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MARCH 2025

US-trained Militants Surrender To Syrian Army. Israel Tries To Assassinate Hezbollah Commanders

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US-trained Militants Surrender To Syrian Army. Israel Tries To Assassinate Hezbollah Commanders

On April 15th, 27 members of Maghawir al-Thawra, a militant group in the Al-Tanf zone, which is both funded and trained by the US-led coalition, surrendered to the Syrian Army with all of their weapons and equipment. These included 9 vehicles, 11 weapons including 4 heavy machine guns and 5 grenade launchers, as well as up to 7,000 rounds of ammunition of various calibers for small arms, more than 20 RPG rounds, and 6 high-tech communication devices.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, while the Maghawir al-Thawra members were moving to surrender, they were attacked by US-controlled forces and lost 3 vehicles.

Oleg Zhuravlev, chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria said militants confessed that “they had been trained by US instructors to commit acts of sabotage at the oil-and-gas and transport infrastructure facilities, as well as to organize terror attacks on territories controlled by Syrian government forces.”

Later on the same day, Russian and Turkish forces conducted a 4th joint patrol along the M4 highway in southeastern Idlib. As on the previous occasions, the patrol took place along a short chunk of the highway west of Saraqib. The rest of the safe zone area agreed by Russian and Turkish leaders on March 5 in Moscow remains in the hands of radical militant groups.

In an official statement released on April 14, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham announced that it had formed 3 new units: the Talhah ibn Ubaydullah Brigade, led by Abu Hafs Binnish, the Ali ibn Abi Talib Brigade, led by Abu Baker Mheen and the Zubayr ibn al-Awam Brigade, led by Abu Mohamad Shura. The group provided no insight into the number of fighters in the new units or their tasks, but the estimated number of the new force is about 1,500.

Last month, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham launched a large recruitment campaign to revive its depleted special forces, the “Red Bands,” as well as its Inghimasi [suicide bombers] force.

Despite the fact that militants profit from the ceasefire regime with direct military protection from Turkey and are using the gained time to re-arm their units and train new fighters, they see any kind of Turkish cooperation with Russia as a direct threat to their interests. In some cases, this even leads to acts of aggression and threats against their sponsor’s forces.

For example, in a video which recently appeared online, members of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham were threatening to behead Turkish soldiers moving along the M4 highway and pin their heads to the top of the nearby earth barrier. This is the real face of the so-called moderate opposition that Ankara supports in Greater Idlib.

On April 15, an airstrike targeted an SUV in the town of Jdaidit Yabws right on the border with Lebanon. The vehicle allegedly belonged to Hezbollah, which has become the target of Israeli missiles. The first one missed allowing the passengers to exit the vehicle a few moments before it was hit by the second missile.

The UAE-based Sky News Arabia and al-Arabiya claimed that high-ranking commanders of Hezbollah were the target of the Israeli strike.

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Yea trumps pulling out of Syria trumps going to save us those q supporters have a lot to answer for.

bob shekels

they have Q fever


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Icarus Tanović

Wahhabis must be eradicated in the name of human kind.


the jews must be kicked out from palestine in the name of mankind. all troubles in the ME stems from the jews and they do not deserve a place in palestine.

cechas vodobenikov

the only effective amerikan training regards surrender—amerikans lose all their wars…they will attack a weak island nation but never one that will humiliate it—like Russia, China, DPRK, Iran, etc…the cowards were humiliated in Vietnam and now after 2 decades they have been defeated in Afghanistan


The Americans didn’t try to win in Vietnam or afganistan as you say the Taliban have been fighting for 2 decades where pray tell do you think they are getting there weopons and supplies to sustain such a conflict

cechas vodobenikov

utter nonsense—the amerikans were in SE Asia for 20 years and were defeated —as they r in all their wars, except vs defenseless island nations…where they obtain weapons is irrelevant

Astar Roth

Rather 50 years or more.


Where they obtain weopons is very relevant the Taliban has always been under the control of the CIA without the support of American intelligence the Taliban would be taken care of in a matter of weeks look at them there a bunch of backwards Muslim retards who don’t have that much support in Afghanistan yet they have somehow sustained a 20 year long conflict with the most powerful military in the world does any of this make sense to you. The Taliban is not much different to Isis, backwards Muslims thugs working for western interests

Boris Kazlov

you are the backward uneducated stupid yank,full of hogwash induced by propaganda


Im not a fucking American im an Aussie you stupid fuck and where might you be from boris?


Defeated in all wars you say what about Iraq they successfully removed the government killed the entire leadership of the country and only withdrew the bulk of their forces once they had successfully completed their mission now how can you say they lost that war and Libya those same powers that destroyed Iraq successfully killed the leader of Libya and destroyed the place in other words total victory the only war they have seem to have lost is possibly Syria and they would have won that war if the Russians didn’t intervene.

Boris Kazlov

It all depends on your definition of victory, to kill entire leadership and destroy a country is not victory, victory is a political achievement, you achieve nothing by killing and destroying just the satisfaction of your depravity, how come the most powerful military in the world lost to Viet Cong,answer is motivation.


I don’t think you understand who is behind these wars ,they are satanists so death and destruction is often all they are seeking to achieve and and they don’t really care who wins

Willing Conscience (The Truths

LOL, what an amazing story, just 1 or 2 facts and many omissions, what sort of story is this, who could ever understand anything from reading this. here’s some more info on the group and a different explanation for the defections,

“A suspected drug smuggler and other former member of the last remaining U.S.-backed rebel group in Syria defected to territory controlled by Bashar al-Assad government in an embarrassing spectacle for the opposition militia and U.S. Special Operations.

According to rebel sources familiar with the matter, Samir Ghannam al-Khidr and several members of the Maghawir al-Thawra militia and their families on Tuesday, April 14 defected to the city of Palmyra from the al-Tanf garrison, which is run by U.S. Army Special Forces in Syria’s eastern desert on the Iraq border.

It was not clear why the militia members fled to government-controlled territory, but it is not the only defection in recent weeks. Earlier this month, a handful of Maghawir members also defected to the regime with their weapons, a source directly familiar with the matter told The Defense Post. The defections were not enough to drain the ranks of the militia, which boasts a few hundred fighters, the sources said.

The U.S.-backed rebel group sought on Twitter to distance itself from al-Khidr.

“He left because he could not smuggle drugs in this area due to the efforts of Maghaweir al-Thowra in interdicted drugs,” the Maghawir stated. “We allowed him to leave with his family, as we did not want to get in a conflict with him because all the women and children with him.”

Al-Khidr, a former senior officer in the Maghawir militia, was detained last year by members of another Syrian militia affiliated with Jordanian military intelligence on accusations of smuggling drugs and personnel across the Jordanian border.

He was later released by Jordanian authorities. Al-Khidr then returned to the U.S.-controlled 55-km zone and remained there until he fled on Tuesday morning. A source familiar with the matter said Khidr was not allowed back into the Maghawir militia upon his return to the 55-km zone following his arrest in the spring of 2019.”


LOL, I just don’t know what to believe anymore, only kidding, everything makes perfect sense now, but the SF article above doesn’t though.


You believe what some American backed jihadist says on twitter those people have done nothing but lie and spread disinformation since the start of this war and if these guys were really drug dealers and smugglers then they wouldn’t be going over to the Syrian government side as that would end their careers and do you seriously believe that us backed jihadists didn’t get into a conflict to preserve the lives of women those fuckers have done nothing but kill women and children since the start of this war you twisted fuck im calling you out you are either a desperate trump supporting retard or you are a paid disinformation agent.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I believe this source because it’s totally plausible, but terrorist headchoppers defecting for no reason at all I find totally unbelievable, this article not only gives us the where how and why, but also explains the motives for the events that took place. And what did the Jihadists say on twitter,

““He left because he could not smuggle drugs in this area due to the efforts of Maghaweir al-Thowra in interdicted drugs,” the Maghawir stated. “We allowed him to leave with his family, as we did not want to get in a conflict with him because all the women and children with him.”

In other words they were sad their friend got caught doing exactly the same thing their whole group does all the time anyway, but since the Jordanians kicked up such a big stink with the US about one of their stooges [either selling or buying drugs in Jordan], Maghaweir al-Thowra had no choice and reluctantly kicked him out of the Militia. They were probably supposed to arrest him too but used the excuse they didn’t want to harm his many wives and children not to do it. So you see the article I linked as a definite cover up do you, you instead believe the SF assertions and their article, I don’t. That means you actually believe some members of a US backed militia are now happily defecting to the Syrian government, either because they miraculously had a sudden change of heart, or possibly even had a falling out with their US masters, and there’s no other reasons for the defections, and you also think the article I linked is only provided to help cloud the facts, but I didn’t think that at all, I got a totally different take on that article. I think the US demanded his arrest and the group then hid him from the US, they had to kick him out of the militia according to US directives but then complicitly let him hide in the refugee camp to avoid capture. Now he’s defecting because he’s possibly about to be arrested for his crimes, or possibly even just gotten sick and tired of living like one of the camp refugees, so he did a deal to help/save himself and promised Assad all sorts of info to get an amnesty, that’s what I understood from the article I linked. And the other sources were “members of another Syrian militia affiliated with Jordanian military intelligence” So we have 2 statements from 2 different militias, and the Jordanian group actually arrests members of the US group, so they’re not really great buddies are they, but both tell us the same thing. This guy doesn’t just sell drugs, he also steals rations and medicine from the refugees at Rubkan camp and then resells them on the black market, he also trafiks in sex slaves [underage as well], he terrorises refugees for fun and profit, and he also assists Isis fighters whenever he can, and a lot more too, so if you think for even one second Assad’s happily accepting this guy and all his fellow deserters and their families back into welcoming arms, you’re deluded, Assad hates him and his friends even more than I do. Check on him and all his friends again in a few months time, once things have been sorted out and Assad has all the info he needs, then this piece of shit will get exactly what he deserves, either a bullet to the back of his head or an eternity spent in one of Assad’s jails, there’ll be no reward for these pieces of inhumanity, Assad doesn’t reward cruelty.

I am a Trump supporter, and I’m a Putin supporter too, but that’s only because they both make laws to stop the abusive and intolerant LGBTQI organization/movement from taking over the whole world, stupid abusive halfwits like you can’t be allowed to run the world.


Sorry about the abusive comments yesterday I was a bit cranky and it does look there has been some infighting amongst the dogs and one groups picked up their bats and balls and ran off but when you say trump makes laws against the gay propaganda movement I don’t watch American politics that closely but im not sure trump has done anything really solid against that stuff I know Putin has but I am not aware of trump actually doing that much on this issue so can you let me know what he’s done? Also the people promoting this gay propaganda are the satanists (illuminati) who have a lot of control in all western countries so unless something major happens that stuff will keep happening and the satanists promote homosexuality not to make gays feel more equal or anything like that it’s to corrupt children and they also like it as it goes against gods wishes

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Apology accepted, I also apologise for my response. Trump hasn’t done anywhere near as much as Putin to curb the LGBTQI movement but Putin started his campaign way back in 2005, Trump’s only been President for 2 years, and on top of that Trump also has way more domestic opposition to his countermeasures than Putin ever did, so Trumps fighting an uphill battle from within as well as from international forces, Putin only had to contend with international opposition. Back in 2006 Putin introduced 2 laws onto Russian legislation, they expressly forbid the LGBTQI movement from providing LGBTQI propaganda to Russian children under the age of 15, and since then Russia’s suicide rate dropped dramatically, but the countries that still actively promote LGBTQI material to children have increasing suicide rates, so Putin’s effectively proved to the world that the LGBTQI movement is the cause of the worlds ever increasing suicide rate. Before 2005 the international community loved Putin, the msm made him popular in many more countries than just Russia, we all got the strongman plastered on the TV screens with glowing reports of Putin’s successes, but in 2006 after he introduced those 2 laws the msm turned on Putin, he went from being portrayed as a strongman hero to being portrayed as a demon spawn from hell, all in the space of 6 months. Trump since he’s been in power has stopped the US education system from forcing boys and girls having to use the same toilets, he also overturned that law John McCain introduced that forbade Christian service or goods providers from refusing service to gay people if it contradicted with their religious beliefs, and he also stopped the transgenders from serving in the US army because of the high costs involved and the ethical problems associated with them serving. So he’s trying, but unfortunately the LGBTQI movement is the new world order everyone’s talks about, many people say it’s the Jews or the Satanists, but for me all roads lead to Rome, the LGBTQI movement is the puppet master that controls most of the world right now, and they have their sights firmly fixed on both Trump and Putin, so these 2 men are the most important people in the world right now, they’re the only ones saving the rest of us from a fate I don’t want to even imagine. But I still get upset with Putin for things he does or doesn’t do in Syria, I think he should be much more loyal to Assad and way less loyal to everyone else, and as for Trump and his ass kissing Israel, I’d like to shove his head right up their asses so he can get a real good smell of their crap, and maybe that would change his mind about them. But because they both fight the people I blame for all the worlds biggest problems right now, both men are my heroes and invaluable in the real fight for freedom, so I support them in all those endeavours they take on that oppose the LGBTQI movement. The LGBTQI movement started 2500 years ago, the Pharisees took over the Hebrew religion and perverted it, Jesus Christ rebelled against them but lost the war, after the Romans kicked most of them out of Israel the Pharisees started taking over and spreading all around the world like a virus. I’m no longer a Christian but I’m aware that Jesus followed the old written laws that forbade rape and murder and even eating animals, Jesus was totally against the new written laws the Pharisees introduced into the Hebrew religion, he was totally anti LGBTQI. A new world order means exactly what it says, according to the old world order only men and women had the right or ability to create a family, the new world order tells us anyone can, but I don’t believe them, too many children commit suicide nowadays, and knowing just how badly our ancestors treated children in the past, I’m shocked that only in this current era where children have so many rights and privileges, that they commit suicide in such high numbers, and no matter how badly they were treated in the past, they never ever suicided they way they do now, and the LGBTQI movement is the reason why, GOD damn them all. Sorry about the bible I wrote, it’s hard to say anything with one or two words, cheers.


Thanks for the excellent response I’ve got a clearer picture now but I have slowly been coming to similar conclusions lately although im not sure it’s LGBT that are the head of the snake I think its just one of the ways the satanists are destroying humanity as for trump, it’s sign of the times when someone as odious as trump actually looks good compared to the rest of them I think we are coming to the end of days as god is not going to put up with this shit much longer. And sorry to ask a personal question but you said you were no longer a Christian do you identify with another religion now?

Boris Kazlov

My thoughts exactly, I fiercely hate Trump but the other guy even more, cannot vote for either one.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

No I don’t have a formal religion anymore, I now firmly believe the real word of God is revealed by our own consciences, the thing every single one of us is born with no matter what faith or country we’re born into. Heterosexual people use their own consciences to understand good and bad and develop their morals accordingly, even if it goes against their own religion, but homosexual people seem to rely on a group conscience, one that strong leaders and celebrities seem to provide for them, that’s why they always use the pack mentality, so if you don’t agree with them they turn on you like a pack of savage animals. Christians [real christians] at least are taught to use their own consciences, the bible tells them the word of God is spoken to you through your own conscience and that’s how you understand the will of God. Zoroastrians also believe this too, and now finally after 35 years I also believe it as well, and for the last 20 years my own conscience has been my formal religion. And I wish a few more people would join the real worldwide Church, sadly too many people prefer to listen to strong men and celebrities to help them decide what’s really right or wrong. The LGBTQI movement tells us about 10% of the population that is Gay and I laugh when I hear that, I actually think most people are gay but just very confused about their own sexuality, I firmly believe that only 33.3% of the human population is truly heterosexual, all the rest are either homosexual or bi sexual and either don’t understand or want to accept it. So never shoot first and ask questions later, that’s what gay people do when they’re not listening to their moral conscience, and your apology for being rude in your original response tells me you are someone who does actually listen to your own conscience [after you calm down], and I appreciated that on several levels, for me it meant you actually listen to God and you’re also probably not Gay. But don’t get me wrong, I actually have nothing against gay people, God made them for a reason the same way he made everyone and everything else. But gay people who try and tell me they can have families without the opposite sex are not listening to their own consciences, they’re just being selfish and killing innocent children in the process. Gays who live in countries where the can freely express themselves commit suicide way more often than gay people who live in oppressive countries, so the least oppressed gay people kill themselves way more often than their oppressed brothers and sisters, and I’m surprised it isn’t a fact most gay people are aware of, maybe someone should tell them that just like eating too much chocolate, being too freely gay is actually bad for your health. So maybe our ancestors loved their gay children even more than we do now, at least they didn’t commit suicide the way they do now in modern times. Keep fighting the good fight, the LGBTQI is the real enemy but that doesn’t mean all gay people are, some of them do use their own consciences too, though it’s not too many anymore, the LGBTQI is winning. Cheers.

Boris Kazlov

Such is the power of the LGBTQ lobby and propaganda trying to convince retards that they are not deviant degenerates, but “normal”. Nigger hero Obama dissed Putin after shining colors of rainbow flag on White House, he was the idol of identity politics and degeneracy.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yes it’s very sad, mums and dads don’t seem to mind their children commiting suicide anymore, they seem to get too much from the LGBTQI movement and now happily sacrifice their own children’s welfare for their own selfish needs.

Boris Kazlov

I also think that Russian help to Syria should be much more forceful,although they are doing a lot in many fields,Putin fought against radical separatists even as prime minister of Yeltsin,but Syria is another country, not the same motivation.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Assad refused the Saudis and Qataris offer to use Syria as a transit hub for delivering their gas and oil to the European market, and the reason he gave for refusing the offer, was he knew it would severely damage the Russians export revenue income stream, and he said he wouldn’t do that to his ally. And at that time the Saudis and Russian were involved in a massive trade war over oil at the time, the stakes were very high. So I think Assad saved Russia way back in 2007/8, there wouldn’t have been a war in Syria if Assad had accepted the Saudi’s proposal, so I think Putin owes Assad more than Putin can ever repay him, and he’s done a miserable job of repaying him. I nearly wish Assad would’ve accepted the Saudi proposal, Luckily for Putin Assad’s a much more moral man than I am, I would’ve already spited Putin by now and had Saudi gas piped to the EU as revenge for the inadequate help. Syria could’ve been wealthy if Assad had accepted the Saudi proposal, and Russia would’ve lost out big time, that how loyal Assad is, the same can’t be said about Putin.

Boris Kazlov

Of course anybody can according to LGBTQ insanity there are an indefinite number of sexes.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yes it’s only those other poor dumb animals that God created that only have 2 sexes, us humans can have a plethora of different sexes according to the LGBTQI, but they never mention none of the other dumb animals God created commit suicide like us clever humans do, so maybe some of us should start mentioning it to them, since it’s only gay people who commit suicide.


Ah the US military is up to their bulldog sized neck in any kind of smuggling even in Syria. Why do you think you join the US military? its not just to shoot natives far from home after running out of them locally, its also to make money since cutting out kidneys locally is frowned upon but who cares when its some far away wasteland..

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Hopefully not all soldiers who join an army think like that, I have to believe some of them still have a conscience when they join. I’ve been very upset with news the Australian SAS has just been accused of over 50 terrible war crimes in Afghanistan, and much of the damning evidence has already been shown on TV, absolutely shocking, but the one saving grace for the Australian SAA, was that it was actually SAA soldiers who brought the accusations and evidence to light. You can never tar everyone with the same brush.


SF put together like 4 different stories into a single small article which makes no sense.

Jens Holm

No they dont. They are referring, whats going on as telegrams. By that You get more headlines and can comment one or several as well as You can find more details for those headli´nes in Southhfront or other sources by searching.

Its often a dilemma if You should bring many news or news in details. This is the SF solution.

I sometimes think they bring too long articles, but its free to read hem or not. I read most of them and sometimes only most of most of them. Some are very very good.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Omission of facts is no way to present a story Jens, and conflating several different stories into one doesn’t help either.

Jens Holm

Thats not one story.

Look at it as a meal, where You are served 3 different things and the coffee and a locum for desert.

The same thing for a basket. You can put in a tomato, a potato, a compas and knife.

True their might be different versions of it bur expecting on long article only says, You are not used to SF as well as You dont read many newssites – I do.

I diary for a day, a wesk is same thing.

I see this as a very good site compared to a lot of crap sites and read and comment here almost every day when I dont go to work.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

LOL, it’s more like eating breakfast, lunch and dinner from the same plate all at the same time. This site is no better or worse than any others, the whole lot of them are crap no matter which side they represent, people need unbiased sites to get info from, but there are no such sites anywhere, they’re all biased in some way or another.

Boris Kazlov

Your work must be in a CIA outfit.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

That’s how propaganda works, conflate different stories to give a totally false impression, it works well if people aren’t paying attention or don’t know the facts, and sadly SF does it all the time. luckily for some of us they don’t do a very good job of it, so they don’t fool me very often.


if the jews are in the process to take out the leaders of hezbollah it’s time for hezbollah and those guys to start taking out the jews, one by one, any which way. ied’s, kamikaze-drones on the streets of tel aviv, ambush with heavy machine guns and long distance assassinations. there are quite a few jews to be sorted the hard way and leaving the rest of the vermin insecure so that they ask to be relocated to the disintegrating states of A!

Franck Vadim

The REAL America’s war on terrorism!!

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