The US is working to create alternative government systems on large parts of Syrian territory, which goes against its promises to respect the country’s territorial integrity, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said.
Responding to a question posed by RT’s Caleb Maupin at Friday’s briefing at UN Headquarters in New York, Lavrov commented on America’s role in the crisis in northern Syria, which escalated into a new Turkish-Kurdish conflict after news of Washington’s plans to create a “border force” comprising of Kurds. Despite the US backtracking on its statement, and saying they were misunderstood, Ankara, which considers the Kurdish-dominated YPG force terrorists, said it was launching a military operation against the Syrian Kurdish enclave. Lavrov, however, said the developments were only a part of the pattern of US policy in Syria.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov speaks during a security council meeting on building regional partnership in Afghanistan and Central Asia at the United Nations in New York, U.S. January 19, 2018. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton
“It’s a fact that US forces are seriously involved in creating alternative government bodies on vast part of the Syrian territory. And this, of course, absolutely contradicts their own obligations, which they committed to on numerous occasions, including at the UN Security Council, on maintaining the sovereignty and the territorial integrity on Syria,” Lavrov said.
Washington’s inconsistency on Syria is also “quite characteristic of modern US diplomacy, including the reasons for the American presence there, and the reasons for the actions of the coalition, which they command,” Lavrov added. Russia is “concerned” by the US’ actions in the country, he said, adding, that he discussed the situation with Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson on numerous occasions.
“Rex Tillerson told me many times that the only reason for their presence there [in Syria] is defeating Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISL). Now they have some much more long-standing plans,”Lavrov said. “We will have to take this into account and look for solutions that won’t allow the destruction of Syrian sovereignty.”
A Turkish journalist asked Lavrov about media reports that Russian forces have been withdrawn from the Afrin area. “Those reports have been refuted,” the diplomat replied.
Earlier Friday, Turkey’s Defense Minister Nurettin Canikli said his country’s troops haven’t entered Afrin yet, but “the operation [against the Kurds] has actually de facto started with cross-border shelling.” The Syrian government made clear to Ankara that it views Turkey’s military presence on its territory as a violation of its sovereignty, and warned that it will shoot down Turkish jets in Syrian airspace.
The US currently has an estimated 2,000 troops on the ground in Syria, deployed in the country without consent from Damascus. The Americans were involved in the Kurdish operation to capture the city of Raqqa from Islamic State jihadists last year. However, despite the defeat of the Islamists, the US said it has no intention to withdraw its forces.
2000? 4000.
Those numbers are much higher including mercenaries and various small NATO contingencies isn’t really many there.
US trying to create alternative govt in swathes of Syrian land – Lavrov on Afrin crisis
Thanks Putin, Lavrov and Shoygu!
Yes, thanks Putin, if not for him there would be only one Syrian government, and we would call it ISIS.
But the jewnited states could have had another Afghanistan War if ISIS took over Syria, what is ‘merica without endless war and false flags? The “generals” would have been drooling.
The Trump regime has three “generals” controlling foreign policy and the Pentagon.
Only within US has this been a secret, a secret secret now officially revealed, and damn near all of US people’s do not give a Fly’n pig about. The anti war people’s have declared open war against males who coerce females for sexual favors, and in return pay them hush money or pay to advance their careers and paychecks. OPEN war by those who have sexualality issues upon any who dare to even ask or say ; Who gives a F… what or whom you engage with. And no choice is allowed for those who say,” ” not for me or my family, is branded homophobic and has mental issues. Israel and Jewish (hyphonated) American Zionist have declared open war against any discussion that they do not like to hear. In truth the setting up of any government in any lands by US and it’s Eurocentric allies will be no more than but a hand-dog peopled reservation, that keeps locals corralled for foreigners profits.
If Bashar was like his father, the situation in Syria would’ve been much better.
bashars father was also idiot. he destroyed lebanon, but lost the modern weapons against israel. he allowed this corrupt system in the army. he allowed, that local kings can block the sending of soldiers in another part of syria. the old dogeater assad is the well of todays problems.
Understand something Solomon, we humans do what they can, what is feasible, we’re not gods.
That’s why I also disagree with that guy, Bashar can do what he can do, his father did what he could, different times, different men.
USA is trying? In the end they will fail as they always do lately.
We hope so :)
Oh, yes they will fail, and fall in Syria. What they hate the most is the fact that they’re unmasked. And that’s what’s bothers them the most.
Trump exposed their real form.
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If the US wants to play the *We’Re CrRrazZyyy!* card, then they should treat the US like it is crazy. When they say they are establishing a permanent presence to oust Assad, start referring to their statement as *the* a declaration of war, and portray it as such. When they insist they’re not at war, refer to that statement as the *US commitment to the sovereignty of the Assad gov. and a promise of their eventual evacuation*.
When they say thats not what they meant, you refer to the prior Russian interpretation as a statement of fact (not a possible way of seeing it, but the way it simply *is*). You’re not supposed to allow narrativists to have qualification rights to their own words. Remember, they’re “cCraaZyyyyy”.
Firstly, why is the figure of 2,000 US troops always quoted? What is this estimate based upon? Surely, by all calculations and admissions, the number is a lot higher? Probably much nearer to 10,000.
Secondly, why doesn’t Lavrov speak a geopolitical narrative to Tillerson, and get down to the real issues? Instead, he pussyfoots around the unproductive issue of US/Israeli assets and how they can best be controlled.
There needs to be a command narrative that takes these issues by the scruff of the neck and shakes them down into their proper place and context. I am not asking for a ‘conspiracy-based agenda’ but a geopolitical, command based narrative that legitimises the hemispheric interests of the great eurasian landmass, which then enters into the general discourse.