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MARCH 2025

US Analysts: Russian Electronic Warfare Systems Deployed In Syria Allow Assad To Carry Out Chemical Attacks

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In April 2018, the head of Russian Special Operations Command, Gen. Raymond Thomas, complainted that the Russians are using their electronic warfare (EW) capabilities in Syria in order to deter actions of the US-led coalition there.

“Right now in Syria we are operating in the most aggressive EW environment on the planet from our adversaries. They are testing us everyday, knocking our communications down, disabling our EC-130s, etcetera,”he started ignoring the fact that the US-led coalition had illegally invaded the country while the Russians are in Syria upon request from its legal government.

US Analysts: Russian Electronic Warfare Systems Deployed In Syria Allow Assad To Carry Out Chemical Attacks

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On November 30, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) a US-based think tank affilated with large defense contractors, released a fresh report, which also complains about the Russian decision to expand its EW capabilities in Syria and repeats remarks that it has a negative impact on the situation in the country.

In particular the ISW adressed reprots about the following systems (source):

Krasukha-4: Russia deployed the Krasukha-4 to Hmeimim Airbase by October 2015.[23] The system is capable of suppressing satellite navigation, communication networks, airborne early-warning systems, and ground-based radars at ranges up to three hundred kilometers.[24] Russia reportedly deployed a second Krasukha-4 to Syria in September 2018.[25] This system is likely positioned at the T4 (Tiyas) Airbase in Central Syria alongside the new battalion of S-300s.

Leer-3: Russia reportedly deployed the Leer-3 (RB-341V) to Syria prior to March 2016.[26] The Leer-3 uses unmanned aerial vehicles to jam mobile devices such as cell phones and computer tablets within a one hundred kilometer radius. [27] It can also provide firing coordinates for the location of these devices for artillery and airstrikes. Russia may have used this system to disrupt the operations of opposition groups ahead of pro-regime military operations.[28] Russia likely also used the system to identify and target opposition-linked facilities such as hospitals.[29]

Zoopark-1: Russia deployed the Zoopark-1 (1L219) to Palmyra in Central Syria in March 2016.[30] Zoopark-1 identifies the origin of enemy artillery strikes for counter-battery fire.[31] Russia likely used this system to support pro-regime operations to secure Palmyra as well as its surrounding oil and gas fields from ISIS in 2016.[32]

Moskva-1: Russia may have deployed the Moskva-1 (1L267) to Syria. Russia previously deployed this system to Ukraine in late 2015 according to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.[33] Russia has tested other electronic warfare systems in both Ukraine and Syria including the Krasukha-4 and Leer-2.[34] The Moskva-1 provides targeting information to increase the effectiveness of electronic warfare systems against aircraft at a radius of up to four hundred kilometers.[35] Russia could have used the system to protect its facilities in response to intensified airstrikes by Israel in Syria in 2017.

However, the most interesting claim is that the Russian EW systems are allegedly deployed there to help Assad “chemical weapons attacks”.

The think tank writes:

Russia ultimately aims to use its technical capabilities as part of its wider campaign to force the withdrawal of the U.S. Anti-ISIS Coalition from Syria. Russia can use these systems to decrease the overall freedom of maneuver – and increase the overall risk – faced by the U.S. in Syria. Russia’s combined air defense and electronic warfare networks will increase the cost of aerial and naval operations by the U.S. in Syria and the Eastern Mediterranean. It raises the cost of future airstrikes to deter chemical weapons attacks by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. It also increases the cost of future strikes by Israel against Iran in Syria. The U.S. and Israel both must be prepared to suppress a larger number of air defense systems and use more expensive stealth aircraft such as the F-35 in Syria.[42] Russia stands to gain a long-term strategic advantage over NATO through its new capabilities in Syria. The U.S. and NATO must now account for the risk of a dangerous escalation in the Middle East amidst any confrontation with Russia in Eastern Europe.

Translating to a normal English, the think tank claims that the growing Russian EW capabilities as well as Syrian air defense capabilities impact negatively ability of the US and Israel to carry out acts of illegal agression against Syria. The democracy is in danger.

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neil barron

Well la-di -da you azzoles let odumbo and his minions drive the military into the ground and now you sound like you got your sucker taken away. Get the hell out of Syria they don’t want you in their sandbox. Trump I voted for you get the hell out it would be another MAGA.

Promitheas Apollonious

out of curiosity why you voted for him?

Concrete Mike

Because hillary promised a no fly zone…imediatly. thats my guess. Alot of americans told me so, i used to buy cement powder from maine and would talk with the tanker drivers.

Promitheas Apollonious

is the americans IQ fall so low that they believe what this morons are saying? I think been on a diet of GMO and plastic fast food is taking is toll.


This moron is saying “ Russians are using their electronic warfare (EW) capabilities in Syria in order to deter actions of the US-led coalition there.“”” You do not believe that Russian EW is giving American fits in Syria?

Promitheas Apollonious

I was referring to the chemical attacks, committed under the cover of EW and not if russians are able to blind nato forces.

Tudor Miron

BTW, GMO, plastic food, chewing gam (human is not capable to think as sharply when he’s chewing) doesn’t seem like something that can give rapid results because it can’t. But those and similar items are not intended as such – those creatures think in long term (10 years is considered very short time span) and they plan for hundreds of years.

Promitheas Apollonious

americans have been poisoned via their food, soft drinks and water supplies for generations. You will hardly find anything in US that dont have aspartame or something similar in it, or water with out aluminum and chlorine.

They used this combination also during the years of concentration camps in Siberia. It turns humans into unthinking and very docile. Of course the subscription drugs they all seem to be taking helps as well to worsen their condition.


don´ t want to know, how are poisoned ruskies

Promitheas Apollonious

connect your brain with your eyes and read again what I wrote, you may understand it if you try hard enough.

Jens Holm

Try this


Russia nr 110 and USA nr 31 being 65 years old in Russia and 77 in USA…


Mostly in point here. I would add that all these artificial substances make it passed the treated sewage systems and escape into the whole wide world. Concentrations will be highest near the source, of course.

Jens Holm

Try this


Jens Holm

Try this


Russia nr 110 and USA nr 31 being 65 years old in Russia and 77 in USA.

Promitheas Apollonious

Life have yet to teach low IQ humans as your self that is not how many years you manage to pollute earth before dying that matters, but how much of those you actually lived and not just wasted breathing air.

Jens Holm

Yes,its a balance too.

Promitheas Apollonious

You have yet to learn that it does not matter how many years you polluting earth and wasting breathing air, but how many of those yars you have actually lived and not wasted away, tax slave.


human is not capable to think as sharply when he’s chewing

commie bullshit! your ugly commie ancestors taught this earlier in schools and forbad chweing gum. BUT! the chewing gum culture kicked your assm uSSr-man!


you are not human, you’re just a dumb bitch.. yeah, you was trained/owned by soviets, now you are owned by americans, but you still are a bitch. go chew manure.

Jens Holm

Unfortunatly USA is not the only ones having those problems. All has to learn better to clean their own houses.

Jens Holm

Too many here forget Trump is elected by internal reasons and not some external hobbies in ME.

Outside its about trade and the minus they have. Here Trump in the most naive way try unrealitic shortcuts, wbhich only make confision to chaos.

Here its only true China is very unfair to important parts of the world economy. Trump doesnt see, that all others might compensate by trading “around” USA lowering their economy by that.

USA need intertnal reforms, but we dont see a single change for it from Trumpets. Education as well, as creating new jobs are very much needed.


US and Israel admit that Russian EW severely complicates their illegal mode of operation in Syria and makes Anglo zio threats meaningless.

John Whitehot

the whole “Track while scan” / “low observable” narcisism on which the US and its stooges based their air-war concepts has been ripped apart the minute they overflew Syria after Russia went there.

Since the fools are so good at fighting against people that can’t defend theirselves, it must have come as a serious blow to their arrogance.

Having F-22s and being unable to operate them stealthily because otherwise they are blind and dumb and will get IR shots up the tailpipes. Think about it.


A lot of the abilities of US weapons are predicated on perfect conditions, without any EW or advanced anti aircraft defenses. In Lockheed’s mind these stealth planes operate in pristine environments, “able to see” enemy aircraft long before they are “spotted”, “ choosing the parameters of the battle advantageous to them and firing BVR missiles long before they are spotted.

The problem is, in war with a peer power, not a third world power the environment is not pristine and harmless as they found out in Syria, Russians using their EW capabilities to confuse the F22 radar, while the S400 multi band radars kept track of the F22 and dispatched Suk 35 and guided them close to the F22, Suk 35 being able to out turn the F22 and position itself behind it, sufficient for a sure kill.

The morons at Lockheed never considered that EW interference would blind the F22, changing their presumed ROE, subsequently they developed tactics and trained pilots on hubris and make believe.

John Whitehot

“A lot of the abilities of US weapons are predicated on perfect conditions, without any EW or advanced anti aircraft defenses. ”

“The morons at Lockheed never considered that EW interference would blind the F22”

This is because LM and the US MIC in general design weapon systems to be costly, not to be effective.

They also want people to beleive that the US can fight wars only by technology and that nobody is able to oppose that.

In this historical moment, all those pre-conditions have been overturned.

The only way the US can fight an air war with Russia or China is by saturation, which won’t give them any assurance of a win, while conversely assure never seen before losses, both material and human.

US (and UK, and NATO, and Israeli) pilots, were going into missions with the knowledge that the chance of something bad happening to them was close to zero.

Not anymore – all the latest development showed that they will get shot down, and they will die like everybody else.

The point is: how do you feel like dying in your airplane just to enforce a ziojihadist agenda, because all your leaders have been corrupted to the bone by Israel and Saudia?

Believe me, it’s an unescapable feeling for any pilot or flying personnel in a combat environment.


“””The only way the US can fight an air war with Russia or China is by saturation, which won’t give them any assurance of a win, while conversely assure never seen before losses, both material and human.”””

At current levels US cannot engage in an air war of saturation, like they did in WW 2 or Vietnam or Iraq, because logistically they are not able mass such a force within the immediate area of Russia or China without being interdicted. Secondly, the current condition of the US Air Force is not what it used to be, their planes are old and and the new planes coming on line are a POS, the munition stocks leave a lot to be desired, their AA missiles are old and marginally improved, today’s Air Force is not what it was was 25-30 years ago. And then of course, there is the apprehension of casualties and loss of aircraft, being afraid of taking casualties provides a negative morale downer for those involved. Saturation attacks cannot be carried out by F35s, F15 and 16 carry good payloads , however, they would be easy pickings for antiaircraft defenses, B52 is a dinosaur that carries a good load but can be easily shot down, B2 a subsonic flying wing carries a good load, however it cannot hide from S400 radars, and because of its awkward shape has very little maneuverability and is a sitting duck. The naval aviation is limited by the range of the Super Hornet, and carriers cannot get close to the enemy’s coast line without being blown out of the water.

John Whitehot

“At current levels US cannot engage in an air war of saturation, like they did in WW 2 or Vietnam or Iraq, because logistically they are not able mass such a force within the immediate area of Russia or China without being interdicted. ”

This is rather naive. do you believe that the US is not able to deploy some hundreds of airplanes in poland, the baltics, japan and south korea during peacetime?

Of course the other side is going to detect such move and prepare accordingly, but it’s not that they are going to bomb the bases where the aircraft are sent (“interdict”).

It all depends on the geopolitical situation of said situation, but don’t think that the US needs carriers to prepare saturation attacks, because they’ve been building bases all over the world to do just that.


“””do you believe that the US is not able to deploy some hundreds of airplanes in poland, the baltics, japan and south korea during peacetime?”””

A few hundred planes would not constitute a saturation force in my opinion, Poland and Baltic states do not have the infrastructure, even if they did, the Russians would have multiple SAMs per plane plus their Suk 30 and 35…..plus Iskander brigades that would pulverize the airfield infrastructure these planes attack from. In the Far East similar defenses are available for the Russians, and I am not sure how much collateral damage Japan, Korea or Poland would be willing to suffer for an ineffective attack. Supposedly US and allies have possibly some hundreds of planes in the ME, what role or influence are they projecting during current events? Even during FUKUS attacks on Syria, their military ineptitude was amply displayed. Three decades of fixating on counterinsurgency left US military assets and procurements behind the curve , and they are having a hard time gearing up against a peer enemy that has chosen a more sound strategy of weapons procurements and military engagements.

John Whitehot

all your points are rather good, although it’s not exactly what i meant discussing.

let me try to be clearer.

To start with, for “saturation” attack, I generally mean one that is planned to exploit sheer numbers over other factors.

“A few hundred planes would not constitute a saturation force in my opinion,”

It depends, it’s relative to the opposing force. If you have 400 F15/16, and I have 200 SAMS and 50 fighters, then you have the potential to saturate. “Have the potential” is key word.

“Poland and Baltic states do not have the infrastructure”

It depends again. It’s not easy to calculate such aspect, especially on the basis of unreliable info – but Poland has a relatively large airforce, and several airbases routinely host and support NATO air forces. The baltiks probably less, but I wouldn’t write them off either.

It goes by itself that one priority, for many reasons (including the North stream pipeline) of the US is Kaliningrad. In that case, I don’t know the numbers of Russian defensive assets deployed there, but reinforcing them would not be easy at all.

“Even during FUKUS attacks on Syria, their military ineptitude was amply displayed”

In a sense, yes. But I don’t want to commit the opposite error to discount them as “paper tigers”. When it comes to military related information at these levels, extreme caution is to be practiced.


“””To start with, for “saturation” attack, I generally mean one that is planned to exploit sheer numbers over other factors.”””

US Air Force does not have sheer numbers against a peer power anymore, the current Air Force has the capability of fighting one major war, without assurance of success.

Current inventory Edit Main article: United States Air Force Combat Aircraft B-2 Spirit United States stealth bomber 20[1] B-1 Lancer United States strategic bomber 60[1] employs variable-sweep wing design F-22 Raptor United States stealth air superiority 178[1] F-15 Eagle United States air superiority F-15C 266[1] 26 D variants are used for training F-15 Strike Eagle United States multirole F-15E 165[2] F-35 Lightning II United States multirole F-35A 120 1,641 on order[1] F-16 Fighting Falcon United States multirole F-16C 791[1] 150 D variants are used for training A-10 Thunderbolt II United States 287 attack……etc.

From the above numbers adding up F15’s and F16’s we get a total of 431 F15’s and 791 F16’s, considering their operational readiness of a about 71%, the numbers are 306 F15’s and 561 F-16’s. 178 F22’s and 120 F35’s at operational levels of 50% ( which is generous) would give us 89 F22’s and 60 F35’s. Overall, 1016 planes to project US power world wide, in the ME, Europe and Asia and home defense does not seem sufficient in view of peer powers developing their air forces , air defenses and EW capabilities.


“””Poland and Baltic states do not have the infrastructure” It depends again. It’s not easy to calculate such aspect, especially on the basis of unreliable info – but Poland has a relatively large airforce, and several airbases routinely host and support NATO air forces. The baltiks probably less, but I wouldn’t write them off either.

Poland’s air force numbers around 100 planes, F16’s comprise less than 50, the rest are Suk 22’s and Mig 29’s. To accommodate 400 US planes you need 6 or 7 large airfield complexes, something Poland is not able to provide, they might have some large airbases from the days of Russian presence and Warsaw Pact , however, their condition is uncertain. Allocating 50 -60 million dollars for base upgrades as US has been doing will not be sufficient to turn unused airfields into first class air bases logistically capable to handle the fuel and ammo requirements of such a force.

“””It goes by itself that one priority, for many reasons (including the North stream pipeline) of the US is Kaliningrad. In that case, I don’t know the numbers of Russian defensive assets deployed there, but reinforcing them would not be easy at all.””

In case of NATO attack against Kaliningrad, Russia will have access through Belarus, it will set up air defenses to overlap the Kaliningrad defenses, and invade Lithuania creating an immediate strategic depth for Kaliningrad and reinforcing it accordingly with air defenses and armour. Let’s say Kaliningrad has 4 battalions of s400 (I would say more, since Kaliningrad is the tip of the Russian spear) same deployment as in Crimea, in case of US force augmentation in Poland, it will be easy to increase the s300 and S400 battalions by naval transport and deploy more in Belarus close to the Polish border. One battalion with 8 vehicles with 4 launchers per vehicle provides a battalion with 32 launchers ready to fire an assortment of missiles. 10 battalions would provide 320 launchers, of course these are not the sole tools in the air defenses system, they can be concentrated with Buk M3 or S350 for medium range interceptions, and Tor M2 and Pantsir S2 to take care of any HARM, glide bombs, cruise missiles or other low flying craft participating in the battle.

Of course with a complex IADS, the presence of fighter bombers and air superiority fighters increase the attack and counterattack capabilities against attacking forces and their logistical vanguard, AWACS, tankers….etc.

And last of all, a very robust and powerful response from standoff platforms that can unleash hundreds of ballistic and cruise missiles against the infrastructure of the attacking forces.

“””In a sense, yes. But I don’t want to commit the opposite error to discount them as “paper tigers”. ”””

I did not say they were paper tigers, their bark does not measure up to their ability to bite hard.

“””When it comes to military related information at these levels, extreme caution is to be practiced.”””

Yes I agree, however, simple strategic battle concepts cannot be replaced by the nonesense “political and military leaders” are spewing out.


The people at Lockheed aren’t stupid, they work for greedy and corrupt people who us war spending to fleece the US public. It works very well.


Intelligent people producing stupid weapons that cannot defend the greedy and corrupt elites? Sounds like an oxymoron.

You can call me Al

Having F-35s and being unable to operate them because they dont fly.

Jens Holm

They do fly.


Fly off turdfly.

Jens Holm

Russians would have taken the whole world by Jam-sessions long time ago, if they could.

They cant even effort to implement own tanks new themselves.


Yeah sure, whatever, little monkey… you are probably trying to say that you enjoy licking american butts and sucking bananas ?

Jens Holm

American butts are as good as any and 325 mio kinds of them. I prefare the non hairy ones from 18 to 50.

And they lick mine too…

Thats Your main problem, they lick mine too for good reasons ?

Nothing wrong with bananas too. We cool them down in summertime and suck them sometimes putting icecream or yoghurt on them too.


Waaaay too much info :D

I’m sure @beypuutyina:disqus /solomonkurwacek will be more interested in your stories! You have so much in common…

Tommy Jensen

If you call us in NATO for BS just one more time……………..then I can not and will not guarantee for the consequences.

John Whitehot

what actually the Russian EW systems employment has told to US planners and leaders is one crystal clear, unmistakable, non mis-interpretable thing:

If the US and NATO decide to attack Russia, they will not be able to operate 99% of their radars and network devices.

That in itself, is the worst news the USAF/USN/USMC aviation have received since the end of WW2.

Of course they will not tell us how relevant and significant this aspect is, and instead rave about “chemical weapons” which has become the trademark by which the stupidity of a speaker can be ascertained.


” Leer-3 uses unmanned aerial vehicles to jam mobile devices such as cell phones and computer tablets within a one hundred kilometer radius. ”

I only wish that Russian jamming systems could be used all across the UK to disable the ‘Smart Phones’ of the zombies who walk the streets with their eyes and ears glued to their phones :)

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Smart phones make people dumb.


True! They make people very, very dumb indeed and they are also a mind-control tool for the establishment! I never had one!

Jens Holm

Poeple make themselves dumb. It is meant as replacing dumb routines as well as expanding as extra to You brain.

The problem is, if You – as You indicate – replace parts of Your brain only. It certainly can be a timewaster too.

Concrete Mike

Thats like saying guns kill people. They dont…people kill people.

These people would have been dumb with or without smart phones. Its a dumb phone because its a spying devince next to your crotch.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Alexa? Is that you? What’s the meaning of life, Alexa??? People have been dumbed down by smart phones and they have paid hundreds of £/$/E for this addiction. Combine this with drugs (medicinal and illegal), the Kardassian gossip and football, then I see a deliberate pattern by the greedy elite to sedate the Plebs. I wonder if they did an addiction test for these devices???

Promitheas Apollonious

smart phones dont make people dumb. defective DNA does and all the gmo and junk food they consume since birth.


5G all the way baby!

Oh, look, another tooth fell out!?

Promitheas Apollonious

yes well… you remind me of the people who think smoking is behind every sickness that hit the human body. Brainless with no thinking span believe that and over look what actually is killing them.

Tommy Jensen

As long as I have my Iphone and my rosy Nike shoes and my friends tells me I am smart, I dont care. They can do anything they wanna do to me, just dont step on my iphone.

Jens Holm

Fine with me. But we have mainly G3 and in bigger towns G4, so whats the progrees. I can increase my speed a lot just paying more.

Jens Holm

Very optmistic. Most cleveness is, what You learn by teachers, people and the inviroment. Thats why so many are dumb and women in muslim country mainly are dummer then their boys and men.

DNA is only a part of it. I dont believe in the jubkfood version. I do believe You have to have fresh air into the brain by moving. That can be diifucalut, if you are too fat. You get the nutricians You need by junkfood, but You get too much extra fat.


CM is correct. My phone sits there ignored 99% of the time. It does not force me to play with it. My tablet and desktop I use all the time but I don’t use them to enjoy pictures of Kim Kardashian’s ass. Well, ok, I enjoy her ass with the assistance of these devices but that’s IT, I swear. All other times I’m reading South Front or works of great spiritual value.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Of course you are absolutely correct. You control the phone, the phone does not control you. How silly of me! That is why it feels like the end of the world if you lose it, or perhaps like amputation? Just try giving up for 24 hours and you will break into a cold sweat as if going off crack. Prove to yourself you are not addicted. And leave the Kardassians alone. I prefer the Vulcans.

Jens Holm

Its You. I have my bank in it, It automatic pay my bill, I order anything to the door or the nearest post office, I can see which movies are in the nearest town far away, I can call ambulance, firebrigade and car help as well as taxa, I can see exact where I am and on a map with roadnames and numbers, I can take photes and put them into my PC and send messages and recieve them as well.

I am not addicted. True many are.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

And the thing is your friend, right? Meanwhile, the magic moment of now passes you by. How many people switch off the addictive devices to sleep or even pay 100% attention to the ones they claim to love? Technology has its uses but if we taken over by them, then we lose our humanity. The empty white noise screen could be the last view of Earth as the nuclear missiles fly towards us. I now really fear the manipulation of the tech giants.

Tommy Jensen

Come on. At the introduction of Iphone you were still running around with an expensive Hasselblad camera and an expensive video camera and an expensive Nokia cell phone and expensive play/game station.

With a Iphone you got everything in 1 device 5-10 times cheaper and better that the previous. What Im saying is that the evaluation should be fair play. Yes there is spy issues and blood cell little dick changes, but you were informed and it was and is your adult choice. Get a little backbone guys.

Jens Holm

I see much more very good things in using phones and smart phones.

Old phones based on wire can be visible in alll details too.

Many parts never have had money for putting out the old stations and cables by wire.

But true soo much is our of hand and should be regulated fast.


Dumb and Numb to all around them.

You can call me Al

I am not sure it is making people dumb, but just into bloody zombies. https://d4l6i3suptb3a.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/shutterstock_158087222.jpg


Tommy Jensen

They are happy, take a look. You dont like them to be happy because YOU are not happy!

Jens Holm

Yes, happiness is the main thing.

Jens Holm

When I phoned to ME and Fx Iran, it once upon a time ago costed the Bureau 45 kroner pr minute. Thats 8 dllars a minute.

And now. Our many refugees and emmigrans can effort to mail and skype for alomost nothing an be in dayly contact with Homs, Hama, Beirut and whatever.

Thats progress to me too.

Jens Holm

Not if they already are …

John Whitehot

if you have a basic understanding of electronics and some soldering skills you could build a jamming device for smartphones,wi-fi and so on at home, by using not much more than old cellphones and wifi routers.

the problem is that it’s an illegal practice in all countries, and contrary to military spec systems it ‘s rather easy to track the source of such signals.


My knowledge of electronics is very basic. I can solder though :)

You can call me Al

Just the opposite to me. I know, well used to know about electrons, but I tried to show my boy how to solder used two solder sticks and it ended up in a blob, 30 x bigger than the actual device I was try to fix and train him on.


Lol,the secret is having the right solder, flux and heat :) Plus of course cleaning the surface to be soldered.

You can call me Al

You have to clean the surface as well ?… now that is the bit I forgot.



Dušan Mirić



You forgot about the nukes


The bast way to ‘jam’ FUKUS and Israeli nukes is to ram them firmly up their arses.


Let’s try with the smaller arse to see if it works


The British Royals are ‘tight arses’ , most nobility are :)


Unlike the eastern nobility which are goatse


All are venal I think. Its just that the White ones are more subtle about it :)


As the society in general, the whites conceal the weapons while the sand niggers shot in the sky

John Whitehot

when i used the “n-word” in comments it has been deleted.

why this user hasn’t received the same treatment?


cuz u touch ur pee pee when ur mom is with strangers that give you lollipops

John Whitehot

while your face is being used as an asswipe by the most lurid zionists to ever exist. but at least your getting paid lmao.


I had no choice, MBS offered me only two options


Have you seen that movie called Cell with John Cusack and Samuel L Jackson in it?


I have not. I am not an avid Hollywood fan. I find that the majority of the productions are inane rubbish , although I accept that a few productions might be worth watching.

Its rather like trying to find a gem in a mountain of garbage though and I have better things to do.


Trump mafia


Exactly, and if US EW planes try to fry Russian EW systems, they will be shot down by Syrian Air Defenses or Russian S400.


To think there was a time when lying was frowned on by common and honorable people. The new American Department of Propaganda is functioning as planned: Turn all American and allied poodle non believers into total morons. A saying attributed to former CIA operative Casey says all: ‘We will not have done our job until all the American People believe is what we tell them’. Good job Casey: MORONS R/US

Vince Dhimos

Wow. Now they have another excuse to whip up more anrti-Russian hysteria.

Concrete Mike

This article is braught to you by the letter “Y”. When youre making stuff up about someone add a Y at the end to” alleged” and credibally make your lies stick.!

You can call me Al



corall red is the color of 2019

Jens Holm

I agree, my behind is close to that and improving.



Spanking around the world? “corall red is the color of 2019” “I agree, my behind is close to that and improving”?? WTF??!

@beypuutyina:disqus & @disqus_4i0qg70fp2:disqus get a room you two pervert tranny freaks… not this room.

Dušan Mirić

Even if this nonsense is true, the USA has such long history of all imaginative evils that only religious followers of mantra called “us military” and similar can swallow it.


Take it as a hostile witness. The article is still useful for the implications of Russian tech that the US can’t deal with.


Man the US. is really like the evil empire everything they do is geared towards war?

Manuel Flores Escobar

Russia seeks to make inefficient the NATO air force…a mix of S-300/400+EW environment+Pantsir system..could reduce a strong air force in a weak air force in its destructive capacity…thats why NATO want the end of INF treaty…and need mobile cruise and ballistic missile!

Jens Holm

Trump is not Nato and not even half of USA. And You trust Trump ??


Good article but impact isn’t a verb.


A+. It’s a hopeless battle, I fear. “Affect” has been banished forever, it seems. “Meme” and “loose” are not rampant for reasons inexplicable. “Meme” is for millennials and oddities who want earrings.

Tommy Jensen

Close your eyes. The battle is going on inside your mind…………..matrix.


I liked the black cats but little else.


** and target opposition-linked facilities such as hospitals **

The usual stupid propaganda theme: deliberate targeting of civilians. Yawn. There are multiple reports of the jihadi scum using schools and hospitals to store ammo and serve as headquarters. The people who write this stupid stuff ignore reality on the ground.

Abbas Salim

Israel is now facing a more advanced system of warfare than it used to face and bombs at will and with it’s USA backer now than ever not willing to let Syria defeat the remaining rebels holed up in Idlib. The only thing they come up with is this nausance of chemical weapons use which Syria does not need to use to finish this rebels armed and supported by the west and it’s allies who fear a more stronger Syria emerging from the war.


It is a ridiculous accusation. The people writing these reports and asserting these positions, should probably read them out loud, while standing in front of the mirror. Worse, this kind of thing coming from US sources is probably criminal in nature. They know they are involved in helping very brutal people on the ground in Syria, real murderers. Yet, they sit back in their chairs, comfy offices and create absolute fantasy, in a vein of unconscionable brutality.

If this is all my country, the US, and it’s little pet the UK have to offer, it has all gone into the gutter. History will remember them right up there with the likes of all others who brought massive and prolonged, hatred and suffering for humanity. It is beyond disgust to me. I wish a better day to come for all.


No genuine analyst would seriously believe that Syria & Russia would go to such extraordinary lengths in order to use ineffective weapons that since the start of the US-sponsored war on Syria are used as the pretext to intervene …. this desperate US propaganda is not even convincing the propagandists.


Off course you are right, BUT. How it works is they make some allegations, the allegations are repeated endlessly, eventually the allegations start to become taken as fact. You see this all the time, the whole case against Meng Wanzhou, is based on a 2013 Reuters story, but the story will continue to grow with the telling. Even that story uses a previous story as a source.

If say the US wants to invade Syria, and asks NZ for help to stop Assad killing Syrians with chemical weapons, would Ardern, or any other NZ politician dare to call BS?

Tommy Jensen

That means after US cleaned up all the terrorist mess Putin had created in ME, we from the civilised and free world can start all over again in fighting terrorists in Syria. Because Putin and Assad are only interested in bombing Syrian civilians who want moderate freedom.


Darn Putin. He destroyed Afganistan, Iraq, and Lybia. Then he wanted to destroy Syria by financing and arming terrorists against president Assad, when US finally said enough is enough and stopped Putin’s destructive behaviour. Not everybody is smart like you to see the truth, among all the lies that Putin’s bots are spreading.


CNN/StateDept said the same thing: one day Assad was bored and decided to destroy his own country. Because he is eeevil, ya know… he eats babies for breakfast and gassing old ladies for dinner. And torturing cats and dogs. He is like some comic book /Hollywood villain (but worse). Only America can stop him now, by bombing Syrians into freedom! If you say otherwise you are GRU agent.


In that case, the GRU can start paying me a salary. I’d like an extra income.


We’re sure living in a post-truth society


“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality” (Karl Rove)


Maybe FUKUS should think twice before launching another unprovoked/illegal attack against Syria. This time Syria will have S300, plenty more Pantsirs, BUKS, and of course Russian EW systems.


What do those who write such whiny pieces of propaganda wish to achieve thereby? The US and Israeli forces have had the skies to themselves and now that they are facing effective opposition they want to whine about that. “Mummy, the Russians have deployed EW and air defences in Syria. It’s not FAIR!”


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