The Military Sealift Command container ship MV Cape Ray (T-AKR 9679) departs row General Dynamics NASSCO-Norfolk shipyard for sea trials. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Desmond Parks/Released)
On July 1, Brigadier General Abolfazl Shekarchi, a senior spokesman for the Iranian military, revealed that a cargo vessel of the U.S. Navy carrying chemical materials had entered the Persian Gulf (Arabian Gulf). The vessel, which is escorted by a U.S. warship, is currently parked off the coast of an Arabian Gulf state.
“Checking the records of the U.S. cargo vessel MV Cape Ray revealed that the vessel had been present in the coasts near Iraq and Syria where the Americans had launched a military aggression under the pretext of the use of chemical weapons by those countries,” Brig. Gen. Shekarchi said, according to the Iranian MEHR news agency.
The Iranian military spokesman accused the U.S. of planning to deploy the chemicals to some parts of Iraq and Syria. According to Brig. Gen. Shekarchi, the U.S. may use these chemicals as a pretext to maintain its presence in the both countries.
“We have more accurate details about the U.S. vessel, such as the number of the crew members and the chemicals cargo in their possession, that will be disclosed to the public in the future,” Brig. Gen. Shekarchi said warning the U.S.
Earlier this year, the U.S., the UK and France carried out a military strike on Syria after accusing the Damascus government of using chemical weapons during the battle of Eastern Ghouta. These accusations were denied by Damascus and its allies and have not been proven so far.
The Synagogue of Satan,NEVER SLEEPS,,so always be prepared for the unexpected.
This is not news.
It is a different ship.
This is it – https://www.vesselfinder.com/?imo=7530810
Nice find.
I only meant to highlight the thousands of ships carrying chemicals today.
OK – brilliant site by the way. You can search the ship on the top right , which I didn’t see for half an hour.
Could this be the same cargo of chemicals that Syria gave up as part of the agreement brokered by Putin with Obama in 2013? If so, Syria girl’s prediction was spot on.
The mobile field hydrolysis units were taken off the ship at the end of 2014, along with all the related CW handling and disposal piping and equipment. The M/V Cape Ray is just a plain, heavy roll-on/roll-off cargo ship again – nothing to do with chemicals. It could carry them, but the Saudis don’t need chemicals. The UAE, on the other hand, needs a few hundred more MaxxPro MRAPs because the Houthis keep burning the ones they send to Yemen.
A big ship , with probably multiple big refrigerators. A great place to securely store some drums of that rare 2014 vintage Assad Signature sarin , in case you need it for some , uh , project.
How do you know about field hydrolysis units and whether they are on the ship or not etc?
I haven’t seen anything about the removal of the units , but it only stands to reason that they were taken off after the task was completed.
This doesn’t rule out the possibility that some sarin / DF was squirreled away onboard , however. It’s not like we’re dealing with totally honorable organizations here , after all.
Thank you Marko.
The same method I use to find out all my information on what the U.S. government is really doing at any given moment: read leaks published by Russian hackers. Seriously though, none of the Syrian CW disposal stuff was particularly secret. The whole plan was worked out by experts from the U.S. and Russian Security Councils.
It was ‘kind of’ in news here in the US in bits and pieces – meaning if one was curious about the specifics from an engineering standpoint, then there was enough information to get the bigger picture of what they were doing. Papers published much later detailed the process/equipment.
The hydrolysis process (boiling nasty stuff in water/other nasty stuff to degrade it) itself isn’t anything new in toxic waste or CW destruction. Putting a boiler on a barge or large platform for mobility isn’t a big deal. How all this was going to be done on a cargo ship considering the toxic nature of the CWs/precursors, toxic effluent and quantity involved was the problem.
On top of that, the US Army and Navy had claimed from the start that this was going to be a completely mobile system and was not staying on the M/V Cape May, but was to be removed at the completion of the ‘mission’. The M/V Cape May wasn’t active immediately prior to this mission – it was part of the Ready Reserve fleet kept handy by the U.S. Navy for, you know… stuff.
After the CWs were loaded on it and destroyed, the Cape May sailed to a few other ports to unload the effluent for disposal and then returned to Portsmouth for removal of all the CW stuff. It seems to have resumed its normal cargo role after that – mostly transporting overpriced or overstocked U.S. military vehicles to the Middle East to our various armed gang proxies. At least according to its last few ports shown in VesselFinder.
U.S. Army Public Affairs (Lopez): Army team to destroy Syrian chemical weapons afloat
The Trench (Zanders): Sea-based destruction of Syria’s CW proposed
Thanks friend.
Could be. Returned to the Isis- types so that a false flag can be blamed on Syria.
Fake news
Real Zionists tries to BS 7us: get lost Shlomo
And why is South Front calling the Arabian Gulf?
I can only assume it is for the US readership, but it is very strange.
It is Persian Gulf.
Long live the Islamic republic of Iran
In the hell.
Long live zoroasterian Persia!
if you want zoroastrianism look to Iranian shiaism, since that is where most of it went.
this is blashpemy! carefully, garga, the ayatollah will call holy war against you. :)
Good. Zoroastrianism we can live with. wahhabism we cannot.if Iran falls wahhabism will rule. So i will support Shia against Sunni fanatic headchoppers!
The U$ empire of EVIL is not attacking Zoroasterianism but Shiite Iran and its Syrian, Hezbollah and Houthi allies and therefore I am morally obliged to say: Long live the Resistance led by the Islamic republic of Iran and its Shiite allies! If the U$ EVIL empire and Saudi Arabia and NATO-backed jihadist proxies win in Syria and Lebanon then millions of Christians and other minorities like the Shiites, Alawites, Druze and Yazidis will be exterminated by ISIS, Al-Qaeda and many other U$ and Saudi-allied jihadist groups!
Well said brother. No one brings this up. I hardly ever hear this mentioned here from american or european christians who otherwise i find like-minded and supportive of Syria and Iran.
Christians do not just live in europe or america ! The cradle of Christianity was in the Middle East ,that is where they started and they were in the majority till the Islamic invasions . Of course now, it is even worse because as you say Iran and Syria and lebanon has had moslems and christians living together for some time.Now these Zionatoyanquistani wars are making it very hard on the Christians .Uncle Sam’s cutthroats are killing them.
I have seen and read much of the current american elite’s world view. In short,they dont give a fig for the near east’s christians ! The powerful of USA are either Jews or Evangelical Protestants. The Near East’s Christians are generally not Ev.Protestants so they have been considered “collateral damage or deaths”. Something to accept!
Thank you for mentioning the Christians.
(…The powerful of USA are either Jews or Evangelical Protestants. The Near East’s Christians are generally not Ev.Protestants so they have been considered “collateral damage or deaths”. Something to accept!…)
Well-said, I totally agree! Thank you!
lol https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a56989aca4c2e00c15a80372dfff2f6538948e73039018d31e39ee3b2422556a.jpg
Kill all moslems, the rest convert. New goal for Trump.
Suuuure SHLOMO, Bibi’s TROLL… And I can bet you purpose to start with THE PALESTINIANS.. ;( You sound like Hitler about your Jews, you little Hasbara-rvnt
lol at you Scumbag still believe in the Iconography BS Historical Myths about America ASSHOLE, The [USG] Scumbag Government is going down & the American ppls are to blame Lame Long Live The Islamic Republic Of Iran ASSHOLE Long Live “SITTING Bull” Long Live Malcolm-X Lone Live The Shia https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5479ae95130a0a5825940a9444d3837875b3671745d9b86cb96c8484f883f643.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6e93be153ee2711a0e9b9b3db28174e44e8744e40425a1f97ea3c5de801814ec.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/142ad441765bafd115660ff5b48c400cb731551043b62557fbdf0ff63f26f096.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3c1cdc25d76dc5ad5ea618fde2bb1c9d4c083e5bad4fe0139219fc1a3bb9b0d0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f3c3e99a9a4671e681576c08f7196394d01c549217bfcae0ba1114db3e11bf1e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e85f5af2004723b238e246f3dfb8a6c8d1c577a78f8c2a1f9a3aa49d526a8094.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e861fd3ef1bfd5b9d6aa58b751610a98810035022cb614be0b49826be1377f94.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fc443a87d48368f1dd626794f9b7eab04403049f938c7b4cad4bec514ae52075.jpg
In virtually every map printed before the 1960’s and in most modern international treaties, documents and maps, this body of water is known by the name “Persian Gulf,” a term whose historical existence can be traced back to the documents of pre-Christian Greek geographers, Strabo and Ptolemy.
By the 1960’s with the rise of Arab nationalism (Pan-Arabism), some Arab countries, including the ones bordering the Persian Gulf, adopted the term “Arabian Gulf” to refer to the waterway. Seems that Southfront is taking a posiition.
The ship is probably in the Arabian Sea, just outside the Persian Gulf. Yemen Oman Somalia all have frontage to the Arabian Sea.
Good point! Most likely as well as it closes off the Gulf.
Maybe a translation error. This had come up before. Maybe the region is called the Arabian Gulf in Russian and it simply was translated that way.
Americans, criminals of war n.1 in the World. In name of: IN GOD WE TRUST. One day that God he will destroy the US Empire like he did with Sodoma e Gomorra. Sure he will.
Hopefully God will destroy the US Zionist controlled government, but allow conservative America to live. We have not control over our government. There is no real democracy here.
No, the US state uses the zionists as a beard so that they can blame the contractor and deflect attention from their crimes. You’ve been had.
Exactly, Americans make the Zionists look peaceful.
The only way you will get your country back, is to do it yourselves, and that ain’t gonna happen. If another nation invaded America to free the American people, Americans would fight for the Zionists. So the only solution is to nuke every city in the USA, then germ bombs to kill off the rest.
Ronald, when I say America I mean Government, Administration, not american people in general.
Lol and the Southtards will believe anything, with an Anti-US tag on it. Lol bunch of low IQ runts
Try your “skills” by Ha’aretz
If Iran decides to prevent what they are basing their assumptions on then it would be quite acceptable for the Iranians to sink those US ships and invoke UNCLOS by declaring the US vessels as being unfriendly and a risk to Iranian security. Iran does have the legal rights in stopping those vessels going through the Strait and inspect them and if denied they can use force.
Watch out 1000 star general in our midst
he’s just a moron/government troll, no need to feed
Actually, “Joe Dirt” is JIDF and hired to be a trouble maker in here..
Luckily most people see him for what he is and laugh at him.
Oh really?
Of course Iran has rights and it is legal. Who cares about law here apart from us? uncle sam and his bootlicking vassals wont. So iran know this and has to work with Russia ,China and Syria with this in mind.
Zionatoyankistan has never let the truth get in the way of a good false flag.
Article 38 of UNCLOS says the exact opposite – Iran has no right to stop and inspect
“International Law of Straits a. Legal Rights of Passage As the narrowest point of the Strait of Hormuz is twenty-one nautical miles, all vessels passing through the Strait must traverse the territorial waters of Iran and Oman. The rights of passage for foreign vessels under international law will consequently be subject to either the rules of non-suspendable innocent passage or transit passage depending on the applicable legal regime, as discussed below.”
https://www.asil.org/insights/volume/16/issue/16/transit-passage-rights-strait-hormuz-and-iran%E2%80%99s-threats-block-passage US is NOT a signatory nor has ratified the UNCLOS Convention, hence they can be legally stopped if judged to be a threat by Iran.
“When signing UNCLOS, Iran declared that it would apply the transit passage regime only to those states that had ratified the convention. As to other states, such as the United States, it would apply the provisions of the 1958 Geneva Convention. Importantly, regardless of the differences between these two rules of passage, both instruments prohibit the unjustified blocking of passage of all vessels.
According to UNCLOS, the transit passage regime applies to âstraits which are used for international navigation between one part of the high seas or an exclusive economic zone and another part of the high seas or an exclusive economic zone. Iran, by its own declaration, is obliged to respect the transit passage rights of all vessels flying the flag of states party to UNCLOS, both commercial and military. Likewise, these ships, including foreign-flagged military vessels engaged in transit passage through the Strait of Hormuz, must abide by the applicable provisions of UNCLOS, customary international law, and the United Nations Charter.”
Key word is ‘unjustified’ and that depends on the Iranians what is justified and being ‘unfriendly’ is one of them. US doesn’t abide by International Laws hence are exempt from its’ protection. Iran hasn’t ratified UNCLOS but Oman has, why? Not ratifying UNCLOS allows Iran to judge who can and can not enter her International waters.
First you say “it would be quite acceptable for the Iranians to sink those US ships and invoke UNCLOS”.. [Invoke: cite or appeal to (someone or something) as an authority for an action or in support of an argument] .Now you say UNCLOS doesn’t apply to Iran because it hasn’t ratified it so Iran can do what it wants. Iran of course can choose to sink US ships any time it sees fit. The US of course is free to see that as an act of war and respond accordingly. International law, including UNCLOS, doesn’t give Iran or any other country the final say in what is justified or not justified in blocking shipping in the Persian Gulf. If you are suggesting that Iran doesn’t care what international law says is justified or unjustified why even bring up UNCLOS?
… And the USraelis will shoot them into IRAN… and say that they hit with normal missiles some Iranian Chemical Weapons-depots And so they have they “WMDs” that weren’t found by SADDAM., to get an UN-flag for their dirty COLONIAL WAR
why you assume that if Iran if attacked it will not retaliate with all it got?
…Because it hasn’t SO MUCH in that “all it got” except normal conventional weapons.The chances are fifty-fifty
no they are not, 50-50% and the outcome, is not in favor of Israel and allies. They seem to know this and been farting of what they will do, rather than actually doing it.
More likely they will attack Qatar, and blame it on Iran, then pressure the UN to sanction Iran. Or they might even kill some Americans, and blame it on Iran. No crime is too despicable for the United States of America.
No need to name the “Arabian Gulf state”. One torpedo should do the trick.
Dear South Front: Iran is experiencing extreme internal issues and is trying to divert the rage of their own people onto the US with propaganda. Please don’t bother with it.
i had the suspect that you are actually Bibi in disguise. Now I’m pretty sure about that.
Nah US Toy soldiers Army Engineering corps tell him to go build a bridge so that you can sell it to him.
It is the USA, not Iran, which is experiencing extreme internal issues. Some US states are contemplating separation, and increasing numbers of citizens are starting to talk about a looming civil war, while the western empire crumbles under the weight of the rising East. You are the disseminator of propaganda.
The ship is probably carrying soaps, shampoos, household cleaners and disinfectants to be distributed to US forces and allied forces in Syria and Iraq.
so it got a warship escort?
They all do thanks to Iran’s past foolishness.
iran foolishness? like when a US navy ship shot down a civilian Airbus 310 in the same area?
So it is actually the SS Clorox ? :)
The Cape Ray is designed for chemical weapons, it’s the ship the US used to take away Syria’s chemical weapons. Maybe the US didn’t destroy the Syrian chemical weapons, and plans to use them to kill some civilians, and lay the blame on Syria?
Chemical weapons are safe to transport as long as their components are separated in different compartments.
Well said sinbad. I said the same above without seeing your comment you made first.
An American chemical attack coming soon. The Americans are such low lives, no morals at all.