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US Strike Assasinated Qods Force’s Soleimani. Iran Promised ‘Tough Revenge’

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US Strike Assasinated Qods Force’s Soleimani. Iran Promised ‘Tough Revenge’

On January 3, Major General Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Qods Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the second-in-command of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) were killed by US strikes on the Iraqi capital of Bahdad. The US strike that also killed several others Iraqi and Iranian commanders caused a regional crisis and put the entire Middle East on the edge of a new open military conflict.

The attack was carried out under a direct order from US President Donald Trump.

In an official statement on the matter, the Defense Department claimed that “General Soleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region.”

It claimed that Soleimnani “had orchestrated attacks on coalition bases in Iraq over the last several months – including the attack on December 27th – culminating in the death and wounding of additional American and Iraqi personnel.” The Pentagon also blamed General Soleimani for riots near “the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad” that was caused by the recent US strike on PMU positions in Syria and Iraq.

The US military accidentally forgot to mention that the PMU and the Qods Force, led by Soleimani, played a key role in the defeat of ISIS in both Iraq and Syria. The PMU is an official branch of the Iraqi Armed Forces.

Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said those who assassinated General Soleimani must await a tough revenge. Key powers and groups involved in the Middle East standoff, including the US, Israel, the PMU, the Houthis (Ansar Allah), and Saudi Arabia, put their forces on heightened alert awaiting an Iranian retaliatory move.

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Hasbara Hunter

Good….Killem Filthy American Parasites…hit them hard….

You can call me Al

In the Daily Mail they are both called terrorists, I commented that they were the ones eliminating ISIS and the PMU is an official branch of the Iraqi Armed Forces – no, our gormless brain dead backed with Yanks chastised me – dumb, braindead, ignorant twats.


I suppose terrorist can’t kill terrorist?

I think it’s called divide and rule, or something like that

You can call me Al

Brainwashing the idiots !!.

Azriel Herskowitz

The only reason he fought ISIS is because ISIS was Sunni and didn’t do his wishes. He would be perfectly fine with a Shia form of ISIS being formed if it fulfilled his wishes.

Ford Fairlane

Talking and doing are different things. So far I haven’t seen Iranian terrorism in Europe but plenty of Sunni terrorism. The Sunnis are our enemies in Europe.

Hasbara Hunter

War is comin’ little Women-Terrorizing Cockroach Jacob Wohlski….


however it was true that the Quds General was planning attacks in Iraq to kick out the USA! Its also true that many Iraqi’s celebrated his death! Its on video! Just saying!!

Hasbara Hunter

Yes…Interesting times…it is finally starting… Smokescreens will disappear & true intentions will become clear….The Muslimworld is Uniting Against AngloZioNazi-Imperial-Colonial Oppression…they have suffered enough & will shake hands as Brothers…Does Europe want to stay America’s Bitch? Russia & China backing Iran…a Thoroughly Divided America going to War won’t be the Brightest Idea in my personal opinion…more an act of sheer desperation…


i see a different view on this! I think Iran is being setup!

Hasbara Hunter

Set up by who? The entire World of Elites? Trump, Putin, Queen Elizabeth, Rothschild, Xi Jinping…. why set up Iran? To bring’m over to the New World Order Camp? In that case Humanity is Screwed big time & 7 Billion will be Exterminated to keep this world a nice & peaceful place for the Elites


The peak of the triangle or should we say “the apex” of the Globalist (Jewish Zionist) goals is to FORCE the USA into war, keep China out of war! STOP Russia and America allying and create a NEW global power equal to or greater than the Soviet union!

Thats the end goal and if u understand that, then everything falls into place!

i know u are a smart guy and that u know the Soviet union was truly a Jewish Zionist setup! To counter (not profit even though there is value in that) America! The end goal is world power and domination! No competition and to rule all!

China was their new setup (directly after the fall of the Soviet union) China was invited into the WTO, NAFTA was made in the USA and war begun in the middle east! That was the end of the ball game! They KNEW Afghanistan was a no win situation! Even though some “experts” will claim otherwise!

So the Zionist give China our industries, steal, hack, cheat, copy all of our tech (Russian too, right in Russia’s face they copy but nothing russia could do but take it up the ass)! If u think Russia truly loves China u are wrong! A thief on their border that they must bow to economically who also share a border with 1.4 billion people! Russia full of land and gas and oil! Russia isnt stupid! They KNOW china and the Zionist want their hands on that EASY to get oil thats just a land drive away!

So what does Iran have to do with all of this? Many things! Iran got their hands on 5of the 6 Davey Crocket nuclear mortars that found their way into Syria by the obama administration (u need to look this up to get the whole story)! Yes, Iran has 5 TACTICAL (not strategic) nukes that are from the USA! 1 of those nukes were used by ISIS against Russian Mercs! Putin knows it was a nuke too! Thats when he did the MASSIVE evacuation drill in Moscow with 40 million people going underground to send a message to Obama and Hillary “We know and we are ready”!

So Iran has 5 tactical mortar launched nukes they got from ISIS near Al Qaim! FACT! The General was planning to use these and blame ISIS!

The plan was thwarted!

This would spiral into all out war (much bigger than 9/11 all out war! This would be the economic nail in the coffin for the USA whilst china keeps chugging along! Trump would likely be ousted as the President and there goes the ball game! China becomes number 1, the USA stuck in endless costly bigger wars!

Iran’s leadership doesnt give a fuck about Iran! They care about their own skin! They do have a goal and the respect they would get for using a nuke on the USA or Israel would be huge! perhaps even unite the arab world or worse, start WW3! The latter is more likely!

All muslims have a belief taught from their book! It goes something like “be soft and friendly when u are weak but show no mercy when u are strong”!

This means they have been planning total destruction for their ultimate holy war! This is what they live for!

US mililtary intel knows exactly whats going on! So does Russia! At every move, the Elites are trying anything they can to stop the US moving forward and GETTING OUT OF WARS! Stop Trump!

Trump will get out of Iraq eventually! For sure! But at them moment it is still chess! Tactical destruction of globalist plans are occurring! Now if Iran tries anything, they pay a price in its economy! Revolution will finish off iran!

Globalists are not just Jews! They are in bed with all! All leaders! All govts! Iran like North Korea is being USED as a puppet attack dog! At all costs they will use every tactic and asset to stop 2 things:

Keeping USA at number 1 Stopping Russia and USA from becoming allies!

After that, its game over for elites! Literally game over! Including China and the UN

Mapache Arias

Ok (((Herskowitz)))


much bigger terrorism is done by the zionists (themselves directly or by using the US or ISIS – yes ISIS is created and used by them) but noone talks about it.

AM Hants

Could not be bothered with Daily Mail comments, just read a few, to realise that somebody is paying a lot of money to the media disinformation trolls, to spin the story and outrage. There again, do the masses understand outrage, unless it affects reality tv 24/7?. Gateway Pundit, comments section completely fizzled, fried and sizzled my brain cells and cannot handle going anywhere near Breitbart.

Went into the New Year, full of positivity, but, now wired up like a Avangard Missile, seriously ready to go off and have no idea which direction, but, hopefully more than one and exploding in every direction. Must admit, December got me primed, but, thought January would wind me down and nought to do with the words of demented trolls.

Happy belated Christmas and Happy New Year.

Hasbara Hunter

Fire a couple of Nukes towards Washington & ISISraHell turn both into glass & You will have Exterminated a Bloody noice number of Terrorists….


Iran will be smart about it, its how they have survived for years under sanctions. The illegal base at Al-Tanf in Syria would be a nice start, for example. Many opportunities for a long strategic defeat of Zionist interests. No doubt the Iranian leadership has considered all factors by this point. Time will tell.

Meanwhile we remember General Soleimani for his contributions to peace and stability in the region.

Hasbara Hunter

He was a Brave Man….He died for what he believed in & brought an important Sacrifice… Iranians , Russians & Chinese are intelligent folks…America is Nothing….an Evil Entity since 1776…118 Wars & Genocides says enough about these Parasitic Psychopathic Maniacs…America will be Facing Battle-Hardened Warriors Fighting With Heart & in Unity in the Middle East from now on….their Divide & Conquer is over…The World is not buying their Crap any longer


This is normal behaviour, every superior civilisation/superpower will push less advanced civilisations/nations down. If we ever meet a more advanced alien civilisation, they will also do the same to us. It is a natural law for survival.


When it comes to the UN: https://archive.org/details/newworldorder_201912



muslimworld = stone age countries … LOL they have NOTHING, no technology what so ever ……. literaly stone age


you know this is also because anglo-sio-us have systematically supported islamic cults and leaders. keep the public ignorant and poor, leaders rich and powerful towardstheir people but puppets towards the West –result–> resources exploited by int’l corporations.

only intact nation states survived this but remaining only a few of them today among which is Iran.


Back in October the Mossad chief stated that an assassination attempt on Soleimani was not impossible then in the same month Israel along with some of their Arab suckers attempted to kill him but their plan was foiled. Also a few days prior to Soleimanis assassination, U.S had airstriked the Iranian ally Kata’ib Hezbollah (who’s leader also got killed with the Soleimani strike) in Iraq. So knowing that there is now an active attempt by Israel to kill Soleimani and his allies, they still though it was a good idea to have them travel to Iraq which is a country that has no sovereignty and their air space is under the control of the U.S and Israel making assassination attempts on anyone very easy?

Why would Iran send their top general to Iraq where he will be at the mercy of his enemies when they already knew there is an active effort by Israel and their puppets going on to have him killed?

AM Hants

Will the Rothschild’s and Rockerfeller families be attending Davos, when Trump arrives with his begging bowl on 21st January (lent by Poroshenko)?

I did not know that when they took Gaddafi out, and prevented Libya moving onto the Gold African Dinar, before Clinton was laughing at the demise of Gadaffi, Rothschild were setting up the Libyan Central Bank in Benghazi. Wasn’t Benghazi, the place the US placed a satellite branch of their Embassy and Clinton found highly comical, when the Ambassador and three of his team were taken out? What was it a Rothschild, Turkey, US Arms deal that went wrong, but, amused Hilary?

Rothschild family The Rothschild family is a wealthy Jewish family descending from Mayer Amschel Rothschild, a court factor to the German Landgraves of Hesse-Kassel in the Free City of Frankfurt, Holy Roman Empire, who established his banking business in the 1760s. Wikipedia

Snordster–Rothschilds Want Iran’s Banks… https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=90&v=bIAmsWktckU&feature=emb_logo

Looking at images of Prince Philip and the Duke of Kent, over Christmas, found it seriously strange how similar they looked to Jacob Rothschild. In fact is Jacob still around these days, or did they take him out near Mentmore Towers, a couple of years ago?

AM Hants

Listening to the video, did not realise that Francis II was the last Holy Roman Empire. Now that has interested me.


So what? Your Islamist Iranian hero is gone with many more of your friends and lots more to follow. It has been good days with or without a Rothschild in sight.

Hasbara Hunter

You are a Dead Parasite Walkin’…Muslimworld Unites…ISraHell Gone…just like your Prophecy… Y’all got it comin’ boy…the End-Game….


Prince Philip, the Duke of Kent and Jacob Rothschild Looks like vampire party. Gathered for the feast to suck the blood of young children.

AM Hants

Well, when you see the images of them all together, one does wonder if it is a Halloween themed event. Is Jacob Rothschild even alive?n Or was he taken out in that helicopter or light plane accident, near his estate, a few years ago?


If I am not wrong Jacob Rothschild died in his young age of 100+ years. But that guy looks totally demonic to me. I would not be surprised that some young person is killed so that his brains can be transplanted in young body in futile attempt to continue to live.

AM Hants

It is strange, they all end up with a certain look about them. Whether it be the Jacob Rothschild, version or the David Rockerfeller/Soros version – very reptilian/cold blooded whatever their DNA dictates.


Glad that you have arrived to same conclusion ! I have never red about that simple but to me obvious observation. Definitely something reptilian and diabolic and you are the 1st. person that I hear mentioning that.

I tend to believe that it is their inner evil that transforms them gradually rising on the surface as monstrosity overtakes everything human.

AM Hants

I have laughed at the ‘reptile’ links to their clan. However, when faced with the images of the Duke of Kent, with Prince Philip, over Christmas and old images of Jacob Rothschild, you could not but ignore the very cold and blue blood that was not only pumping through the veins, but, arteries as well. The eyes, so dead, cold and remiiscent of those that shed their skin, for survival. Same with David Rockerfeller and George Soros, but, they fall under the fat versions.

Reminds me of a saying, ‘you get the face you deserve, when you pass 50’.

What seriously surprised me, was finding out, around the New Year, that the Holy Roman Empire was dismantled in 1806, courtesy of Francis II of Vienna. The Red Crescent Family, popped up in Vienna, led by Salomon Mayer von Rothschild, back in 1820. Aren’t there allegations as Adolf having the DNA of old Salomon, pumping through his veins?


I might sound stupid but to me, Hitler had face less evil than Jacob Rothschild and I am not neo-NAZI or Hitler fan at all.

I heard the stories about the “Rothschild blood pumping through his vein”s and I don’t see any purpose in speculating without evidence.

AM Hants

I am curious and look forward to finding out more regards the end of the Holy Roman Empire and what else was going on at the time.


most probably they literally do

Free man

Iran promised to continue to threaten and blow hot air. They can’t do much more.


Well, they could but that would be the last thing they ever did. So the question is how suicidal are the Murdering Mullahs?

Free man

“how suicidal are the Murdering Mullahs?” – I think they are not. But I know they are big cowards.


I actually hope you are correct. The Iranian people don’t deserve these guys and what will happen to them if these Islamists do something stupid.

Free man

The Iranian people have been kidnapped by these extreme jihadists.

Ford Fairlane

No, they chose their own leaders.

Free man

When and by whom did the Supreme Leader was elected?

Ford Fairlane

Well, the Shah wasn’t elected either. But in 1953 Mohammad Mosaddegh was elected but the Americans and British took him out of office.

Free man

Certainly, the Americans have made a lot of mistakes in the Middle East.

Ford Fairlane

The US didn’t even manage to remove Assad after all these years, why should the Mullahs care?

Free man

It’s for the best that the Americans failed to bring down Assad. Assad is smart he never threatened or hurt the Americans.

Ford Fairlane

He has his hands full liberating his own country. But when that job is done and the Americans still choose to occupy Syrian oil fields, what options will then be left on the table? Asking the Americans to leave nicely has not yielded any results so far.


No, Amercia got pushed out by Russia and Iran by stopping their Western backed jihadists. They wanted to kill Assad, don’t bullshit to yourself.

Free man

If they wanted to kill Assad, he would be dead by now. I think they wanted to weaken Assad. Nobody in the West wants a jihadist state in Syria.


So why do they try to overthrow Syria with Jihadists then?

Ford Fairlane

If some rag head talibans manage to kill US soldiers every so and so often, don’t you think Iran can? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/us-military-american-service-member-killed-in-afghanistan/ar-BBYgeIR

Free man

Obviously Iran can, but they are cowards.


Everyone in Iran is a coward. They rose up against the US and kicked them out. Good on them.


No, I agree, but naval drills between, Iran, China and Russia signify that Iran will continue to maintain its objectives in the region, and guess what, there isn’t anything Amercia can do about it, unless they want a real war.


iran will do nothing

viktor ziv

Stena Impero, kind reminder…



Free man

The mullahs have turned Iran into a pathetic paper tiger.

Ford Fairlane

Then invading should be a no-brainer? You should advise US intelligence on the issue.

Free man

Trump said he was not interested in war. The Iranians are the ones who never stop threatening. But we know that a barking dog doesn’t bite.

Ford Fairlane

Now they are in a situation where they will need to respond in some way or completely lose face. That’s why it’s a dangerous escalation. I don’t see anything good coming out of it.

Free man

“I don’t see anything good coming out of it.” – I agree.


Trump has been the one provoking Iran since he was elected. He knows Iran is gaining geopolitical strength in the ME which threatens the status quo. Trump has only made it worse, Iraq and Iran will grow closer and Amercia will lose even more leverage. Iran doesn’t even have to retaliate. Free man, your mind is not free, it’s in bondage to the false narrative. Wake up.

Free man

I’m not here to defend Trump. But he is still the president of the world’s greatest power. And the stupid mullah regime turned the greatest superpower in the world into an enemy of Iran.


Yes he helped defeat ISIS. But don’t forget that with Trump no good deed goes unpunished.


Seems the masons are quite fond of the 33rd parallel



U.S. are murderous terrorist regime. Low lives and common criminals of the worst kind.


EXPOSED: Netanyahu-Pompeo Lie Of Imminent Threat That Justified The Assassination Of Soleimani https://www.fort-russ.com/2020/01/exposed-netanyahu-pompeo-lie-of-imminent-threat-that-justified-the-assassination-of-soleimani/


I think Iran will target one of the American bases on M.E. where the drone came from which killed General Qassem Soleimani.


OK there is logic in those words I agree. But what if that drone was flying from one of the Persian Gulf big military US bases like in Bahrain or similar. Iranian missile on such base would immediately start all out war. Iran has plenty US & Israeli targets and can hit them through their proxy forces from Afghanistan to whole Middle East without starting major conflict. And US would have hard time to justify war on Iran, as response on such attacks, without proves.


“We have learned today from #Iraq Prime Minister AdilAbdl Mahdi how @realDonaldTrump uses diplomacy: #US asked #Iraq to mediate with #Iran. Iraq PM asks #QassemSoleimani to come and talk to him and give him the answer of his mediation, Trump &co assassinate an envoy at the airport.”



MAJOR: Soleimani Had Diplomatic Immunity Making His Assassination A Far Graver Crime General Soleimani was acting under diplomatic authority and it bodes poorly for the U.S’ ability to engage in diplomacy in the region for years to come. With a single act, the U.S violated not only standing and unspoken rules in place for countless centuries, but specific provisions in, for example, Article 31 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. https://www.fort-russ.com/2020/01/major-soleimani-had-diplomatic-immunity-making-his-assassination-a-far-graver-crime/


3rd world war NOW


So this guy fought isis better than anyone else…ok…thats great, we applaud that. On the other hand he also made connection with the muslim brotherhood and was trying to change regime in Egypt, he was trying to topple Sisi. Now thats bad !

So… mix feelings ? Yeah you could say that… But the question is now who is going to be next on the list…?

Erdogan maybe …? I dont know…


I’ve just done a tight summary and analysis of these events.

You may find it interesting.

It is posted here:


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