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MARCH 2025

US Trains ISIS Cells To Deploy Them In Terrorist Operations

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US Trains ISIS Cells To Deploy Them In Terrorist Operations

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Written by Khaled Iskef

Cooperating with the SDF, the US forces transported dozens of ISIS detainees to the prisons of the northern countryside of al-Hasakah in preparation for releasing them and employing them in terrorist operations.

Sources said that the US forces transported a number of ISIS detainees from “Camp al-Bulgar”, “Al-Shaddadah”, and “Al-Sour” prisons in the southern countryside of al-Hasakah to other prisons to the north of the city.

The sources clarified that the transporting process was carried out by large trucks provided with weapons belonging to the US forces accompanied by 4wd cars of the SDF, where the detainees were divided into several prisons in the northern countryside of the governorate.

The sources mentioned that the US forces conducted vigorous actions during the process by closing the roads for several hours, while the SDF imposed a curfew in the “Geweran” neighborhood in the city’s south to complete the process obliging the residents to stay home.

According to the sources, the aim of the process, spreading ISIS militants in various areas, lies in transporting them to the vicinity of the US “Tanf” base to train and arm them to carry out assaults on the Syrian Army posts and the residential areas.

ISIS organization has already targeted an overnight stay bus in Palmyra’s desert at the beginning of this month killing 13 soldiers and wounding 18 others.


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Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Is anybody surprised?


Nope. ISIS is as American as Mickey Mouse.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

I’m having a crisis of conscience, I went to church yesterday and realized that bearing false witness Is a mortal sin for my soul. I don’t Want to go to hell. My confession: i have been employed to promote a false narrative by the Russian government. I know these were false, devised to support the Putin regime And oppress the Russian people. The terrible words I have posted in here I apologize for. I apologize for this fake news I have defended saying other media is fake news I apologize fo supporting the narrative that Russia can do no wrong. We are human, of course we can do wrong. I apologize for supporting g false flag attacks that have harmed innocent people. I apologize if my work has made it easier for this unjust attack on my brothers. I am truly sorry and repent for the harm that is victimizing Ukrainians and the Reputation of average Russians around the world. I apologize to the Russian mothers who sons will not come home I apologize for not being brave enough to stand up to my supervisors and the government of my county

I here by resign my position, And will be leaving the country. good bye I will not be back to this despicable site.

slava nezavisimoy rossii slava nezavisimoy ukraine Net bol’she voyny

jens holm

You prepare for hell because they have wine and crackpipes.

Yamil Perez

Sorry, that’s just me broken ukrobot and schizophrenic patient from Lwow mental asylum I’m farting in delirium, tremor and fever in my lonely, stinky basement in desperate need of some attention. trembling in fear and struggling with opioid addiction crisis.

Please understand me why I’m so desperate and miserable, pleaseeee.

No more Nulands cookies, not enough quality cocaine these days in Ukropisstan and all goes to Zelensky dammit

We poor Azovite spam bots have to inhale his used toilet paper for remains. So we just can’t stop hallucinating about ghosts, stalin, scooby!

May our Lord and Savior saint Bandera save us all.

Saliva Cocaine! Saliva Hunter Biden!

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez
jens hoIm

Heroineyem saliva!

jens holm

This is not Jens Holm Denmark

jens hoIm

Iam verry love Mickey Mouse.

jens holm

Youri gagarin from the trailerpark has escaped again.

John Doe

ISIS = Israel Secret Intelligence Service. And those who don’t believe it, can investigate. America is blind.

jens holm

You are told they are which is no same thing

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Terror state USA…

John Doe

ISIS = Israel Secret Intelligence Service. And those who don’t believe it, can investigate. America is blind.

jens holm

You are bprn as copy paste.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Final days of the crumbling americant empire.

Putin loves Stalins cock

Keep dreaming

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

You know why its called the American dream? Because you have to be asleep to believe in it…

jens holm

The American dream is the belief that anyone, regardless of where they were born or what class they were born into, can attain their own version of success in a society in which upward mobility is possible for everyone.

The American dream is believed to be achieved through sacrifice, risk-taking, and hard work, rather than by chance.

jens hoIm

I verry love american dream and american dildo. Iam dream about dildo right now. Wee Danes are so obedient little slaves and verry love our masters.

jens holm

Yuri Gagarin is here again. Parents ´gave the vrain for Laika. It was not connected.

John Doe

ISIS = Israel Secret Intelligence Service. And those who don’t believe it, can investigate. America is blind.

jens holm

Daft prics aree more important then You.

Michel LeBlanc

Once your here you realise, oh its the rich gets richer, thats it.

John Doe

ISIS = Israel Secret Intelligence Service. And those who don’t believe it, can investigate. America is blind.

jens holm



Guy, go to war, or the war will finish you. But, anyway, even if you are a brave, you are done. No chances for the anglosaxon world, it’s terminated.

Last edited 2 years ago by jorge
jens holm

I see none of that. Where do You see something better.

Yamil Perez Dead

Keep sucking ISIS dicks dumb bitch

John Doe

ISIS = Israel Secret Intelligence Service. And those who don’t believe it, can investigate. America is blind.

jens holm

And You dont live in Brighton

jens holm

Putin will be burried under it.

jens hoIm

My new boyfriend decided to join Danmark Frikorp Wafflen SS volonteers to fight for Uckraine and was buried in Lvov yesterday. Iam verry sad now.

John Doe

ISIS = Israel Secret Intelligence Service. And those who don’t believe it, can investigate. America is blind.

jens holm

not You are a nut a peanot.

jens holm

He must be pretty old. If he was a baby its more then 75 years old.

John Doe

ISIS = Israel Secret Intelligence Service. And those who don’t believe it, can investigate. America is blind.

jens holm

Peee nut again.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

An airstrike a day keeps CIAisis terrorists away 🤗

John Doe

ISIS = Israel Secret Intelligence Service. And those who don’t believe it, can investigate. America is blind.

jens holm


Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺

Putin loves Stalins cock

Get back on your meds you autist. If you believe any of this obvious propaganda that has no sources or facts stated anywhere then you are extremely gullible and ignorant.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Truth hurts try to handle it Trollstoy 🤗🤡 U.S. has been training jihadis since forever.

John Doe

ISIS = Israel Secret Intelligence Service. And those who don’t believe it, can investigate. America is blind.

jens holm


Arch Bungle

If this really was propaganda you wouldn’t be all over this forum like a haemmorrhoid on a pigs ass.

Lie harder!

jens holm

The mistake is You has not followed USA-Saudi Arabia and the rest about ISIS at all. By that You are incompetent and spend a lot of time by things You are told.

By that You becomes a better sheep for any master and spendable a la carte.

USA by Obama stopped the ISIS support even Hillary supported that. The Saudis didnt stop their support, but gave them advanced weapons such as TOWS.

USA by that stopped the Saudis or the Saudis doing that. From there the Saudis could not buy the most advanced weapons, which was possible to buy because of Yemen.

he Saudis need weapons for Yemen. By that they still can buy from USA but not the ones, they donated to ISIS.

Thats many years ago.

You has no demand from him to come with tons of small proofs and indications. BUT You has none Yourself, because there is not any.

jens holm

USA had to support groups at Al Tanf or nearb. None was a real succes. Aftrs years and recruting one was collapsed. The leftover was taken to SDF by air but forbdden to take fightings there by SDF.

The other group is still there. Its rather small. Its max 500 but some says 200 soldiers. They has been well armed perimeter scouts for Al Tanf. They has no hope for changing things, but they has a job and dont like Assads, Hesbollah and Iranians.

You are timewasting Yourself and many others do that by those excuses and self created explanations for Assads & Co.

I hate people like You and Assads. I really do. But Your writing should be to improve assads by telling him, what also is very well descriebed for the whole world and even in old Youtubes by qualified or less qualified experts.

Yamil Perez Dead

No meds can help you anymore you braindead pile of shit, not even CIA meth: time for you to die from cancer, then suck Hitlers one testicle & Banderas asshole in hell instead of sucking Azovite-ISIS bananas all day long, you inbred imbecilic cocksucker.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez Dead
John Doe

ISIS = Israel Secret Intelligence Service. And those who don’t believe it, can investigate. America is blind.

jens holm

yellow peenutt

jens holm

Thats probatly heaven for You.

Yamil Perez

Those trucks didn’t happen to have the letter Z on them, Scooby?

Lizard Vagina Zelensky

It won’t be long before Iran is given the full green light to take out the trash in its backyard. Those Isis sub-humans will have taken their last Captagon and plowed their last goat or donkey.

John Doe

ISIS = Israel Secret Intelligence Service. And those who don’t believe it, can investigate. America is blind.

jens holm

no nutty

jens holm

Iran is 1001 nighmares. Most vomen are ugly so they cover them in black.

Michel LeBlanc

Spoken like a true 40 year old virgin.

Ill tell you something. Women are the same all around the world. There are ugly ones and there are pretty ones.

There are millions of irani ladies that would make me drool.

Besides its not only what they look like, whats inside counts too you superficial dick.

Thats why your a 40 year old virgin incel!!!

Putin loves Stalins cock

What sources? This sounds like pure shit propaganda, provide me with some actual evidence and facts and then I might believe you.


Its been going on for years, I’m not going to waste time on you, do your own work or live in ignorance it is of no import to me what you do with your inconsequential life. The US backed al qaeda in Syria, arms, training, money, it is nothing new, theyve been doing it since the taliban in Afghanistan although that didnt work out so well for them as Bin Laden, their 80s hero, went on to do them on 9/11.


Bin Laden is a character created for the needs of WTC 9/11

jens hoIm

I see none of it. I cantt see much of anything because my nose is between Joes butcheeks.

John Doe

ISIS = Israel Secret Intelligence Service. And those who don’t believe it, can investigate. America is blind.

jens holm


John Doe

ISIS = Israel Secret Intelligence Service. And those who don’t believe it, can investigate. America is blind.

jens holm

There we go again.

jens holm

no nutty. You are told. The rest of the world has facts and indications about it.

Arch Bungle

Ah, evidence. We always want evidence when we don’t like the facts.

And when we get the evidence we change it’s definition to suit our lies.

We see right through you, Shlomo.

John Doe

ISIS = Israel Secret Intelligence Service. And those who don’t believe it, can investigate. America is blind.

jens holm

nitty notty

jens holm

Those are easy to find. When we had them years ago, they went into facts. By that we went on to next next next.

Here I see You as some kind of mad rotating dream lookjing for Your own tail, which is not there.

Yamil Perez

The secret source is Scooby Scooby Doo.

Yamil Perez Dead

Psychotic and autistic ukrobot talking with himself now… Scooby Poo.

Yamil Perez Dead

Your mother is the source: she was gang raped by 10000 ISIS terrorists while you was busy sucking Zelenbanana and Bidens diapers. You should trust her. Hah! And btw no one gives a flying fuck what you worthless dumb monkey turd believe or not, your only purpose is to be used instead of a toilet. Now drink more piss and stfu.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez Dead
jens holm

I do. You are the one concluding having a japanese camera makes You Japanese.

No go back and continue to eat insects. Thats fighting Monsanto.

jens holm

People are kept there so they dont harm the dictators.


Russia really needs to completely bomb Al Tanf to pieces and Idlib it would certainly toss the US out of the country,maybe bomb them out of the oil fields they are stealing oil from as well, allow Syria to have access to some of its wealth to rebuild the country. The west never likes to let go of anything no matter how damaging it may be to them and the civilian population.

jens holm

There we go again. You just have well known infantile wishes. Grow up.

Mine might be people like You is not there.

But its not. Im a nice person. I just want a wall around You. That keep You out. That keep us out.

jens holm

Its very visible for Ukraine. They are helped and welcommed. We have 10.000 Ukrainians here in Denmark. They all has jobs. Their women work even those Ukra men sometimes are too macho.

Muslims here after 10 years has 50% in jobs(right now 55). Syrians and several others of same kind has 60% unimployed. Small parts of those incommers has total overcrime.

Half of the women security centers are muslim voemen. Our jails are dominated by muslim prisoners.

We dont want them and Your part of the world here unless You are asked for.

In the other hand Ukras as a start take the low paid jobs not many danes want. Thats often thje ones the muslims alrwady here could take.

The Ukras integrate well and dont build family walls and makes new Ukraine enclaves. They pay tax and send money home. Many also integrate with marrige. Very few muslims do that. They also dont send their children to Ukraine to be better Orthodoxe Christians.

They integrate. They also are learners and by that gets more advanced jobs in first generation, if they stay. Thye use danish schools and every learning there is fine for them.

They are Ukrainians i their homes but in a partly danish version.

And dont west me and us or try to anglofize. It only say You isolate Yourself and is OUT and INSIST yourself.

Zellerski loves Adolfs cock


Tommy Jensen

Surprise surprise. I am really surprised. It surprises me that US would ever do such a thing. I am stunned and amazed. I think US is only doing it because our enemies also do it, and if we are not doing it our enemies would do it. Therefore we have to do it first before they are doing it…………………..LOL.

Karl Wolfe

I distinctly recall a certain mind set of the 1980s where a bunch of criminals broke American law to make millions and millions by illegally selling weapons to criminal groups and then their limp dick excuse was copied from another group of war mongers who claimed “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. That’s the mindset of no ethics and no morality: it is the mindset of people blinded by satanic evil warned about in the Torah, the Bible and the Koran.


WTC 9/11 see how they did it! https://www.drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam3.html


WTC 9/11 see how they did it! https://www.drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam3.html

Michel LeBlanc


It was an israeli mini nuke. The nuclear material was stolen from old davey crocket tactical nukes, re enriched at dimona and deployed to NYC.


The only beam was a neutron beam shooting up through the central elevator core. Thats why the spire was vaporized as tower 2 fell, ionizing radiation does that to steel.

Go away with hocus pocus starwars.


Biggest terrorist State in the entire world and for a heel of a long time? Here’s three choices…USA, USA, USA.

Last edited 2 years ago by Oilman
jens hoIm

I see the picture. Smaller buildings, more small bicycles and even more narrowminded. Maybee they in the next generations will be smaller and smaller.

jens holm

No, they dont.

The Khaled Iskef source most likely is Moses himself reading from some stones. Moses is pretty old and by that has been mumling and dont remmeber well.

There was no battery in the Khaled Iskef hear aid but a trumpet was used now and then up in his behind.

Google translate has tryed too. They think it was about Isak and not ISIS.

Icarus Tanović

Well known fact. Americans are creating with horror brainwashed kids turn to wahhabis.

John Doe

ISIS = Israel Secret Intelligence Service. And those who don’t believe it, can investigate. America is blind.

jens holm

JOhn Doe is 4 hours old.


(we’re) “all jews”—-At bottom of ISIS flag in mock-English, look hard its no Arabic.

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