov Naval Base in Ukraine, the US Navy said in a statement.
The groundbreaking ceremony took place on July 25.
“The Seabees, assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 1, have been in Ochakiv since April to establish contracts, obtain construction permits, and perform other logistical necessities needed for long term sustainment of the maritime operations center project.
The maritime operations center is one of three projects that are currently planned to be executed by the Seabeesin Ochakiv and will serve as a major planning and operational hub during future military exercises hosted by Ukraine,” the statement reads. “Maritime operations centers are the operational-level warfare command and control organizations designed to deliver flexible maritime capabilities throughout the full range of military operations. Maritime operations centers support fleet management and the execution of operational responsibilities by providing commanders with flexible, tailored, and scalable staff and processes to make mission-critical decisions and enhance maritime capabilities.
Other future Seabee projects in Ochakiv include a boat maintenance facility and entry control points with perimeter fencing.“
In July, US missile warships and a Navy SEALs team took part in the 12-day Sea Breeze 2017 joint NATO naval exercise off Ukraine. The exercise took place in the northwestern part of the Black Sea, near Odessa.
In August, documents appeared confirming that the US had already supplied lethal weapons to the Ukrainian regime.
The US Deep State is hell bent on “upping the ante” all the time. One day the US will overstep the mark and over reach itself – fatally.
I’m not so sure. The usual approach is to repeatedly provoke other nations until they respond, then blame everything on them. Either that, or false-flags.
The US deep state is paranoid about doing something that exposes their land-grabbing, resource-stealing, foreign-leader-assassination methods of hegemony. The US needs to make itself look like ‘the hero’ in any war and give the little people in the US the impression that any American soldiers dying in that war are themselves, heros. The Deep State is very careful not to overstep that mark before they have sufficiently demonized ‘the enemy’. Parents have to be convinced that sending their sons and daughters to slaughter is ‘the right thing to do’ and their sacrifice was worth it no matter how ridiculous or unbelievable the supposed justification.
This is why the US needed three lies 2003 in Iraq, or a fake incident with USS Maddox for the Vietnam war. Both incidents have been unmasked. Now the question is, if it is possible to unmask the other incidents too.
9/11 is already weak and had to be changed after too many “conspiracy theorists” proofed the official version being nonsense, as such is only a matter of time when it will be unmasked. The USA are just playing on time, until no one cares anymore. As a matter of fact, we know more about the Titanic sinking than about 9/11.
Pearl Harbor, the Spanish harbor explosion and other incidents are still culmination points of war, which the USA always used to mobilize the people.
While the IJN surely attacked Pearl Harbor by their own means, it is surprising that intelligence was not coming forward at the exact time, especially as the USA took quite some pride in their ability to gain information about Japanese operations … not only in Midway, which was “right after” and provided all necessary infos like a charm. Or warning the British beforehand that Japanese troops would take their colonies. But nope, not in Pearl Harbor …
Anyone doubting this has not done the research.
“On January 27th, our ambassador to Japan, Joseph Grew, sent a message to Washington stating: “The Peruvian Minister has informed a member of my staff that he has heard from many sources, including a Japanese source, that in the event of trouble breaking out between the United States and Japan, the Japanese intended to make a surprise attack against Pearl Harbor with all their strength….”
From the article – Pearl Harbor: Hawaii Was Surprised; FDR Was Not
They knew that Japan was going to attack after they cut off their oil in response to the Japanese invasion of China, and they let it happen when they could have easily met the Japanese at sea with only a fraction of the navel power that the US had available and prevented the attack. But they let it happen so that they could enter the war against Japan with more public support.
As far as 911, it was clearly a false flag using some type of yet to be explained technology. Probably from the secret space program, or something off planet. Dr. Wood’s video is the closet thing to an explanation that I’ve seen. Her contention that it was from free energy rather than a more conventional power source is unproven. But the evidence that does exist clearly points to some type of non conventional technology that doesn’t currently exist outside of sequestered projects or off planet.
I do a lot of ET/ED contact work. And had a close encounter with an unidentified life form about a month ago. Several years ago I almost lost my left eye in a beam weapon shooting that left that side of my face permanently scarred. Directed energy technology is real, 911 and my own experience are proof of it.
Why did I know that this sort of nonsense would come. Sorry man, I’m a pragmatic realist, not an idiot. As such go away with your crap. I see no need to feed the CIA trolls.
“I’m a pragmatic realist”
You are, would you care to try disproving what I’ve written?
As a pragmatic realist I refuse to “disprove nonsense”, that wouldn’t be pragmatic in the first place, but just more nonsense.
As such, please search for the kindergarten that you associate with, but here you are wrong. Have good day, this will be my last reply on this topic.
Evasion from someone who is afraid to debate the issues. I guess that that yellow in your avatar is the stripe down your back.
That exactly what the ” earth has to be flat ” crowd sounded like.
The nonsense is from people like you who refuse to believe what their eyes show them. Did you even watch the video? There’s another one below.
Well the current theory which is more plausible is that the 767 planes couldn’t maintain that rate of decent with an inexperienced pilot according to former CIA/pilot John Lear the most certificated pilot in the FAA. There was former CIA Malcom Howard’s deathbed confession of being part of a 4 man operation “New Century” beginning in 1997-2001 which was tasked with the demolitions of the the WTC and building 7. The theories do have more weight than the “Conspiracy Theories” provided by the US Govt which has become very flawed with challenges by experts not beholding to the govt.
There solid historical books, on these events, that you can find. If you try.
I recommend you read Herbert Hoover’s Freedom Betrayed, as a starting point. It is a large book but it wrotting and documentstion is impeccable.
For a good book on the beginong of MI and OSS, read A Man Called Intrepid. Then, when you read a nook like Day Of Infamy you will not be so sceptical about what the FedGov is capable of doing.
“And had a close encounter with an unidentified life form on a contact op about a month ago.” I say, those pesky Martians can be a handful ?
From the sounds of it you lack the skill or courage to ever find out.
Post a video of your close encounters and I might change my mind. Otherwise, cut back on your magic mushroom consumption. Everything in moderation my friend.
You don’t know much about contact work. That would cause more security problems than I already have. But this is similar technology:
“The Dyatlov Pass incident (Russian: Гибель тургруппы Дятлова) refers to the mysterious, unsolved deaths of nine ski hikers in the northern Ural Mountains on February 2, 1959. The area in which the incident took place was named Dyatlov Pass in honor of the group’s leader, Igor Dyatlov.
The experienced trekking group, who were all from the Ural Polytechnical Institute, had established a camp on the slopes of Kholat Syakhl when disaster struck. During the night, something caused them to tear their way out of their tents and to flee the campsite while inadequately dressed during a heavy snowfall and sub-zero temperature.
Soviet Union investigators determined that six victims died from hypothermia and that the three others showed signs of physical trauma. One victim had a fractured skull; another had brain damage but no sign of an injured skull. Additionally, the tongue and eyes of a female team member were missing. The investigation concluded that an “unknown compelling force” had caused the deaths. Several explanations have been put forward as to the cause of the deaths. They include an animal attack, hypothermia, an avalanche, infrasound-induced panic, military involvement, or some combination of these.
Access to the region was closed to expeditions and hikers for three years after the incident.”
The lead investigator in the incident reportedly said privately that he felt that the hikers had been attacked and killed by aliens in a ufo. Not all ETs/EDs are bad, but some are. Which is why I’m armed when I go on contact ops.
From a History Channel documentary on the attack:
you said martians. Earth still flat is it ?
More than likely the aliens that attacked Richard D with a beam weapon (and scared his face) where from the ALPHA CENTAURI star system :D
Yeah, it’s flat and the centre of the solar system.
All 3 are wrong. Its correct US as only real force had a big navy, but You forget they also should cover USA east coast, the carribian sea, transportations to GB, somewhere of eatern south america – and in the pacific should cover the route to Hawai as well as the much longer to Philipines.
At that time they had no tranportation for troops at all. Al was made big big good subs, hangarships, and others not made for it.
The pcific is very wide. If You take Hawai it the distance as the atlantic ocenan. US only had older biplanes with short range to go up and out to find the japanese navy.
Later on the found out,that they actually had the catalina, which was a private airplane, which had a range.
In 1941 US wasnt big in military matters. They could cover their own coasts and had guardlines to Hawai and Philiphines. You can say they should take the risk. But the risk also was, thay could losse all the pacific incl Australia and the Indien Ocean contacts to India/Africa/brits.
I wouldnt say, they let it happen.They lost no hangarships and the japanese didnt attavk harder becuse their Admiral also knew the ocean was big and was trembling and removed their navy in sread of knocking harder.
It was a big surprice and chock the Japanese could and would do that.
Your post is so stupid that I’m not sure that it’s even worth replying to.
Read this:
Aircraft at Pearl Harbor – WW2, Pacific War http://www.ww2pacific.com/aaf41.html
They knew about the attack and let it go through since they had started the whole thing with illegal sanctions that were hard for the Japanese people to endure. The thing is Japan should have used Hawaii as invasion point and they should never have wasted their time on those tiny Islands, since most were bypassed.
Admiral Husband testified info authorities knew was not passed to him. America long before had forces fighting japan and germany.
Good commentary – many thanks for posting!
That narrative is starting to break down however…
syria was the final straw…
Well, sadly not for the mass of people, who still are stuck in the MSM. Even nothingburgers won’t change that. It will take a lot of time to change this.
And we will see a long time of confusion once the MSM cattle lost its direction and runs after every cowboy. Trump is only the first of his kind.
I certainly would hope so, MeMadMax. But I’m watching North Korea now and it looks like business as usual. People will only question US claims after a horribly costly war, and the US will still insist it was ‘necessary’ despite the initial lie about nukes. The cartoonish demonization of Kim Jung Un in western press tells me everything. Eight million Koreans need to die because the US doesn’t like one man there.
Yea, you have a point there. The moral dilemma of north korea is quite a conundrum… We can actually can do some good by removing the communist regime there, and it’s not just one man. The entire upper echelons are all in on that shit(otherwise they would turn on each other or leave), and so the gulags continue to run, north koreans continue to be slaves, continue to starve to death, etc etc….
The North Koreans outlawed taxation of the citizenry in 1974 as a human rights violation. And pay the government’s bills with income from state enterprises.
“The economy is heavily nationalized.[272] Food and housing are extensively subsidized by the state; education and healthcare are free;[273] and the payment of taxes was officially abolished in 1974.”
What kind of slave state do you live in?
Stop believing the propaganda in regards to NK they are less of a Communist regime than the thought and have moved towards a similar style as the Chinese. They even help feed the SK at times which the US doesn’t seem to acknowledge for the most part.
The World needs to put the US Govt on notice or lose it’s voice as independent countries as we see they have been losing their voice for decades now.
The US illegally invaded the Ukraine and then blame the Russians for already being their because of previous Govt’s alliance. The Jews want to recreate the old Khazar empire time the world wakes up and realize their Golem are the US.
Starve to death??? What are you talking about? Are you talking about NK? What is your information source?
“US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has sought to allay fears of a military confrontation with North Korea after President Donald Trump warned he could unleash “fire and fury” on the pariah state.”
From the article – Tillerson dials back rhetoric after Trump’s North Korea ‘fire and fury’ threats
they damn well will overstep – for instance pick on a powerful militarily nation this time.
History repeats itself. Carthage, greece, Rome, …. Empires die from …usury which metastasizes into immorality and dishonor.
The only logical conclusion is that endless provocations are the US deep state’s permanent methodology now – the US is ever increasingly an economically war-fare based state (a classic Empire) and they need another conflict soon to keep the ball rolling.
Did you say democracy ?? XD. Each time USA exported “democracy” or “liberate” countries, they build military bases and take over the country. USA wants to take over the world to implement her fascist empire.
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It’s like building frontier Forts to protect against the hostile Indians. Like John Wayne and the US ‘calvary’ all over again – although lately the ‘F Troop’ meme is more obvious..
It is their plan to take posession of the world/planet by military force. Which means what is left in this case, the US plans to destroy the living daylight out of an area from South America up towards India, China and “slowly” downwards till Australia/Indonesia with all land between these lines. All the countries within that area will become the “Iraq/Libya/Syria” treatment.
Yep, the poor Japanese, Germans, and South Koreans have really suffered. They among the richest countries in the world now. That is America’s sneaky way of conquest. We open our markets to their products – Toyota, BMW, and Hyundai are big here now. We make them rich, so they won’t know they are conquered.
Russia should have make war against Ukraine when Ukraine was weak.
all you fatasses keyboard propagandists should be rounded up and dropped into a combat zone, possibly against the country you hate so much, then come back and see if you still are into preaching war over trying to preserve peace.
That would have been a US chicken-hawk dream come true – Obama was all set to respond with NATO cronies with WW III despite Ukraine not being a NATO member. Putin made the right move.
Time is against the failed state of Ukraine. They are entirely dependent on foreign welfare to prop up the US puppet government. Half of the young people in Ukraine want to leave the country forever. The ones that can’t don’t want to be drafted and don’t want to kill other Ukrainians or Russians. They are increasingly dependent on mercenaries to regain control of Donbass, and that is never going to happen anyway.
USA is bluffing. USA can’t afford a war. How can they take over the world if there is no more world ?
And all European countries will defect from USA side. First shot in Europe and all the people will rise against war.
Or, wait for USA to take every country one by one until you are surrended.
Afford a war? Hell, the US has ALWAYS been able to afford wars – by charging it. Despite claims otherwise, the US government does not print USD they can freely use. They create money that the giant private banks then have available to lend back to the US government. We can create our own endless credit (until the USD collapses).
And the European countries will never ‘defect’ from the US side. They’ll get angry at trade stuff, but their leaders have no problem holding their own populations hostage to protect US interests in a nuclear war. Of course, they’ll never come out and say as much, but they will surely be the first targets. NATO is a suicide cult, nothing more.
All the people will rise against war? Yeah, I hear the same thing in the US many times. Western governments do not need to convince everyone or even a majority of the people that a war is justified. They just need to confuse enough people that many are not sure either way. Nobody ever gets to vote for a war, and it’s rare for a government to fall simply because a lot of their people oppose a foreign war.
In a nuclear war between the US (thus, NATO) and Russia, you won’t even have enough warning to tweet your objections. Little people don’t count.
Western countries are lead by puppets. The people are against them. The people in Europe will rise against USA.
USA can afford a war against weak countries. USA can’t afford a nuclear war.
Totally agree with your analysis. The US plays the provocation game all the time. Keep on poking till the enemy makes the mistake. Russia has the brains to realise that by not playng the game as the US hopes time is on their side. The US will face its day of reckoning and when that day comes anything may happen but the long term odds favor Russia and China. 2018 will be the crucial year, as planned by the Globalists and advertised on the front cover of the 1988 Economist (Rothschild’s controlled rag) with the Phoenix wearing a BITCOIN around its neck and the world currencies in flames at its feet.
“sunnies are stupid”, “Russia should start war against Ukraine” – those are “nice” ideas that you seem to promote here frequently. What also do you have in your “toolchest”?
Incredibly dangerous and provocative.
if saud arabia can fight for their president in yemen, if france can fight for their presidents in africa, if uk and usa can fight for their presidents in all earth, WHY DID NOT HELP PUTIN DURING DEMONSTRATIONS to his allied ukrainian president?
when this “revolution” happened, i imediately told: either putin take whole ukraine, or will lose everything. crimea is not enough. if americcans can release nuclear missiles from charkov, its better, when russians hang themselves up.
Russia should have entered east Ukraine and have taken the south preventeing USA to have access to the black sea. Ukraine is too weak to counter Russia.
After that, you begin negociations.
That is exactly what the Americans wanted, but Russia has smart leaders and they didn’t take the bait. Patience is the best weapon against the Americans, since they and the EU must support financially the mess they have created and they are desperate to get out of the same, Russia should just lean back and wait until project Banderastan implodes in their faces, which is happening as we speak.
Wrong. USA is taking more and more countries. And thus, they have more and more ressources and more and more allies.
They just get more and more overstretched, what resources does Montenegro have apart from beggars?
Compare this to the inmensity of the Russo-Chinese alliance, patience is the clue here, just wait, sit at your doorstep and you will see the cortege of your dead enemy pass by.
Why would the Russians fight and die to “take” a part of the Ukraine that is hostile to Russians then have to fight an insurgency during peacetime? Only idiots and war mongering idiots at that would come up with a plan like that.
There is no insurgency in the Crimea, the entire ‘invasion’ barely cost a single life with very little violence and even the Ukrainian navy defected peacefully to the Russians with the ships. The Donbass rebels want to be Russian so no trouble at all for Russians there.
Not a relevant argument. East ans south are with Russia. Ukraine has no army and during the first days, they were very weak and can’t fight against Donbass fighters.
Don’t take the east of Ukraine. take the russian part and let Ukrainians with USA imperialism. With access to the sea, they will cry and it would have been a big loss for USA.
So you think the Russians should have taken territory and civilian hostages as bargaining chips? Are these the values you are taught in the USA?
The Crimea were happy to secede from the Ukraine and the people of the Donbass are genuinely fighting for secession because the Ukraines turfed out the man they supported as president in the coup. Why don’t you take the facts on the ground at face value instead of spinning propagandistic ‘Russian invasion’ BS into this?
USA has tken Ukrainians hostages. So, Russia has to claim that USA made a coup;, people are not happy why the dictator. Enter east end south Urkraine. ANd that’s it. USA will be pissed off and will not be able to do a damn thing about it.
Create a new country there. Make elections. And that’s it.
That would just play into the whole US meme of ‘invading Russians’ that’s driving up regional tensions and feeding the trolls in the State dept. and the NYT
Russia gets accused as bloodthirsty expansionists for the crime of having military exercises within their own borders. Can you imagine what would happen if the actually invaded the Ukraine? Heads would explode.
It does not matter if Muricans would be pissed off, they will be anyway, their declared aim is to destroy any geopolitical foe. Do what you need to do beloved Russia
I agree much with what you write – as a carpenter all my { common sense} life with a small shop in Crimea, there is a good possibility that Putin and his administration carefully looked at how Ukraine would go down the tubes with the way the West overtakes and destroys the peasants but controls the resources. In Ukraine the farmland and geopolitical borders were first on the list. Monsanto,Cargill and John Deere own much of the farmland now. Pharmaceuticals, lumber, some oil and minerals and Odessa was the next priorities. Putin is waiting for the rest of the Russian population east of the Dnieper to wake up and many already have, since many moved to Crimea within the last 3 -4 years. Crimea has grown by 30 to 40% over the years I’d say. Keep writing – wood butcher.
i already destroyed this propaganda countless times. In the end, you hate Russia and everything russian so everybody reading what you write should know what you are trying to do.
Indeed. Solomon has obviously been taught at the American University of Subtlety.
putins daughter was educated in america, you stupid moron!
Putin’s daughters were educated in Russia, the rest is just jewish salomonic lies.
What has that got to do with the “price of chips ” Solomon ? You still lack any debating skills and always resort to the Jewish tactic of abuse and shouting when you do not get your way.
he’s an AZOV Ukrainian. They whole thing was bait to justify WW3. Putin took back what he needed. Crimea & Donbass. very easily at that. just like Syria. just testing their weapons. he still wants to create an alliance with Christian USA. if we ever get it back from DEEPSTATE. 2018
I agree except that there are no longer many honorable Christians left in the US as a group anyways. They have watched the butchers of Jesus Christ take over the USG and have done -nothing, nada – about it. Satan runs things out of Washington – ” Be Damned what the peasants want” !
Look. Russia took Crimea. What did USA do ??? NOTHING.
The Russo-Chinese alliance is destroying the enemy whee it hurts the most, the privileged postion of US$.
there is no such alliance
The Alliance does exist , take a look there is the SCO which keeps growing and the EU is starting to be observing members and those among the Middle East too. Why does no one not see this as what the US and Israel really fears is an end of their financial control as it will slowly slip away at first. Have said this before but everyone doesn’t see how this game is being played.
It’s obvious, and many people agree with you, except the Zio troll blood sucking babying rapping cult members and their collaborators.
The alliance challenges all the current economic alliances and military alliances since we see cooperation between these groups already. The cooperation would be expected since this helps increase the sharing of technologies between the partnership as is done in NATO countries.
Yes, that’s right. And the sooner that the US and Europe work with the Russians and Chinese rather than against them. As Trump is trying to do, the better. Trump’s problem is anti American Jews and their swamp slave collaborators who are trying get him out off office in a slow motion coup d’é·tat to prevent an improvement in relations with Russia and China. Which he clearly would like to get in place with the support of most Americas.
This evil Jew pedophile cult statutory rapes 3,600 cult children a year in New York City in vial blood sucking rituals, and 65,000 a year in Israel. Their anti Christian Talmud ideology is a twisted perversion of the old testament and is diametrically opposed to the Christian values that the US is based on. It should be outlawed, the pedophile rape cult assets seized, the cult leaders and practitioners guilty of mass statutory rape imprisoned, and the cult members gotten out of positions in government, media, finance and academia where they do so much harm.
If this isn’t done and they are allowed by stupid and corrupt people to continue their criminally insane Jew world order hegemony drive with the US, UK, France and Israel as the tip of the spear. The US in particular will continue to suffer parasitical Jew infection as they feed off of it and use it for endless war and conquest. Which may result in civil war and dissolution of the US, or nuclear WW3.
It’s the right time to enter Urkraine and take east and south Ukraine. People even speak russians. They wil stand with Russia.
Let US mercenaries kill some civilian in east Ukraine and after that enter East Ukraine to save the people. USA will shit in theirs pants.
“Let US mercenaries kill some civilians in east Ukraine”(c) – I seriously dislike this scenario. We’re talking about real people there. Real blood and pain. Very fiew people realise that in 2014 the world was extremely close to WW3. Russia was to be provoked into real (not imaginary) military intervention in Ukraine and that would trigger another huge war in Europe. Downing of Malasyan Boing was the hottest moment but things didn’t work as planned. Russia was able to defend Donbass with very little direct help and Putin didn’t allow to provoke him into WW3 while still maintaining Russian naval base in Crimea. Than Putin made his move in Syria (NWO was actually speachless for a day or two) and the rest is going on in front of our eyes.
I don’t get those Ukes – they WANT to die …. for Americunts? Or is the situation so bad that no-one but the puppets know what’s going on? Because an American naval port on the Black Sea is just begging for special attention.
An American base in Ukraine is a step over the line . Russia needs to go on a PR offensive at the UN and elsewhere , and remind the world that the whole of the Ukraine is a part of Russia , and the US sponsoring the coup is one thing , building a base is way over the line of reason .
not a threat to Russian missile tech. A waste of time. We need to focus on USA’s problems at home. Like the millions of homeless
greedy cannon fodder
More like they just don’t have any say in what’s happening in their own country since the Maidan coup.
Ukrainians were promised security and a start on the road to EU membership by the US led coup.
What did they get? A ruined economy, a civil war and the loss of the Crimea.
What did the USA get? A weakened dependent Ukraine that will go along with anything the USA asks in hope they spread a few crumbs their way and maybe even let them into NATO or the EU and now a naval base with a great big nuclear target on it.
I am starting to think the US WW3 strategy is for any nuclear strikes will be on foreign bases and their retaliation will be on the Russian homeland saving the USA from war damage. The USA is the shining city on the hill after all and god would never let his chosen people be defeated.
USA has succeded in Ukraine. They have taken Ukraine. Now, they have access to the black sea. Very cheap war for USA and a lot of benefits.
USA doesn’t give a f… about Ukrainians. Did you listen the american that said “F…. EU” when they took Ukraine ?
Having that many bases around the world doesn’t mean that your enemy is over streatched aiming at each base :) It’s more like US forces are thin around the world.
USA should learn history before : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Ochakov_(1788)
It’s obvious that whomever is pulling the strings on this is either extremely stupid or deliberately trying to provoke a war or at the very least permanently sabotage any positive relations with russia…
McCain, Biden, Obama, Clinton got $billions in assets for it & now want it protected. Too stupid to realize the “Yeltsin Russians” of ’90s are long gone. these are the Nationalist Russians fighting for country & Christ. They prefer to be Allies , But,,,,,
There’s a big problem with all that. 70-80% of governing structures is still from Yeltsin’s era. It is much better (due to people tryed “western values” themself and it didn’t taste good in 90-s) now but it will take time. Russia’s problem is that leaders like Ivan Grozniy, Stalin and Putin are coming not very often. NWO/Khazars demonysed Stalin blaming their own crimes on him. They did the same with Grozniy – even in CCCP where education was on very high level no one knows about Buttle of Molodi (1572). Common history is full of lies about Ivan Grozniy. What khazars could not forgive is the fact that he moved center of influence on slavic nations from Poland to Moscow and now we have a monster insteed of national hero :)
That base is just to provoke but it is militarily, at best, a trigger point. Ee have no business dealing with the neo-nazis of Ukraine. It is so discouraging to see my gov doing these things.
Lol, that base is worthless once Turkey closes the Bosporus to the Yanks. Under the treaty they don’t have to allow warships of nations not bordering on the Black sea through. Or even better only let warships in but never out.
Looks like Russia will have to rapidly increase aid to the Donbass so they can advance through this area and deny this USA this base and others. Ukranians have seen what the USA and racist supremacist Jews give them and would welcome reuniting with Russia or at least getting rid of the Jewish Nazi oligarchs. Just wait until the end of the year and Syria has been fully liberated.
So. The US insists it must continue to shit on Russia’s front yard./ S//
Many barking mad oppinions below. Whats wrong with the russians colonies keep their independecy.
None can expect everything should be fine after Zars and the Bolsjevics even in Ukraine. Lots of russian threats.
I’m assuming that ” if” there happens to be any sabotage on Crimea – this base will be blown off the map. US of F.. A or whoever !
A wonder since Victoria Nuland helped orchestrate a coup there? Empire on the march.
America’s friends – Japan, Germany, South Korea, UK, France, Canada, Mexico, and so many others are doing pretty well, aren’t they?? Look at how well Russia’s friends are doing — oh wait, there aren’t any. OK, lets look at countries that used to be friends of Russia – Poland, Romania, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Ukraine — Do any want to return to the old days and old ways??? Nope. Do their people have more money, more freedom, and more stuff?? Yep, lots. Their economies are expanding, and they fear Russia is going to invade, like the Mongol hordes, and steal their stuff, making them poor again.
Russians will keep pretending they matter anymore. The Russian economy is smaller than Indonesia’s. Putin is spending a lot on tanks, planes, and ships — impoverishing his people while building an incompetent military (look at the recent attack on an American base in Syria, where the Russian troops were slaughtered, for no good reason — poor equipment, and lousy leadership. Russia does have nuclear weapons, and there is the danger that Putin is crazy enough to use them, dooming our planet.Now, that, Russia can do.
By 2005, Europe and the US was expecting Russia to take its place in world trade and investment. American and European companies were beginning to invest in Russia. Russia could have taken off economically, like China did. We did not feel threatened by Russia. The Cold War seemed over. Putin took over, and has restarted the Cold War, with a new arms race. NATO countries, including the US, were reducing military spending – it seemed like there would be no enemies in the new world. Our old nemeses of China and Russia were becoming our economic trade allies. Putin has changed all that. Russians seem to like him, they approve of his increased military spending, and the new Russian economy.