Israeli soldiers stand next to shells and a mobile artillery unit near the Israeli side of the border with Syria in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights August 26, 2019. REUTERS/Amir Cohen/File Photo
On September 5, Israeli sources claimed that US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had sent a warning letter to Lebanese President Michel Aoun, urging him to dismantle a ‘missile factory’ set up by Hezbollah in the Bekaa Valley.
According to reports, Pompeo allegedly warned Lebanon that the Israeli military would strike the supposed factory used to develop and modernize missiles.
The message was allegedly transferred directly to Lebanese Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil, who is known for his close ties to Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.
Pompeo allegedly told Bassil that Israel had intelligence information about a second missile production plant set up by Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon.
“Lebanon should immediately dismantle the second factory, otherwise Israel will attack and destroy it in the coming days,” he said.
Here’s a picture worth a thousand missiles:
We can now reveal that inside this Hezbollah facility is Iranian-supplied machinery used to manufacture precision guided missiles with an accuracy of less than 10 meters.
?Nabi Chit, Lebanon pic.twitter.com/VCYD8wg8o4
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) September 3, 2019
On September 3rd, the Israel Defense Forces claimed that a facility north of Nabi Chit, Lebanon was used by Hezbollah to produce precision guided missiles.
“This facility is of superior importance to the Hezbollah precision-missile project, which is why Hezbollah, in fear of strikes, evacuated precious and unique equipment from the compound to civilian locations in Beirut,” the military said.
Anything worth producing is so far underground that it’s beyond the reach of the baby raper’s conventional munitions.
You’re sick in the head.
Do they pay you per video/picture posted? You must be making some nice $$$$ on this 1 article alone
You’re a truth hater.
Watch the original Al Manar video detonation sequence a few times. And you’ll see that in this case Hezbollah is running the propaganda and the IDF isn’t.
The first missile clearly detonates in front of the vehicle and the second one behind it. Both missiles missed:
The video shows both misses. Your rejection of that makes you the fool and liar. The second missile clearly detonates behind the vehicle after it enters the fireball from the first missile that detonated in front of it. Both missiles missed the target.
That’s the gas tank blowing the hell up Amir Baram. General of the north region of IOF, by Hezbollah fire.
Pull up this video and tap on the screen. Go to the 3 dot settings icon in the upper right hand corner of the video and tap on it. Tap on play BBC ack speed and choose .25 and watch the video in slow motion. Both misses are clear as day.
https://youtu.be/PQ20ZuVNQrY –
This is a screenshot from the video played at .25 speed showing the center of the fireball as it was contracting to the left front of the vehicle about a second after the detonation as the flash was dying down and the vehicle was entering the cloud of smoke. The armored truck had traveled about 1 vehicle length by this time towards the detonation. The first missile clearly missed, as did the second which detonated a considerable distance behind the vehicle.
Copy 7
RichardD is a zionist BOT, specifically designed for social media.
I’m not a Zionist or a bot. But you are a liar.
Totally bot behavior. Review your code.
Bot behavior. Reprogram your copy-pasta.
You’re a moron.
Bot bot bot bot spotted.
Are you on drugs?
A bot cannot even in 1000 years from today react with the creativity of Human being. Their algorithm makes them become all the same, no creativity, just plain sentences with no life in them. U R a zionist ?
You didn’t answer the question.
This is a screenshot from the video played at .25 speed showing the center of the fireball as it was contracting to the left front of the vehicle about a second after the detonation as the flash was dying down and the vehicle was entering the cloud of smoke. The armored truck had traveled about 1 vehicle length by this time towards the detonation. The first missile clearly missed, as did the second which detonated a considerable distance behind the vehicle.
Copy 8
Excuse me but, Israel is developing enough thermal nuclear warheads in violation of international law to wipe out every man woman and child of God’s creation. Someone has to make some fireworks to send back. Lebanon is suppose to have the same rights as everyone else is. Oh yeah I forgot, Lebanon gets mistreated just like Germany got mistreated in 1912. Austria was going to build the worlds first long range oil pipeline which would have circumvented the French and UK oil shipping monopolies. The oil pipeline was to run from Iraq to Austria. So the UK and French started making excuses to make war on helpless Austria. It is the same story today but a different victim. Today it is Iran accused of wanted a land based shipping and oil pipe line from Iran going through Iraq and Syria and providing even to Lebanon. So now the media must tell us that the people of these countries are the bad guys. Sound familiar anyone?
Whatever you say, these countries belong to the axis of evils who don’t care for human rights for minorities, freedom for their populations and try in secret to produce WMD to attack the United States on its own soil because they envy our freedom values!
Yes and the Americunts and their Eurofag puppets are the “champions of human rights” eh? The FACT of the matter is that Americunts are scared for their Zionist masters after the audacious and successful Hezbollah strike at the Zionist shitbox wolf and the abandoned Avivam filthy rat infested barracks showed. Zionists have been exposed as cowards and pathetically inept, much more than most fourth world shitholes like US. Here is a sample of Americunt human rights and “civilization”.
If you’re so sure that the Wolf was hit then why don’t you post something debunking the video and still shot of the first missile detonating in front of the vehicle with the center of the fireball where the detonation occurred clearly 1 or 2 vehicle lengths ahead of the vehicle and the vehicle driving into the detonation after the first missile missed it’s target?
And the video which clearly shows the the vehicle was invisible to the second missile operator for the last few hundred yards of the shot as it was passing through the first missile detonation making manual targeting almost impossible.
And explain why Hezbollah cut the feed after the second detonation refusing to show what happened to the vehicle after both missiles detonated.
And debunk CCTV security camera drive by video showing that the vehicle survived the missile detonations.
All of which would be admissible as evidence in any court of law.
Dead general Amir Baram, he was in the Wolf, and he is dead. Prove Hezbollah otherwize because he died in the 2 Kornets missiles perfect shot, right on the money, 100% accuracy, now run from the base and run fast.
You’re either impaired in your grasp of reality or knowingly lying. Which is it?
Then show Proof Of Life of Amir Baram. Oh wait, he is 6 feet under!
Pull up this video and tap on the screen. Go to the 3 dot settings icon in the upper right hand corner of the video and tap on it. Tap on play back speed and choose .25 and watch the video in slow motion. Both misses are clear as day.
Mazal Tov! I have just come from Amir Baram’s phoney funeral as he died in a “car crash”
יהודים נולדים שקרנים
You’re the liar.
The center of the fireball is where the first missile that missed it’s target detonated a couple of vehicle lengths in front of the armored truck. The vehicle then drove into the fireball making it impossible for the second missile operator to see the vehicle and guide the missile during the final few hundred yards of the missile’s flight. Which also missed it’s target.
Copy pasta, cant even do the work properly, hasbara troll is PANIC mode
The Al Manar video shows both misses. Your refusal to accept prima facia evidence is your problem not mine.
It missed before you fled your zio terrorist base Richard??? What’s that big brown stink bulge behind your pants while fleeing???
The detonation sequence from Al Manar’s own video shows both misses.
On an Android device pull up this video on the YouTube site and tap on the screen. Go to the 3 dot settings icon in the upper right hand corner of the video and tap on it. Tap on play back speed and choose .25 and watch the video in slow motion. On a desktop use the instructions below. Both misses are clear as day. The first missile detonated to the left front of the vehicle and the second detonation is to the right rear of the vehicle.
https://youtu.be/PQ20ZuVNQrY ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOjlX1Frw60
This is a screenshot from the video played at .25 speed showing the center of the fireball as it was contracting to the left front of the vehicle about a second after the detonation as the flash was dying down and the vehicle was entering the cloud of smoke. The armored truck had traveled about 1 vehicle length by this time towards the detonation. The first missile clearly missed, as did the second which detonated a considerable distance behind the vehicle.
Copy 3
The second missile also clearly missed, detonating behind the vehicle after it had already entered the fireball. As shown in the original Al Manar video: http://english.almanar.com.lb/819106
You are liar Hasbara troll. How much they pay to go around forums and lie all day ?
Am I? Then prove it. So far you’ve failed miserably. The detonation sequence from Al Manar’s own video shows both misses
Block this TJ moron. Please dont waste time on this moron.
You have been eating too much of that government issued propaganda breakfast cereal. Evidently, you seem to prefer the fortified version.
The “Mighty” Israel abandons compound, leaves armor & ammo behind: RT films GHOST BASE at Lebanon’s border
What a third rate loser IDF, the Avivam base in pathetic, dirty with living quarters for the Zionist rats worse than even India or Bangladesh. Filthy soiled mattresses and disgusting sanitation. What a shocker REALITY!
Pull up this video on the YouTube site and tap on the screen. Go to the 3 dot settings icon in the upper right hand corner of the video and tap on it. Tap on play back speed and choose .25 and watch the video in slow motion. Both misses are clear as day. The first missile detonated to the left front of the vehicle and the second detonation is to the right rear of the vehicle. Case closed, you lose.
תפסיק להזדיין עם זימה
That’s pretty crude.
נשק לי את התחת הקדוש
You’re trash mouth shows that you’re a moron.
This is a screenshot from the video played at .25 speed showing the center of the fireball as it was contracting to the left front of the vehicle about a second after the detonation as the flash was dying down and the vehicle was entering the cloud of smoke. The armored truck had traveled about 1 vehicle length by this time towards the detonation. The first missile clearly missed, as did the second which detonated a considerable distance behind the vehicle.
Copy 6
Israel, NATO and the GCC are the axis of terror.
The real axis of evil is zionists scums, Americunts, and eurofags, where democracy means a government is ruled by a Kike. A government can chop people’s head and dismember journalists in embassy and still be called a US/Eurofags/IsraHell ally just Saudi arabia. Is S.A a democracy to you ? So why are they trying to procure NUKES to psychopaths MBS ? Review your mind-programming, so many worms and false truths you have got installed.
How on earth can lightly armed countries in M.E can attack the US that is thousands of miles away, It must be courageous of you to expose ignorance here!
Washington is a real threat to the stability of the entire world. Washington instigate instability in the entire world. Russians, Chinese and Iranians are true heroes and true defenders of this century that defending innocents of this world..
Uhhh smells like the end of Zionist is coming…
Hezbollah just signalled a new phase with the absence of red lines.
Pompeo and Bolton, remind me of The Godfather, when the idiot families, believed they could take over, without much luck, besides highlighting their stupidity.
It’s obvious that Israhell is scared mightily by the power of today’s Hezbollah.
Only Israel,UK,NATO should be allowed accurate missiles.
The rest of the world can only have stones just like the Palestinian children who the IDF murder with impunity.
No one cares about Americunts or their pathetic Eurofag poodles. Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon are practically one country with mass movement of men and material and if anyone can reverse that FACT.
United States of Assholes
“Lebanon should immediately dismantle the second factory, otherwise Israel will attack and destroy it in the coming days,” he said.
Why doesn’t coward israel say that?
Ruck up, CENTCOM. You know what you’re expected to do.
Go sheeple GO.
I should not laugh, but that is very good…… and made me laugh.
So Pompeo is threatening that Israel will do something? So effectively, the US and Israel are one state? Well, I’m sure Aoun could make good use of that note… in case he just ran out of toilet paper. A picture or words from official Israel aren’t worth a thing… Nasrallah said they were no factories… so there are none. Aoun has already reiterated his stance: Any attack on Lebanon is an act of war and will be dealt with accordingly.
Nasrallah is also intelligent enough to realise that centralised production of anything that Israel does not approve of is not very sensible.
Dimona on the other hand is a perfect target for a few accurate missiles :)
Just understand that US^UK uses Israel as the scapegoat whippingboy to do the dirty job in ME.
Like they asked Saudi to create Wahabi schools everywhere in the world to prevent communism, like they asked Saudi to be front figure in the war against Yemen.
Israel = Scum of the planet , kill them all for the sake of humanity, regardless of creed and race , kill the vermin parasites of this world.
The pivot east, just like the Russians, Iranians, Turks, Venezuelans and others are doing needs to have the fiscal infrastructure put in place so that not only goods, including security equipment and energy. Can be obtained from non Jew world order Zionist, NATO, GCC axis of terror sources. But also financial and other services. So that targeted victim states or potential victim states like Lebanon, Egypt and Jordan can say to the Jew world order miscreants. We have other options. We don’t want to deal with your JewS$ financial terrorism, your color revolutions, your fabricated regime change wars, your terror operations and your lying Jew media propaganda campaigns.
The planet needs to be dejudified so that it is Jew free. And former evil blood sucking baby raping Jew pedophile mass rape cultists assimilate into a Jew free society as productive law abiding citizens. Judaism should be outlawed and the synagogues and yeshivas closed. A UN convention abolishing Judaism should be passed and ratified based in ICC statute outlawing mass rape as a crime against humanity.
“Definition Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Article 7 Crimes Against Humanity
For the purpose of this Statute, ‘crime against humanity’ means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack: Murder; Extermination; Enslavement; Deportation or forcible transfer of population; Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law; Torture; Rape”
– Crimes Against Humanity –
Fat bafoon Pompeo should know threatening legitimate sovereign countries by USANATO to promotes their hidden agenda and interests is gone like George Bush. .Lebanon reserves the right to mobilize and be ready for self defence.
Self defense is a basic instinct for survival. Israel must also close its nuclear base and with draw its terrorists from Golan heights. Israel must stop spying and attacking other neighbors.
Israel is failed terrorists state which even attack PMU cross border in Iraq while PMU never attack it.Israel attack Syria on daily bases while Syria is not even threatening it and only fights terrorists.
If Israel child,women,old and crippled people and vulnerable men killers life is so important for fat fargot gay sodomy Pompeo.Syrian,Lebanese, Iranians is life are also very very important.
Let that satanic Israel babe sitter gay Pompeo tell Israel to close all weapons depots and nuclear facilities. Because Satanyahu adversaries competitors or the ones which he kills have also tech and weapons which can destroy Israel with a single shot.
As long as brutal Jesus the God and Messiah killers,Israel regime is regarded as only killer who enjoys both Putin and Trump protection and safety.Hellavive,Satanyahu and Israehell will be never ever be safe.Israel force nations against nations just as it written in the book of Matthew’s.
Israel is not a NPT member it’s illegal nuclear weapons and nuclear facilities are unchecked by Putin and Trump so call illegal superpower leaders.
Israel enjoys immunity from Putin and Trump ,therefore it will test f-35 jet by violating Lebanon airspace and kill Syrians,iranians and Lebanese.
If Trump and Putin is so interested in safety as illegal superpower why can’t their give air defences to Lebanese.Hisbollah is the only defense to Lebanese people.
the USA describes everything as a weapons factory—clinton bombed a pharmaceutical maker in Sudan and claimed that they made weapons