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MARCH 2025

US Uses UFO Psyop To Hide Crimes And Advance Military Agenda

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US Uses UFO Psyop To Hide Crimes And Advance Military Agenda

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Rumors about UFOs generate collective panic, distracting the population and convincing public opinion to support military projects.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

The strategies used by the US to distract public opinion seem increasingly stupid. Now, Washington is resorting to science fiction mechanisms, promoting the narrative of “UFO attacks”. The reasons seem quite simple: to prevent the media from paying attention to the recent chemical disasters in the country and at the same time generate concern among citizens about alleged “unknown threats”, which may enable the advancement of military agendas.

A few days after shooting down a Chinese weather balloon claiming “risks to national security”, Washington decided to deepen its conspiracy theories. Now, the US government claims to be monitoring the activities of alleged UFOs in its territory. According to American and Canadian authorities, some of these UFOs would have been shot down in the border region between both countries – however, very suspiciously, the debris of the unknown objects have not been found yet.

The American government has refrained from accusing any country of launching the alleged UFOs, although some propagandists have suggested Chinese involvement, linking the episode to the case of the weather balloon. More than that, the Americans even resorted to bizarre and unrealistic speculations about a possible “alien visit”. For example, when asked about the “possibility” that the incidents were an actual contact with extraterrestrial beings, General Glen Van Herck, commander of U.S. Northern Command and the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), stated that he does “not rule out anything”.

“I’ll let the intel community and the counterintelligence community figure that out (…) I haven’t ruled out anything (…) At this point, we continue to assess every threat or potential threat unknown that approaches North America with an attempt to identify it”, he said during a press conference.

Obviously, the matter took the attention of the media and public opinion. On social networks, words like “UFO” and “alien invasion” reached the trending topics, with both humorous comments making fun of the situation and texts expressing concern, fear and terror. Although the topic seems extremely hilarious to many people, the idea of the “threat from the skies” is very strong in American culture. Since September 11, 2001, there has been an atmosphere of fear among many American citizens regarding aerial objects, since the biggest episode of attack on the country, which took place in the financial center of the West, came precisely “from the skies”.

The most curious thing about this whole situation, however, is to analyze that, in parallel with the “UFO invasion”, one of the greatest environmental disasters in American history was taking place, with the derailment and explosion of a train carrying chemical compounds between the states of Ohio and Pennsylvania. The tragedy generated a terrible chemical leak, forming a toxic cloud with phosgene and hydrogen chloride, gases that are extremely harmful to human health. The city’s river was also affected, severely affecting the lives of more than 5,000 local inhabitants. Some experts have called the case “Chernobyl 2.0”.

The “UFOs” curiously prevented the criticisms of the negligence of the American authorities in containing the effects of the accident from becoming known. While netizens were distracted by discussing aliens, the population of Ohio was intoxicated by the smoke from the explosion, with an uncertain number of victims. In this sense, the “UFOs” strongly contributed to prevent journalists from being able to expose the hypocrisy of the US – a country that enforces environmental standards abroad and is incapable of containing environmental problems domestically.

However, the strategic meaning of “UFOs” for the interests of American elites cannot be reduced to a mere attempt to hide environmental crimes. There is also a strong military sense evident in the dissemination of the UFO narrative, considering the aforementioned factors. By increasing the sensation of fear among citizens and creating an atmosphere of “unknown threat”, it becomes easier for the US government to garner popular support to approve measures to encourage militarization. In the face of growing popular dissatisfaction with NATO’s war machine, the ‘’unknown threat’’ appears as an opportunity to revitalize support for the US government.

There is still one factor that needs to be mentioned. A few days before the American-Canadian border UFO incident, the US government had been formally accused by Seymour Hersh, an award-winning investigative journalist, of being responsible for the terrorist attack on the Nord Stream pipelines. The repercussion of the scandal was significantly minimized by the UFO incidents, which increases the suspicion surrounding the case.

Indeed, these “coincidences” can be seen as evidence that UFOs are a psyop operated by the US government to hide its crimes and advance its military agendas. With a distracted and terrified population, it is easier to ignore the relevance of episodes like Nord Stream and Ohio, as well as generate incentives for the NATO’s war machine. Indeed, if they really exist, the “aliens” do not seem to be the actual threat to the world today: once again, it is the US that promotes destabilization and panic to defend its egoistic interests.


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That’s right coverage of this stupid UFO theme. I’ve noticed the theme grows up when elections are coming. Many candidates to president of USA promise to declassify “secret documents” (as if they exist) about aliens, to let people visit base 51 and other crap. Pure idiocracy. If Putin would say the same, i would think he is mentally ill, because there are much more important themes to discuss and tasks to do instead wasting time on delusional things.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон

It is hard to imagine that aliens from outer space could be a greater threat to the world than America’s current rulers.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lenny
Dick Von D'Astard

Only to be expected of a paranormal paramilitary run regime.


A high-ranking unnamed source in the Health Department has confirmed that Pfizer is working on a vaccine against aliens. You will only need one booster a month.


news wars. Websites have more than one page and section so no reason you cant have a piece on flying saucers and sports coverage and national news about the train wreck then maybe a feel-good piece about saving cats and then news from overseas etc. etc. etc. Southfront editors don’t get to dictate what gets published or not in western news outlets, though they might like to. I would like to see southfront go more in-depth on some aspects of the ukraine war

William White

I too have been finding SF somewhat slack. The shitty maps, not much detail about the operations, what was hit, what the Ukes are doing etc. Maybe they are in a funk or have been told to do the silent treatment but I don’t see them helping the cause much. I get much more from Military Review, Scott Ritter and Douglas MacGregor.


MOON NAZIS ARE COMING! RUN, RUN, RUN! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1034314/


Bastardom z USA sa nepodarí zakryť teroristický zločin, ktorý bol spáchaný na Ruskú a Nemeckú infraštruktúru. Nord Stream a Nord Stream II budú musieť vyšetriť a určiť vinníkov, tak isto budú musieť náskledne uvaliť sankcie na tie krajiny, ktoré sa dopuatili tohto hanebného teroristického útoku. Inak? Iba sám pán Boh ho vie? Ak by niekedy v budúcnosti Rusko vykonalo podobný skutok, tak by všetci museli držať potom hubu!!! Rus na tom teraz zase raz poriadne zarobil, teda čo sa týka strategickej výhody do budúcna. Nik nebude mať právo štekať na RF ak by sa niekedy v budúcnosti uchýlila k podobným praktikám. Precedens je na svete. Teraz je len otátkou ako ho RF dokáže zužitkovať. Ešte si je treba počkať čo na to BR OSN a potom už nič nebude brániť RF, aby zobrala speravodlivosť do vlastných rúk!!!

William White

If it’s evil the yanks are doing it. World class scum.

jens holm

There we go again. Yesterday it was chemicals. Today it again is Russians kept in Balkmut as hostages.


Last edited 2 years ago by Panos

Only the distracted are distracted, 70 % smell installed bribed National global leaders.


RIo De Janero UNiversity? Jesuita? Vatican knows what these things are….

APashe – Good News

Laer Self Portrait Ignatius Loyola and the Impenitent

What happened ot that gioridino bruno cultis in the Amazon. I heard theynever found the body? CHupacabra?


Arturo sosa knows who and what that was. I heard there is a deep personal grudge. Different of ethics and morality and definition of what a soul is worth and what it can do.

From the Pinnacle to the Pit Foo FIghters Baker Street

mike l hutchings

another day, another fresh pile of bull shit from the pentagon

pissshowers on myzlims

Another day, another diarrhea from a libtard.


That’s right coverage of this stupid UFO theme. I’ve noticed the theme grows up when elections are coming. Many candidates to president of USA promise to declassify “secret documents” (as if they exist) about aliens, to let people visit base 51 and other crap. Pure idiocracy. If Putin would say the same, i would think he is mentally ill, because there are much more important themes to discuss and tasks to do instead wasting time on delusional things.

Banned Posts

This is small time. Every year, the Great Destroyers who own and control USA spray 2.3 BILLION tons of man-made chemical aerosols into the atmosphere, many of them nerve poisons, in our air, water, food & genes. They are nano-particles, less than 1 micron, of Aluminum, Barium, Manganese, Strontium, polymer fibers, graphene oxides and surfactants (to reduce coagulation) that produce “foaming rain” and “snow” that doesn’t melt in temperatures well above freezing. Atmospheric aerosol spraying is supplemented by HAARP to create strategic earth quakes and giant methane sinkholes in Siberia. Anyone notice? See GeoEngineeringWatch.org and AIQCN.org/map/ (your country). Scroll down to see where your country is in the Air Quality Rankings.


“spray 2.3 BILLION tons”

Like in East Palestine? But there were just several thousand tons, where is the rest? Do you think it’s possible to spray such huge amount and nobody noticed it? Or do you say about CO2? This is not poison or nerve gas.

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