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MARCH 2025

US Threatens Russia And Iran With Sanctions Over Alleged Drone Deal

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US Threatens Russia And Iran With Sanctions Over Alleged Drone Deal

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On August 11, the United States Department of State said that it would “vigorously” enforce sanctions on Russian and Iranian arms trading, revealing that Russian officials had conducted training on drones in Iran.

Last month, senior US officials said that Iran was preparing to provide Russia with up to several hundred drones, some of which are armed, and that Russian officials had visited Iran to inspect the drones in question. The deal is supposedly meant to support Russia’s ongoing special military operation in Ukraine.

At the time, Iran’s foreign minister denied the claim, including in a phone call with his Ukrainian counterpart. Russia also denied the presence of such a deal.

State Department deputy spokesperson Vedant Patel told reporters during a phone briefing that Russian officials had trained on drones in Iran “in the last several weeks.” The spokesman added that the transfers of drones between Russia and Iran was “potentially sanctionable under numerous authorities.”

“We remain incredibly concerned about Iran’s use and proliferation of UAVs. They have been used to attack U.S. forces, our partners in the region, and international shipping entities,” Patel said.

The Russian military operates thousands of drones of different types, most of which were developed and produced in Russia. Still, it can for sure benefit from Iran’s well-established drone industry.

According to the information revealed by the US, Russia is interested in Iran’s Shahed-191 and Shahed-129 combat drones. Both drones have a long endurance and can be armed with light precision-guided munitions.

The US claims may be just a stunt meant to increase pressure on Russia over its operation in Ukraine and more importantly on Iran over its drone program. Washington and its allies in the Middle East, first and foremost Israel, have been trying to sabotage Iran’s drone program for quite some time now.


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You already imposed sanction on both Russia and Iran. It didn’t work. And again it will not work. So, Russia should go ahead and purchase the drones.


Russia could swap a couple of tactical nukes in exchange for Iranian drones as deterrent to US & IDF terrorism in ME.

americans are gay

Why just swap a few nukes, when Russia can open full fledged military bases with nuclear missiles on Iranian soil.

Retired Troll

What sanctions?????? there is nothing the deadbeat bankrupt Americunts can do either to Russia or Iran and as if they give a flying drone fuck…

The Objective

There is now a video of an Iranian Shahed (Hunter) drone taking out a AFU M-777 with pinpoint accuracy.

Dick Von D'Astard

The United States actions are now becoming so lame that they are risible, they have made themselves de facto at war with Russia, Iran, Syria, China and North Korea, to name but a few states that they heve entered into a pathological breakdown of political direction of logic.


what about their OWN people, you left them out..


I am reminded of that scene at the end of the 1991 film Cape Fear where Robert Deniro is handcuffed to a boat speaking in tongues with a hurricane raging and the boat sinking underneath him.


Great scene. I hear Zelensky is hoping to star in a remake.

Then again Biden already has the lines down, so it’s a tossup.

Hunter will film the whole scene, running up to Jessica Lange’s stand in before the boat sinks and asking her for the camera: “Did I hurt you? Did I not ask every time? You can’t treat me this way, you know”.

Last edited 2 years ago by LOL

What more sanctions can you impose?


The Golden Rule: NEVER ask what worse can happen… because something worse WILL happen!!!


If you want it to rain fill the washing line and dont take a brolly out with you. if you dont want it to rain, let the washing pile up til it rains and take your umbrella out with you everywhere. Wear wellies too.


remove rain, remove the air, burn their crops….? satans madmen!


I can offer a few:

I wish they sanctioned [some] of our cinema and filmmakers. Alas not only it’s not going to happen, they’ll give more trophies and prizes to them for their worthless “festival films” that all -without exception- paint a very negative picture of Iran (a few years ago an Iranian film wasn’t accepted in an Australian film festival because there was a highway in the movie and we are allowed only dirt road and trails, ruined shacks, broken families and crazed religious killers). But they put Russian filmmakers (alive and deceased) on sanction.

They could also put sanction on [some] our young and bright Olympiad winners and not let them enter into their own universities/industries, like they did with Russians. That would stop the trickle of brain-drain. Alas this too, not only won’t happen, they’ll make the honeypot sweeter for them.

They could sanction [some] of our musicians like they did with Russians (again alive and deceased). Alas this, too, won’t happen and they’ll increase the amount of prizes, reward more medals and appoint more ‘knights’ for “being effective to promote and enrich Persian music”, like they are so interested in our traditional music!

They could sanction all of us and prevent Iranians from investing and buying properties in their countries, like they did with Russians. Yet again, this one won’t happen and they find more ways to drain us of capital and treasury.

There can be more. Will the US state department give me something for my awesome suggestions!?

Lucky, lucky Russians!!

PS. Like I said before, I’ll wait and wait until I see an Iranian UAV sporting the Red Star of Russian Aerospace Force flying over Ukraine to believe Americans, but I’m perfectly fine if they don’t wait like me (hell might freeze and we’ll still be waiting), just get my list and get to work without any pretext whatsoever.

Last edited 2 years ago by Garga
Chinky madoo

But its perfectly fine for them to arm ukraine, fucking imbecilic hypocritical pieces of shit, i hope any more sanctions they put fails miserably and completely backfires

Last edited 2 years ago by Chinky madoo
The Crunge

I was listening to the David Duke show. He talks about a bunch of religious leaders rallying against the Iraqi war back in the early 2000s. There were priests, ministers, Muslim Imans and so forth.

So someone asked, “Why are there no rabbis? A rep from the state of Virginia responded that “if the Jews were against this war it wouldn’t be happening.”. This is the same elephant in the room no one wants to speak of in this western organized war on Russia as well.


Elephants dont like being compared to jooz but they do have very big and long memories, however, jooz have a very selective memory so the elphants think it does not count. Now the ele left the room, in a grump. Perhaps there may be a camel in the room now?


Memories aren’t the only “big and long” thing comparable in that example which elephants have, just saying !! :D

Bollocks!! I turned full Anti-Semite. Repent!!


David Duke, the guy who got his honorary toilet paper PhD from Bandera University? That David Duke?

Last edited 2 years ago by LOL
Peter Jennings

Mr United States Department of State, didn’t you hear? The world has lost all fear in your sanctions.

Do you know those times when certain things come back to bite you? Well this is one of those times.

The Objective

Putin suckered Russia into Ukraine. Now he’s trying to buy drones from Iran. America will keep arming Ukraine until Russia is humiliated before the whole world. Six months and Russia still hasn’t achieved its mission in Ukraine. It’s now crystal clear that the Russian armed forces are not a supper power. Without nukes, Russia is just another third-world military.


So far, all arming Ukraine has done is to weaken the West and set them up for a major loss.

Florian Geyer

Indeed, and the icing on the cake will be the gangs of unwanted immigrants in Europe who will all be using NATO weapons to murder, maim and mug.

The EU is due for an irrevocable slide into anarchy, solely because the US hook noses are subordinate to the EU hook noses , and the US needs to loot Russia or die.

Slava Rossiya.


The beast from the sea, the other black beast is NATO. The babylon whore red dragon is FINANCIAL.


satans madmen have it in for humanity, the only humans they like iare little ones and thats for perversion, torture, blood transfusions and adrenochrome.


Do you live under a rock or just stupid?

The Ukrainians themselves blamed the USA and NATO for the lack of weapons/ammo shipment. Not to mention that only 30% of their weapons get to the front line. You are also coping so hard, “hasn’t achieved its mission”.

You lie to yourself and try to fool yourself or just don’t have a clue and talk out of your butt. One, Russia linked the Crimean Peninsula to Russia by land. Two, LPR is free from the Neo-Nazi puppet empowered by the US/West. Three, NATO is scared and wants this war to end. The winner is coming…

Were you the Turk-isis? Or Zion cuck sucker who is Turk-isis? You aren’t good at lying or misleading people with your comment/s. Again I have to correct you, it is called “Russia special military operation”. A lot of people questioned at the beginning why Russia limited itself. Make me laugh and give me your numbers UA vs Russia miliatry usage. UA is begging for weapons, not Russia, UA is losing high-level officers in their military, not Russia, UA is losing the war and gaining nothing so far, unlike Russia.

You have no clue about this war and you will never want to find the trust of this war, I remember you and I know that for a fact. Less than 4,900 civilians were killed (fun fact UA include civilians they killed in DPR/LPR) so less than 4,900 people so far and Russia gain so much. How many civilians did NATO/US murder in Iraq again?

The fact is even the UN and other NGOs that are pro-Western blame the death of civilians on UA for hiding and using civilian builds. There are rules for war – UA is not following.

I end by saying this, both the US and NATO were sacred Russia started their special military operation last winter and NATO/US are cutting aid to UA. Also, I know it is in your DNA to lie like a pig and cope like one but just stop.


Russia has removed tens of thousands of large bits of weaponry and eliminated most of those fighting against them. Ukraine, the US UK EU have contrived to wreck most of the Donbass regions.

Assad Defeated Zionists

Those AIPAC gringoyim slaves are becoming more delusional by the day. Iran is about to get hundreds of billions of dollars to return to the deal.


LOL! Well, is there a sanction they haven’t already levied, might as well do that too. I think the US and EU are feeling their imperial powers slowly slipping away as the world moves past them.


LOL!! is there anything left to sanction? they say a sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again,what madmen we have walking among us.


The US is ruled by you know who, and they are insane as they have shown in the past, which is why since 250AD 109 nations kicked them out.

Last edited 2 years ago by Christopher
mike l hutchings

Sanction what?… this NATO inspired war will build up the industrial capacity of central Asia and spread technology into the hinterlands. the roman Pompey heard about a great central Asin city and scoffed at it because it wasn’t on the map and therefore it must not count. the days coming when the west and China realize how much the crossroads of the world does count….


Pretty soon, Germany will be like the US and sticking ‘Proudly Assembled in Germany” stickers on their imported parts from Eurasia.


” Whom the Gods wish to destroy.. they first make mad..”..Well the Yankees and their vassals are clearly insane..

So we know what comes next..

Don’t we?..

Klaus Meier

Langsam werden die Sanktionsdrohingen der USA ermüdend…. Diese Länder wird es nicht interessieren…


In what universe is it any of US business what two countries trade among themselves?

With every sanctions package the US fades more and more to irrelevance. Pretty soon nobody will have anything to do with the US. And thank god, they can use several servings of humble pie.


it will take 1-2 years to boost russian drone production, so perfect to by a few hundret from iran meanwhile.


Both Iran and Russia stand to benefit greatly from increased cooperation in the defense sector. The technologies being developed by both nations complement each other. Both Iran and Russia have been burned by the US and EU, so agreements with a bunch of tribal racist bigoted sycophants makes no sense. Divest of toxic currencies and holdings, and invest in each other.


Kiss their asses you fu…cking US-naziscum.


They are trembling like Joe Biden XD

Hook Nose Jew

Oh no! Not sanctions.

Hook Nose Jew

The Zionists are silent during this whole Ukrainian thing. 🤔

WT Baker

Pathetic, just pathetic of the Anglo-American cabal which started this war and every damn war going back to Tony Blair’s shot at genocide. For one to have been exposed for sponsorship of terrorism both financially and militarily to “threaten sanctions” against another for training for drone deployment is beyond hypocritical.

WT Baker

Besides we should consider that there is no deal for drones whatsoever that this is another fabrication to feed the delusional minds of the Anglo-Americans.


Russia needs to impose sanctions on America and the EU for tons of weapons transferred to Ukraine. It is a pity that Russia does not want to fall to the level of the West, and does not speak the language of sanctions.


youtube.com/watch?v=359I0x3lInk Just watch and enjoy

Philip Nash

More hypocrisy from the USA. They can supply weapons to Ukraine but no one must supply weapons to Russia.



It’s time the West bleeds for the brutality it inflicted on humanity over generations. Justice will be brutal when it bites the West with VENGEANCE.

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