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US Troops Will Remain In Syria To ‘Protect’ Oil Fields From ISIS

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US Troops Will Remain In Syria To 'Protect' Oil Fields From ISIS


The US is planning to keep control of oil fields on the eastern bank of the Euphrates despite the ongoing troops withdrawal.

On October 21, US Defense Secretary Mark Esper told reporters that Washington wants to be sure that ensure oil fields do not fall into the hands of ISIS or other militants.

According to media reports, the number of US troops remaining in the Omar oil fields area will be 200. Taking into account the US Air Force, this number should be enough to remain in the area.

However, it remains unclear how Washington is planning to exploit the seized oilfields when forces of the ‘bloody Assad regime’ deploy all around the US garrison. Most likely, the oil fields will become another bargaining chip in Washington’s Syrian strategy.

US Troops Will Remain In Syria To 'Protect' Oil Fields From ISIS

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What a joke its not to protect the oilfields from Isis but was always to keep the revenue from Assad.

Real Anti-Racist Action

What a nation will not fight for, they will loose. This all started when Israel took away the Golan from Syria, when the Syrias would not even fight for the Golan (heart of Syria). When the World saw that Syrians would not fight to defend their lands from being stolen, then the World started flocking to Syria to steal more land. None of this will ever by fixed till the day Syria fights for and wins the Golan back.

Xoli Xoli

The main problem is the bordering brothers are working with USA and Israel to destroy Neighbor’s.

Jens Holm

No its not the main problem at all. Both Syria and Turks are adviced many times to change things to the better for all.

Thats denied.

Not even google translate can handle what “better” is.

Cleverson Santos

Do not forget that Syria lost the Golan hights because Assad Senior engaged in war and could not win it, Egypt did the same, however Al Sadat recognized Israel and got Sinai back it costed his life but Egypit got its lands back, Syria is still at war with Israel since the last humilhanting war, now Syria is ruined literaly fucked up, it will take at least 30 years to rebuild it and Israel is safe once again, I ran is dog with no teeth, Hezbola has domestic problems, to me is easy to understand which side is the winner…

Jens Holm

Its typical for this world. People write the past and future as they wish. Thats why You dont get any + + +


• The so-called “war” of 1967 (unofficially apprised by Washington) was a series of surprise attacks planned and waged by Israel to steal more lands. Israeli officials admitted to it:

Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin acknowledged that “In June 1967, we again had a choice. The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai approaches do not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.”

Yitzhak Rabin, who would also later become Prime Minister of Israel, admitted in 1968 that “I do not think Nasser wanted war. The two divisions he sent to the Sinai would not have been sufficient to launch an offensive war. He knew it and we knew it.”

Israelis have also acknowledged that their own rhetoric at the time about the “threat” of “annihilation” from the Arab states was pure propaganda.

General Chaim Herzog, commanding general and first military governor of the occupied West Bank following the war, admitted that “There was no danger of annihilation. Israeli headquarters never believed in this danger.”

General Ezer Weizman similarly said, “There was never a danger of extermination. This hypothesis had never been considered in any serious meeting.”

Chief of Staff Haim Bar-Lev acknowledged, “We were not threatened with genocide on the eve of the Six-Day War, and we had never thought of such possibility.”

Israeli Minister of Housing Mordechai Bentov has also acknowledged that “The entire story of the danger of extermination was invented in every detail, and exaggerated a posteriori to justify the annexation of new Arab territory.”

• The case of the Golan Heights wasn’t any different. Israel provoked and attacked Syria between 1948 and 1967 in the DMZ until it seized it. Former Israeli defense minister admitted to it:

Moshe Dayan: “Never mind that (when asked that Syrians initiated the war from the Golan Heights). After all, I know how at least 80 percent of the clashes there started. In my opinion, more than 80 percent, but let’s talk about 80 percent.

It went this way: We would send a tractor to plough someplace where it wasn’t possible to do anything, in the demilitarized area, and knew in advance that the Syrians would start to shoot. If they didn’t shoot, we would tell the tractor to advance farther, until in the end Syrians would get annoyed and shoot.

And then we would use artillery and later the air force also, and that’s how it was. I did that, and Laskov and Chara (Zvi Tsur, Rabin’s predecessor as chief of staff) did that, Yitzhak did that, but it seems to me that the person who most enjoyed these games was Dado (David Elzar, OC Northern Command, 1964-69).”

p. 236-237, Iron Wall, Avi Shlaim’s


General Dayan died in 1981. But in conversations with a young reporter five years earlier, he said he regretted not having stuck to his initial opposition to storming the Golan Heights. There really was no pressing reason to do so, he said, because many of the firefights with the Syrians were deliberately provoked by Israel, and the kibbutz residents who pressed the Government to take the Golan Heights did so less for security than for the farmland.

General’s Words Shed a New Light on the Golan https://www.nytimes.com/1997/05/11/world/general-s-words-shed-a-new-light-on-the-golan.html

• Otherwise yes, Syria is ruined but its reconstruction is prevented by the very West who destroyed it.

• Hezbollah doesn’t have domestic problem. The current protests are a collateral consequence of the US Treasury cutting the US dollar in Lebanon to hurt Hezbollah — which led the government to come up with a series of tax increases — which led to the protests (awaiting to happen anyway). The whole thing isn’t spontaneous as the army was mobilized across the country a day before the protests began and some of the rioters are helped by pro-Saudi police men through a centralized command. If the collapsing West is looking for another Civil War; it will not happen.

Jens Holm

Hard to admit something they never denied.

Nasser closed the Tiran strait and the Egyptians has more then 100.000 in fortifications in Sinai. Something must be terrible wrong in Your Rabin Translation. It must be 2 extra divisons …

And You seemes to forget, that 3 big armies could attack Israel at the same time and it therefore was a choise of attacking them first or loose in a long defensive fight. Saddam also had promised reinforcements.


It follows Your patterns well. You sit on Your hands and do nothing and then those bluddy jews attacks us. I do remember fx Gamel Abdel in black and white TV. He behaved as he was close totake the whole world in his hand and Israel first.

Now You bias jews there too. There is no nobel price for lying worse then stones in bread even Your are a poor dentist.

I can only see You write like this to lye for Your Youngsters, which was not born then and therefore might not know much.


The (temporary) closing of the Straits was legal and so was Egypt amassing its troops at its border (following Soviet intel, confirmed by the CIA, intel that Israel was readying to attack).

You brain left you then and still does now. There was no plan to take on Israel yet alone the world. Nasser’s quote has been heavily distorted by the western media for decades:

“Israel embarks on an aggression against Syria or Egypt, the battle against Israel will be a general one and not confined to one spot on the Syrian or Egyptian border. The battle will be a general one and our basic objective will be to destroy Israel.”

(Translated by the Foreign Broadcasting Information Service, a U.S. agency in Washington; Dr. Alfred Lilienthal, The Zionist Connection: What Price Peace?, Middle East Perspective, Inc., New York, 1979, p. 553)

Regardless, I went over all this with you in the past. Your name didn’t ring a bell immediately – forgot how much of an educated and deranged lunatic you are. Mea culpa and keep raving.

Hind Abyad

Letter to Lebanon..just missed you

Jens Holm

Israel didnt take away Golan. They were attacked hard from there by the Russian armed Beduins of Damaskus.

It seemes completly forgotten, that Assads took Lebanon as well.

Telling Assads should attack and attack and take Golan back makes no sense. Syria for good reasons lost the warfare, and by its low productuvity even was allowed chemical weapons for selfdefence only(against Israel).

Even having many years Syria only has been able to reaginm an army against its own people. That wasnt even enough, because it has been made as an´army against unarmed people. Israelians there are not.

Furthermore hardly none Syrians are raise to upgrade and unite the country. The military forces are like the rest: Corrupt ineffective nepotisme with many rivals hardly serving the country.

Before this “in fighting they unimployment rate for men were 50% and for women close to 100. How can a system like that produce anything more for anything from a well organized military force and to medical care of some substance.

Baathists by Assad stole the land and made it into private property of theirs. That the main reason for the fightings and 550.000 dead ones.


Syria, under Assad Sr. did not only rule over Lebanon for three decades (approved by the US) but also planned on partitioning it between himself and Israel (Kissinger’s idea) before that. The ordeal luckily did not work.

As far as Syria attacking Israel, it’s contradicted by Moshe Dayan’s testimony. It was Israel who provoked and attacked Syria in the DMZ between 1948 and 1967 until it was captured.

Moshe Dayan: “Never mind that (when asked that Syrians initiated the war from the Golan Heights). After all, I know how at least 80 percent of the clashes there started. In my opinion, more than 80 percent, but let’s talk about 80 percent.

It went this way: We would send a tractor to plough someplace where it wasn’t possible to do anything, in the demilitarized area, and knew in advance that the Syrians would start to shoot. If they didn’t shoot, we would tell the tractor to advance farther, until in the end Syrians would get annoyed and shoot.

And then we would use artillery and later the air force also, and that’s how it was. I did that, and Laskov and Chara (Zvi Tsur, Rabin’s predecessor as chief of staff) did that, Yitzhak did that, but it seems to me that the person who most enjoyed these games was Dado (David Elzar, OC Northern Command, 1964-69).”

p. 236-237, Iron Wall, Avi Shlaim’s


General Dayan died in 1981. But in conversations with a young reporter five years earlier, he said he regretted not having stuck to his initial opposition to storming the Golan Heights. There really was no pressing reason to do so, he said, because many of the firefights with the Syrians were deliberately provoked by Israel, and the kibbutz residents who pressed the Government to take the Golan Heights did so less for security than for the farmland.

General’s Words Shed a New Light on the Golan https://www.nytimes.com/1997/05/11/world/general-s-words-shed-a-new-light-on-the-golan.html

Hind Abyad

Syria will figth. Kurd are traitors

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/357b98f6018b5cb50407cd9d00fe137b690e1f1c4a45aa848503ddbbd53eca47.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/578ce9c464e0b5f430d0f026511287f053185c5b6b3128d552ea8b10312dee37.png


northerntruthseeker .

Absolutely correct!

Jens Holm

But SDF and USA didnt take them from Assads but ISIS.

USA and SDF could have avoided to help Assads by taking them as welll as Hajin. If so ISIS still might have had them today or as a minimum the Idlib pocket was much, much bigger.

Assads and his corrupt criminels can take revenues – errrh corruption – from the many other oilwells they have. Those fields are not needed for that.


Facts and logic sense doesnt matter for someone like You :(

Pave Way IV

Does anyone remember a few years ago when the US and CENTCOM knew ISIS (with Saudi help) was pumping 25,000 bbls of oil a day from those same oilfields, then transporting it through Kurd territory to be piped to Ceyhan, Turkey and sold to Israel for $45/bbl? Americans certainly don’t remember. I believe the Russians put an end to that nonsense by barbequing a few hundred ISIS tankers. The only thing the US could choke out at that point was that Assad had to make some deals with ISIS to get gas and electricity for the Syrian people, so he was the one supporting ISIS. F’king clownworld – honk, honk.

Xoli Xoli

It is true indeed.Main UN USA NATO oil embargo was to force Damascus government to buy oil from ISIS and SDF for the benefit of Israel, USA, NATO ,and Erdogan sons

Jens Holm

Wasnt that olive oil :)

Concrete Mike

Do remember after the russians started bombing the crap out of those oil.convoys? Uhh yeah we could see them but didnt strike them because we didnt want to damage the environment.

I kid you not, some idiot pentagon talking head had to say that and not laugh his ass off!!

As the Russian general said, you can see the convoys from space!!!

Jens Holm

USA did bombarde the fields as well as all production facilities and ISIS repaired them, USA bombarded them again, where could with great succes.

I dont care if those truck hub centers could be seen from the space or not. The main thing was USSR took them too.


Jens Holm

Very bad memory and very selective as well. USA systematicly bombarded all ISIS oil and fuel production by ISIS

Here are facts but of course You are not even allowed to read about it.


Pave Way IV

My memory is just fine, Jens. CENTCOM claimed 260 ISIS oil production ‘targets’ were hit in 2015, yet those had curiously LITTLE effect on the millions a day in ISIS oil sales to Turkey. It’s almost like the US was bombing insignificant, easily-replaceable targets for show, while preserving the main sources of ISIS oil income like the big refineries. The US Treasury said ISIS would probably make $500 MILLION on oil sales in 2015 despite the US ‘bombing’. ISIS only made $100 million in 2014. See the problem with the US campaign?

Putin showed the Turkish border miles-of-tankers convoy sat images to Obama in Nov of 2015 and wanted to know how ISIS was moving so much oil in spite of the claimed US airstrikes. Obama said nothing, but sent out US aircraft that night to take out a hundred tankers. Russia took out a thousand that week, IIRC. At that meeting, Obama refused to exchange intelligence on oil sites with Russia because Russia insisted on destroying al Qaeda sites as well. The US didn’t want it’s al Qaeda assets killed and apparently didn’t care if they were pumping and selling stolen Syrian and Iraqi oil to Erdogan’s brother-in-law (something we still claim was just a conspiracy theory). The US was also worried that Russia would bomb ISIS oil production sites that supplied al Qaeda/rebel-held areas, harming their efforts to overthrow Assad. It’s in the ‘factual’ Wiki propaganda article – did you even read it?

Jens Holm

I did read it, but I have followed all about it day by day incl. production and transport. I just gave the first detailed link, I found.

I have maps for it as well. I have every sober versions about it.

I see nothing wrong in USA protected the ones, which would remove Assads almost no matter, who they were. That includes ISIS/ISIL. War has to be financed and there is nothing abnormal in oil for weapons and other important stuff.

Let me remind You that everybody incl Assads bought oil from them and Assads made ISIL by relaesed long term political prisoners in Syria.

Until they and others got strong, they didnt harm Assads. Next USA tryed to use them against Assads and helped them a lot, but they stopped that. But Turks still helped them as well as Saudi Arabia. Turks helped them until ISIS detonated a wedding party and killed 22 in Turkey and The Saudis continued sending money and even hard weapons(TOWS) until USA stopped Saudis and took Saudis away from being able to buy the most advanced things.

So You cant just say Obama this and that. The big change came, when USA and a dew others saw ISIS got out of a control, which never was there.

2 things happend 1) USA supported Al Qaida mainly in Idlib because they promised to remain local and 2) Kurds came from nothing to something at Kobane/Rastafary Reign.

So You might be right in most parts of it, but You use a very different context then me.

After ISIS wasnt loyal to USA, the USA did everything they could to destroy ISIS. Some few groups of ISIS was supported by USA because they only were fighting against Assads and the new FSA like the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

There are several examples of short ones like that. 1,2,3 times ISIS and YPG defended both back to back against FSA/Turks north and west of Al Bab.

Another long time example was ISIS along the Israelian border was used as a shield by Israel. The gave ISIS more ammo and many wounded were treated in Israel.

So things are flexible during time. SDFs didnt invite in Assads twice. They had to choose. Before that they denied Assads acces to Afrin.

Thats how I see it. Things changed a lot during the Obama period. ISIS was the last card for Assads resigning and Obama stopped Hillary before she wanted it as well.


“Mark Esper told reporters that Washington wants to be sure that ensure oil fields do not fall into the hands of Syria and it’s populating that needs the oil”

Pave Way IV

doesn’t everyone understand how this works yet? Innocent Syrian civilians will have to continue to be punished by the US, suffer and die until Assad caves in to US demands and complies with whatever Israel wants as war booty this week (oil, land, etc.). It’s Assad’s stubborn defiance and refusal to get on his knees to the ZioUS cabal that’s really causing all the people’s pain and suffering in Syria. God said Israelis are the chosen psychopaths – all must bow to them. Who is Syria to refuse? Get on your knees to the real god, Assad!

Jens Holm

I know the song. And arabs there all are innócent victims sniiff sniff all the way from Marooco to the Philipines and Nigeria.

Daniel Martin

Who’s in charge in Washington these days by the way …?



This gang of thieves, Danel :)


The star of David on the heel is a nice touch by Garrison.


Kurds are playing Assad so hard. Sad.


Well in the end how are they going to sell or move that oil if most of the north east of Syria is in Damascus hands. Holding on to those oil fields in unattainable in the long-term, and they will eventually leave.


Through Iraq? How do you think Erdogan bought oil from ISIS? With no refinement oil is basically useless. ISIS couldn’t do it so they sold the oil to an Iraqi oil company for processing.

That’s why Erdogan’s groom said, when these allegations were asked; “We are buying the oil from an Iraqi company. We don’t know(LOL) and care where it comes from.”

Jens Holm

Thats very biased and ISIS cpuld make fuel for themselves. I even has maps for the refineries but give You this good link.



Yanki troops “FREED THE WIVES OF ISIS COMMANDERS” only 2 days ago. What part of the bigger picture is that filling in?

John Wallace

8:36 / 10:50 Intel Reveals Who Helped ISIS and Where They Went https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wep5q9TEk2E Steven is ex CIA with plenty of contacts. ISIS is about to rise again

Pave Way IV

The goat trafficking problem in eastern Syria?


the unhinged states of morons (aka usa) hold on syrian oilfields is tenuous at best so it not something they can hold on to for long once the rightful owner turns up and don’t think for one second that trump would bet the farm on some small to medium sized oilfields in syria. no way. so go back to sleep sheeeeep.

Jens Holm

I am sure USA has no intensions in keeping those few barrels. It temporary.

klove and light

morons…told uuuuuuuuuuuuu soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

this is the beginning of the enddddd..

great Zionist plan……

Putin u zionist teracherous pig !!!

death to america death to Israel curse on the jews


Oh fuck off, Israeli troll.

northerntruthseeker .

Seriously???? It is so obvious that the US wants to deprive Syria of its own oil wealth and revenue!

Screw America, and Screw the sick bastards in that retard state of Israel!

Jens Holm

I dont see that.

USA and Israel became rich by oil from gonoco and omar hahaha.


I cannot trust Putin either when it comes to the Turks… Putin can gift a whole Russia for the sake off Turkey


No the U.S. needs the oil fields to fund ISIS just like the CIA smuggled cocaine to fund the Contra’s in Nicaragua in the 80’s.


Klove and light always mysteriously pops up in articles like this, its starting to show that he is phony and an Israeli troll.

Icarus Tanović

Not even single one will stay.

Jens Holm

They are not asked.


From ISIS? You tell this to the gullible idiots, you are there to steal oil from the Syrians, how gangsters like you are.

Jens Holm

How ?


Hallo Jens! The teddy russian bear is biting your buttocks. Isn’t it?



Like the Turks in the two Syrian cities near their border, they will soon find themselves surrounded by SAA & allies ….. Syrexit Saigon style will be a blast.


Time is not on Trump’s side. In effect, the US soldiers and the Syrian oil fields are under siege by the Syria Arab Army. Nice.

Jens Holm

They are not.


Watch the Kurds turn on the United States as payback.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

It would be poetic justice, for them to take the oilfields and share with SAA, for helping them against torkis

Jens Holm

SDF already have them and has had them for years. One of the mainproblems are that the Baathists dont share with the rst of Syrians.

Tommy Jensen

Never. US have dollares. Therefore Americans never gets killed……………….LOL.

Jens Holm

I hope not. I am sure SDFs are angry. BUt so far they have behaved very well compared with, what most of You has told.

Furthermore You have behaved much more basass, then I ever expected.


Apart from clearly stated reason what is the most precious to USA in Syria and another slap to the face of the Kurds :) – we will see.. Without their proxy army it will be USA soldier on the line now…. When they start to die from the mysterious “ISIS snipers” or local non government “insurgents” actions.. I think they will not hold on to their loot for long…

Friend of Russia

You are mistaken.ISIS snipers won’t fire at US soldiers. They are allies.


Thats why i used those ” “.. Syrian and Iranian secret services can manage..


When are you going to understand that ISIS is a USA-Israel-NATO creation ?


There must be a misunderstanding – i know that it is and i agree..


Yes, those ‘unknown snipers’ will probably the only thing that can force the US to leave. However, I don’t trust the Kurds to not continue to suck up to the US in southern Syria and the US will likely continue to arm them. The Kurds need to have a long talk with their leadership(or a shrink). Wagner and friends might have a bone to pick with US forces as well. But who is surprised by this? This eventuality was totally expected and anyone who thought there was going to be a withdrawal was sadly deluded. I figured this to be the plan long ago and also agree that the ‘death by a thousand cuts’ will be the only way the US will be convinced to actually withdraw. How long they stay there depends on the amount of body bags that go home…and how aware the American people are of them.

Jens Holm

At least comic Ali was funny.

It has been the plan to witdraw since Obama, so You have invented nothing. The plan was to be there until there was some agreement SDF/Assads.

I see no 1000 cuts. Only a handfull od US soldiers has died there. Maybee some used an unsharp knife or a Grandmother did it :)

You expect those mercenaires and their commmanders are just as stupid as You even putting in snipers.

Americans were not forced by any to witdraw. Trump was alected because he would withdraw many american troops around the world. And he does for internal american reasons and not forced by little cute midgets and dwarfs of Yours.

You are rellay good to lie for Yourself in a very closed forum, where You all see the world with Your behinds only. ‘

If bodybags comes from there, Damaskus will be a lake.

Jens Holm

I canty see they loot anything. What is it ?


you aparently have eyes full of american shit – like a good troll…

World Wisdom

US once again showed its true satanic face. Go home, terrorists! Leave Syria alone! Daesh and AQ exist because of you, UK, US, Turkey, Israel.

Jens Holm

It seemes to be the only allowed opposition of Yours.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Yes the oilfields need to be completely surrounded, dont even let anyone or anything bring in or take out anything by air

Jens Holm

Its a trap. When the whole syrian army is there, some small A-bomb will evaporate them.

Before that the mercenaires has left by a tunnel to Israel and the pipelines from the 2 oilfields will stay intact. Its a part of the global warming by Trump.

And Syrians will have no feet on the ground – errrh no feet and not well armed


won’t last long.

Xoli Xoli

USA is not the protector of Syrian nation interests which is oil.USA NATO provided manpads and RPG should be given to surrender ISIS and SDF to pound USA in oil,gas fields nonstop. What was this Putin withdrawal and ceasefires for 8f USA presents was the main affection.

Because USA withdrawal pace way for territory regained.

Jens Holm

Maybee those 2 oilfields in flames will light You up.

Xoli Xoli

Thanks everybody for standing firm in telling it like it is without fear and intimidation by broadcasters and warmongers. It becomes clear why USA used to evacuate ISIS =SDF.It becomes more clear why Israel used to treat and hinder Syrian besieged of ISIS and SDF. It becomes reality why Israel was given Golan heights illegally by Trump the Goliath. Israel is the only useless terrorist breeding and sabotaging occupation land.No Israel no war.Israel opposes Palestinian Israel unity but wants Syrian and USA,France, Britain, Turkey, Saudi Arabia,UAE Israel created ISIS unity in Syria by branding terrorists moderate.It has become clear world wide why Trump wants NATO and Israel to take back their mercenaries after evil job completion had failed.


The Syrian Arab Army cannot protect its own oilfields from ISIS, whose butt they kicked all over the country with Russia’s help, because …..?

Jens Holm

None says they cant. But they cant right now.

They have to cover the SDF territory. True they then need less guards along Eufrat.

Tommy Jensen

Ha ha ha ha ha you believed we were sending our US troops home ha ha ha ha ha ha.

You were hoping, smiling all over your silly faces, wasting money on fighting each other in north, while we secured the rich oil fields and all the gold behind the curtain……………………LMAOL.

We outsmarted you again little boys. We won as winner nation, and you lost!


I hope SAA would be as brave as Houthi.


Sorry, but SAA is far away from that braveness.

Saddam Hussein

We will see how long before they get cucked again and are forced to leave. This is Vietnam 2.0 for the burgers. A glorious win for Arabs.

Friend of Russia

Now that fighting is over in Turkish border, the run away US troops are coming back

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