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US Training For War Against Russia Under Ukrainian Flag Goes Wrong: US And Ukrainian Pilots Die In Su-27 Crash

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US Training For War Against Russia Under Ukrainian Flag Goes Wrong: US And Ukrainian Pilots Die In Su-27 Crash

Illustrative image: REUTERS

On October 15, a Ukrainian Su-27 fighter jet crashed during a simulated combat flight in the framework of Clear Sky 2018 military drills. The crash resulted in the death of two pilots a Ukrainain serviceman and a US serviceman.

“We regret to inform that according to the rescue team, the bodies of two pilots have been discovered: one is a serviceman of the Ukrainian Air Force, the other is a member of the US National Guard,” the Ukrainian General Staff said in a statement via Facebook.

Clear Sky 2018 is a joint military exercise involving Ukraine and NATO member states. It is taking place from October 8 to October 19. According to the Ukrainian leadership, the goal of the drill is to defend Ukrainian airspace from “Russian agression”.

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Very wrong !


Two Wrongs in this case make a Right :)

Daniel Miller

what morons but hey thats what you get for not maintaining your aircraft with the propper quality Russian parts.


But it was made in Buttfuch Tennessee.

AM Hants

Wonder if it was there own, or if gifted from some ex-Soviet nation? When did the Ukraine air force last fly? Then you have the maintenance problems, not forgetting where do they find the spare parts.

‘Chronic underinvestment period Since 1991’s Ukrainian independence the air force has suffered from chronic underinvestment, leading to the bulk of its inventory becoming mothballed or otherwise becoming inoperable…

…The Ukrainian air-force continued to use armament and military equipment which functioned mainly thanks to so-called ‘cannibalization’ (obtaining spare parts from other units), thus gradually depleting their total capabilities…

… Since 12 July 2014 the Ukrainian Air Force has been put on full combat alert.[4] Around this date the Air Forces started restoring its former military airfields in Voznesensk, Buyalyk and Chervonohlynske (both in Odessa Oblast).[38] Wall Street Journal published USA embassy in Kiev report that Ukraine lost 19 planes and helicopters in the period 22 April – 22 July 2014.[39]

Ukraine inherited a large inventory of aircraft from the Soviet Union, these were mostly decommissioned and stored as the nation had little use or funding to keep a large fleet active. However, in 2014 Ukraine began a program of restoring the stored aircraft to active order. In April 2014 two MiG-29 aircraft were restored.[40] In August a decommissioned An-26 transport aircraft was also restored to active service by a volunteer group.[41] On 5 January 2015 the air force received another 4 newly restored airplanes, two MiG-29s and two Su-27s, as well as two Mi-8 and Mi-2 helicopters…’ Wiki

Do not usually, cite Wiki, but, just went for easy.

Daniel Miller

actually Ukraine has a limited surpluss of old SU-27P parts.

John Whitehot

it’s a well known fact that the US bought a handful of SU-27s from Ukraine in the 90ies to evaluate them – I wouldn’t be surprised if they handed the airframes back and tried restoring them to some combat readiness.

Mo Richard

Well, since it’s a “game” restart, play again or continue. The options are yours.




Whoa! Whoa! Wait a whole second here, let my mind catch up!

So, you’re saying a country that can’t take care of it’s ships or it’s tanks, probably can’t take care of it’s airplanes too!?!?

Okay, deep breath, slowly now, easy, no rush…. There, there,

Daniel Miller

they are the 2nd poorest contry in Europe…..they are poorer then Albania and Kosovo….witch is sad


The Zionist Ukranian oligarchs however are some of the richest in Europe :)

Hisham Saber

They are Jews first, Zionist second.


And Crooks first, second and third :)

Promitheas Apollonious

whats the difference?


Joe Biden gave his son a controlling interest in the Ukrainian gas company.The Americans and Israelis have taken pillaging to a whole new level.

AM Hants

Not forgetting John Kerry, whose stepson and fundraising campaigner, also join ‘Burisma Holdings’ and the ‘Feed the World’ project.


They pillage ‘because they can ‘. It up to us all to say ‘You cannot ‘ and back that up with force.

Njegos Maljevic

That is direct consequence of Ukraine’s decisions.They wanted all of that!


Why is Kosovo poor, why is Haiti poor, why is Iraq poor, why is Somalia poor.

Answer The USA, they can get blood out of a stone.

Daniel Miller

No Kosovo is poor cuz its in the Balkans that place is home to the 7 of the poorest nations in europe.


They weren’t poor until UncleShylockSam destroyed their economy as a prelude to invasion.

Daniel Miller

Serbia has a fast growing econemy but i will tell you this i know alot of exYugo ppl in the states and they know the best they moved out cuz Yugoslavia fuckeditself over by borrowing os much money form the West and Russia in the cold war.

Njegos Maljevic

Well, it is part of the answer why is Kosovo so poor, but not the whole answer. There is much more to it!

Daniel Miller

they are alos really low IQ Albania and Kosovo have the lowest IQ’s in Europe…

Njegos Maljevic

First of, Kosovo isn’t a state, it is criminal enterprise ran by worst war criminals and drug lords in whole of Europe.

Place were a lot of bad things happened and it is ethnically cleansed by those criminals and what makes things even worse is that all of that is happening with blessings from EU/USA

Second, same narrative is used in Ukraine, and same mechanism to make region unstable by using the worst of the worst. Ukrainian government is full of far right nazi scum (again supported by EU/USA)


They will have a lot of empathy with American politicians and military leaders then :)


These war games thank’s NATO/US/UK/Israel/France aren’t acceptable for European Majority. Russia is part of Europe and vis versa, Europe is from Gibraltar to the Oural…! Eurasia is on the way thanks of the Silk Road rebirth by China !

Russians and Europeans aren’t warmongers alike US/Israel/and Zionists !


The Europeans will obey their masters as they have always done.



Anglo-American Money Owners Organized World War II

by Valentin Katasonov

To mark the 70th anniversary of the Victory against Nazism, we publish a study of Valentin Katasonov on financing of the NSDAP and the rearmament of the Third Reich. The author deals with new documents that confirm the organization of the Second World War by US and UK Bankers, covered by President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, in the hope of destroying the USSR. This study raises new questions that will be addressed in a future article. Etc., etc….

Tudor Miron

Katasonov is a credible source. Good find.

John Whitehot

why are members of this organization Strategic Culture so ubiquitous around this site?

they tend to recur over and over both in articles and in comments.

Tudor Miron

Are they? I didn’t notice it. Which nicknames they use in comments?

John Whitehot

i did not mean the phisical persons, but references to them and their work.

Tudor Miron

That Katasonov’s article reveals the role of anglo-zio banksters in funding Hitlers war against Russia.

John Whitehot

i did not dispute that. i cursorily went through the article and saved it to read it carefully when i can.

i just noticed a prevalence of documents produced by a certain source and opinions on how relevant that may be.

During the cold war, in the west, entities similar to strategic culture were often formed in the gray areas that lay between intelligence agencies and mass media outlets/press.

These entities have former, and sometimes in service, intelligence agents producing works for the specialized press mostly, and these pieces would always be “recycled” and rewritten for general audiences by more ordinary journalists in the popular press.

As to which intelligence agencies were actively participating – they were of course those of the western countries and the mossad – This to say that the KGB (and eastern services) didn’t operate in this same way in socialist countries due to the inherent differences in the systems.


Very interesting and in agreement with my long feeling about WWII and the relation of Switzerland banks and USA-UK banks (jews banks). Of course, the involvement of IBM, FORD, GM and other USA companies with Nazis is well known.


Yes a good find indeed.

The truism that citizens of Europe would demand the death of venal bankers et al if the truth was realised, is as pertinent today as it was yesterday and will be tomorrow.

Ricky Miller

Until the day they don’t. It’s Russia’s duty to drag Sister Europa to Rehab. Stage an intervention, get her off the American Crack of NeoCon foreign policy and Robber Baron capitalism. The free needles that Export Economy Europe shares with the American consumer are just about worn out anyway because the average American pocketbook now has less purchase power than at any time post World War 2. And falling…

Zionism = EVIL

The US moronic pilot was overwhelmed by Cyrillic lettering in the SU-27 cockpit.


Ah , I see it all now. It is Putins fault :)

More US sanctions will no doubt follow :)


What is an American “NATIONAL” guard doing in Ukraine?

AM Hants

Learning to fly Russian planes, unsuccessfully.

Tudor Miron

Anna Maria, I would suggest that you look at the links that AlexanderAmproz posted. Ktasonov knows what he’s talking about.

AM Hants

Thanks for the recommendation.


Ah, but the WHY intrigues me… Perhaps to launch a FALSE FLAG operation?To foment war against Russia?

AM Hants

They are trying to hard, but, Russia is not taking the bait.


The US is covering up a lot of things, including a lack of competent pilots.

Zionism = EVIL

Trailer trash is now the main recruitment area for US military as Blacks, Hispanics and minorities are no longer allowed.


That’s because US pilots wear nappies to ‘cover their arses’ Sinbad.

Zionism = EVIL

Supporting fellow NAZIS with redneck Klansmen from Alabama and Texas.


Rest In War!


Well Done !!! Live by the sword, die by the sword. It’s always better they solve this by themselves, as you see: “We don’t need a war with Ukraine!”


Rest in peace to both pilots who died unnecessarily imho…


They knew what they were doing and that was attempting to find tactics to bomb Syria again. In my humble opinion they have met their just deserts.

Its welcome Karma. :)

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

ahhhaha a bad omen!

John Whitehot

I bet the US pilot was in control.

The SU-27 can be a very tricky aircraft to fly, especially for pilots trained on other similar fighter jets like the teen series.

Pushing the airframe to the limits without extensive knowledge of the entire flight envelope will result in unrecoverable situations.

like nothing they deactivated the alpha angle limiter to try doing cobras etc and dug a hole in the ground.

Zo Fu

Ehm, what exactly went wrong ? I see only KARMA.

Marvin Joel Zavala López

Well… That’$ a SU-27 le$$ to mantain when you’re short on Humbbies.

Jim Bim

Clear sky = Clear Fiasko


Everyone’s condolences to the families, for sure. But if you want characterization of these drills that everyone can agree on say they’re to simulate any possible Russian offensive.


Let them be……..destroyed.

AM Hants

I bet the MSM will not be mentioning this article from Fort Russ:

MAJOR STATEMENT: RUSSIA HAS NOT INVADED, THERE IS NO ‘HYBRID WAR’ – FORMER OSCE CHAIR & UKRAINIAN CHIEF DIPLOMAT… https://www.fort-russ.com/2018/10/major-statement-russia-has-not-invaded-there-is-no-hybrid-war-former-osce-chair-ukrainian-chief-diplomat/

Ricky Miller

I saw that. What a huge news day. There was a huge terror attack against a soft target in Crimea. Some Right Sector types are likely suspects. With the former OSCE chair statement and the news that Ukraine has less than 900$ million U.S. in reserves and with Crimea beginning to see large upswings in visitation some people in both American deep state circles and in the Ukraine project are getting desperate. And desperate about Syria too. I mean the U.S. is threatening to sanction companies involved in rebuilding Syria. Now that’s desperate and all of this, to me, shows how intently the U.S. and it’s usual partners in crime are trying to back Russia into a corner.

AM Hants

Just seen the news with regards them taking out the kids in Crimea, as Beslan and Odessa Trade Union comes to mind. They are claiming the kids were shot, prior to the explosion. Sick b*stards, too gutless to fight professionals.

Witness on Kerch Blast: There Was No Central Entrance, There Were No Windows… https://sputniknews.com/russia/201810171068962839-kerch-blast-eyewitnesses/

Excuse my language, but, fuming.

Ricky Miller

I might be wrong in considering it Right Sector. New news is saying that the suspect was alone, not part of a group and that he shot himself. That almost sounds like an American style school shooting. But, time will tell. Hopefully.

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