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MARCH 2025

US Treasury Announces More Anti-Russian Sanctions

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US Treasury Announces More Anti-Russian Sanctions

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On September 26th, the US Treasury Department announced more sanctions on Russia.

“Treasury is targeting a sanctions evasion scheme that includes front companies, vessels and conspirators who have been facilitating the illicit transfer of jet fuel to the Russian military in Syria.  Assad’s despotic regime is under an international spotlight for using chemical weapons and committing atrocities against innocent Syrian civilians, and they rely on these types of illicit networks to stay in power,” said Sigal Mandelker, Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence.  “The U.S. is determined to cut off access to the international financial system from those who conspire to violate our sanctions, including those who enable the brutal war machine in Syria.”

The US Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) designated Maritime Assistance LLC, which is a front company supporting the U.S-designated company OJSC Sovfracht (“Sovfracht”), originally designated for operating in Ukraine.

It was done in coordination with the FBI and the US Attorney’s Office.

“The FBI is proud to have been a part of the team that unraveled this complicated scheme that supplied fuel for Russian jet fighters supporting Assad’s regime,” said Alan E. Kohler, Jr, Special Agent in Charge of the Counterintelligence Division, FBI Washington Field Office.  “The FBI will continue to work closely with our Department of Justice and Treasury partners to identify and bring to justice those individuals or entities that conspire to violate U.S. sanctions, and in turn, imperil our financial system and our national security.”

The above-mentioned company Sovfracht has been designated since 2016.

On September 26th, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused Damascus of carrying out a “chlorine attack” in northern Lattakia in May 2019.

“The Assad regime is responsible for innumerable atrocities some of which rise to the level of war crimes and crimes against humanity,” Pompeo said, according to CNBC. “Today I am announcing that the United States has concluded that the Assad regime used chlorine as a chemical weapon on May 19.”

The timing of the sanctions and the accusations is interesting, since it comes when there is a massive storm brewing regarding US President Donald Trump’s conversations with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

In addition, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov accused the US of abusing its position as host of the UN headquarters to deny visas to members of delegations of those it sees as adversaries such as Russia or Iran.

It is necessary at this time to remind the international community, as well as the internal political scene in the US of who exactly is “the true enemy.”


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Russia’s ultimate slap to the US ugly face should be to sell SU-35 and other sophisticated weapons to Iran and work with China, Iran, Venezuela and even Turkey in creating an alternate global financial system devoid of the worthless dollar. Even European vassal states like Italy who are a cornerstone of China’s One Belt are getting fed up with US thuggery.


Iran will be free to buy modern jets next October when UN Security Council’s Resolution 2231 expires. This was implemented as part of the nuclear deal & prevents Iran from buying offensive tech. No doubt US will try to get this extended.

AM Hants

The US are the only ones that broke the JCPOA agreement. However, no doubt the UK and France will support the US, whilst China and Russia will be flogging their military jets to Iran.


You have a good point. China is building a very close strategic, economic and military relationship with Iran, one of its key partners in the rapidly expanding one belt.

Jens Holm

Maybee. If so it would be thir old ones as akind of recycling like in Syria. Used by others too.


Russia today has openly offered to sell Iran S-400 with immediate delivery. I understand that Iran will be getting the SU-35 next year as you state.

Jens Holm

Rials and a very good microskope for them will do it:)

Jens Holm

You seemes to forget those are very expensive and Russians hardly can effort to buy them themselves.

The rest is unrealistic crap too. Only China has money for real and are well affiliated with Western Economics.


The problem is the yanks firmly believe their own lies

Tiresia Branding

yankees are too much cowards to explicitly declare war, some might realize that Nazism was not defeated in ww2

Zionism = EVIL

US wasted billions in a lost war in Afghanistan while China developed world class infrastructure – and now New York has bumpy roads, jokes Pakistani PM


Not only that. China also invested in Africa. If you have the chance to visit Ethiopia you would be surprised, how the infrastructure, housing and business buildings have been improved over the last 10 years. Addes Abeba looks in areas better then some US cities.

AM Hants

I remember ‘Live Aid’ and Bob Geldof raising funds for Ethiopia and the starving kids. The children of Yemen, made the starving kids in Ethiopa, look well fed.

How much of the money from ‘Live Aid’ help the people of Ethiopia and how much did it help the oligarchs of Ethiopia? Wonder how much China invested and how much ‘Live Aid’ made, for a comparison.

Jens Holm

A lot has been done by UN and we since WW1. So its new steps and fine with me.

Chines dont tell much. Their help sometimes is very relative because they send own planners and workers.

AM Hants

Lots been done by the UN, since WWI???????

Jens Holm

Well, most of those roads are already there. Its upgrading, which is needed for all.

The only new part is to the Russian dark in Sibiria, which has been possible since WW2. China by that can connect and devellop the new countries there.

China already has limitations for etnicities being muslims in China.

AM Hants

Funnily enough, where did the Nazi and Bolshevik elite end up, when WWII ended? Remember Operation Paperclip, back in 1947 and the first CIA exercise?

Tiresia Branding

Allen Dulles… what a “saint” In Europe Nazis intelighentia become Nato or intelligence or Germany’s army officers

AM Hants

Talking of Nazis in Europe, as I remember the ’60 Minutes, Soros Interview’ on 20 December 1998, and in his own words. How the Hungarian of Khazarian, although he called it Jewish faith, found being a Nazi collaborator the best times of his life.

How many Eastern European nations, embraced the Soros ‘Open Society’ NGOs and Sorus funded universities? How many of them are now loyal to the SS, including Poland, Urkraine and Estonia. Now Latvia is more than happy to be included.

Latvia’s Minister of Defence Called SS Legionnaires the Pride of the Country and People September 27, 2019Stalker Zone

The Minister of Defence of Latvia Artis Pabriks told journalists on September 27th that Waffen SS legionaries are the pride of the Latvian people and state.

“Waffen SS Legionaries are the pride of the Latvian people and state. Our duty is to honour these patriots of Latvia from the entire depths of our soul,” said Pabriks. According to him, nobody can “allow to mock” the memory of them.


Tiresia Branding

Hitler and nazism were invented by the same who invented the soviet “communism”. Evidence of how the people can be stupid and easy manipulated, to the point of self destruction. The time pass but nothing change. Sad

AM Hants

I have been saying that for a while. Together with the same crowd creating the Fascists and Mao’s Communist Party. Where does the far right start and the far left end? As they happily play us all.

AM Hants

Hey, have you seen this, which goes nicely with your link, into the Idlib Mountain take out.

MENAANGLO 5CRIMEHEADLINE NEWS MAJOR: A Raid In Which 11 ISIS Commanders Were Killed By Iraqi Security Forces Reveals US Involvement With ISIS… https://www.fort-russ.com/2019/09/major-a-raid-in-which-11-isis-commanders-were-killed-by-iraqi-security-forces-reveals-us-involvement-with-isis/

Jens Holm

Again infantile crap making no sense.

AM Hants

Talking about yourself again?

Jens Holm

KInd of funny version. USA has made severalk wars since WW2 and has been blamed hard for it by many.

Toronto Tonto

The terrorists must be punished , start with putin and pals .

Tiresia Branding

The terrorists must be punished, Putin and pals started

Zionism = EVIL

Pakistan’s prime minister served up some bitter truths during an interview with MSNBC, noting that US taxpayer dollars would have been better spent on fixing America’s infrastructure, as opposed to squandering them in Afghanistan.

Zionism = EVIL

US is a bankrupt deadbeat with 6 million shitting in the streets.


Jens Holm

There we go again. You think You can win something copypasting 10.000 times :)

Veritas Vincit

– “what David Petraeus has done for counter-insurgency warfare, Stuart Levey has done for economic warfare” [Senator Joe Lieberman].

– “Stuart Levey’s war is like ‘Charlie Wilson’s War,’ ” an unnamed State Department official told the New York Times… “It’s the most direct and aggressive stuff we’ve got going. It delivers.” Mandelker learned the ropes in Levey’s Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, developing an innovative arsenal of financial weapons against the enemies of Israel” (Meet the militantly pro-Israel Trump official directing the economic war on Iran, By Max Blumenthal, 03/09/2019) https://thegrayzone.com/2019/09/03/pro-israel-sigal-mandelker-fbi-americans-iran/

– “An Economic War Between Superpowers is Reaching a Global Scale….. In the U.S., an Institute of Economic Warfare (IEW) exists….. It is created by the neocons, and one of leading ideologist’s of which is a former Assistant Secretary of Defense Richard Perle [closely affiliated with Benjamin Netanyahu]….. a large-scale economic war has unfolded against Russia.” (The End of the Market, South Front, 30/11/2015)

Sanctions (economic warfare operations) are an aspect of broader forms of active warfare.

Russian analysts would have noted the common factor linking the key individuals involved in economic warfare actions (Steven Terner Mnuchin, Jack Lew, David Cohen, Stuart Levey, Adam Szubin, Philip Goldberg, Joe Lieberman, Daniel Glaser, Sigal Mandelker, etc., establishing a connection to another nation that is disingenuous in claims of not being an adversary of the Russian Federation).

Indeed, forms of warfare by the U.S.-Israeli alliance involve proxy warfare, regime change operations, partition efforts, information warfare, cyber warfare, etc…. For example:

– “What should be troubling to Russia is the extent of the cooperation between Ukraine and Israel in the fields of military and intelligence….. the cooperation between Israel and Ukraine in the field of intelligence is so extensive that Israel saw it fit to appoint Reuven Dinel, a former Mossad agent, as ambassador to Ukraine. It is worth noting that Dinel was caught spying in Russia during the 90s and was subsequently declared persona non grata. So tarnished was Dinel’s reputation that Turkmenistan refused to grant diplomatic status to this enemy of Russia. Ukraine had no such qualms…… Israel is advocating the agenda of oligarchs with dual or multiple citizenships jealously clinging on to assets stolen from the people of Russia. Russia has no choice but to treat Israel as an enemy state.” (Israel’s Role In Ukraine, By Alois Philby, 26 February, 2014)

– “For past seven years, Israeli companies have been helping [the] Georgian army to prepare for war against Russia through arms deals, training of infantry units and security advice.” (War in Georgia: The Israeli connection, Ynet News [Israel], 10/08/2008)

– ” Exactly nine years ago Tbilisi launched the US-backed Operation “Clear Field” against South Ossetia and Abkhazia….. “The invasion was carefully planned and exercised in the course of joint Georgian-American military drills,” the journalist elaborated, “Kiev delivered ‘Buk’ and ‘Tor’ missile defense systems to Tbilisi along with Ukrainian combat crews. Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) experts also provided their assistance [to Georgia].” (Nine Years After Georgia-Russia War, ‘NATO Hustle in Caucasus Looks Suspicious’, SputnikNews, 08/08/2017)

While disingenuous language is employed in direct diplomatic affairs by Israeli officials, terms including adversary and even enemy are regularly used by Israeli officials concerning the Russian Federation (RF). This is to be expected as Israel is firmly aligned with the US.

In this context, it is worth observing the foundations of more profound conflicts have been established. These include the potential for the following conflict situations:

– (US-NATO-allied backed) Ukraine vs the RF (since the Western bloc sponsored anti-democratic ‘regime change’ in Ukraine, it is being integrated into NATO standards. Eventual membership would activate the collective security clause (Article 5) of the NATO charter).

– (US-NATO-allied backed) Georgia (enhancing ties with NATO while preparing another military option to seize separatist regions) vs the RF (separatist regions have security agreements with the RF).

– China (Anti-Secession Law) vs Taiwan-US (moving towards partition)

-DPRK-China vs US-coalition bloc (the US is replicating actions applied against Iraq, Libya etc., while the inability of the US to adhere to agreements is incompatible with a lasting political resolution)

– (US-NATO-allied backed) Kosovo vs (RF backed) Serbia

-Turkey vs Greece (developing tensions over regional resources)

– India and Pakistan (already in a low intensity stage of conflict), etc……….

In the (increasingly probable) event of an eventual direct kinetic stage of conflict between opposing military blocs, Israel will be fully aligned with and integrated into the operations of the U.S./NATO bloc (as it currently is). Russian analysts no doubt recognise this reality.

AM Hants

David Petraeus – what is he doing now?

Back in 2012

Who Was Secretly Behind America’s Invading And Occupying Syria?

‘…The NYT article also mentioned that “In late 2012, according to two former senior American officials, David H. Petraeus, then the C.I.A. director, delivered a stern lecture to intelligence officials of several gulf nations at a meeting near the Dead Sea in Jordan. He chastised them for sending arms into Syria without coordinating with one another or with C.I.A. officers in Jordan and Turkey. Months later, Mr. Obama gave his approval for the C.I.A. to begin directly arming and training the rebels from a base in Jordan, amending the Timber Sycamore program to allow lethal assistance. Under the new arrangement, the C.I.A. took the lead in training, while Saudi Arabia’s intelligence agency, the General Intelligence Directorate, provided money and weapons, including TOW anti-tank missiles,” so as to conquer Syria, for the Sauds…

…On 6 March 2013, Britain’s Guardian bannered regarding General Petraeus “From El Salvador to Iraq: Washington’s man behind brutal police squads” and reported his having created the death squads in El Salvador and designed the post-Saddam Iraqi torture program for trying to extract from detainees (though the Guardianfailed to note this) whatever information they might have about Saddam Hussein’s role in the 9/11 attacks. Nothing was mentioned in the Guardian, about 9/11, but only that “The aim: to halt a nascent Sunni insurgency in its tracks by extracting information from detainees” — but nothing was said there about what type of “information” was being sought, or why. “With Petraeus’s almost unlimited access to money and weapons, and Steele’s field expertise in counterinsurgency, the stage was set for the commandos to emerge as a terrifying force.” But force for what? The Guardian offered nothing on that…’



Operation Timber Sycamore And Washington’s Secret War On Syria To start this conflict and then keep its fires burning the US and its Satellites have spent billions of dollars…

‘…Moreover, now the US Army is sinking millions of dollars into private intelligence contractors, the The Daily Beast notes. This appears to be the first time the Pentagon has publicly acknowledged that private contractors are also playing a role in the fight inside Syria, and it’s one more signal that the US military is deepening its involvement in the fate of the country.The contract announcement said Six3 Intelligence Solutions—a private intelligence company recently acquired by CACI International—won a 10 million dollars no-bid Army contract to provide “intelligence analysis services” in Syria. Yet, military contracting and special operations experts say it is safe to assume that Six3 isn’t the first to get its boots on the Syrian ground…’




‘…Operation “Timber Sycamore” continues…

…Operation “Timber Sycamore”, initiated by President Barack Obama was privatized a little before the election of President Donald Trump. It is now coordinated by the investment fund KKR (established by Henry Kravis and whose military activities are led by the former head of the CIA, General David Petraeus).

“Timber Sycamore” is the most important arms trafficking operation in History. It involves at least 17 governments. The transfer of weapons, meant for jihadist organizations, is carried out by Silk Way Airlines, a Azerbaïdjan public company of cargo planes.

In the week 27 November – 2 December 2018, eight of this company’s cargo planes landed at Aden (Yemen), Erbil and Bagdad (Iraq), Beirut (Lebanon), Djibouti (Djibouti), Kabul and Bagram (Afghanistan) and Tripoli (Libya). Furthermore, the transport of personnel between Djibouti and Aden was carried out by Taquan Air which was up till now a small US company working exclusively for business trips or tourism in Alaska…



Here is another branch:

US Task Force Smoking Gun smuggles weapons to Syria: Serbia files (part 2)… http://armswatch.com/us-task-force-smoking-gun-smuggles-weapons-to-syria-serbia-files-part-2/


The US accusing Russia (or anybody) of conspiracy is pretty good. How they tell this BS to the public with a straight face is beyond me. I guess when you’ve painted yourself into a corner with all the lies you’ve told, you’re relegated to continuing to lie…or admit you’ve been lying all along. The ‘new’ Syrian chem attack is so over the top, using the worst of the proxies to back it up, is sheer gall. Apparently, this is all they have to work with. This double-down BS is going to be their downfall eventually. They’re going to get a bloody nose, because this cannot be allowed to continue. I think Russia has had enough. How they effect this bloody nose will be interesting.

AM Hants

Nobody even reported a CW attack, back in May. There was a rumour, that the usual suspects would try to carry out a false flag, which is what Pompeo has gone for.

Moon of Alabama explains it better:

Note To Journos – When Pompeo Doubles Down On A Lie He Does Not “Confirm” It Some people can’t think but tweet anyway:… https://www.moonofalabama.org/2019/09/note-to-journos-when-pompeo-doubles-down-on-a-lie-he-does-not-confirm-it.html#more


Hah anti russian sanctions. oh plz fuck off.

Jens Holm

Its just an adding for the Irnian fuel to Syria.


LMAO the US have Secretary for Terrorism. LOL

Tudor Miron

Bring’em on. “bring to justice those individuals or entities that conspire to violate U.S. sanctions, and in turn, imperil our financial system and our national security.”(c) Direct translation from “sheeple feeding” language would be – Punish everyone who’s trying to impede our ability to parasitize and to continue looting entire planet.

AM Hants

These sanctions, to those supplying re-fueling of the Russian military jets, over in Syria??????

The US were not invited to Syria, so they are penalising Russia, who were invited, from filling up her jets, before they go to work. What medication are they on, over in Washington DC?


They should try sanctioning their own, then perhaps they might make a dent into their $22 trillion, plus, national debt.

Now where did this money go?

US Task Force Smoking Gun smuggles weapons to Syria: Serbia files (part 2)

‘…Inflated price

Another interesting detail in the leaked documents is the price of the deal. According to the Agreement between Krusik and Sierra Four Industries, the price is $7,842,910. A further check in the US Federal Contracts Registry, however, shows that the price under this contract is much higher – $12,417,458 (or $4,5 million higher than the price in the contract with Krusik) which raises serious questions as to where the money has gone…’



There are times I wounder how f…. stupid are people and then I mean the Moronikans in particulare. The ugly truth is, this spectacle is an kabuki theater, they even admitted it some time ago, its an TV bloody freak show to keep the MSM bizzy/dizzy with eating big honking nothing burgers, while the demonCrauts and the lame ducks over at the idiots in the republiCONs, when, and the differences even between F…ahonda to the Somali slimeball and the BuringBern, to Trumpstein, there isnt, its just an show, while the wars continue, the repo insanity continues QE ad infinitum, etc to an infrastucture 3 world wurthy aka Trumps definition of an shithole/potholes, huh, and the PentaGooons sucks half of the imperial banana republics tax income, theu various skeeps I define as Legalized Plundering.

This sactions, eh…. just shows the entire world an nation totaly derailed, and is just wigling them self deeper into the swamp, and how on earth can you explain the contradiction, if its not an theater, the Joohos and their MSM is attacking Trump, while Trump is butt cheek spreading for the Joohos, and do exactly what they want to any given time, the man is just an bloody joke, like Bozo the Clown, another freak, where they lost their nation to an pack of old f…. assh….. whom calls them self an cort. Uh, and they drooles something about Mugabe. Are there any spine left in that cadavre of an man, or is it the fibers that makes the body somewhat giving the impression of standing, the thing is, the Moronikans have one problem, the entire political system, regardeless of whatever side their on, the scums have buckled both ends, this freak show confirms it. I feel almost sorry for the Russians that have to endure this sherade, and deal with freaks, and to be honest, the idiocy will never end, since its run by the scums of this earth and they got the senatwhores by their uh…. balls, nothing will change, they will do as they are told to do, and that means continuing the present path to oblivion, like NothingbutYahoho said it so tellingly, use them up and let them die, and then just blow away, their dream is coming thru, they have the Vilage idiot from NY as their best and most lojale Bitch.

Poor f….. schumcks, yeah, the shoah must go on. So….. wankees, crawl back to your porn and dream about something you never will have, an real life in an free country. Pathetic creeps. And for the rest of us. boycot the terror state UssA. Yeah I found it amuzing when the Pakistan Khan is dead on, soon the roads will be so bad its better to drive beside the highways than on it.


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