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U.S. Steps Up Support To Ukraine, Israel

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U.S. Steps Up Support To Ukraine, Israel

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U.S. Steps Up Support To Ukraine, Israel
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U.S. Steps Up Support To Ukraine, Israel

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The United States is once again stepping up support for Ukraine in its conflict with Russia as well as for the Israeli government’s bloody war on the Palestinian enclave of the Gaza Strip.

On June 13, U.S. President Joe Biden and Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky signed a 10-year security agreement on the sidelines of the G7 summit in southern Italy.

Biden said that the goal of the agreement was “to strengthen Ukraine’s defense and deterrence capabilities.” Meanwhile, Zelenskyy said that the signing made for a “truly historic day,” but he also wondered about the durability of support from the U.S. and other allies.

The agreement does not commit U.S. troops directly to Ukraine’s defense against Russia or offer the country any new money. However, it includes a commitment by the U.S. to work with Congress on a source of sustainable funding for the future.

Text of the agreement released by the White House also describes how the U.S. will coordinate with Ukraine and other U.S. allies and partners to make sure Ukraine has the military, intelligence and other means necessary to defend itself and deter Russia.

The U.S. and Ukraine would also consult “at the highest levels” in the event of a future armed attack by Russia against Ukraine.

With over $175 billion in military aid, the U.S. remains the top backer of the Kiev regime. Despite recent Ukrainian defeats in the battlefield, Washington is showing no sign of slowing down support, likely because its main goal in the end is not for Ukraine to win, but just to prolong the war as long as possible in the hope of weakening Russia.

Meanwhile in the Middle East, the U.S. also continues to show unwavering support for the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip, which has so far claimed the lives of more than 37,000 Palestinains.

On June 9, The New York Times revealed in a report that intelligence provided by the U.S. helped Israel carry out the operation on June 8 that resulted in the rescue of four Israeli hostages from Hamas.

The operation was more of a massacre, with Israeli forces killing 276 Palestinians and wounding more than 698 others in the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza

Citing unnamed American and Israeli officials, the outlet said that a team of American officials in Israel helped by “providing intelligence and other logistical support.”

In addition to the report, Palestinian media said that Israeli forces used the U.S. aid pier in central Gaza to evacuate the freed hostages.

Overall, Washington appears to be doubling down on its support for the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza in the hopes of solidifying its shaky influence.


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the juus are behind every war. its always the juus who control both sides of the conflict

Last edited 4 months ago by Awakend

it’s not them. you need to go deeper down the rabbit hole.

Striker of Love

why dont you enlighten us then ?

jens holm

but we do again and again some many times.

i – just a small prick – tell every everone here

russia and others has to make many schools and free education to more advanced jobs, where many not even exist in mind.

many more also has be responsible as deciders at all level and trusted and controlled both ways. the russia controllers are far out only controlling the people.

you has to be paid for you are with on not as revenge from the protetars.


if it only were that simple.

Billy Bob Blues

neocons are made up of 70% tribal trolls and 20% christian wackjobs like pompeo and grahamcracker. the rest are just in it for for the ride.


if you look at it like that you’ll never get a clear picture.

jens holm

if that few do that, your are worth notning, you are spillovers only.

the difference is between eduacated making good structures and fx you kept in the dark by tzars, communists, in fame religion and masses in kept in own dark.

thats why you hate jews. they changed their lives to the better,

and the result. you still dont follow. you instead you use edudated people as a cheep excuse for yourself.

jens holm

nothing has changed since the tzars left the building. its ok you prefare you prefare to live like that. its your own standars.

but not blame the rest of the world jews included. we will never go back to where we were too. most of us – the poor included – prefare to live longer and better.


nice of you to inform the forum you’re a joo.


dumbest joo i ever met.

Icarus Tanović

1:45 “to defend it self from russia”. do you mean by that to keep on attacking russia? ukraine and this zelensky pig did absolutely everything to start this war on russia.

Last edited 4 months ago by Icarus Tanović
Billy Bob Blues

nah, hard to believe. a violent overthrow of a democratically elected government using nazi thugs supported by neoconniving americans and their lackeys?

couldn’t be. or could it? hmmm, let me think on that.

jens holm

not at all. krustov added to go in highly excused. thats not only ukraian thing but normal russian habit for control.

the was in 1917. next ussr took fx the balitics and next divided eastern europe your friend hr hitler.

nest you expelled mainly poles and germans and repopulated the land. i was pure luck several million jews were eased there too.

jens holm

russian by the tzars as well made and ignore border.

going back russia by katerina 2 after hard wars expelled all tatars from there. it is rights ? tjenia. cheskens which later on made al kaida. several million jews free to mainly usa.

i by that its not strange the independent ukrane see krustovline as their one. its a 70 years borders. its very strange those russians dont see ukraine as theirs.

jens holm

its very infected you dont see that trotal unwanted # g i f t # as their own.

i only see one thing + + +. is long as you kill each other there, you dont come here 👩‍🦽🧑‍🦽👨‍🦽🦽🙈

Jürgen Grabowski

dummer ukrainischer vollidiot! 👽👽👽

Marcel Lucard

i’ve met a lot of weird ukroz over the past two years, but you’re by far the most ridiculous of them all

Bjarne Granlund

he’s not a ukrainian, pay attention to his slang, the guy is a soviet

Marcel Lucard

i pay attention to the content, not to the form!

he deals with historical content that does not concern anyone in the west, is of interest to anyone, if anyone has ever heard of it at all!

ukrainian or russian, everything else is to be excluded

Bjarne Granlund

ok, let’s agree on post-soviet

Peace on Earth

more like a proto-soviet. listen to him babble about how the state provides all his needs.

Ole Linge

his constant thirst for prosperity suggests that he seems to have grown up in the most abject poverty!

captain hohol

money to ukraine means nothing if there’s nobody left to fight.

mother theresa

in amerika we worship money

Billy Bob Blues

oh well, what the hell. zelensky picked his poison. drink up, lad.

hillbilly saxon

russia exposes that we are impotent paper tiger–a crumbling talibanned nation of degenerates

jens holm

another bad day in my amerikunt colony—russia won

jens holm

infantile 0 id wrote that

Taliban astrologer

amerikunt must accept all russian conditions and remain in your lgbt cesspool; your humiliation is complete

jens holm

you dont see the rest of the state. you are forbidden.

its a fact why try to include those up to 10% better to the rest of us.

its true we try included men and vomen with same right too.

so you in most see some 10% of fx usa. hard time for machos, which get their correct seize.

Peace on Earth

“hard time for machos, which get their correct seize”

sounds to me like jens had an anatomically correct brain seizure.


is anyone surprised ???

jens holm

i agree. the no surprice most of us want that change ot the better.

men are overrated. vomen are underrated. your lgbt are in all humans dna many years before the aceage.

if you all killed all, you would get the same 10% as routine. we have decides they are normal as that and sencond class to hide as fx in russian andmany places in the world.

Peace on Earth

fomenting a nazi seizure of power in 2014 is never a change for the better.


jews are the wealthiest people on the planet why do american taxpayers have to pay for israel’s wars? can’t the jews buy their own weapons? why are white people such tricks for the jews?

Taliban astrologer

obviously you amerikunts inferior to jews and pygmys

jens holm

and force for that???

when you something in your behind you minum should light a candle and use that too.


if you were the captain of the santa maria, my ship would have ended up in antarctica and my sailors perplexed by your orders to hoist the sails in a hurricane to speed the crossing.

Last edited 4 months ago by Columbus
jens holm

jews are not wealthiest people in my world at all.

the wealthiest here in west i people to have schools, good education, skills and work hard work.

thats the reel power and not some strange hat.

your kind are low, because you have chosen to do none of that and insist. its a very good skapegoat for things going wrong. you are like most muslims in that.

communisme dint changed that habit forced by relgion and tzar.

Peace on Earth

“jews are not wealthiest people in my world at all.”

that’s because your danish quisling leader allowed the nazis to kill them all.

jens holm

and addicton.

it very difficult to take tax from people, with no money and all are voters and decides what money are used for.

and again: we are semilar by eduation. education anytime make influence and wealth.

look where the wealth in influence is. look how and why chine grows. not many can see jews there.

Last edited 4 months ago by jens holm
jens holm

we see their children go to school and into jobs in ancanted structures very different from mine in denmark. but it works well too.

so the diffence is eduation into well give liable given structures.

and evertime the world and even tiny me tell your kind you are blindfolded of do it yourselg,

you ignore simple facts in statistics and maps. often you prefare whats produced in deep basements in kremlin.


“and addicton”

no doubts. but what kind of addiction you have? methedrone? fentanyl? heroin? or may be you prefer natural colombian goods like the clown of kiev?


jens is a joo, and he’s defending joo’s, as that is the jooish way.

jens holm

i was terminated as a pooper on potato farm–now i senile professor of homosexual studies at gay amerikan university

jens holm

infant or his servide dog wrote that. hard times for the dog.


go and read your favorite “coprohaven times”.


it’s the coping hags courier and those coping hags are quite a sight to behold. more interesting even than a day trip through the washington compost’s editorial board room.

Billy Bob Blues

what are those spots on biden’s brain? is he an alien come to rid the world of people and make room for his dying planet of bed wetting trologogs?

jens holm

usa dont step up. its a constant support as well as it goes.

its the same for other supported in the permanent build up. russia seemes to prefare we again use more to war then wealth to our proletars.

very much as rusians die sooner and sooner and try save pension for many.

tempting to name it silent night kill. russian men dies 15 years before danish ones. next might more will cremated. i heard many might burn well.


did you take big huff of gold spray paint before you typed that?

jens holm


i just serve facts.

i come from very poor ansisters so i know why they changed and some immigrated


i come from very rich ansisters and anbrothers and they used to use your ansisters as casual beasts of burden and sometimes for naughty picture taking.

Last edited 4 months ago by Columbus

i’m afraid it’s heavy drugs.


he’s just a joo, and is pissed that russia is winning.


many russian joos are very happy they are winning.


i think he said once he prefers acetone for the bigger kick it gives.


we will support our terrorists, wherever they are. be they jihadis, nazis, or hasbara, they are all a good investment of our money, to harras our strategic competitors!

heil slava akbar!

Sink Chicken

did fjb ask the us citizens if they support this action?


complete criminal behavior of zionist us regime.

Peace on Earth

it’s specified in the ‘project for the new american century’ manifesto, under the chapter ‘international rules-based order’.

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