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MARCH 2025

US Troops Filmed Moment When Iranian Missiles Hit Their Base In Iraq

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US troops at the Ayn al-Assad airbase in Iraq filmed the moment, when Iranian missiles hit their positions on January 8. The video, released by CNN, allows to see US troops hiding in a bunker as Iranian missiles are pounding the base.

Another variant released by BBC:

Meanwhile, Danish TV 2 interviwed Danish soldiers that were present at the base during the Iranian missile strike. They were a part of forces of the US-led coalition deployed at the base. The interview revealed that there were helicopters destroyed at the base and confirmed that US-led forces knew about the missile strike in advance.


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Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

little bitches can give it but cant take it

iraq told USA to leave, what are the USA still doing there. ?

ISIS is dead, what are the USA still doing in syria?

Human kind is doomed

Stealing, what they do best!

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

So either ISIS were partners in crime for the US/Israeli empire or were competition with them. Therefore this stealing (neo-colonialism) was the goal all along. I’ve just about had it with this bs. Can’t find any work yet people like Tim Pool on YT talk up the economy, saying its growing and doing great. I don’t see it!

Zionism = EVIL

ISIS has accurately been described as the CIA’s foreign legion. It is a 100% Americunt created proxy terror force which is rebranded for regional terrorism by the Americunts, NATO poodles and Zionist scum since the Soviet era in Afghanistan. Now they are the frontline of US Wahabbi cannon fodder to implement the Yinon plan in the Arab and Muslim world. They will fail miserably and the backlash is already there as the expulsion of hand vetted 20 plus Saudi air cadets from US clearly shows. Even the ordinary Saudi is now willing to kill Americunts on their own soil as people are fed up with Americunt and Zionist evil.

Ashok Varma

Even Jordan’s puppet King has suggested that .

Human kind is doomed

Daesh is/was a mere tool in US’s hands like Taliban back in eighties,as KLA was back in nineties, same scenario. Problem lies in fact that MSM consumers are with short memory an limited critical thinking, not necessarily of low IQ.

Zionism = EVIL

Americunts are degenerate trash of UK and then Europe and their shithole of a failed state was built on lies, racism, theft, thuggery, slavery and holocaust of the native population, so what did you expect from such low dehumanized gutter trash?


And what paradise of a country do you come from, junior?

Ashok Varma

Unfortunately, the Arab and Muslim world has been blessed with oil and gas resources and that has proven to be curse as the western economies covet those resources for plunder.


Maybe but the US itself doesn’t need Mideast oil and gas anymore. We are now by far the greatest producer of oil and gas in the world. The country that about depends most on Mideast oil and gas at an increasing rate is China.

Arch Bungle

Rubbish. You’re second to Russia in gas. Your gas is expensive to ship so barely only useful for internal consumption. Your oil is also expensive to ship and expensive to frack, besides being destructive to your environment. Besides, your own oil and gas gives you no geopolitical advantage which is the true value of oil. You cant prop up your petrodollar with your own oil.

Ashok Varma

Most US and Canadian oil is toxic high expense shale or tarsands oil and can not compete in price or quality with Iranian, mid-east and Russian variety. Iran also has second largest gas reserves. This troll is ignorant.

Arch Bungle

Yes. I think we’ve given the troll enough opportunity to demonstrate intelligence. Its clear he has none to offer. No point entertaining it any further …


Jake321 – good point: “….US itself doesn’t need Mideast oil and gas anymore…..” So why is the USA in ME at a huge expense to itself? Those tax payer resources could be invested in its own domestic economy to pull ahead as the world leading economy and technology developer.

Human kind is doomed

Oil and gas, biggest curse of middle east!


It has not been used by the corrupt Arab dictatorships and family run petro kleptocracy kingdoms for the betterment of their hapless people. Over 150 million young men have been radicalized with no hope for future or any education or skills, so a long period of instability and destabilization orchestrated by the US, Zionists and west in guaranteed.



Daily Beatings

Operation Iranian Liberation

Zionism = EVIL

If the Iranian government plays its cards right and allows open investigation into the Ukrainian plane mishap, it can gain a lot of global kudos as Canada is already critical of Americunt role in destabilizing the region by murdering Soleimani. Trudeau was very critical of US role and if Iranians are smart they should send the smiling fool Zarif to Ottawa and invite Trudeau personally to visit Iran and should pay for all victim’s relatives to visit Iran for closure and also to see a transparent inquiry. The mullahs need to get their collective turban heads out of their arse and learn some diplomacy and goodwill.

Ashok Varma

Iranian military has shown good skills and now it time for their diplomats to shine.

Concrete Mike

If I were Iran, i would only pay lip service to Canada, and compensate victims families, thats it.

I would not lower to pandering to the zionist stooge that is canada.

Especially when the deputy premjer is a nazi, i haven forgot about you freyland bitch!


I would take cover…seems sensible.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

wonder if all the other USA airbases in the ME that Iran can reach have defenses as good as that one, early warning system was a snitch iraqi


I think Iraq was intended to snitch….

John Wallace

The Swiss Embassy in Tehran was informed so they could tell American forces and others in Iraq to get undercover so they wouldn’t be hurt. The Swiss Embassy acts on behalf of the US as the US does not have an Embassy in Iran. Iran sent a message , not to hurt anyone but a message . Trump got the message which is why he did not retaliate.


Over 10,000 ISIS foot soldiers are being trained under US supervision in Syria.. Over that number of ISIS family are being held in detention centers.. There is a chance the family members are being held to get cooperation from the ISIS soldiers to do as told..

This is not speculation.. Just because they are held by US kurd mercenaries dont mean the US dont control them since even directly the US is controlling 2 major areas in Syria with ISIS activity.. This is besides the other groups like the worms of the desert, the white rabbid rats and organs r us etc who are even on US payrolls..

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

number of SDF is around 50k, abosrbed a lot of al qaeda and isis into their ranks simulating the fight along the euphrates towards the oilfileds.

SDF being deployed under the alphabet soup of terrorist proxies in mali, somalia, south america, libya

Ashok Varma

Jordan’s King Abdullah, normally a puppet of the US, has even said that Turkey is transferring large numbers of terrorists to Libya with US support. Thousands of fighters transferred from Syria’s Idlib to Libya: Jordanian king

Daesh is once again on the rise in the Middle East with Turkish support and tacit US approval, King Abdullah of Jordan has warned, adding that “thousands” of fighters moved from Syria to Libya – bringing the whole problem even closer to Europe.


1. They are there for the Oil. 2. They are there for the Oil. & 3. Besides the Oil they are there to enforce their Hegemony.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

yup, this is testing the one belt road initiative on all levels. including military

Zionism = EVIL

All true, but you forget the protection of the Zionist catamites.

Assad must stay

making bs excuses to stay but are actually stealing shit

Zionism = EVIL

Professionally speaking, now that dust has literally settled, the Iranian military acted with high degree of effectiveness and Iranian missile systems, both ground to ground and air defences performed well, perhaps too well as the decentralized and rapid response resulted in a civilian airliner loss in the fog of war. Perhaps, what Iran lacked was good political leadership which should have allowed a major strike and inflicted heavy casualties on the Americunt arsehole cowards. Most of Americunt military now is cracker illiterate trailer trash who are forced to join up for 3 meals a day. These scum will not fight if a sustained asymmetrical war over the region takes hold. Like their Zionist catamite masters the Americunts are only good at stealing and killing unarmed women and children.


Ashok Varma

US like India now has a volunteer army and no educated person with skills want to enlist and die for banksters so only the worst unemployable segments and drug addicts join the US military.

Karen Bartlett

This is simply not true, I met an Emergency Medical Technician (ambulance driver) who joined the military, and was about to be deployed, or so she said. Two of my cousin’s kids were in Afghanistan. Both became cops when they got out of the military. Not only “unemployable” or “drug addicts” join the US military.

Karen Bartlett

When you say mostly “cracker illiterate trailer trash” join the US military, imo you are letting your hatred of white people influence your judgement. For sound judgement you must remain objective.

Ashok Varma

US and Israel have the most over-rated militaries in the world.


Killing Shi’a Islamist in addition to the Sunni ones? What’s the difference anyway? Murdering Islamists all.

Concrete Mike

Ok if.muslim.fundamentalists are fair game, orthodox.jews are fair game too then.

Whats the difference ?? We all worship the same god so.kill em all.

Thats your idiotic argument.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

it is wahhabba and salafist money that is spreading islam to the west, pakistan and saudi, not iran. obviously if iran is sanctioned they are not flooding the west with mosques are they

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes


Ashok Varma

However, the ever-shrinking desire within an exhausted US on all sides of the political spectrum to drag the US into another Middle Eastern war for the benefit of Israel, means that Iran still has a lot of room to manoeuvre and establish its historically dominant position in the region.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

ever-shrinking desire because USA has been proven to be a paper tiger. when an equipped and trained military fight back, the USA backs off.

you honestly think if iraq had any WMD’s that USA would have gone anywhere near the place? Only because iran ahd beaten iraq and bush senior had already obliterated most of it did bush junior feel brave enough to blow up and murder more iraqi’s

Karen Bartlett

Hopefully, anyhow.


ISIS can never be eliminate without ZUS Nato been demolished. Many terrorists were airlifted to Turkey & Libya when Syria Army cornered them.

One big ISIS group then suddenly reappeared in Philippines last year to attack & occupy entire one city. They were so well equipped with heavy arms & unlimited ammunition that Philippines arm forces couldn’t fight them until China provided sniper rifles & assistance.

Guess how did these USNato moderate terrorists swim across vast Indian ocean to reach Philippines shore undetected, carrying all their heavy armoured & supplies along from Syria war zone, with enough supplies for a year fighting with entire Philippines army? Only USN & USAF C130 alone have such global transportation capacity.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

ISIS were smuggling drugs through the philipinnes and human trafficking, that is why duterte went mental on all drug dealers in the country

philipinnes retook the town quickly if i remember right


No, it took nearly one year without any success with heavy casualties of incapable US indoctrinated(i.e. CIA bribed agents) Philippines army that are openly hostile to China.

US sanctioned Philippines with weapon sales including rifles for its police in violating human rights for going after drug lords.

Its to create crisis for toppling its Prez Duterte, as his cozying up with China. US stooge ex-Prez Aquino & gang, with Philippines 90% Catholic population lead by bishops appointed by West controlled Vatican were also activated to stop the drug war.

But majority got too sick of lawless crimes & drugs, so they supported Prez war on drugs instead of Bishop no contraceptive permitted law. Duterte asked China for help to drive out ISIS before they spread their caliphate in Asean.

Miraculously, ISIS was able to safely retreat wth few casualties under the nose of Philippines arm forces after get defeated. They managed to swim back Syria with all their heavy armoured weapons & supplies.

Muslim extremism aka Wahabism is now spreading like wild fire in Indonesia with Saudi money & CIA operations. Msia affected too. Thailand has already long fall into Muslim General control that coup people elected PM Thaksin without West protest. These are time bombs awaiting to massacre local Chinese ethnic that run most of the Asean economy. Its to disrupt China BRI & influence in Asean. Its a repeat of what CIA did in 1960’s to back BG Suharto coup & massacre millions in name of communism.

Zionist Internet Warrior

Protecting Israel and stealing oil. But mostly protecting Israel, at Netanyahu and Kushner’s orders :)


OIL and OIL and OIL, Trump wants 1.500.000.000.000$ from Iraq to leave, I don’t know how the fuck he calculated that Iraq should somehow needs to give 1.5 trillion to the US, he says they own us that much. Can you fucking believe that shit.


Yeah no more delivering, from now their will receive a lot if the wish to proceed with their reckless Trump knucklehead.


If anyone can find more then just these 20 seconds of the attack it’d be great.



This video shows the massive underground Iranian missile bases as well as a better scope of the entire strike.


Smart forward thinking to build these tunnels into the mountains. Iran a way different proposition to flat Iraq.

Wayne Nicholson

The CNN piece that clip was taken from shows a lot of the damage but that’s all of the attack they showed https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/13/middleeast/iran-strike-al-asad-base-iraq-exclusive-intl/index.html

Karen Bartlett

Very interesting. If there hadn’t been a warning given by Iran to Iraq, I’m sure soldiers would have been killed. And surely Iran knows where the bunkers are located in which the soldiers hid. Also, I notice a black woman who is a NCO ( apparently) in the clip.

Wayne Nicholson

They hit the barracks the drone pilots were housed in. I read somewhere else that one of the missiles hit the hanger the drone that killed Soleimani was stored in.

Great analysis of what was going on via back channels in the Duran yesterday. Sounds like Trump was shitting bricks when he figured out the mess he got himself into. Completely different story to what they are saying on the MSM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dbi-dETFS9A&t=971s

Karen Bartlett

Waaay interesting, thanks! And hitting the hanger the horrid drone was stored in sends a precise message, for sure. Will read analysis by Andrei Martyanov in a while. Have to go start supper…

Karen Bartlett

Read the article–the guy sounds “right on the money”. But, I don’t agree that Russia and Iran aren’t “allies” because they certainly are as regards Syria.

King Cliff

They could’ve destroy everything and just leave the bunkers standing,those troops got the shock of they lives,they not ready for this kind of fight. Those kinds of ire power will give the soldier worst than PTSD.


Indeed Cliff, that was the admitted goal : a warning salvo. Two actually. Some of the missiles were also armed with training warheads as well, most analysts agree the the military charge for those “Zulfiqars” is in the leagues of 0.5 tons if employed at its fullest, but look at what they did even without them, with mostly fuel and kinetic effect only. The psychological effect was guaranteed and proved successful as well. By this strike the Iranian wanted to create a serious precedent for the upcoming wave of high tensions that Donald so recklessly created and was quick to de-escalate, and they made it.

Prince Teutonic

So the revenge for General Soleimani’s death is few destroyed tents!? Oh well…

John Drake (aka Number 6)

The first time US forces have been directly attacked since WW2. Quite humiliating for Trump who was too scared to respond to it.

Ashok Varma

Iranian military showed a lot of guts, the political leadership not so much.

Arch Bungle

Its just beginning. The western mind is always in a hurry …

John Wallace

It was a message . It is not about a few tents or a couple of destroyed choppers but the message is we CAN HURT YOU. Now Fuck off.. Trumps options were to drop nuclear bombs on Iran and hope to get all missiles before launch or suffer thousands of casualties and massive equipment losses all around the ME. Israel was at high risk of being obliterated which is why Netanbooboo has gone very quiet . The revenge will be America quietly leaving disguised as a drawdown . So look at the effect not the tent.

Ashok Varma

Iran’s best strategy should be to capitalize on the growing anti-US anger in the region and start a local resistance in a wider geographical zone.

Arch Bungle

They have just done this. The mahdi army reactivated, houthis enlisted. The pmus …

Azriel Herskowitz

Still grasping for straws after the failed Iranian attack? No casualties and damage only to temporary tent structures. The propaganda is getting desperate.

Gary Sellars

STFU you shekel-grubbing oven-dodger.

John Wallace

I wonder if those old ovens still work . I have a couple of idiots in mind that we could try them out on.. Did they cook with gas as Russia seems to have plenty to sell.

Ashok Varma

I have heard that Hitler committed suicide when he saw the gas bill.

John Wallace

:-)) .

Ricky Miller

Danish soldiers say that more helicopters were damaged than first admitted. So, the attack didn’t kill anyone, only destroying equipment. For you, an Israeli, and most Empire lovers, you measure success by how many people you’ve killed. We understand your values all too well, as you’ve had much success since…forever but especially since 1991. But this strike back sent American led forces into hiding and established some degree of deterrence for Iran. So it had value not measured in body bags.

Karen Bartlett

The Israelis have had “success” against unarmed civilians, of course.

Arch Bungle

Everything has changed now. Israel is on notice that Iran has the capability to destroy it completely.

Ashok Varma

Iran is a large country with obviously a very capable military and could theoretically overwhelm so-called Israel in a very short time and that is why Israel is goading the US into a direct swan song war with Iran. Hopefully, even Trump is not that crazy.

Arch Bungle

The ability to destroy israel equals the ability to paralyse the US: once the Iranians bring Israel to the edge of destruction, the jewish lobby AIPAC will force the US to back down. They have that strong an influence over US policy. At that point, Iran could force the US to retreat completely conditional to allowing Israel to live. Israel is Iran’s hostage against US agression. Without Israel, the US would not hold back from destroying Iran.

Karen Bartlett

Interesting analysis.


Gosh, for Christ’s sake, have you even read the article you first-class moron ?? it explicitly says that those precautionary scatter and evacuation protocols were rendered possible precisely BECAUSE the IRGC gave ample warning to them through Iraqi channels… you are totally inept at reading diplomatic maneuvers and associated geopolitical strategies… you’re the one grasping at straws because ONE official unilaterally tried to make a Trumpian impression and made sensational through totally flat and dumb remarks about “80 US soldiers killed” for a thirsty domestic audience still reeling from the Soleimani hit at the time. Have you been living in a cave lately ? Iranians themselves claimed that they carefully executed that strike as a major show of force and 17 out of the 19 missiles hit their intended targets with pinpoint precision, voluntarily chosen as low-value ones, only tents and logistical depots, with ample independent satellite imagery to confirm the metric accuracy of each blow right in the middle of each structure. The message was sent, Trump took the off-ramp provided and answered to this with empty words, period. From the Iranian perspective, with regards to their overall objective, it’s mission accomplished. Now next time things have to go hot between Washington and Tehran , US officials will think twice and remember that kind of firepower.

Liberal guy

Ya right

Wayne Nicholson

Oh Yea. This is from CNN today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzXpNxAeCck

This analysis is from “The Twisted genius” a Green Beret who was an intelligence officer who worked in the field in the Middle East and was a liaison with the IDF


Azriel Herskowitz

Are you still upset that your Mullah’s failed their attack? Posting this CNN video changes nothing. The fact is that the attack was a failure and only resulted in temporary material damages. In fact, the US is deploying more troops to the region along with AA batteries.

Daily Beatings

US has 35 bases in the region. Iran is estimated to have over 100,00 missiles at their disposal. 200 missiles at each target is only 7,000 launches, less than 10% of their total stock. An attack of this magnitude would completely eliminate US presence in the region.

Ashok Varma

Hizballah has more than 120,000 missiles, Iranian arsenal would at least be ten fold.

S Melanson

Please just stop with the tiresome repeating of the pre-approved script handed to you. It should be apparent to you and everyone else that your posts are increasingly disconnected from reality and no amount of repeating ad naseum will change that.

What can change is you and what you post. I am certain if you wrote honestly your POV on the true significance of these developments, you would acknowledge the precarious security situation Israel has put itself in thanks to a disastrous foreign policy under Bibi – particularly the reckless interventions that did not improve but worsened Israeli security.

I have commented on the dangers of where this is heading and it is not a pretty end for Israel and many other nations. No one wants that including you. If you want make a difference a save your Jewish state, get with reality and post accordingly. I will listen if you do.


He is part of a co-ordinated hasbara team effort to muddy and poison various blogs and discussions. He is not an individual, you are talking to a team!

Wayne Nicholson

I’m not upset at all …. I got no skin in this game. I just read the news and comment.

You however seem pretty desperate to convince me of something that is obviously untrue. The evidence is there for all to see. Iran has the USA in check … they’ve been preparing to survive an attack from the USA for decades and have shaped their military for such an encounter while the USA has suffered from the hubris of believing that $$$ spent = military strength.

The problem with the USA is they’ve never had to fight a peer. japan was a fraction of the USA’s size and had been fighting a war with China for a decade before taking on the USA.

The USA’s fight against Germany was a sideshow …. the Eastern front was the main event. If it weren’t for the Russians the only way an American could land in Europe was with a visa and a German phrase book.

In neither case did they have to fight a grinding war so they have no idea how to fight one …. they deluded themselves that air power and atomic bombs were enough to win any war and still believe that to this day. They’re relying on a seventy five year old strategy that even then was only part of what was needed to win a war.

Since 1945 they’ve got the air/naval part of the equation right but have never gotten the land warfare component right. Hence Vietnam, Korea, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Now since they never learned the lessons of their losses and evolved their strategy their air/naval strrategy has been checked with missiles.

Wayne Nicholson

I’m not upset at all …. I got no skin in this game. I just read the news and comment.

You however seem pretty desperate to convince me of something that is obviously untrue. The evidence is there for all to see. Iran has the USA in check … they’ve been preparing to survive an attack from the USA for decades and have shaped their military for such an encounter while the USA has suffered from the hubris of believing that $$$ spent = military strength.

The problem with the USA is they’ve never had to fight a peer. japan was a fraction of the USA’s size and had been fighting a war with China for a decade before taking on the USA.

The USA’s fight against Germany was a sideshow …. the Eastern front was the main event. If it weren’t for the Russians the only way an American could land in Europe was with a visa and a German phrase book.

In neither case did they have to fight a grinding war so they have no idea how to fight one …. they deluded themselves that air power and atomic bombs were enough to win any war and still believe that to this day. They’re relying on a seventy five year old strategy that even then was only part of what was needed to win a war.

Since 1945 they’ve got the air/naval part of the equation right but have never gotten the land warfare component right. Hence Vietnam, Korea, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Now since they never learned the lessons of their losses and evolved their strategy their air/naval strrategy has been checked with missiles.

So now, instead of just spouting bullshit prove me wrong.


The accent and voice are a but hard to take…but the point seems established that Iran is quite capable in ballistics.

Zionism = EVIL

Fuck off ugly Jew scum.

Ashok Varma

Your people did not exactly look like heroes after the Hizballah strike on the not no stellar barracks.


Your propaganda is desperate.

Liberal guy

Hahahahaha u fool


Lol! No no no. The Iranian attack was a complete success, US stands down.

Dick Von Dast'Ard


Dick Von Dast'Ard

Difficult to know which President of the U.S. is in actual control over there. Pompeo, Pence or Trump? Appears a free-for-all.


The Dream Team. – Reality TV Trump. – Flat Earth Fundamentalist Pence. – Bomb ’em all Pompeo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGUNPMPrxvA

Assad must stay

lmao look how scared shitless these soldiers get from just 1% of iranian power, and trump and nutty yahoo think they can send them to fight iran? gimme a break!!!!


It is taking me a few days to see what was going on with the Iranian reaction to Soleimani’s murder. The airliner shoot-down aside, it sucks for the families but, this is a blip on the big picture. Supposedly the amount of protestors is minuscule and unless they are externally financed, I don’t think they will last long. Besides….

The besides is the active campaign that has begun to remove the US and it’s allies from the region. What is it shaping up to be? This is the real thing. Take the subject of this article and another, the testimony of the Danish troops. It is looking very much like the advance notice was not a mistake and it had the appropriate results. Besides obliterating structures beyond recognition, the strike defied the US to stop it. They could not. It made US and allied troops sweat. Iran introduced a taste of actual war to the West and they don’t like it at all. Hence, the focus on the airliner to try and recoup from the stark fear felt at all levels of Occidental militaries and federal governments.

I think the pain screw will be advanced at a very slow rate. However, by August/September it could easily escalate until neither Mr. Trump or Mr. Pompeo, along with their cohorts, can see straight. They could be feeling as though they always lived in hell. I think this will be something that is a must watch, for those interested in living history.

There will be plenty of fur flying and drama galore. Pay it no mind. Keep the eye on the bouncing ball, which is the level of violence and it’s increase, as we get closer to election day in the US. My take. A good evening to all.


Damn, that top Islamist Iranian general came real cheap! And wait, there were a half dozen other top military Islamists thrown in as a bonus. Quite the deal!

MeMad Max

“knew about the missile strike in advance”

There you go you dweebs, softcore war porn for you to jerk off to, but its all fake show on ALL SIDES around!!!!


You all that are chanting death to the US, death to Iran, death to (insert who you were told to hate here), need to REALLY pull ur heads out of your asses….


I have a question and correct me if I’m wrong. If Iran has this kind of capability of ballistic missile, North Korea has better and powerful missile than Iran ?

Karen Bartlett

North Korea has missiles with NUCLEAR warheads.


Who cares, both are sanctioned 7 ways from Sunday, have no economy and a decrepit military


No shit !!!!!!!!


“American forces are not use to being on the receiving end of this kind of firing power, they are usually the ones delivering…” lmfao!

Liberal guy

Hahahaha what they thought that this is an Hollywood adventure but this is the real world not reel world and not call of duty video games too hahahahaha

Peter Bozich

The terror these U.S mongrels cause when they bomb populations to hell is out of sight and out of mind for the minions in the west. To see footage of U.S soldiers shitting their pants when bombs are flying from the other side doesn’t feel good does it. The U.S have run out easy targets to bomb, now the hard targets can fight back.

Wolfgang Wolf

colonialist occupation forces shitting their pants.. go home


Medieval wall sand bags not holding up?


“American forces are not used to be on the receiving of this kind of power” , well simple from no on they are and they will be if they continue to screw around. Iran the one and only country that has the balls to counter the US with fire power. Not even Russia nor China did nothing never, there so don’t fuck with the Iranians. Oh the US thinks and believes that now if they add one or two air defense the worst in the world they could be safe from future attacks. :)

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