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US Starts Troops Withdrawal From Syria, SDF Calls It “Stab In The Back”

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US Starts Troops Withdrawal From Syria, SDF Calls It "Stab In The Back"

US forces are in the outskirts of the Syrian town of Manbij

On December 19, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders announced that the U.S. has started withdrawing its troops from Syria following President Donald Trump declared that ISIS has been defeated in the country.

“We have started returning United States troops home as we transition to the next phase of this campaign … The United States and our allies stand ready to re-engage at all levels to defend American interests whenever necessary, and we will continue to work together to deny radical Islamist terrorists’ territory, funding, support and many means of infiltrating our borders,” Sanders said.

The White House didn’t reveal any further details about the matter. However, an official told the Reuters news agency that the U.S. plans to pull its forces out of the warn-torn country once the final stages of the last operation against ISIS is complete. According to the official, the time-frame for the troop pullout is expected to be between 60 to 100 days.

The official added All U.S. State Department personnel are being evacuated from Syria within 24 hours as a first step.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) confirmed that senior U.S. officials had informed the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which control northeastern Syria, of Trump’s decision. The UK-based monitoring group said that the SDF’s leader were “shocked” and considered the possible withdrawal of U.S. forces a “stab in the back.”

According to Reuters, the decision to withdraw U.S. forces from Syria was taken after a phone call between Trump and his Turkish counterpart Tayyip Erdogan on December 18. This indicate that the SDF-held area, may soon witness a Turkish invasion.

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Yes of course its a stab in the back. Its America’s nature and the Kurds should have known that from the beginning.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Nothing special…US allowed Turks to invade Afrin..so its a matter of time that the same scenario will continue in Manjib and Raqqa…

Zionism = EVIL

Very astute observation. The Americunts are total backstabbers and have sold out the stupid Kurd turds who will get whacked by all. The senile old ugly Jew Kissinger said after the US abandoned the Shah, that “friendship with US is a kiss of death”. People should remember Americunt treachery from Vietnam to Iraq. They were once Saddam’s best pals too supplying him with chemical weapons while he gassed the Kurds at Halapja.

Jens Holm

It was Russian Turf be agreement. its doensnt make You look nice looking like a parrot with no feathers.

Zionism = EVIL

hahaha as I wrote months ago, the Americunt cowards will cut and run and sell out all their stooges in the region, including the Zionist scum. The Kurds are the biggest dumbfcuk losers who have always played patsy for the Americunts and Zionists dating back to the shah era and mad Kurdish mullah Mustafa Barzani doing Zionist bidding. The Turks, Iranians and Russians have already made a deal and all of Syria is reverting back to government control. Most people missed the fact that the Americunts just sat an watched a whole bunch of their pet headchoppers get ambushed and wiped out by the SAA at al-Tanf three days ago. The same pattern will be repeated all over Syria. The Sudanese monkey Bashir did not come to Damascus to breathe clean air, but to grovel on behalf of his Saudi and Emirati masters that they want Syria back in the Arab League fold. Russia and Iran have check-mated the US/Zionist scum but now the Americunts will destabilize Ukraine and Black sea region.

Feudalism Victory

So what assad is now seeking american friendship? Doubtful.

Zionism = EVIL

Not really. Assad runs a secular regime which is far more palatable to the west than the headchoppers. They gave it their best shot at destabilizing Syria, but thanks to Russia and Iran that whole Zionist plan fell apart. Assad now has a clean state as he got rid of all the troublemakers, most the Sunni headchoppers fled to Europe and now whole Syrian demographics have changed. The Americunts had only 2,200 losers in Syria anyway and the cost was getting too high. They were rotting in snake and scorpion infested desert outpost of al-Tanf with SAA and Hezbollah closing in. US loser military is corrupt to the core and gallon of gas was costing $250 and just to maintain these morons as everything from water to food had to be transported from puppet Jordan. There was no way Assad could be “overthrown” so US losers accepted fait accompli.

Sage Durham

I love your comments. Seriously interested in your sources.


When the Kurds allied with Israel and allowed the US to occupy Syria they sold themselves out to the devil.

Jens Holm

Again only crap. I we want only sited with lies, we by You have the best hopes right here.


Whats crap? Its a fact the Kurds are allied with Israel and its a fact they have let the US occupy Syria illegally. Other than that I don’t even understand your comment.

Jens Holm

Israel and the ones, which You as usual manupulate into kurds only and not SDFs are not allied at all.

Kurds are on a very low level in almost all matters and Israel is a high tech well into tthe western economic as well as the rest.

The relationsship is the usual one for Israel from 1948 and up and maybee even before. They support people fight each other. As long as they do that, they dont fight Israel and also use possibilities for that in their economy. ………………………………………………………………………………………..

The rest talk for it self. I compare with whats done in Syria for many years from Hafez and up. Thats breaking, breaking breaking by killing, jailing, , tortiring and even gassing and airstriking.

Thats hardly a country at all. A country includes peoples and try hard. As in Turkey, I dont see that at all.Furthermore again – its not against Kurds and Kurds there certainly is not even one groups as well.

So blaming USA and the Coalition is as we say: Thieves think all others are thieves stealing from them.

So I kind of dont care what what others do against systematic criminals súpported by infames to most others.That includes Russia as well as USA. None of them are worse then Assads/Baathistas. NONE.

Syria is no country but like a very ineffective private company owned by nepotist nqaming themselves as Baahtists – more like BAD and expecting only BAAHING from someone like You, raised as Sheep.

If its really true some few jews run You 1 billion muslims that much, its Your own fault. You are totally incompetent running hardly anything yoursel.

Damaskus had collapsed with no outisde help and did not.

And the succes is how many dead, how many with one leg or worse, 12 million not in homes. Many of those homes dont exist and many are plundered. The last estimate for rebuilding is 400 billion dollars.

That the price for possesing that much part of Syria instead of including all as proposed by many during many years.

Hasbara Hunter

The Kurds are Backstabbing Traitors Themselves…..

Zionism = EVIL

and dumber than the rocks they hide under :)

Hasbara Hunter

The Turks will Force them Turds into the arms of Assad & the Russians….I bet they will like to negotiate at the moment….

Zionism = EVIL

The turds are fcukwits extraordinaire as they had the best deal for a very small minority in Syria. Most of the turds live in Turkey where even their language, based on Farsi is banned. Under non-denominational Syria, both Assads, the father, son and the holy ghost left them alone and some of the Kurdish areas were well developed economically. Hafez, the dad, gave the turd leader Abdullah Ocalan refuge until he started agitation in Syria and then the old fox handed him over to Turks to improve relations. The Kurds are their own worst enemies, in Syria they simply had no chance as they are a very small minority. No state in the region minus the Zionist scum supports these ingrates.

Hasbara Hunter

The Kurds could have been Heroes in Syria but the problem is they chose to cooperate with the Enemy….long time ago… https://israelpalestinenews.org/secret-friendship-behind-israels-support-kurdish-independence/


It’s so expected that it doesn’t even qualify as a stab in the “back”. Lol.


They wont say it directly, but this is that US finally admits that their effort to overthrow Assad has failed. Russia won in Syria and the empire can start colapsing…..


Russia hasn’t won if a US/NATO backed Turkey and its terrorist dogs replace US troops in occupying northern Syria.

Feudalism Victory

Sure they have. They have big contracts with turkey for energy and weapons.


That’s unrelated to Syria.

Feudalism Victory

Yeah OK


Turkey it on its way out of NATO and its relations with Russia are on different level than few years ago.

Sam Sam

U think so?I am not sure,Erdogan seems2want to sit on 2 chairs at the same time..it kind of looks like the US let him have his “dream” of a war against the Kurds2get hin back in their side, as a partner in their upcoming wars in the region..This way, the US saves money ,men power and weapons even though there is still someone giving Assad trouble and supplying rebels2topple him..?I really hope u are right and Turkey will leave NATO(that of course assuming US staying in and not leaving themselves)..Just the thought of the West’s panic if that happened makes me laugh??


lets see….


I do not see Turkey getting out of NATO, they are simply trying to play both sides.

Sage Durham

I don’t think Russia/Iran/Syria will allow Turkey to take/hold NE territory. I wonder is Assad and Kurds will find diplomatic solution.

Empire's Frontiers

Used up and tossed out.

A fitting fate for any traitor.

Siegfried Stahl

uih, what will happen to the kurds now? how many times have the americans cheated them?

poor kurds. they will never learn.

SurfshackTito (TheSecular)

Half Life 3 Confirmed!

Prince Teutonic

Looks like SDF made a bet on the wrong horse…


In a horse race one should never bet on a Trojan horse. How can you tell if it’s a Trojan horse? That’s easy it will have an American flag on it.

Jens Holm

If You say so. As a minimum those SDFs today can say, that they have schrathed ISIS a lot there according how relative few they are – Instead of being dead or passive defatist tent inhabitants in Turkey or emmigrants and refugees in Europe.

If I was like them now, I would feel better in the last part.

Sam Sam



More than that, one should NEVER betray one’s own. Unless Russia gets some deal for the Kurds, they will be thrown under the bus. The only place where they can get some mercy is, again, in Damascus. If you ask me, I would crush them.


“I would crush them.” A sort of Kurdish hummus?

Zionism = EVIL

The Kurds are historically dumb fcukwits who are used by all as regional condoms. The idiots in Syria had the best deal of all in the whole region, with Syria even allowing them regional autonomy, allowing their schools and language and even gave refuge to the moron Ocolan for decades. The Kurds are backstabbers who have always lost. They are landlocked anyway and the Turks are baying for their blood. The US will arm both Kurds and Turks and watch from the sidelines as usual. It is a WIN-WIN for all, but the moronic Kurd turds.

Jens Holm

Well, hard to be payed. But Russians are. 1) They now have improved baseright and even a building a new one not far from Pamyra 2) The now control Assads whwnever they feel for it 3) They are repaid by Syrian oil the next 25 years.

Some also might add a better pressure for pipelines for Russian export and re-export fx by Tukey.

Afrin for oil give Russia no minus and less problems too :)



Some times ago I boasted that I can make sense of your comments Jens, but I assumed everybody knew I was BSing them. With this comment you took even that from me. :'(

Jens Holm

Well, thats the results too.

It seemes like You are used to take land is the Victory only. So how many Years will it take to regain Syria. Who will.Who can effort that for nothing ?


I swear I’m getting there… Just a few hours of intense staring at your comment and I’ll get what you wrote.

…or, you could write in your mother tongue and if I’m unfamiliar with it I’ll use a translator myself? How about that?

PS: Just popped in my mind: Do you do that on purpose?

Ray Douglas

Yeah, they bet on the wrong horse in a one horse race.


With the wrong currency and racetrack.

Not their first time being done over by the Yanks, so they deserve it this time.

Jens Holm

They never did. The alternative was all non ISIS from the whole area was refugees in Syria and maybe som in Europe.

Thats facts and no betting, but maybe more like You sitting in tents eating free UN rations the rest of You passive miserable life.


The SDF should be shocked and surprised. This is the first time ever that the US has deserted or turned their back on their allies.


Is that a joke?

Bigaess Wangmane

I’m sure it is, so is the US government.


I’m sorry I meant to add …allies “this week.” It’s not a joke, it is a, what the hell did the SDF think was going to happen trusting us.

Sam Sam

Lol.??.yes they are such truthful allies..Saddam and Qaddafi could have sang a song about the US’ ever lasting friendship..


Once I wrote the following here in southfront about the US supports to the Kurds:

Those who gets military support from the US, their future is doomed.

Sam Sam



possibly so that the ever ungrateful states of A value turkey more than the kurds, who will continue to be a pain in the neck on turkey , syria, iraq and Iran. guess turkey can try to retake the areas now held by the kurds and then Syria/Russia can kick turkey back over the border. for after all, the relations to Russia is of certain importance to turkey, what with the Black Sea pipeline, the S-400 and other fringe advantages for turkey in that relation. so basically back to where it started some 6 or 7 years ago with the difference that Syria is ruined and a massive murder-spree was conducted by the washington morons directly or through proxies. shame on the dis-organised states of A. and not one shamefaced yank put beforethe ciminal court in den Haag!


Correction, Syria is not ruined, it’s saved. The planned alternative did not reach fruition. Accordingly, after the third World war, which it is, the Syrian state and its citizens survived.


ruined = bombed to rubble and the population either dead or on the run. ww3 no but an extensive middle east low intensity war.

Jens Holm

And above that, the extensives seemes to be continued. I see no peace. I also see Assads again has to clean up by killing enemies, which has resigned.

No wonder many refugees prefare anything else.


With all the the WW2 winners, it is WW3 and has been since the onset. Just media perception management. Ruined in this context means failed state which it is not.

Jens Holm

An new estimate says they are 400 nillions behind in cintructions in dollars.


BS – do your research correctly. A premier league football team cost more than 400 million! Zero wro credibility for you. Read properly!!!


A premier league football team cost more than 400 million. I suggest you pay more attention when you read information. Zero credibility to you.


Yeah sure, a premier league football team cost more than that. You can’t really be serious? you made that up or cant read BIG NUMBERS. Lolz

Daniel Castro

I call stabbing the backstabbers… noone beats the anglozionists in treachery…


US approves $3.5 billion Patriot missile sale to Turkey, turkey just ditched the S400 for the partiot


source or never happened


The US has approved the sale of Patriot missiles to Turkey.

Turkey has previously stated that it would only buy Patriots if the US transferred technology to Turkey.


Zionism = EVIL

Patriots are total DUD, they could not even down a single Saddam’s scud B as the GOA report clearly stated. The Americunts will get $3.5 BILLION from this junk sale. The Russian S-400 deal for Turkey is a much better deal. The US is desperate backstabber and looks like it will hand over Gulen to Erdogan too.

Jens Holm

Yes, they are named after John Kerry, bacuse they have to carrie them around.

Even they might be the second best in the world, they are better then the rest. Even so You try ro reduce them to bow and arrow.


Article states that congress has 15 days to decide the matter.


I was asking for the S400, the rest is on google news you dummy.





Jens Holm

So far I see it as aproposal. Turks would not buy last time because the Scuds were too expensive and they were not given technology with it for good copying and devellopments.

After that Turks tryed to trade with the Russains having same result but at leats cheeper missiles.

So its no sensation but maybe a good trading by Turks.It also can be a something for something by USA and a matter of what “something” is.


The Kurds are shocked, who knew this was coming ! :D https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8c95136509095bdba5c1aacc8e87789356e4afc279fff496717abb53239d2049.jpg

Ricky Miller

If this is actually true and not fake true, and that’s a big IF, I would expect that American warships will again in several days be permitted transit through the Bosphorus and Dardanelles to get to the Black Sea. U.S. protection for the Kurds will fall away and the Turkish security operation in Northern Syria will commence in Manbij first. Coming soon after, a cancellation of the S-400 deal and an announcement of Turkey purchasing Patriot Batteries and missiles, as was authorized by Congress yesterday. To make the deal more palatable to Russia Turkey will re-commit to both the RosAtom contract and Turkish stream.

Jens Holm

Bosperus are international and there are kept rules for that. The only not kept is the street to the Ukrainian part of Azovsk, which is a non american thing but almost only a matter for Ukraine and Russia.

USA do almost the same as they use to. They “spy” mainly from Turkey and for the moment a little up in level.

Ricky Miller

Rules that Turkey has wide latitude to interpret with regards to military vessels of states without a coastline in the Black Sea. And other rules for states with coastlines in the Black Sea. Submarines for example. Russian subs only have the right to transit the straits South if they need maintenance or repair that cannot be done in ports on the Black Sea. Once in it’s up to Turkey, in most cases, if they get out again. But, off with you. It’s a big grown up world here and I’m afraid you have a hard time keeping up.


This is an east of Aden type announcement, and the Orange King is playing Harold Wilson. Victory is at hand.

Vido Dasler

Now we can watch how these treachorous Kurds get what they deserve.

Jens Holm

Who are “We”.They not even uprised against Assads.


The range of the S-300 is now all Syria.


The decision will be reversed by the end of the week.

Luke Hemmming

Sore loser. Nan nah nah nah naaaaaaa hahaha


Are you always this immature? Or is it just when you’re trolling people?

Luke Hemmming

Says the one who constantly trolls this forum with your ludicrously conceived trolling material. Get real smegma when you stop been an ass and grow out of your delusional rantings about the situation in Syria then maybe I might start acting mature towards you. But I can’t promise you this because the child in me likes to taunt those who unfortunately spews comments that have no reflection in the reality of the situation. Your comments are always inflammatory and meant to cause some here to troll. Hence that makes you much as a immature troll as me.

Luke Hemmming

Ok I’ll delete my comment. You are not as bad as some others on here. But the decision won’t be reversed. No hard feelings.

Concrete Mike

You are probably côrrect, although the reversal will be for all the wrong reasons.


Now the question is how the future occupation of northern Syria by Turkey and its Islamist terrorist dogs will be dealt with. I hope I’m wrong but I don’t see this ending peacefully.

Daniel Apaza

The Kurds need to make a deal with Damascus. …..fast!

Zionism = EVIL

That is their only hope. The Turks will wipe them out completely. The last Americunts are leaving for their bases in puppet Jordan.

Jens Holm

Again You only talk as if You are kept in dark or are born and live in it like that by DNA,

Useal infame enemy talk only thinking You are some general but more are spendable sheep not even knowing it – or has learned to accept.

Jens Holm

No, they dont. Only crap. Seen at Afrin. Assads would not give Afrins a milimeter and it was sold by the Russians.

Jens Holm

Forget it. Its turkish now and will be fx for Russian pipelines and amybe some S300s.


There are no longer useful proxies that the US Coalition can tap, Turkey is pressuring the north and Russia just put troops face to face with Al-Tanf. This is happening a little quickly for me now. I want to see the actual units rolled up and moved out, before I can feel comfortable with what the White House announced. My take.

Zionism = EVIL

There was a token Americunt, Norwegian, British and French puppets “special forces” units operating from al-Tanf and Eastern Euphrates valley, the deployment of Russian and SAA S-300 batteries south of Palmyra more or less check-mated them. As I said some weeks ago the Americunts had no choice, either fight and die or cut and run. Guess which option always suits them ? :)

Feudalism Victory

Strategic withdrawal is fine.

Zionism = EVIL

Sure, just last week the moron Bolton was yelping for his Zionist masters that Americunts would stay in Syria for “ever” until Iranians leave :) US is just a pathetic loser, case closed.

Jens Holm

You are just sick. If those few zionist can make You that big problems, the problem is Your way is doing life is weak and made by Yourself as systematic non devellopment.


Hey EVIL. Yeah, they are hog tied. I just wrote in reply to an editorial on Bloomberg, the US withdrawal is not a decision, it is an acceptance of fact. I see it as also testimony that Bolton and Pompeo are also one step closer to being out. The whole ME game is imploding now. Boy how things have changed. I wish well to you.

Jens Holm

Trump only is a part of USA.

Repunlicans say no.Pentagon says a very bad idea. Things are not that kind of over, You semmesto prefare.

Jens Holm

Again no substance, if You take the stinking smoke from You behind away and can see rhe world.

Jens Holm

Let me remind You that USA still wil be there but not with feet on the Ground, and they and we also are many in Iraq.


Wonderful news, hopefully Afghanistan is next.

Robert McMaster

Of course it’s a stab in the back. You’re not dealing with Russia here. This is what you deserve for trusting the Americans. Serves you right.

Luke Hemmming

Looks like the US couldn’t stand the heat in the kitchen anymore hey. Erdogans threat of a massive military incursion in the north and east of the Euphrates to attack the Kurds looks to be real but will erdogan still go ahead because of this move by the US just to spite the US? Anyway this is the best news for a while. So what’s your thoughts about this patriotic white butt fucker? Smegma? And Jews A-hole? BWAHAHAHA.

Concrete Mike

Hehe well said brother!!!

Kurds have 2 options, reconcile with the government (au plus sacrant), or die turks and or SAA.

The choice is simple. Its obvious the kurdish leaders know what the choice is, problem is the leaders themselves will have to face syrian justice for treason. Perhaps the president will give them amnesty, that choice is for Syria to make.

The noose on idlib tightens…


Just replacing one NATO army group (US/SDF/ISUS) with another (TAF/FSA). Still the same shit sandwich.

Zionism = EVIL

Not really, Russia and Iran were cautious not to spread the conflict by attacking Americunts and NATO stooges, but the Kurd turds are hated by all and will feel the heat soon and attacked by all sides. The Kurds are total fcukwits and and their own saying, they have “no friends but the mountains”.


And once the Kurds have had their spanking, then what? The FSA fcukwits can hide behind the Turkish flag just as the SDF fcukwits hid behind the US flag. The Syrians still have the problem of a NATO army occupying half of their country…


turkey is a totally different ball game than having the us military there.true both nato, but still the difference between turkey and the usa is enormous.and please dont forget that turkey does not have a good name(to put it mildly) in the us public domain or at the political level.I doubt that congress(trump wont after he pulled out) will have a vote on war with SAA and russia in case turkey gets their asses icked by both.


Sure. But I don’t see much of a difference between Turkish and US policy objectives in Syria. Their disagreement seems limited to method.

And unless the Russians and SAA decide to start shooting back, how is Turkey going to get their asses kicked by both?

Jens Holm

Thasts right. No realisme.People even here propose Russia, Iran, Syria and Hesboillah should attack Israel being strong enough to that.

But true. 550.000 dead as well as 12 millions are not much compared to, what Mongols did to Bagdad in 1258.

Here some farmers for shooting practice and starvation of course hardly is nothing.


its the BIG picture for trump and his advisors that count.And thats SOOOOOOOOOOOO obvious. Turkey is an essential part of the nato pact against russia, beiing turkey is nato´s SOUTHERN flank.Russia pressured Nato(usa) to use kurdish forces(ypg/sdf) to cut of SAA from east syria, well knowing that Turkey will go beserk.Well now that turkey is going beserk, nato(usa) only had 2 choices.Stand behind Kurdish forces(sdf/ypg) and hence move turkey on the brink of leaving nato and right into russias hands(that is a nightmare for nato high command) or give up the kurds to keep turkey in Nato. For any reasonable person in nato, the answer was obvious. Only trump is now in a very very dangerous spot.Watch main starem right now, be it cnn,fox,bbc all of them…..be it demo. or rep. they r ALL against him now…..all on orders of the jews/israel.That move from trump today is and was a nightmare for the jews.trump better have a personal relationship with some secret service folks, cause this could soon end in JFK 2.0 , if the impeachment process is not fast enough.

Jens Holm

You ceratinly do nothing to make any less hate. More like it gives You sun as a solarpanel almost in smoke slose to flames.


It’s unlikely the Kurds were surprised. The reason the Kurds are supposed to say “the Kurds have no friends” is because it’s true. Just look at the allies of different Kurdish groups in the last 50 years: Israel, Iran under the Shah, USA, Iraq under Saddam Hussein, Iran after the Shah’s fall, Iraq after the US war of aggression, Syria, USA again. None of them held firm. Why would they? The area claimed by the Kurds includes parts of Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey (where two thirds of them live). Who wants 200 million enemies? Who wants to give up part of their own country? The only way the Kurdish tragedy will end is when their present home countries are part of a common market with freedom of movement and a slow movement to one country. That can’t be the European Union because they don’t want any of them. That leaves Russia’s Eurasian Economic Union that already includes Belarus, Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Kirghistan and that Putin has already invited Iran to join.

Do you think the Yanks have no reason to hate Russia? Perhaps they woke up one morning, fell out of bed, hit their heads and all developed an irrational hatred? When you want to rule the world, anybody who interferes with that is a logical subject of hatred and you have to take a long view. The Kurds are useful to the USA only if they are available to be used to kill Turks, Syrians, Iraqis and Iranians when and if required. If the Kurds are evilly threatened with peace and happiness in the long term, they could slowly become useless. Evil must be resisted. donthomson1@hotmail.com

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Very nice I hope it is true, God answered our prayers made them come true :)))

Zionism = EVIL

After Russia and Iran intervened there was no way Dr. Assad could have been overthrown. Actually, the biggest winner of this whole headchopper mess has been Hezbollah, which has rotated over 100,000 troops out of Syria with minimal losses and has has gained valuable combined arms operation and is now integrated with SAA and IRGC.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

100% true

alejandro casalegno

Yes…..in 2006 Hezbollah was a cub………….now is a real lion!!!!!!

Jens Holm

I already see them advance onelgged into Israel in wheel chairs.

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