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MARCH 2025

US To Give Israel ‘Green Light’ To Annex Jordan Valley In 2 Months: Netanyahu

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he expects that the United States will soon approve Israel’s move to annex parts of the West Bank during comments made Sunday while discussing Trump’s “deal of the century” peace plan. He projected this will happen in a mere two months.

“President Trump pledged to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Jewish communities there and in the Jordan Valley,” Netanyahu said.

“A couple of months from now I am confident that that pledge will be honored,” he told the European Commission for Israel, a pro-Israeli Christian group in Europe during a video call.

US To Give Israel 'Green Light' To Annex Jordan Valley In 2 Months: Netanyahu

Image via AFP

Last week Netanyahu signed a power-sharing agreement with leader of the centrist Blue and White party Benny Gantz to finally form a unity government after a year of multiple gridlocked elections.

At the same time the prime minister announced July 1 as the date to formally start cabinet discussions for extending Jewish settlements further into the West Bank as well as outright annexation of the Jordan Valley area.

According to the Netanyahu-Gantz agreement, the drastic expansions plan must be backed by Washington to take effect. The prime minister’s Sunday remarks emphasized Trump’s peace deal rolled out in January as the foundation on which the West Bank expansion plan is based.

Of course, Palestinians have refused to be part of the so-called ‘deal of the century’ and have repeatedly pointed out they weren’t even invited to the table. Surrounding Arab nations have also condemned the plan.

Should Israeli annexation indeed move forward by this summer, as Netanyahu envisions, it could potentially unleash protests and violence on the level of a third Intifiada. Palestinian Authority leaders as well as Hamas have vowed that such an extensive new Israeli land grab will be resisted by call costs.

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Zionism = EVIL

If the Palestinians don’t unite and start a war of national liberation they will lose everything as the Shin Beth pimp Mahmoud Abbas is working for the Jew cunts along with PA arselickers. Learn from Hezbollah and Ansarallah!

James Adams

Yes Fuck Islam !!! Get out of Israel !!!

Daniel Martin

Thievery is an old trade that the chosen people have mastered to perfection through the ages.

Zionism = EVIL

You mean self-anointed “chosen” criminals.

Ashok Varma

Israel is colonial and imperialist expansionist criminal enterprise to divide the Arabs and loot their resources. However, it has met its match in the canny Persians.


But you are fine with those ‘ canny Persians” and their colonial expansionism in Iraq, Syria, Yemen arent you ?

You are ok with them when they conscript Afghani peasants for fighting in Syria against Iranian citizenship .LOL. Hypocrisy at its best.


Also Sencer, those Iranian militiamen fight for the SAA against TSK and kill Turkish troops. We need to hunt them down together, wish you best of luck in Idlib!


Be carful if you make a deal with the turks, their aim is to take back the whole of Palestine that was theirs before WW1


ISrael and Turkey have always been allies and fake countries.


You are the last people to speak about fake states.

Like 6 other BS states in Middle East , your flag is drawn by Sir Sykes and your borders are drawn during 1920s with a ruler through Sykes Picot Agreement

Thats also the reason why your pseduo state is being being played like a fiddle by Russia, Iran , Turkey , USA.


Actually the YPG-SDF kill far more Turkish invasion force troops – usually via IED and mine ambushes. Given Israel’s propensity to advocate for regional Kurdish statelet ambitions, do you claiming the need to ‘hunt them down’ too?!


Reality check – Shia Muslims are integral parts of the existing population demographics in Iraq/Syria/Yemen – and they are defending their vital interests in each state, and ongoing conflict zones, against external aggressors, and internally, foreign sponsored aggressors. Accordingly, of course, Shia groups will take assistance from nearby Shia state Iran when logistically possible. These situations are not remotely comparable to Israeli designs to annex an external territory inhabited by Palestinian Arabs – it is called the Jordan Valley, not the Israel Valley, for clear historical and demographic reasons. An aggressive and expansionist land grab from others is simply that, but relying on Trump and US permission to even try and achieve it speaks volumes about the actual dependency and weakness of the Israeli state itself.


That does not give Iran the right to build up armed gangs with in those countries which get their orders directly from Iranian administration.

Almost 40% of Iran is Turkic. Does this give Turkey the right to create and operate heavly armed groups with in Iran getting their orders from Ankara and threaten Iranian government whenever they like ?


What right do NATO-Gulf States have to build up armed (Sunni Islamist) gangs in Syria/Iraq/Yemen that take their orders and monthly arms shipments and wages directly from NATO/Gulf State regional intelligence control rooms?

Is this claimed 40% of Turkic (Kurd) demographics within Iranian boundaries under any immediate and direct threat from foriegn militaries and mercenaries, and internally sourced and foreign funded mercenary factions? Err, no.


Checked again , and seen that 25% of Iran is Turkic, my mistake. but this does not include Turkmen, Qashgais, and other Turkic-speaking groups.. Kurds make an additional 8 to 10%. LOL


The percentage of shia in Lebanon is around 25%. . In Syria it is around 11% , In Iraq it is around 50% An in spite of these figures none of these governments can act without the permission of shia milita who directly get btheir orders from Iran. None of these countries are sovereign anymore , they are vassal states under Iranian expansion – Quit sugarcoating it. Iran is doing exactly what NATO/ GUlf states doing , they are not there for protection , they are there for expansion and control.

Concrete Mike

Protecting shiite shrines is not colonialism, get your head out of your ass.

Israel is dead wrong, no matter who calls them out. Zionist imperialism is still imperialism. Saying someone else is doing it too so were ok is an accaptable argument, for a 4th grade student.

So please, calling iran imperialist, in an article about Israel ANNEXING land, expanding, is laughable and pathetic.

Have you no shame???¿¿¿


‘Protecting shrines is not colonialism ” LOL Keep fooling yourself old man.

Close your eyes to the expansionism of the people you are attached to . Try to defend them with trivia like ‘ but they are protecting the shrines, thats the reason they are consctipting people even from afghanistan ” and post BS which goes as ‘yr expansionism is bad , but ours is good.’ Expansionism is not only done by invasion , as it can be seen from US and Russian invasions throughout the centuries.It is about controlling the ladns you expand to.

Grow up, will you ?

Peter Jennings

Is there such a thing as a pro-Israeli Christian group? Perhaps these european pro isreali regime christians ain’t too bright? Maybe they like the trough as much as isreali regime followers.

Today the Jordan Valley, tomorrow Jordan itself, parts of Egypt, Syria, Iran and Iraq. Netty is a criminal, even by the admission of his own countrymen, so do not expect him to play by any rules other than his own. Hitler looked towards the east for German expansion. The isreali regime is doing the very same. The regime tried to invade the Lebanon but got a kicking instead because of no meaningful american military support. The regime even bombed an american barracks to try and get america moving.

The greater isreal is a folly which may cost the regime isreal itself.

Zionism = EVIL

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4d1dcba1daf6c63f40c4be2521b0c84f66a2ab895826dc3cb94e3644b4fa6a27.jpg The Criminal Roadmap Towards “Greater Israel”?


So US, on the bring of collapse gives Israel the approval for anexation that will make arabs very angry. The US is the only Israeli protector and Israel made all its neighbours hate Israel. And then when US empire collapses and civil war starts later this year, there will be no one to protect israel and the jews will be defeated and destroyed. This is so obviously dangerous that it makes one wonder if that was the plan all the time.

Zionism = EVIL

The Zionist criminals were humiliated militarily in Syria yesterday as their dud weapons failed there too:

Also as I had stated intially, the Zionist cunts have been humiliated militarily as their most “advanced” Delilah missiles failed miserably as even Russian intelligence and NATO analysts have said:

In an article released on Monday, the Russian mediareported that the Israeli Air Force used their Delilah missiles, whichare designed to suppress enemy radar and defense systems.

“Israel’s unexpected attack on the Syrian capital this morning ended mainly in favor of the Syrian air defense systems, which were able to successfully shoot down most of them in the northwestern part of Damascus,” the report said. “Nevertheless, as it turned out, this is not about ordinary missiles, but about Delilah cruise missiles designed to suppress enemy radar and air defense, which did not work against the means protecting the Syrian capital.” The three missiles that evaded the Russian Pantsir batteries operated by the SAA only managed to hit a residential area and killed three civilians, including two sleeping children.

“In the presented video frames, you can see that anti-aircraft guided missiles produced by Syrian air defense systems are by no means moving along a straight path, which indicates a powerful jamming.”

Assad must stay

Hahahaha truly nice


I believe we should annex it only as a part of a peace deal with the PLO. According to Trump’s plan it will be under Israeli control, while other areas go to the Palestinians. Their leadership is avoiding any peace talks with us right now, so Bibi is making a move to please his supporters. I want them to have a state, it’s the best thing that can happen for us and we won’t have to let them enter Israel nor be responsible for them. I would have given them a state yesterday if I could.

Zionism = EVIL

The only state you thieving cunts will have is in hell, where you rightly belong.

Ashok Varma

So-called Israel is an affront to humanity. It is an illegal imperialist fifth column planted in the heart of the Arab world by British imperialists and now sustained by US dollars and weapons. This monstrosity is unsustainable.


Are you going to cry everyday about us Ashok? I mean, don’t you have other problems in your life? first try to get clean water running out of the taps. And too bad for you, we are not going anywhere and our enemies better accept it or die fighting us.

Raptar Driver

Worse even yet, they are an affront to God.

Free man

“I want them to have a state, it’s the best thing that can happen for us….” – I agree. Peace between Palestine and Israel will benefit the entire region, except the mullahs regime.

Concrete Mike

Nice.projection, israel.cant make a deal with the palestinians , even when iran was friendly, yet now in 2020 its still Iran’s fault still?? Give me a break.

Raptar Driver

You are not the ancient Hebrews you have no right to any of these lands, you are invaders and occupiers, death is your only comfort.


Oh no, Raptar is telling me if I’m Jewish or not. Weird times we live in.

Raptar Driver

Indeed.The ancient Hebrew’s are lost in history they are dead people so what are you?


another thievery perpetrated by the evil scum, the jews in palestine, a land which isn’t their and which they now plan to enlarge by yet another crime – the lebensraum plan, copied from adolf hitler. and on these repeated crimes must follow anti-semitism and progroms like never before and the utter eradication of the jewry from the stolen land since it is obvious there will never be peace, in the middle east or elsewhere as long as one jew is trotting along planning murder, thievery and deceit


Here is why Putin is in bed with the Zionists: most of the ‘Jews’ are of russian and polish descent. Russia is afraid of the end of the jewish terror project because nobody want the Jews returning back. That’s all. And this fat white mega baby is in fact a Russian , too. (Pompeo is Italian, Trump a German and så on …)


Give Back To The Palestinians Their Entire Land !

Concrete Mike

Blame Putin, never heard that one before , you unoriginal bastard!


Many happy returns!

johnny rotten

Israel’s very existence is the demonstration that fascism did not end with Benito and Adolf, while colonialism never became post-colonialism, in occupied Palestine (by European Jews) where we are witnessing the terrifying growth of a new monster: fascist and racist theocracy, the worst hybrid in all human history.


If Israel annexes the Jordan Valley will end up in few years time like apartheid South Africa did few decades ago, just look at the demographics of these lands. If they want to commit suicide just let them doing.

Assad must stay

isnt it the other way around? US waits for green light from israhell to do stuff? Lmao

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