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MARCH 2025

US State Dept Spokesman Blamed Russia for Destroying 5 Hospitals in Aleppo, but Failed to Prove His Words (Video)

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Spokesman for the US Department of State John Kirby refused to answer a question of a RT correspondent about evidences of alleged Russian airstrikes in Syria, noting that he is not going to put RT “on the same level with the rest of independent media outlets.”

US State Dept Spokesman Blamed Russia for Destroying 5 Hospitals in Aleppo, but Failed to Prove His Words (Video)

Spokesman for the US Department of State John Kirby lost self-control, after a correspondent of the RT TV-channel asked him to specify, which organizations provide Washington with information that the Russian Aerospace Forces have allegedly bombed five hospitals in the Syrian city of Aleppo. Kirby advised the journalist to appeal to the Russian Defense Ministry for comments and added that he is not going to put RT “on the same level with the rest of independent media outlets.”

During Wednesday’s State Department briefing, Kirby said that Washington has acquainted itself with “reports from credible aid organizations,” but did not furnish any other arguments.

When the RT correspondent asked the spokesman to specify which organizations he meant and what information they provided, Kirby answered: “You work for Russia Today [RT], and so why shouldn’t you ask your government the same kind of questions that you are asking me? Ask them about their military activities.”

Such a reaction of the representative of the US Department of State surprised other journalists, attending the briefing, including representatives of Western media. One of them, Matt Lee, a correspondent from the AP news agency, joined the discussion, saying that Kirby, as a representative of the State Department, is acting incorrectly, redirecting the question to the Russian Defense Ministry.

“Please be careful about saying ‘your Defense Ministry’ and things like that – she’s a journalist, she’s just like the rest of us are,” Lee pointed out.

“From a state-owned outlet!” Kirby interrupted the journalist. “I am not going to put Russia Today [RT] on the same level with the rest of you, who are representing independent media outlets.”

After the briefing, another representative of the department apologized to the reporter for the Kirby’s behavior and emailed the journalist a “detailed statement with the locations of the allegedly bombed hospitals originally sent by “Health Cluster Turkey Hub / Health Cluster partners & NPM.”

The day before, spokeswoman for the US Department of State Elizabeth Trudeau reported that there is ‘some data’ that prove that Russian fighter jets struck “five hospitals and at least one mobile clinic in Syria.”

Spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry, Major General Igor Konashenkov, responded by saying that all the public rhetoric of the US Department of State about the situation in Syria is based on “shameless lies,” and the “repetition of rumors” about attacks on Syrian hospitals and clinics is another evidence of this fact.

As the Russian Defense Ministry stressed on Wednesday, aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces, as well as fighter jets of the Syrian Air Force have not been carrying out airstrikes in the area of Aleppo during the past 29 days.

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Peter Jennings

The desperation of the USadmin to keep their lies going is obvious to all. It probably explains why the USadmin keep changing their mouthpeices and them move them on to other blunders.

These mouthpieces are the pits and show just how far US gov’t credibility has fallen. They are acting like a banana republic and not like a country with reserve currency status. It can’t be long now before the USadmin collapses under the weight of its own crap.

Pave Way IV

These hospitals treat al Nusra head-choppers, therefore they are unmarked and want to keep their locations secret. If Russia did bomb them, they would have had no idea that it was a ‘hospital’ – just that there were a bunch of head-choppers in pickups coming and going. Same thing in east Aleppo where they don’t even give these secret four-bed emergency clinics names except for ‘M2′ and M10’. Again, their locations are purposely kept secret, so Russia or the Syrian AF would have no idea. The one time someone pointed this out to Kirby, he shot back that Russia/Syria should not be bombing anywhere where there could be a medical facility. Line anywhere in east Aleppo. Kirby, like all the neocon shills, bends over backwards with semantics trying to make it sound like Russia/Syria intentionally bombed them because they were secret medical facilities.

John Whitehot

probably in Kirby’s increasingly deluded mind, Aleppo is a city entirely made up of hospitals.

Pave Way IV

Nothing surprising about him shilling the usual “hospital and orphanage bombing” by the RuAF and SAAF. What is both delightful and quite disturbing is to see him melt down over RT correspondent Gayane Chichakyan’s question. That’s absolutely out of character for Kirby’s usual smug indifference to her questions. I wonder what’s bothering him? He must have found out how much he’s going to make in the future from state unemployment benefits.

John Whitehot

it’s also disconcerting that there’s people bullying RT as “not independent”, when all the “independent” medias have basically played only Clinton’s tune during the campaign (and not only US ones, but all the Europe’s too), showing a complete lack of respect towards the US voters, their readers and democracy in general. It’s time folks start to get that their “free and independent medias” are owned by the same financial organizations that try to pull the strings over half the world. Their willingness to conduct political propaganda of such tones over the elections in a democratic country massively proves that those financial powers are on a quest to influence and possibly, take over completely the processes forming the base of democratic institutions. I only hope this gets to the minds of those who still give credit to such medias, but the disgruntlement characters like this one are displaying is encouraging.

chris chuba

“As the Russian Defense Ministry stressed on Wednesday, aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces, as well as fighter jets of the Syrian Air Force have not been carrying out airstrikes in the area of Aleppo during the past 29 days.”

The U.S. claims to have radar coverage of the Aleppo area since they accused the Russians of bombing an aid convoy and detecting a Russian fighter above the convoy at the time of the attack. My question would be, does the U.S. military have any intelligence regarding Russian military aircraft being in those areas?

Douglas Houck

Of course they do. The US via Admiral Kirby was simply regurgitating White Knight propaganda. This is not the first time they have done this, but it is getting more fantastical in their use of propaganda. This story was originally reported by Reuters the previous day that just a single hospital and 20+ civilians were killed. Not much different than the recent Huffington Post piece on Russian/Syrian bombings killing cats and one dog named “Hope” at the internationally known east Aleppo cat refuge run by a White Knight which has a Facebook page to accept donations. :-)

John Whitehot

seems that this goner is losing his temper.

Joseph Scott

Makes you wonder if his exasperated superiors aren’t taking out their frustrations out on him for the failure of their propaganda, and so he in turn snaps at reporters? A sign of the general desperation inside the Establishment.


Kirby = Joker

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